and Competency in Endoscopic Resection
Fig. 11.1 Two large Paris 0-IIa + IIc colonic lesions were found in the same person. High-definition white-light (a) and NBI (b) images are shown of the lesion in the cecum. White-light…
Fig. 11.1 Two large Paris 0-IIa + IIc colonic lesions were found in the same person. High-definition white-light (a) and NBI (b) images are shown of the lesion in the cecum. White-light…
Fig. 20.1 Fluoroscopic image of a Zenkerʼs diverticulum; asterisk, diverticular pouch; arrow, esophageal lumen Treatment The goal of the treatment of ZD is a cricopharyngeus muscle myotomy that may be…
Complete history and physical examination, nutrition evaluation Routine labs Special labs Causes and obesity-related comorbidities, weight, BMI, weight loss history, commitment. Complete blood count, coagulation profile. Fasting blood glucose, lipid…
Equipment/device Pros Cons Adverse events Current status Injectable implants Enteryx Gatekeeper Plexiglas Short-term efficacy + Serious adverse events (including death) Dysphagia, chest pain, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, perforation, severe bleeding leading…
Fig. 27.1 Steps of EUS-guided PFC drainage and necrosectomy. (a) Needle puncture; (b) Track dilation with 6F cystotome. (c) CRE Balloon dilation till 8 mm; (d) Deployment of Nagi stent distal…
!DOCTYPE html> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020M. S. Wagh, S. B. Wani (eds.)Gastrointestinal Interventional Endoscopy 3. Gastric and Duodenal Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Rommel Romano1 and Pradermchai Kongkam2 (1) Department of Medicine, University of Santo…
Early esophageal squamous cell cancer Early esophageal adenocarcinoma Absolute indication for endoscopic resection T1 m1–m2 T1 m1–m3 T1 sm1 invasion cutoff for endoscopic resection 200 μm depth into submucosa 500 μm depth into…
Fig. 12.1 Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682–1771) was an Italian anatomist, regarded as the father of modern anatomical pathology. (Public domain reproduced from It is interesting to note that the…
Fig. 17.1 Hiatal hernia classification Type I hernias are the most common and account for up to 95% of the total prevalence. Type II, III, and IV hernias are together…
Fig. 23.1 Jejunoileal bypass . (With permission from Debora Gallegos Saliby) Despite the popularity of these procedures in the 1960s and the good results regarding weight loss and resolution of…