Hemodialysis Access Catheters
Fig. 13.1 A tunneled internal jugular hemodialysis catheter. (a) Right internal jugular hemodialysis catheter. Note the smooth transition of the catheter as it courses over the right clavicle without kinking….
Fig. 13.1 A tunneled internal jugular hemodialysis catheter. (a) Right internal jugular hemodialysis catheter. Note the smooth transition of the catheter as it courses over the right clavicle without kinking….
Identified lesions Number Anastomosis stenosis, arterial (ASA) 38 Anastomosis stenosis, venous (ASV) 15 Stenosis, venous (SV) 20 Accessory tributary (AT) 12 Central venous stenosis (CVS) 9 Arterial stenosis (AS) 4…
Fig. 4.1 Incident ESRD treatment trends [6] The total number of people actively treated with ESRD in the United States on December 31, 2012, was 636,905, of which 450,602 received…
Fig. 33.1 Arteriovenous fistula aneurysms classification by Valenti and colleagues Type 1a: The vein uniformly aneurysmal from the arterial anastomosis along most, if not all, of its length resembling a…
Authors (year) Number of patients enrolled Confirmatory test Location of stenosis Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Asif et al. [3] (2007) 142 Angiography Inflow 85 71 Outflow 92 86 Campos et…
Fig. 31.1 Physical exam findings of chest collaterals in a patient with complete bilateral central venous occlusion. Note the numerous central venous catheter scars on the chest wall Access will…
Fig. 30.1 Basic anatomy of the thoracic outlet. The axillosubclavian vein passes anteriorly, passing by the junction of the first rib and clavicle. This “space” is open superiorly, but the…
Fig. 1.1 The first hemodialysis machine used in the United States: the rotating drum artificial kidney. Top panel: the original Kolff rotating drum dialyzer (Image courtesy of Northwest Kidney Centers,…
Fig. 22.1 Laptop-sized portable ultrasound units with high-quality imaging facilitate point-of-care applications. Clockwise from top left: Terason uSmart 3300, Siemens Acuson X300, Sonosite S Nerve and M-Turbo, Mindray HUC5-3D, and…
Fig. 15.1 An approximately 3-cm longitudinal incision is made between the cephalic vein and the radial artery proximal to the skin crease at the wrist to create a radiocephalic autogenous…