Miscellaneous Esophageal Disorders

Jul 1, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Miscellaneous Esophageal Disorders

Miscellaneous Esophageal Disorders Esophageal Diverticula Esophageal diverticula are out-pouchings of the esophageal wall. They may contain all histologic sections of the wall or may lack the muscularis layer. These can…

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Jul 1, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Procedures

Procedures Introduction Advances in technology over the past several years have enabled those interested in the aerodigestive tract to perform a wide array of procedures in the outpatient environment without…

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Jul 1, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Neoplasia

Neoplasia Introduction Most esophageal tumors are malignant. All esophageal lesions, benign or malignant, typically grow to a fairly large size before causing symptoms. The esophageal lumen usually needs to be…

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Barrett’s Metaplasia

Jul 1, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Barrett’s Metaplasia

Barrett’s Metaplasia Introduction Barrett’s esophagus (BE) is a replacement of the distal esophageal squamous mucosa with columnar-lined epithelium of both gastric and intestinal types (1). Today, Barrett’s esophagus is defined…

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Hiatal Hernia

Jul 1, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal Hernia Hiatal hernias (HH) are frequently encountered during routine transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE). The prevalence of hiatal hernia increases with age. Although the existence of a HH does not itself…

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Webs and Rings

Jul 1, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Webs and Rings

Webs and Rings The majority of esophageal webs and rings are found incidentally during esophagoscopy and are of no clinical significance. In certain individuals, however, they can be an important…

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Jul 1, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Esophagitis

Esophagitis Introduction Esophagitis is one of the most common findings encountered during transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE). It has several etiologies, including acid reflux, foreign bodies (e.g., pills), infection, allergy, caustic injury,…

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Normal Transnasal Esophagoscopy

Jul 1, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Normal Transnasal Esophagoscopy

Normal Transnasal Esophagoscopy The esophagus is a muscular tube that originates in the pharynx and terminates in the stomach. It begins at the level of the 6th cervical vertebrae at…

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Indications for Transnasal Esophagoscopy

Jul 1, 2016 by in GASTROENTEROLOGY Comments Off on Indications for Transnasal Esophagoscopy

Indications for Transnasal Esophagoscopy The indications for transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE) can be divided into two main categories: those with esophageal and those with extraesophageal requirements for the procedure. These indications…

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