Esophageal Motor Function
High-resolution manometry (HRM) has advanced the understanding of esophageal peristaltic mechanisms and has simplified esophageal motor testing. In this article the technical aspects of HRM are addressed, focusing on test…
High-resolution manometry (HRM) has advanced the understanding of esophageal peristaltic mechanisms and has simplified esophageal motor testing. In this article the technical aspects of HRM are addressed, focusing on test…
John E. Pandolfino, MD, MSci, Editor It is my pleasure to serve as the guest editor for a special issue of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America that is devoted…
Charles J. Lightdale, MD, Consulting Editor Dysphagia, refractory heartburn, reflux, chest pain, and dyspepsia are among the most common upper gastrointestinal complaints that elicit referral to gastroenterologists. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy…