More than a century ago, Golgi observed that “the ascending limb of the loop of Henle returns with invariable constancy to its capsule of origin”. At this point of contact at the glomerular hilum, the afferent and efferent arterioles together with the adherent distal tubule form a wedge-shaped compartment which contains the three defining cell types of the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) ( Figure 23.1 ). The macula densa (MD) cells in the wall of the tubule abut on a cushion of closely packed interstitial cells called Goormaghtigh or lacis cells. These cells are indistinguishable in their fine structure from mesangial cells and are also referred to as extraglomerular mesangial (EGM) cells. The third specialized cell type of the JGA is the juxtaglomerular granular (JG) cell, a modified smooth muscle cell in the media of the arteriolar wall.
Cellular Elements of the Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (JGA)
More than a century ago, Golgi observed that “the ascending limb of the loop of Henle returns with invariable constancy to its capsule of origin”. At this point of contact at the glomerular hilum, the afferent and efferent arterioles together with the adherent distal tubule form a wedge-shaped compartment which contains the three defining cell types of the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) ( Figure 23.1 ). The macula densa (MD) cells in the wall of the tubule abut on a cushion of closely packed interstitial cells called Goormaghtigh or lacis cells. These cells are indistinguishable in their fine structure from mesangial cells and are also referred to as extraglomerular mesangial (EGM) cells. The third specialized cell type of the JGA is the juxtaglomerular granular (JG) cell, a modified smooth muscle cell in the media of the arteriolar wall.

The anatomical relationships in the vicinity of the JGA have been extensively studied, since they may reveal pathways for functional connections. The most extensive and regular contact of the MD cells is with the underlying extraglomerular mesangium. Regions of adherence between the afferent arteriole and the thick ascending limb outside the MD, and between afferent arterioles and the distal and connecting tubule, have also been observed. Less extensive and consistent contacts exist between the MD and efferent arterioles, although the efferent arteriole can be adjacent to the distal tubule and to the thick ascending limb, either immediately before or immediately after the MD.
Macula Densa Cells
The MD cells form an elliptical plaque of epithelial cells located at the distal end of the thick ascending limb, approximately 100 to 200 µm upstream from the transition to the distal convoluted tubule. An MD plaque has been reported to consist of 14 cells in rat and about 25 cells in rabbit. Cellular plasticity is suggested by the finding that this number increased by about 30% following chronic angiotensin II receptor blockade, probably by transdifferentiation of adjacent TAL cells. MD cells are morphologically characterized by a high nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio, absence of basal infoldings, and numerous mitochondria that are typically not in contact with the basal membrane. The basement membrane is thinner than that found in other areas of the tubule, and shows discontinuities in scanning electron micrographs. The difference in basement membrane appearance is paralleled by a macromolecular composition that differs from that of adjacent TAL cells.
NaCl and Water Movement
Although morphologically distinct, MD cells and neighboring thick ascending limb (TAL) cells share similar NaCl transport mechanisms ( Figure 23.2 ). As in TAL cells, NaCl uptake is mostly through the apical Na,K,2Cl co-transporter (NKCC2 / BSC1). Conventional electrophysiology and patch-clamp evidence has established its presence functionally. Presence of the NKCC2 co-transporter has also been shown at mRNA and protein expression levels. Of the three full length isoforms of the co-transporter, both the A and the B types are expressed in the MD. In contrast to TAL cells, in which NKCC2 phosphorylation is strongly enhanced by vasopressin, MD cells have a constitutively high presence of phospho-NKCC2 even in the complete absence of vasopressin. From the rates of MD cell acidification by luminal ammonium it has been concluded that apical NKCC2-mediated flux rates are not markedly different from those in TAL cells. Apical membranes of MD cells are rich in low conductance K channels of the ROMK type that are required for K recycling. Na/H exchange through NHE2 provides a second pathway for a smaller fraction of Na uptake by MD cells. In the rabbit, the apical membrane may also be a site of active Na extrusion, since the luminal presence of ouabain has been found to elevate intracellular Na concentration in both MD and TAL cells; in addition, luminal ouabain prevented the recovery of intracellular Na from the elevated levels resulting from increased luminal NaCl. Apical Na efflux in MD cells may be mediated by a luminal H,K-ATPase, as colonic H,K-ATPase has been shown previously to mediate active Na efflux. Its presence in MD cells is supported by immunocytochemical and functional evidence.

