Megaureter CHRISTOPHER J. LONG J. CHRISTOPHER AUSTIN DOUGLAS A. CANNING Megaureter is a relatively rare congenital anomaly of the urinary tract. We define a megaureter as having a diameter that…
Megaureter CHRISTOPHER J. LONG J. CHRISTOPHER AUSTIN DOUGLAS A. CANNING Megaureter is a relatively rare congenital anomaly of the urinary tract. We define a megaureter as having a diameter that…
Ureteroceles RICHARD N. YU CHESTER J. KOH DAVID A. DIAMOND Ureteroceles are congenital cystic dilations of the intravesical submucosal ureter. They are more commonly found in female children and are…
Colonic Orthotopic Bladder Substitution JOACHIM W. THÜROFF LUDGER FRANZARING Orthotopic bladder substitution can be realized from ileum only or from colonic segments either alone (1,2) or in combination with small…
Endoscopic Treatment of Vesicoureteral Reflux ANGELA M. ARLEN ANDREW J. KIRSCH Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is the retrograde flow of urine from the bladder to the upper urinary tract and is…
Transureteroureterostomy AARON D. MARTIN H. GIL RUSHTON Ureteral surgery and various conditions, including trauma, stricture, neoplasm, or a previous failed surgical procedure, can render a ureter inadequate for successful ureteroureterostomy…
Continent Catheterizable Reservoir Made From Ileum HASSAN ABOL-ENEIN MOHAMED A. GHONEIM A substantial number of techniques have been described for the creation of continent cutaneous urinary reservoirs. For construction of…
Transverse Colonic Conduit MICHAEL RINK MARGIT FISCH J. H. Nelson was the first to describe the high rate of early and late complications using irradiated small intestine for urinary diversion….
Penile and Scrotal Anatomy JONATHAN N. WARNER RICHARD A. SANTUCCI PENILE ANATOMY Structure The penis is composed of the corpus spongiosum, the paired corpora cavernosa, and the glans penis (Fig….
Wilms Tumor MARK D. TYSON MICHAEL L. RITCHEY Wilms tumor, or nephroblastoma, is the most common renal tumor of childhood, constituting approximately 6.3% of all cancers and 95% of all…
Palliative Urinary Diversion STEPHAN DEGENER BURKHARD UBRIG STEPHAN ROTH The word palliative derives from the Latin palliare, which means “to cover with a coat.” The term palliative therapy implies the…