Paediatric clinical dietetics

Jun 19, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Paediatric clinical dietetics

Paediatric clinical dietetics Amaya Peñalva Arigita RD Introduction Dietetics is defined as the application of the principles of nutrition to the selection of food and the feeding of individuals and…

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Paediatric appendicitis

Jun 19, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Paediatric appendicitis

Paediatric appendicitis Adolfo Bautista Casasnovas MD Introduction Acute appendicitis is a common paediatric surgical disease requiring urgent attention. Appendectomy is the most common surgical procedure performed for acute abdominal pain…

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Congenital gastrointestinal malformations

Jun 19, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Congenital gastrointestinal malformations

Congenital gastrointestinal malformations Iñaki Eizaguirre MD Agustín Nogués MD Introduction The most significant congenital gastrointestinal malformations are Meckel’s diverticulum and anorectal malformations1, 2 (Table 14.1). The majority are developmental disturbances…

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Short bowel syndrome

Jun 19, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Short bowel syndrome

Short bowel syndrome Javier Bueno MD Introduction Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a transitory or permanent intestinal failure due to the anatomic loss of extensive segments of small intestine clinically…

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Crohn’s disease

Jun 19, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease David Ziring MD Jorge Vargas MD Prevalence and incidence Crohn’s disease (CrD) is a chronic, immune-mediated gastrointestinal (GI) disease and one of the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) (including…

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Ulcerative colitis

Jun 19, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis Carlos Sierra Salinas MD Javier Blasco Alonso MD Introduction Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a relapsing and remitting disease characterized by acute non-infectious inflammation of the colorectal mucosa. Crohn’s…

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Liver disorders

Jun 19, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Liver disorders

Liver disorders CHOLESTASIS Piotr Socha MD Joanna Pawłowska MD Anil Dhawan MD, FRCPCH Jaundice and cholestasis Jaundice results from the deposition of unconjugated or conjugated bilirubin pigment in the skin…

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Coeliac disease

Jun 19, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Coeliac disease

Coeliac disease Isabel Polanco MD, PhD Definition Coeliac disease (CD) is an immunologically mediated enteropathy of the small intestine, characterized by lifelong intolerance to the gliadin and related prolamines from…

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Abdominal masses

Jun 19, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Abdominal masses

Abdominal masses Juan A. Tovar MD, PhD Masses of gastrointestinal origin Tumours and cysts of the liver The liver is accessible to palpation when enlarged and therefore masses in the…

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Cow’s milk allergy

Jun 19, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Cow’s milk allergy

Cow’s milk allergy Antonio Nieto MD, PhD Angel Mazón MD Introduction Allergy to cow’s milk (CM) proteins appears mainly in infants and persists for several months or years, or may…

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