Benign and Malignant Hepatocellular Tumors

Jul 4, 2016 by in NEPHROLOGY Comments Off on Benign and Malignant Hepatocellular Tumors

A subset of focal nodular hyperplasias can have ballooning and Mallory hyaline (eFig. 20.3). Fatty change is less common, but when fat is present along with the balloon cells and…

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Liver Injury Patterns

Jul 4, 2016 by in NEPHROLOGY Comments Off on Liver Injury Patterns

Chronic biliary obstructive disease is most commonly encountered with primary sclerosing cholangitis, chronic pancreatic disease with duct stricturing, or anastomotic strictures after liver transplantation, but other less common causes of…

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Biliary Tract Disease and Cholestatic Liver Disease

Jul 4, 2016 by in NEPHROLOGY Comments Off on Biliary Tract Disease and Cholestatic Liver Disease

Differential The main histologic finding in clinically acute biliary obstruction is a bile ductular reaction, which may be accompanied by lobular cholestasis but has minimal lobular inflammatory changes. However, a…

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Transplant Pathology

Jul 4, 2016 by in NEPHROLOGY Comments Off on Transplant Pathology

Minimal to mild nonspecific chronic portal inflammation is common in potential donor liver biopsies, but if the portal inflammation is diffuse or more than mild, the donor may have an…

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Drug Effects

Jul 4, 2016 by in NEPHROLOGY Comments Off on Drug Effects

In most cases, the hepatitic injury will resolve after stopping the drug, but it may take months for the liver enzymes to completely normalize. In general, cases with significant cholestasis…

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Acute and Chronic Viral Hepatitis

Jul 4, 2016 by in NEPHROLOGY Comments Off on Acute and Chronic Viral Hepatitis

The inflammatory grade is typically determined by adding up the individual scores for inflammation in the portal tracts, interface activity, and lobular inflammation to reach a composite inflammatory grade, although…

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Wilson Disease and Other Genetic Diseases

Jul 4, 2016 by in NEPHROLOGY Comments Off on Wilson Disease and Other Genetic Diseases

Differential The most common mimic of the globules of α1-antitrypsin deficiency is megamitochondria. The location can often be a helpful clue because megamitochondria tend to be randomly distributed, whereas the…

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Fatty Liver Disease

Jul 4, 2016 by in NEPHROLOGY Comments Off on Fatty Liver Disease

The amount of fat is generally scored as minimal (less than 5%), mild (6% to 33%), moderate (34% to 66%), or marked (more than 67%). The general consensus is that…

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Adult Benign and Malignant Mesenchymal Tumors

Jul 4, 2016 by in NEPHROLOGY Comments Off on Adult Benign and Malignant Mesenchymal Tumors

When cavernous hemangiomas are greater than 8 cm in diameter, they are called giant cavernous hemangiomas. Their histologic findings are similar to that of smaller hemangiomas, but they are more…

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Vascular Disease

Jul 4, 2016 by in NEPHROLOGY Comments Off on Vascular Disease

Turner Syndrome Turner syndrome is caused by monosomy X (karyotype 45,X) in which all or portions of one copy of the X chromosome are missing in females. Affected individuals can…

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