and Treatment of the Patient Who Is Regaining Weight

May 2, 2020 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on and Treatment of the Patient Who Is Regaining Weight

!DOCTYPE html> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020M. G. Patti et al. (eds.)Foregut Surgery 31. Evaluation and Treatment of the Patient Who Is Regaining Weight A. Daniel Guerron1 and Ranjan Sudan1, 2   (1) Department of Surgery,…

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Duodenal Switch

May 2, 2020 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Duodenal Switch

!DOCTYPE html> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020M. G. Patti et al. (eds.)Foregut Surgery 28. Laparoscopic Duodenal Switch Michel Gagner1, 2, 3, 4   (1) Herbert Wertheim School of Medicine, FIU, Miami, FL, USA (2)…

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Surgery: Clinical Presentation and Evaluation

May 2, 2020 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Surgery: Clinical Presentation and Evaluation

!DOCTYPE html> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020M. G. Patti et al. (eds.)Foregut Surgery 25. Bariatric Surgery: Clinical Presentation and Evaluation Marco Di Corpo1, Francisco Schlottmann2, 1 and Marco G. Patti3, 4   (1) Department of Surgery, University of…

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of a Multidisciplinary Approach for Bariatric Surgery

May 2, 2020 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on of a Multidisciplinary Approach for Bariatric Surgery

!DOCTYPE html> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020M. G. Patti et al. (eds.)Foregut Surgery 24. Importance of a Multidisciplinary Approach for Bariatric Surgery Richard Thompson1 and Timothy M. Farrell1   (1) Department of Surgery, University of North Carolina,…

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for End-Stage Achalasia

May 2, 2020 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on for End-Stage Achalasia

Achalasia subtype Integrated relaxation pressure (mm Hg) Peristalsis Additional considerations Type 1 >15 mm Hg 100% failed Premature contractions with DCI <450 mm Hg/s/cm can serve as surrogate for failed…

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Heartburn to Lung Fibrosis and Beyond

May 2, 2020 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Heartburn to Lung Fibrosis and Beyond

!DOCTYPE html> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020M. G. Patti et al. (eds.)Foregut Surgery 21. From Heartburn to Lung Fibrosis and Beyond Benjamin E. Haithcock1   (1) Department of Surgery, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,…

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Partial Fundoplication

May 2, 2020 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Partial Fundoplication

Fig. 16.1 Laparoscopic antireflux surgery port placement We use an 11 mm optical viewing trocar to obtain access to the peritoneal cavity and position this approximately 10 cm inferior to…

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Treatment of GERD

May 2, 2020 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on Treatment of GERD

Drug Mechanism Acid-neutralizing capacity (mEq/15 mL of commercial product) Dosage Adverse reactions Antacids      Aluminum hydroxide Neutralizes hydrochloride in the stomach to form Al (Cl)3 salt + H2O, resulting in increased…

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and Chagas’ Disease

May 2, 2020 by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY Comments Off on and Chagas’ Disease

Fig. 3.1 Triatominae bug (Chagas disease vector) Symptoms may not occur after infection (acute phase) or they may be nonspecific as flu symptoms (in 30% of the cases). Two-thirds of…

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