Na,K-ATPase abundance and activity in the basolateral membrane of MD cells in rabbit kidneys appears to be low compared to neighboring TAL cells, a finding that is probably mainly due to the absence of basolateral membrane infoldings. In the rat, basolateral membranes of MD cells identified by nNOS counterstaining clearly express α1 Na,K-ATPase, together with β1- and γ-subunits. Cl exit across the basolateral membrane occurs through abundant Cl channels. Immunocytochemical evidence indicates the presence of the AE2 anion exchanger in basolateral membranes of MD cells in both the rat and the mouse, and Cl/HCO 3 exchange activity has been observed in isolated rabbit JGA preparations. Together with the apical Na/H exchanger, basolateral AE2 may play a role in the absorption of HCO 3 or it may act as a pHi-controlling housekeeping gene.
The effect of changes in luminal fluid composition on the volume of macula densa cells has remained a controversial issue. At constant luminal osmolarity of around 300 mOsm, changes in luminal NaCl concentration caused parallel changes in the volume of MD cells. Changes in volume were to some extent transient, indicating some ability of MD cells for volume regulation. Both increases and decreases in MD cell volume have been observed with concomitant increments in Na (25 to 135 mM) and osmolarity (210 to 300 mOsm). When NaCl concentration was kept constant, MD cells behaved like osmometers, swelling with a reduction and shrinking with an increase in osmolarity. Transcellular osmotic water permeability of MD cells, assessed from the initial cell volume change in response to an osmotic step change, was estimated to be similar to that of cortical collecting tubules in the absence of ADH. The main restriction to water movement resides in the apical membrane. Transmembrane channels for water movement have not been identified; apical membranes of MD cells lack aquaporin 1, and the presence of other aquaporins has not been established. Vasopressin receptors of both the V1a and V2 varieties have been found in MD cells, but there is no evidence that MD water permeability is regulated.
Other Cellular Characteristics
Nitric oxide synthase type I (NOS I or nNOS), a constitutive and Ca-dependent NOS isoform, is highly and selectively expressed in MD cells, and has become a useful marker of this cell type. Alternative splicing leads to the generation of several nNOS variants with NO synthase activity. The presence of three of these variants, nNOSα, β, and γ in MD cells and their regulation by salt intake has recently been demonstrated. Catalysis of the conversion of L-arginine to NO and L-citrulline by NOS requires the participation of a number of co-factors. One of these co-factors is NADPH, and it is possible that the relatively high activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) in MD cells is related to the NADPH requirement of NOS. A functional connection between nNOS and G6PDH is suggested by the parallel upregulation of the expression of both enzymes during NaCl restriction. Alternatively, the high pentose shunt activity suggested by the abundance of G6PDH may serve to provide ribose-5-phosphate for nucleic acid synthesis. Avid uptake of labeled uridine has been shown to occur in MD cells, a process inhibited by actinomycin D, and therefore indicative of incorporation of the pyrimidine precursor into the RNA pool.
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), typically induced by LPS and cytokines in the inflammatory process, is constitutively expressed both in the renal medulla and to a lesser extent in the cortex. Cortical expression of COX-2 in the mature rat and rabbit kidney is restricted to a subgroup of MD and perimacular cells of the TAL. MD expression of COX-2 has also been observed in humans older than 60 years, and in patients with Bartter syndrome. Condensation of COX-2 expression is the remnant of a more intense expression in early postnatal kidneys, where the enzyme can be found in a more contiguous pattern in TAL cells proximal and distal of the MD. At this early stage, COX-2 appears to be specifically excluded from MD cells. Conversion of PGH 2 into the bioactive PGE 2 is catalyzed by prostaglandin E2 synthases, of which both a microsomal and cytosolic isoform have been described. Immunocytochemical evidence has demonstrated the presence of a membrane-associated PGE 2 synthase in MD cells of both rats and rabbits. Co-localization of COX-2 with phospholipase A2 has been described in the MD at the level of single cells. Table 23.1 lists a number of other differences in the expression pattern of MD compared to surrounding TAL cells where the function has remained unclear.
