Failure to Thrive

Jun 28, 2016 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Failure to Thrive

(1) Department of Child Health, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA   Chapter Outline Definitions: Failure to Thrive/failure to grow Philosophic considerations: “organic vs. psychogenic”—The biomedical dichotomy Misconceptions about Failure…

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Functional Disorders of Elimination

Jun 28, 2016 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Functional Disorders of Elimination

(1) Department of Child Health, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA   Chapter Outline Introduction Physiologic Anatomy Sensory Motor Visceral Somatic Internal anal sphincter External anal sphincter Reflexology Gastro-colic reflex…

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Jun 28, 2016 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Introduction

(1) Department of Child Health, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA   Chapter Outline A.  Some essential concepts 1. Caring and rapport   2. The concept of functionality   3….

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Functional Diarrhea (Also Known as Chronic, Nonspecific Diarrhea of Infancy and Early Childhood, and “Infant/Toddler Diarrhea”)

Jun 28, 2016 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Functional Diarrhea (Also Known as Chronic, Nonspecific Diarrhea of Infancy and Early Childhood, and “Infant/Toddler Diarrhea”)

(1) Department of Child Health, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA   Chapter Outline Description Management Chronic, nonspecific diarrhea (CND) presents in infants and preschool children as intermittent or persistent…

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Functional Abdominal Pain

Jun 28, 2016 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Functional Abdominal Pain

(1) Department of Child Health, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA   Pain in children, especially chronic pain, challenges the diagnostic acum, therapeutic skill, and personal mettle of the physician…….

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Functional Vomiting Disorders and Patterns

Jun 28, 2016 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Functional Vomiting Disorders and Patterns

(1) Department of Child Health, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA   Chapter Outline Introduction In Infants:  “Innocent vomiting” (a.k.a.” functional GER”) “Nervous Vomiting” Infant Rumination Syndrome Rumination in the…

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Infant Colic

Jun 28, 2016 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Infant Colic

(1) Department of Child Health, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA   Chapter Outline Definition Epidemiology Differential diagnosis The pain hypothesis. The neurodevelopmental hypothesis The subsidence of colic Management of…

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