Medical Evaluation of the Living Donor
History of Living Donation and Donor-Related Ethics The first long-term successful organ transplant was a living donor kidney transplant between monozygotic twin brothers performed in 1954 at the Peter Bent…
History of Living Donation and Donor-Related Ethics The first long-term successful organ transplant was a living donor kidney transplant between monozygotic twin brothers performed in 1954 at the Peter Bent…
Introduction As the number of people awaiting organ transplantation grows yearly, the relative scarcity of available organs increasingly requires a standardized, evidence-based approach to the management of each donor. From…
The Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease The insidious nature of progressive uremia deludes many patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) into failing to take the opportunity to understand their disease;…
Introduction Solid organ transplant requires the removal of an organ from one individual, the donor, and its placement in the recipient. Whether the donor is living or deceased, this process…
Introduction Renal replacement therapy (RRT) is a general term encompassing a range of different treatment modalities for patients with what was formally termed acute renal failure and end-stage kidney disease,…
The modern period of transplantation began in the late 1950s, but two earlier periods of interest in clinical and experimental transplantation were the early 1950s and the first two decades…
Disorders of Water Homeostasis Tomas Berl and Robert W. Schrier Historical and Evolutionary Aspects of Renal Concentrating and Diluting Processes In From Fish to Philosopher, Smith (1) suggested that the…
Proteinuria and Nephrotic Syndrome Shubha Ananthakrishnan and George A. Kaysen The ability of the kidney to retain plasma proteins is essential for life. Normal serum protein concentration is of the…
Pathogenesis and Management of Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis Zeid J. Khitan and Joseph I. Shapiro Acid–base disorders occur commonly in clinical medicine. Although the degree of acidosis or alkalosis that…
Pathophysiology and Management of Respiratory and Mixed Acid–Base Disorders Seth B. Furgeson and William D. Kaehny Respiratory acid–base disorders are caused by primary changes from normal excretion of carbon dioxide…