Repair of Upper Abdominal Hernias
Fig. 1 Laparoscopic repair of subxiphoid incisional hernia. Mesh fixation is limited by the costal margin superiorly Our preferred technique is placement of mesh in the extraperitoneal position, either preperitoneal…
Dissection for Adhesions
Fig. 1 Pneumoperitoneum : Veress needle The other cannulas, one for the robotic optic and two for work arms, are located under direct view, preferably 20 cm away from the…
and Lateral Defects
Fig. 1 Patient’s positioning and wide exposition of the abdominal wall Operative Technique Parastomal The same operative steps as incisional laparoscopic hernia already described are carried out, but with some…
Meshes and Sutures
Fig. 1 Comparison of mesh (light- and heavyweight) strength with abdominal wall pressures Lightweight meshes were first introduced in 1998 (Vypro) and their superiority over the heavyweight meshes is now…
a Robotic Program and Surgeon Training Regimen for Hernia and Abdominal Wall
Fig. 1 Organization Chart by Hierarchy. This chart considers hospital departments and academic hierarchy The site had the investment and strategy to begin the project. The Institutional Review Board (IRB)…
for Robotic Surgery
BMI <20 or >30 Diabetes mellitus Limited physical mobility Age over 70 years Malnutrition Peripheral arterial occlusive disease Smoking and COPD Anatomical abnormality Pre-existing neuropathies Table 2 Procedure-related risks for positioning…