Macula Densa | Comments | Reference |
Tamm-Horsfall protein | Neg, ideal negative selection marker | |
Epidermal growth factor | Neg, present in TAL and DCT | |
Hepcidin | Neg, present in TAL, apical | |
PKD2 | Neg, present in TAL, mostly basolateral | |
TRPV4 | Neg, present in TAL and DCT | |
Oxytocin receptors | Pos, not in TAL, mostly basolateral | |
Angiotensin II receptors | Pos, apical and basolateral | |
Benzodiazepine receptors | Pos, peripheral type receptors | |
Ca-sensing receptor | Pos, basolateral | |
PTHrP | Pos, microvessels, PCT and DCT | |
Stanniocalcin | Pos, also in TAL, DCT, and CD | |
Integrin-β6 | Pos, fibronectin receptor | |
P2Y receptors | Pos, basolateral | |
WNK4 | Pos also in TAL and DCT | |
P38 MAP Kinase | Pos more than other tubular segments | |
SGLT1 | Pos also in cTAL | |
IQGAP1 | Pos apical, also in DCT, less inTAL |
Extraglomerular Mesangial (EGM) Cells
The EGM cells (Goormaghtigh or lacis cells are synonyms) are the cells of the JGA which have the most intimate and regular contact with the MD. MD cells and EGM cells are separated by an interstitial cleft of variable width that does not appear to be bridged by gap junctional connections. In three-dimensional reconstructions EGM cells are elongated cells with long cytoplasmic processes, which in general run parallel to the base of the MD cells. Commensurate with extensive gap junctional coupling of EGM cells with each other as well as with mesangial cells and granular cells, connexins 40, 37, and perhaps 43 or 45 are expressed to various degrees in extra- and intraglomerular mesangium. The presence of myofilaments in EM cells suggests that EGM cells, like mesangial cells, have contractile potential.
The extraglomerular mesangial cell field is free of capillaries, lymph terminals or nerve fibers. The absence of blood capillaries may cause a retardation of fluid entry and fluid removal from this compartment. In fact, the interstitial volume density of the EGM cell field increased from 17% during volume depletion to 29% during volume expansion, while no changes were noted in the peritubular interstitium. Nevertheless, recent studies of the flow dynamics across the JGA interstitium using lucifer yellow as a fluorescent marker indicate rapid exchange between afferent arterioles and tubular lumen, presumably mediated by bulk fluid flow.
Biochemical and Functional Aspects
Localization studies using histochemical, autoradiographic or immunological methods usually do not distinguish between intra- and extraglomerular mesangial expression patterns. Nevertheless, in some cases it seems justified to assume parallel expression in both cell types. For example, autoradiographic localization of angiotensin II and atrial natriuretic factor binding suggests the presence of receptors on both intra- and extraglomerular mesangial cells. Relative predominance of AT1 receptor mRNA in EGM cells has been observed by in situ hybridization. While EGM cells normally do not synthesize renin, they can be recruited to form renin with long-standing stimulation such as chronic diuretic abuse.
Differential expression patterns in intra- and extraglomerular mesangium are relatively discrete. EGM cells do not stain with antibodies against Thy-1, while the glomerular mesangium does. Conversely, decay accelerating factor (DAF), a glycoprotein that limits complement activation on cell surfaces, is restricted to the EGM cells, at least in the human kidney. HSP 25 expression has also been reported in extraglomerular, but not intraglomerular, mesangium. Of unknown significance is the observation that two Na,K-ATPase-associated proteins, the FXYD protein phospholemman (FXYD1) and the β2-subunit, are expressed in the extraglomerular mesangium, while being excluded from both MD cells and intraglomerular mesangial cells. Conventional mesangial cell cultures have been used as a model to study JGA-specific issues such as NO and PGE 2 production, but whether or not this approach permits inferences about the JGA signaling mechanisms in vivo has remained unclear.
Granular Cells
The granular cells in the arteriolar walls are the main renin-producing cells of the kidney. With a rough endoplasmic reticulum, a well-developed Golgi apparatus, and numerous cytoplasmic granules, they have the fine structure of protein-secreting cells. The renin-containing granules are membrane-bound. Some granules, believed to be the more newly formed, have a crystalline lattice appearance and may mainly contain pro-renin; others, with an amorphous electron-dense content, are believed to represent the mature form. Myofibrils and smooth muscle myosin are sparse, and may be even absent in granular cells at the vascular pole. In the mature rat kidney under control conditions, granular cells are clustered at the vascular pole over a length of about 30 µm or about 20% of the afferent arteriole, but single ring-like renin-positive regions in more proximal locations are sometimes seen. In the developing kidney, as well as during stimulation of renin synthesis, for example with converting enzyme blockade, renin-positive cells can be found all along the afferent arteriole and also in larger vessels.
