Disorders of ECF Volume: Congestive Heart Failure
Fig. 7.1 Mechanisms of renal Na+ and water retention and edema formation in CHF Clinical Evaluation A brief discussion of clinical evaluation of CHF is presented here. The most common…
Fig. 7.1 Mechanisms of renal Na+ and water retention and edema formation in CHF Clinical Evaluation A brief discussion of clinical evaluation of CHF is presented here. The most common…
Fig. 4.1 Intestine transplant performed worldwide since 1985 Data from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) show that most of the intestinal transplants have been performed in the US…
Fig. 23.1 Adjusted rates of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) by race (1980–2010). Incident ESRD patients. Adjusted for age/gender. (Reference: 2005 ESRD patients. Data Source: US Renal Data System, USRDS 2012…
Let us take a closer look at the last two questions in the example given. It is easy to say you are free to be an organ donor. On the…
Fig. 8.1 Percentage of ILDAs reporting how they were selected as an ILDA at their transplant center The definition of the “independent” living donor advocate has been previously debated [6]….
Living Kidney Donor Evaluation Independent Donor Advocate Sign-Off1 Appendix 12.3 Donor Advocate Team Report2 Appendix 12.4 Contents of ILDA Training Manual Appendix 12.5 Medical Ethics Pretest This pretest will not…
Fig. 5.1 Bilateral living donor lobar lung transplantation. Right and left lower lobes from two healthy donors are implanted in the recipient in place of whole right and left lungs,…
Area Recommendations 1 Qualifications and definition of role Define minimal qualifications and professional boundaries Define roles and responsibilities 2 Training and continuing education Consistent and formal training of ILDAs Continuing…
JENNIFER STEEL (ed.)Living Donor Advocacy2014An Evolving Role Within Transplantation10.1007/978-1-4614-9143-9_22 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014 22. A Practical Guide: Role of the Independent Living Donor Advocate: Protect or Advocate or Is it Both?…