Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma
Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma FRANK J. PENNA MARTIN A. KOYLE Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft tissue sarcoma of childhood, accounting for 5% of all cancers in children and about half…
Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma FRANK J. PENNA MARTIN A. KOYLE Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft tissue sarcoma of childhood, accounting for 5% of all cancers in children and about half…
Continent Catheterizable Reservoir Made From Colon HUBERTUS RIEDMILLER ELMAR W. GERHARZ ARKADIUS KOCOT INDICATIONS The most common indication for continent cutaneous diversion is bladder replacement after anterior pelvic exenteration for…
Orthotopic Urinary Diversion Using an Ileal Low-Pressure Reservoir With an Afferent Tubular Segment FIONA BURKHARD URS E. STUDER An ileal low-pressure orthotopic bladder substitute offers several significant advantages over other…
Partial and Total Penectomy in the Management of Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Penis FERNANDO P. SECIN AGUSTÍN R. ROVEGNO ANA MARÍA AUTRÁN GÓMEZ RAFAEL SÁNCHEZ-SALAS Penile cancer is…
Urachal Anomalies and Related Umbilical Disorders LESLIE T. MCQUISTON ANTHONY A. CALDAMONE During bladder development, the urogenital sinus is initially contiguous with the allantois. When the lumen of the allantoic…
Exstrophy and Epispadias—Modern Staged Approach EZEKIEL E. YOUNG JOHN P. GEARHART BRIAN M. INOYUYE Bladder exstrophy is a rare, severe congenital defect that affects the lower urinary tract, genitalia, abdominal…
Renal Fusion and Ectopia ROSS M. DECTER AMY S. BURNS Abnormalities of renal position and fusion predispose to infection, hydronephrosis, stone disease, and, in some instances, neoplasia. Although clinical problems…
Vesical Neck Reconstruction JOHN C. POPE IV JOHN H. MAKARI Prior to toilet training, the functions of the lower urinary tract include storage of urine at low pressure and good…
Pyeloplasty MEGAN S. SCHOBER KEVIN M. FEBER EVAN J. KASS Improved antenatal ultrasonography techniques have clearly been a factor in identifying collecting system dilation in the neonatal period. Obstruction is…
Prune Belly (Triad) Syndrome DAVID B. JOSEPH Triad syndrome—the clinical association of a thin flaccid abdominal wall, undescended testes, and bladder hypertrophy with hydroureters—was originally described in 1895 by Parker…