Pediatric Liver Transplantation in Asia
Introduction The history of surgery begins with traditional medicine in India (Ayurveda since 2000 BCE) and China (Yin-Yang since 3000 BCE). Surgery began with the first attempt to control bleeding…
Introduction The history of surgery begins with traditional medicine in India (Ayurveda since 2000 BCE) and China (Yin-Yang since 3000 BCE). Surgery began with the first attempt to control bleeding…
Introduction South America currently has approximately 430,485,637 inhabitants, 16.2% of whom are under the age of 18. Brazil is the most populous South American country (213,106,000 people), followed by Colombia…
Incidence and Indications—Early and Late Liver Retransplantation The incidence of graft failure after pediatric liver transplantation has been decreasing with surgical and medical progress, but still reaches 10% to 15%…
An inherited metabolic disorder is an increasingly common indication for liver transplantation (LT), accounting for more than 15% of pediatric cases worldwide and up to 30% in some specialist centers….
Introduction Primary liver tumors in the pediatric population are rare entities. Based on UK children’s cancer registry data (0–16 years old), in the period 2006 to 2008, a total of…
Introduction Acute liver failure (ALF) is defined as the acute onset of severe hepatitis with loss of hepatic function in patients with no known underlying liver disease. ALF can result…
Introduction Alagille syndrome (ALGS) is a rare multisystem disorder and one of the most frequent inherited causes of cholestatic liver disease in children. Traditionally, ALGS has been characterized by the…
Etiology of Pediatric Acute Liver Failure The Pediatric Acute Liver Failure (PALF) Study Group, a multicenter and multinational consortium, suggested the following definition: (1) no known evidence of chronic liver…
Introduction In recent years, the number of gene therapy (GT) trials targeting the liver have grown significantly, particularly when it comes to gene addition strategies (delivery of cDNA for a…
Introduction Biliary atresia is a uniquely perinatal disease that 30 years ago would have been universally fatal. With the development of the palliative Kasai portoenterostomy (Morio Kasai, 1922–2008), along with…