Gastric Functional Tests: Upper Gatrointestinal Barium Studies
Fig. 29.1 Gastroparesis in a patient with diabetes . Left posterior oblique view of the stomach from a single-contrast upper GI examination shows a flaccid, mildly dilated stomach. There was…
Radiologic Evaluation of Swallowing: The Esophagram
Basic questions I: Dysphagia Does food get stuck in your throat while you eat? Where do you feel food sticking throat/thorax/stomach? Does food come back into your throat/mouth after you…
Chronic Constipation
Fig. 35.1 Sagittal section of pelvic anatomy demonstrating pelvic musculature and puborectalis “sling” around the sphincters. (Used with permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights reserved)…
Gastric Pacing
Fig. 25.1 Two-channel gastric pacing prototype device pulse generator (black box) is attached to external wires in a patient with refractory GP. These external wires stimulate electrodes that were surgically…
Chronic Cough and Throat Clearing
Intrathoracic etiologies Airways Asthma Nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis (NAEB) Chronic bronchitis Bronchiectasis Tracheobronchial malacia Obstructive sleep apnea Drug induced: ACEI, sitagliptin Inhaled medications Chronic exposure to environmental and occupational irritants Bronchogenic…
Small Intestinal Tests: Small Bowel Follow Through, CT Enterography, and MR Enterography
Fig. 33.1 Normal small bowel follow through The small bowel follow through is performed for a wide variety of clinical problems. Along with CT enterography and MR enterography (see below),…
Achalasia and Esophageal Outlet Obstruction
Fig. 1.1 Schematic representation of etiology proposed to underlie the different achalasia phenotypes Esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction (EGJOO) is a condition characterized by HRM findings of impaired EGJ function but,…
Helicobacter pylori and Other Gastritides
Fig. 27.1 Chronic H. pylori gastritis. The arrow points to the chronic inflammatory exudate. Courtesy of Timothy Wallace, MD Fig. 27.2 H. pylori gastritis: immunological stain for H. pylori. The…
Nonerosive Reflux Disease (NERD)
Fig. 10.1 A diagnostic algorithm for NERD in patients on PPI treatment based on Rome IV criteria (adapted from [12]) Fig. 10.2 A diagnostic algorithm for NERD in patients off…