Disorders of Potassium Metabolism
Disorders of Potassium Metabolism Biff F. Palmer Thomas D. DuBose Jr. Introduction Potassium plays a key role in maintaining cell function. All cells possess the ubiquitous Na+/K+ ATPase exchanger, which…
Disorders of Potassium Metabolism Biff F. Palmer Thomas D. DuBose Jr. Introduction Potassium plays a key role in maintaining cell function. All cells possess the ubiquitous Na+/K+ ATPase exchanger, which…
Pathophysiology and Management of Respiratory and Mixed Acid-Base Disorders Seth B. Furgeson William D. Kaehny Respiratory acid-base disorders are caused by primary changes from normal excretion of carbon dioxide (CO2)…
Pathogenesis and Management of Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis Zeid J. Khitan Joseph I. Shapiro Acid-base disorders occur commonly in clinical medicine. Although the degree of acidosis or alkalosis that results…
Disorders of Water Homeostasis Tomas Berl Robert W. Schrier Historical and Evolutionary Aspects of Renal Concentrating and Diluting Processes In From Fish to Philosopher, Smith (1) suggested that the concentrating…
Renal Sodium Excretion, Edematous Disorders, and Diuretic Use Robert W. Schrier An understanding of body fluid volume regulation, as modulated by renal sodium and water excretion, is critical for the…
Fig. 13.1 Red blood cells of a patient with sickle-cell disease. Left: Oxygenated. Right: Deoxygenated. The shape of the cells when deoxygenated causes them to break easily. [Courtesy of Dr….
(a) Blood loss anemia Intraoperative blood loss Repeated blood draws—phlebotomy Gastrointestinal Menstrual blood losses (b) Decreased RBC production Decreased effective production Iron deficiency—absolute or functional Folate deficiency—medications Pure red cell…
Grade Symptom severity Hemoglobin values 0 Within normal limits 12.0–16.0 g/dL for women and 14.0–18.0 g/dL for men 1 Mild 10 g/dL to levels within normal limits 2 Moderate 8.0–10.0 g/dL 3 Serious/severe 6.5–7.9 g/dL…
Fig. 5.1 Normal erythropoiesis. The hematopoietic stem cell (HSC), once committed, differentiates into the blast-forming units—erythroid (BFU-E) that in turn differentiates into the colony-forming unit—erythroid (CFU-E). The proerythroblast (Pro-EB), the…
Acute blood loss anemia (portal hypertension-related) Esophageal varices Gastric varices Rectal varices Chronic blood loss anemia Portal hypertensive gastropathy Portal hypertensive enteropathy Portal hypertensive colopathy Gastric-antral vascular ectasia Acute hemolytic…