Coexistence of renin and angiotensin II in granules of rat and human epithelioid cells has been shown by light and electron microscopy. Granular angiotensin II appears to increase in parallel to renin following adrenalectomy and renal artery stenosis. Granular angiotensin II may reflect uptake through either non-specific endocytosis, receptor internalization or intracellular de novo generation. Not unexpectedly, granular cells contain AT1 receptor mRNA, with rats expressing both AT1A and AT1B receptor mRNA and mice expressing only AT1A receptor mRNA. Granular cells express the mRNA for both D1-like and D2-like dopamine receptors mediating stimulation and inhibition of renin secretion. The gap junctional connexins 40 and 37 have been shown to co-localize with renin, indicating functional connections among granular cells. Other proteins found in JG cells include cyclic guanylate kinase II, the ubiquitous basolateral form of the Na,2Cl,K co-transporter NKCC1/BSC2, and GLUT4.
Functional Aspects
Renin release has been found to be episodic or quantal, an observation most consistent with granule exocytosis. Nevertheless, EM images rarely document the classic omega configuration with an open pore to the cell exterior, and no evidence in support of the presence of vesicle or target membrane SNARE proteins in JG cells has been published. On the other hand, isoproterenol and cAMP caused an increase in membrane capacitance in isolated JG cells, an observation usually interpreted to be the result of an exocytotic membrane fusion event. An attempt to observe exocytosis has been made in dissected glomerulus/vessel preparations using optical labeling of renin granules with quinacrine and LysoTracker-Red, fluorophores that are taken up into acidic organelles. When stimulated by isoproterenol or a low arteriolar pressure, labeled granules disappeared at a rate of about 5–10 granules per minute. In renin-releasing As4.1 cells, the extinction of individual granules was followed by the appearance of an extracellular quinacrine cloud, presumably representing the released granule contents.
Studies of the membrane characteristics of JG cells in the hydronephrotic mouse kidney by the whole cell patch-clamp technique have identified an inward rectifying K current whose inhibition was shown to be partly responsible for the depolarizing effect of angiotensin II. In addition, JG cells expressed Ca-activated Cl channels in high density. In contrast, inwardly rectifying K channels were not detected in isolated JG cells from rat kidneys. Instead, Ca-dependent and voltage-gated large conductance K channels (BK Ca ) were identified that largely determined the resting potential of −32 mV. Presence of BK Ca channels was verified at the mRNA level by RT-PCR, and at the protein level by immunocytochemistry. The increased outward current caused by cAMP was also due to activation of BK Ca channels, suggesting that they were of the cAMP-stimulated ZERO splice variant. There is also evidence for the presence of K-ATP channels in JG cells, but their functional role is not clear. While earlier studies failed to obtain functional evidence for the presence of voltage-dependent Ca channels, the presence of L-type Ca channels and their activation by strong depolarizations has been established in isolated JG cells. JG cells express NKCC1, the ubiquitous isoform of the Na,K,2Cl co-transporter, and its inhibition by furosemide stimulates renin exocytosis, as evidenced by increased membrane capacitance.
Macula Densa Control of Vascular Tone
The Tubuloglomerular Feedback Loop
Effect of Distal Tubule Flow Perturbations on SNGFR
The tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) response is defined as the change of SNGFR resulting from a change in tubular fluid flow exiting the proximal convoluted tubule, a practical experimental variable to predictably alter tubular fluid composition in the MD segment of the tubule. The average reduction of SNGFR in superficial nephrons of rats caused by a saturating flow increase in 15 independent studies was 13 ±1 nl/min or 40 ±3%. In addition to the rat, TGF responses were found in all mammalian species tested thus far (dog, hamster, mouse, humans), as well as in two non-mammalian species ( Amphiuma means and Necturus maculosus ). Fitting SNGFR measurements at eight different loop perfusion rates to a four parameter logistic equation ( Figures 23.3 and 23.4 ) revealed that TGF responses occur over a defined flow range and show nonlinear saturation kinetics. V ½ , the flow resulting in the half-maximum response, was 17.5 nl/min, a value close to the ambient end-proximal flow rate in the rat ( Figure 23.3 ). The precise location of the TGF operating point has been determined by adding or withdrawing small volumes of fluid from the proximal tubule and determining the resulting changes in proximal flow rate. In these studies, small increases and decreases in loop flow rate were equally and maximally effective in altering SNGFR , an observation that directly demonstrates the position of the operating point at the midpoint of the feedback function curve. Consistent with the conclusion of tonic suppression of GFR by TGF are observations showing that SNGFR based on fluid collections in the proximal tubule where the TGF signal is eliminated is usually higher than SNGFR based on distal collections where the TGF signal is intact ( Figure 23.5 ). Systematically higher values of SNGFR of superficial nephrons determined in proximal compared to distal tubule segments have also been demonstrated in the dog and mouse. TGF responses were also observed in juxtamedullary nephrons of both rats and hamsters, where increased flow past the MD by perfusion of thin ascending limbs produced a reduction in SNGFR by about 25 nl/min or approximately 50%.

