Ultrasound in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Jul 11, 2017 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on Ultrasound in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Model Footprint Frequency Penetration Use in physiotherapy C60nReal time 2D-convex transducer  60 mm 5–2 MHz 30 cm Perineal ultrasound Abdominal muscles Supra-pubic ultrasound for residual volume and bladder movement ICTxIntra-cavity…

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Endovaginal Imaging: Slings

Jul 11, 2017 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on Endovaginal Imaging: Slings

Fig. 10.1 180° scan of anterior compartment: midurethral retropubic sling seen as a hyperechogenic structure beneath midurethra. Bladder (B), urethra (U), pubic symphysis (P), urethrovesical junction (UVJ), midurethral retropubic sling…

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Endoanal Imaging of Anorectal Cysts and Masses

Jul 11, 2017 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on Endoanal Imaging of Anorectal Cysts and Masses

Fig. 14.1 Endometriosis lesion infiltrating the perirectal fat . The rectal layers are intact. (a) Axial plane. (b) Coronal with axial plane. Two heterogeneous hypoechoic images in the left lateral…

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Endovaginal Imaging: Pelvic Floor Cysts and Masses

Jul 11, 2017 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on Endovaginal Imaging: Pelvic Floor Cysts and Masses

Fig. 12.1 (Left) Bartholin gland cyst . Axial view with 360° endovaginal ultrasound probe. Anus (A), Bartholin gland (BG), levator ani muscle (LA), transducer (T). Copyright Shobeiri. (Right) Six-window view…

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Imaging of Urethral Bulking Agents

Jul 11, 2017 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on Imaging of Urethral Bulking Agents

Fig. 11.1 3D 180°anterior compartment scan with the BK 8848 transducer: In sagittal view, the urethral bulking agent can be seen around the proximal urethra overlying a sling. This is…

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Endovaginal Imaging: Vaginal Mesh and Implants

Jul 11, 2017 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on Endovaginal Imaging: Vaginal Mesh and Implants

Fig. 9.1 Introital ultrasound image in midsagittal view showing the anterior mesh for anterior compartment repair. Bladder (B), symphysis (S) (from Tunn et al. [4], with permission) Fig. 9.2 Introital…

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Emerging Imaging Technologies and Techniques

Jul 11, 2017 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on Emerging Imaging Technologies and Techniques

Fig. 17.1 The B-mode image (right panel) and the elastogram (color) overlaid on B-mode image (left panel) were displayed side by side. Lower part P1, middle part P2, upper part…

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