Applications of Ultrasound in Emergency
Fig. 58.1 Renal colic. The right kidney shows moderate hydronephrosis (a). The pelvis is enlarged (P) due to a stone (arrow) inside the proximal ureter (b) Fig. 58.2 Renal stone….
Fig. 58.1 Renal colic. The right kidney shows moderate hydronephrosis (a). The pelvis is enlarged (P) due to a stone (arrow) inside the proximal ureter (b) Fig. 58.2 Renal stone….
Fig. 38.1 B-mode transverse comparative scan is mandatory to compare size and echogenicity of both testes Transverse and longitudinal scans of epididymis (short and long axis) Longitudinal scan of inguinal…
Fig. 13.1 Local anesthesia 13.4.3 Radiological Guidance Biopsies can be performed under ultrasound, CT, or MRI guidance. The choice of the imaging guidance depends on the operator’s experience and habits,…
Fig. 25.1 TRUS: normal seminal vesicle (SV) (right image) and ejaculatory duct (arrows, left image) Fig. 25.2 Axial plan (a) and oblique longitudinal plan (b) of normal seminal vesicles (SVs)…
Fig. 48.1 Penile fracture of the right corpus cavernosum. (a) Axial T2-weighted scan shows the lesion as a ventral interruption (arrowhead) of the low-signal-intensity tunica albuginea. There is an associated…
Cell features Tissue features Cell density Vascularization Cell irregularities Elasticity Water content Fig. 51.1 Principle of ‘backscattered ultrasound’ in a heterogeneous medium 51.2 Method of Examination and Imaging Processing The…
Grade 1 Varicocele is detectable by palpation only during Valsalva maneuver Grade 2 Varicocele is detectable by simple palpation Grade 3 Varicocele is visible on inspection and palpation Since clinical…
Fig. 17.1 Normal conditions; no evident modifications of the intrarenal excretory tract after the administration of a diuretic challenge test Increased pyelocalyceal diameters with a return to basal conditions within…
Fig. 30.1 Local recurrence (10 mm) after radical prostatectomy, confirmed by histology (a). After single fiducial marker implantation (gold, 12 mm) (b). The same case, after 5 years (c) with…
Fig. 12.1 Manual-gun biopsy device; the three parts of the Franklin-modified Vim-Silverman needle: the outer sheath, the obturator, and the cutting prongs Fig. 12.2 Automated-gun biopsy device In the classic…