Abdominal Muscle Research

Jul 14, 2016 by in ABDOMINAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Abdominal Muscle Research

Abdominal Muscle Research The exercises used in this book are based on modern training methods developed for both cutting edge rehabilitation and high level sports training. These have gradually filtered…

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Abdominal Training in the Pool

Jul 14, 2016 by in ABDOMINAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Abdominal Training in the Pool

Abdominal Training in the Pool Water has a number of advantages for any exercise involving the spine. The warmth of water is soothing, making it very useful following back pain….

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Abdominal Training and Pregnancy

Jul 14, 2016 by in ABDOMINAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Abdominal Training and Pregnancy

Abdominal Training and Pregnancy In this chapter we look at abdominal training both during pregnancy and after childbirth. Abdominal training is essential in both instances, but we need to understand…

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Level Three

Jul 14, 2016 by in ABDOMINAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Level Three

Level Three Up to this point we have used 48 abdominal training exercises. For the most part these are all that is required for everyday trunk fitness. For those who…

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Level Two

Jul 14, 2016 by in ABDOMINAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Level Two

Level Two The level two exercises continue the job of the level one programme and build an increasingly greater variety of movements. Overall trunk fitness is improved by further enhancing…

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Jul 14, 2016 by in ABDOMINAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Foundation

Foundation We begin abdominal training by establishing core stability and learning precise control of the lumbo-pelvis, the junction between the lower back and the pelvic region. The reason for this…

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Level One

Jul 14, 2016 by in ABDOMINAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Level One

Level One The level one exercises build on the stable spine established by the foundation exercises, and introduce forces which challenge the trunk from various angles. In this way, stability…

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