The vasoconstriction elicited by TGF at the level of the JGA may be partially offset by a tubular vasodilator effect that appears to be mediated by a tubulovascular contact area at the level of the connecting tubule. This dilator mechanism, called cTGF, is activated by high Na concentrations and inhibited by amiloride or benzamil, suggesting that it is initiated by activation of ENaC-dependent Na transport. Activation of cTGF seems to require relatively high flow rates, and may therefore play an important role only under special circumstances. Nevertheless, the implications of these observations are potentially far-reaching for the interpretation of previous microperfusion studies, and for the understanding of the physiology of TGF regulation of GFR.
TGF Oscillations
In both rats and mice the operation of the TGF system in the closed-loop mode can result in stable oscillations of filtration pressure and filtration rate with a periodicity of 2–3 cycles/min (30–50 mHz). Synchronous pressure oscillations were seen in efferent arteriolar blood flow, with blood flow leading tubular pressure by about a 1 second lag. This phase shift suggests that oscillations in blood flow were the cause of changes in tubular pressure. Oscillations were principally of single nephron origin, since oscillations in random nephrons were not in phase. However, synchronized pressures were observed in adjacent nephrons whose afferent arterioles originate from the same interlobular artery. The simultaneous assessment of the oscillatory pattern of many nephrons on the surface of the kidney using the novel approach of laser speckle contrast imaging has shown that synchronized TGF oscillations can sometimes be observed among nephrons that are not located in the immediate vicinity of each other. Pressure oscillations were abolished by loop diuretics, and they were absent in mice that lack TGF responses, suggesting that they were generated by the TGF system. This contention was further supported by the finding that distal flow rate and Cl concentrations oscillate with the same frequency, but with a fixed phase shift. Mathematical modeling of the TGF system indicates that oscillations are the result of a relatively high feedback gain, in combination with delays in the transmission of the signal across the JGA and along the nephron.
In addition to the slow TGF-dependent oscillations, laser-Doppler velocimetry identified oscillations in star vessel blood flow with a frequency of about 100–200 mHz, probably reflecting myogenic vessel activity. Since TGF and myogenic mechanisms are targeted to identical arteriolar smooth muscle cells, they are expected to interact and become synchronized. As an expression of the interaction, the power of the myogenic oscillations increased during inhibition of TGF, and decreased during TGF saturation. In contrast to the synchronized oscillations of normal animals, irregular fluctuations of proximal tubular pressure have been observed in spontaneously hypertensive as well as Goldblatt hypertensive rats, but not in salt-sensitive Dahl rats with hypertension. Mathematical modeling has shown that desynchronizations like those seen in the hypertensive models can result from parameter variations of the TGF system or from increases in interaction strength, particularly when nephrons are electrotonically coupled. Oxygen tension on the renal surface has also been found to oscillate at the 30 mHz TGF frequency, and it has been speculated that a switch of TAL cell energy production from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism may cause the instability in MD NaCl concentration that activates TGF oscillations.
The Tubular Signal and the Sensing Mechanism
Effect of Loop of Henle Flow on MD NaCl Concentration
Although flow rate changes are frequently used to activate TGF, their mechanical consequences per se do not appear to be sufficient cause for vasomotor responses in vivo . Flow rate changes do not elicit TGF responses as long as they are not accompanied by changes in NaCl, and conversely, full TGF responses can be induced by low flows, as long as NaCl is supplied at sufficiently high concentrations. Furthermore, widely varying TGF responses can be observed at identical flow rates. However, in a recent study using the isolated perfused JGA preparation, changes in flow even in the absence of NaCl were observed to elicit vasoconstriction and increases of cytosolic calcium in vascular cells at the glomerular pole, an effect attributed to the consequences of mechanical deflection of the central cilium of MD cells. The reasons for this major discrepancy between the in vivo and in vitro effects of flow are not known.
