Anatomy of the Abdominal Wall

Mar 5, 2017 by in ABDOMINAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Anatomy of the Abdominal Wall

Fig. 2.1 Anatomy of the anterior abdominal wall Skin (Integument) The epidermis has great capacity for regeneration because its nutrition comes via diffusion from the underlying vascular planes. Arterial vessels…

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Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair

Mar 5, 2017 by in ABDOMINAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair

Fig. 9.1 EHS classification for primary abdominal wall hernias (Reproduced with permission from Muysoms et al. [5]) Fig. 9.2 Classification according to the location of incisional ventral hernias (Adapted with…

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