CT-Guided Renal Ablation

Jul 4, 2016 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on CT-Guided Renal Ablation

Fig. 15.1 Patient on standard CT gantry, under general anesthesia lying prone on chest rolls with arms tucked. Note limited working space even in thin patients such as this (Arrow…

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Molecular Imaging in Urology

Jul 4, 2016 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on Molecular Imaging in Urology

Technique Resolutiona Depth Timeb Quantitativec Multichannel Imaging agents Target Costd Main small animal use Clinical use MRI 10–100 μm No limit Minutes to hours Yes No Paramagnetic chelates, magnetic particles…

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Intraoperative Doppler Ultrasound During Robotic Surgery

Jul 4, 2016 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on Intraoperative Doppler Ultrasound During Robotic Surgery

Fig. 9.1 Flexible laparoscopic ultrasound probe (From Hitachi-Aloka, Wallingford, CT) Recently, a robotic transducer, the ProART (BK Medical Herlev, Denmark), with Doppler capability was developed. It has a unique fin…

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Optical Coherence Tomography in Bladder Cancer

Jul 4, 2016 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on Optical Coherence Tomography in Bladder Cancer

Fig. 3.1 Schematic overview displaying time-domain, low-coherence interferometry which can measure echo time delays of light. (a) A Michelson-type interferometer is equipped with a sample and reference arm. Light which…

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MR-Guided Prostate Interventions

Jul 4, 2016 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on MR-Guided Prostate Interventions

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015Joseph C. Liao and Li-Ming Su (eds.)Advances in Image-Guided Urologic Surgery10.1007/978-1-4939-1450-0_14 14. MR-Guided Prostate Interventions Ashley E. Ross1  , Dan Stoianovici2   and Mohamad E. Allaf3 (1) Departments of Urology, Oncology, Pathology, Johns Hopkins Brady Urological…

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TRUS of the Prostate: State of the Art

Jul 4, 2016 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on TRUS of the Prostate: State of the Art

Key point 1: role of real-time TRUS has changed  Role of real-time TRUS has already changed from being a simple diagnostic tool to becoming a comprehensive image guidance system, including…

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Light Reflectance Spectroscopy and Autofluorescence (Kidney and Prostate)

Jul 4, 2016 by in UROLOGY Comments Off on Light Reflectance Spectroscopy and Autofluorescence (Kidney and Prostate)

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015Joseph C. Liao and Li-Ming Su (eds.)Advances in Image-Guided Urologic Surgery10.1007/978-1-4939-1450-0_8 8. Light Reflectance Spectroscopy and Autofluorescence (Kidney and Prostate) Ephrem O. Olweny1   and Jeffrey A. Cadeddu2   (1) Department of Urology, University of…

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