Nevertheless, extensive experimental evidence in vivo favors the notion that the MD cells respond to changes in luminal NaCl concentration, and that the flow dependency of TGF responses reflects flow dependence of luminal [NaCl] in the MD region of the nephron. In situ microperfusion of loops of Henle has revealed a biphasic relationship between flow rate and distal [NaCl] measured 300–600 μm downstream from the MD, the earliest accessible site along the distal convoluted tubule. The increase of distal solute concentrations at subnormal flow rates is the result of modifications of tubular fluid between the MD region and the distal tubule. NaCl influx along the early post-MD epithelium causes [NaCl] to increase over the levels existing at the MD, and the effect of this addition of NaCl is particularly evident at low flow rates.
Effect of MD NaCl Concentration on SNGFR
The precise relationship between MD NaCl concentration and SNGFR was established by perfusing loops of Henle from their distal ends in a retrograde direction. In this approach, the distance between perfusion and sensing sites is greatly shortened, the changes in perfusate composition by tubular transport activities are minimized, and the effects of perfusate composition on SNGFR can be studied at constant flow rate and pressure. At a flow rate of 20 nl/min, SNGFR varied inversely with changes in perfusate NaCl concentration between 15 and 60 mM (or 30 and 120 mOsm), values which extend over the hypotonic range normally occurring at the end of the thick ascending limb. Increments in NaCl concentration above 60 mM did not further suppress filtration rate. Maximum changes of SNGFR caused by saturating flow rates during orthograde perfusion and by saturating NaCl concentrations during retrograde perfusion were identical. Fitting the equation of a hyperbolic tangent to these results ( Figure 23.6 ) indicates that the half-maximum decrease in SNGFR is caused by a NaCl concentration of 33.5 mM, and that the maximum slope is about 0.5 nl/min mM.

Studies designed to discriminate between ionic or osmotic effects of the perfusion fluid indicate that total solute concentration at the MD does not seem to measurably participate in TGF-mediated reductions of SNGFR . Orthograde perfusion with isotonic mannitol solutions in the rat is usually not associated with sustained reductions in SNGFR , even though distal tubular fluid osmolality is greatly increased. TGF responses correlating with alterations in osmolality have been observed during orthograde perfusion with various perfusion solutions, but the variations in distal osmolality were outside the critical osmolality range of 30 to 120 mOsm observed in retrograde perfusion studies. In retrograde perfusion experiments in which fluid osmolality and NaCl concentration were varied independently, TGF responses were exclusively determined by NaCl concentration, and not by osmolality in a range between 130 and 400 mOsm. Finally, the pattern of SNGFR responses during retrograde perfusion with isotonic solutions in which either Na or Cl was replaced, but in which osmolality was kept constant, indicates dependence on the ionic composition and independence of osmolality.
TGF Response and NaCl Transport
Effects of Loop Diuretics
The observation that inhibition of NaCl transport along the loop of Henle is associated with blockade of the TGF mechanism has been of fundamental importance in understanding the initiation of the TGF signaling pathway. TGF inhibition has been rather uniformly observed in the presence of loop diuretics such as furosemide, bumetanide, piretanide, ethacrynic acid, triflocin or l-ozolinone. Concentrations causing half-maximal inhibition of transport and feedback appear to be similar, about 5×10 −5 M for furosemide and about 10 −6 M for bumetanide (own unpublished data). Furosemide also blocked TGF responses during retrograde perfusion, suggesting that metabolic consequences of TAL inhibition are not transmitted by convective transport to the MD cells. Since distal Na and Cl concentrations are greatly elevated during loop NaCl transport inhibition, TGF responses do not appear to be caused by luminal NaCl concentration changes per se , but by changes in cellular NaCl uptake mediated by the furosemide-inhibitable Na,K,2Cl co-transporter NKCC2. The concentration dependence of feedback responses is probably the result of concentration dependence of NaCl uptake. Studies in mice with selective deletions of the A or B isoform of NKCC2 indicate that NKCC2B mediates TGF in the low NaCl concentration range, while NKCC2A is required for responsiveness to higher NaCl concentrations. Thus, the presence of two isoforms of NKCC2 in the macula densa extends the NaCl range over which TGF operates ( Figure 23.7 ). The concept that TGF responses are generated by the successive activation of NKCC2B and NKCC2A is supported by expression studies in Xenopus oocytes that have shown a higher Cl affinity of NKCC2B than NKCC2A, 9 mM versus 45 mM. Other aspects, such as the dependence of the inhibitory potency of furosemide on Cl concentration, have also been found to hold true for the TGF response. Diuretic agents with primary actions outside the loop of Henle such as acetazolamide, chlorothiazide, and amiloride do not possess TGF-inhibitory properties.

