CHAPTER 5 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY A dysfunctional ET system is either too closed or too open, or abnormal pressure is present at either end of the system. The chapter includes • Abnormal functions…
CHAPTER 5 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY A dysfunctional ET system is either too closed or too open, or abnormal pressure is present at either end of the system. The chapter includes • Abnormal functions…
CHAPTER 9 ROLE IN MANAGEMENT OF MIDDLE-EAR DISEASE Knowledge of the role that the dysfunctional ET system plays in the pathogenesis of middle-ear disease and disorders is essential for effective…
CHAPTER 4 PHYSIOLOGY Normal ET functions of pressure regulation, protection, and clearance within its normal system are necessary to maintain a healthy middle ear. The chapter includes • The functions of…
CHAPTER 10 ROLE IN CERTAIN COMPLICATIONS AND SEQUELAE OF MIDDLE-EAR DISEASE Chronic draining ears are prevented by effective treatment of acute draining ears. The chapter includes • The ET system as…
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW All otitis media is middle-ear disease, but middle-ear disease includes more than otitis media, such as Eustachian tube (ET) dysfunction, myringosclerosis, tympanosclerosis, ossicular congenital and…
CHAPTER 6 PATHOGENESIS Pathogenesis of middle-ear effusion owing to the hydrops ex vacuo theory is now evidence-based from studies in humans and animals. The chapter includes • The role of the…
CHAPTER 2 EPIDEMIOLOGY Status of the function of the ET is an important factor in the epidemiology of middle-ear disease. The chapter includes • The importance of otitis media as a…
CHAPTER 11 FUTURE DIRECTIONS Asking the right question is critical to conducting meaningful research. The chapter includes • Future goals as identified by the most recent 18th International Symposium on Otitis…