Effect of K Channel Blockade
Retrograde application of the K channel blocker U37883A caused an almost complete inhibition of TGF responses. This effect is mediated by inhibition of ROMK type K channels, since TGF responses were largely absent in mice with targeted ROMK deletion, a finding that has been confirmed in mice in which selective breeding of surviving animals has generated ROMK-deficient mice with less compromised kidney function and well-maintained blood pressure. The observation that inhibition of NKCC2 and ROMK has similar effects on TGF responses argues against a specific “sensor” function of these transport proteins, and for a critical role of some consequence of MD NaCl transport. Since ambient distal K concentrations near the MD are close to the K affinity of the co-transporter, it is possible that variations in luminal K may in part regulate TGF response magnitude. Nevertheless, the increase in distal K concentration accompanying acute hyperkalemia was associated with attenuation, not enhancement, of TGF responses.
Ion Substitution Studies
That NaCl uptake by NKCC2 is the initial step in the feedback transmission pathway is further supported by parallels in the ionic requirements for both TGF- and NKCC2-mediated NaCl transport across TALH. During retrograde perfusion of the MD segment ( Figure 23.8a ), TGF responses were not seen during perfusion with isotonic or hypotonic solutions of Na salts such as NaHCO 3 , NaNO 3 , NaI, NaSCN, Na acetate, Na gluconate or Na isethionate. In contrast, isotonic solutions of Cl salts ( Figure 23.8b ) accompanied by small monovalent cations such as K, Rb, Cs or NH 4 elicited full TGF responses, as did the bromide salts of Na and K 148 . It is to be noted that some of these small cations have been found to be substrates for either the Na or the K site on the NKCC2 co-transporter.

The requirement for sizable Cl or Br concentrations, and the apparent lack of dependence on Na concentration, are consistent with an involvement of Na,K,2Cl co-transport, since the apparent overall affinity of NKCC2 for Cl in both TAL and MD cells is much lower than that for Na or K. Thus, the relatively low Cl affinity would predictably create an apparent Cl dependency of transport, while the small amounts of Na or K entering initially Na- or K-free solutions are sufficient to sustain near normal NKCC2 activity. When Na was replaced with large cations such as choline or TMA, TGF responses of normal magnitude were not seen, even though Cl was present in sufficiently high concentrations. Considering the cationic selectivity of the paracellular shunt, replacing luminal Na for choline will result in a sizable lumen positive Na diffusion potential that is predicted to reduce NaCl absorption by increasing Cl backflux. This explanation is consistent with the observation that NaCl transport rates of isolated TAL were found unaltered when studied under symmetric conditions with high choline Cl on both sides of the epithelium. In this case, Na backdiffusion and voltage-dependent inhibition of NaCl absorption is not to be expected as long as low concentrations of Na and K are present.
Active Nacl Transport
Transport inhibition caused by metabolic inhibitors such as cyanide, antimycin A or uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation has also been found to reduce TGF responsiveness. TGF responses are not affected by peritubular application of ouabain, and this is probably related to the fact that the α1 Na,K-ATPase in rodents is rather insensitive to cardiac glycoside inhibition. In fact, when α1 Na,K-ATPase was genetically engineered to become ouabain-sensitive, intravenous or luminal administration of the glycoside caused marked reductions of TGF responses. The effect of luminal ouabain may not be related to H,K-ATPase inhibition, since TGF responses were unaltered in H,K-ATPase-deficient mice. The striking effect of loop transport blockade suggests that NaCl uptake through the furosemide sensitive Na,K,2Cl co-transporter, and Na extrusion through an energy-dependent pathway are critical steps in generating feedback responses.
The Vascular Effector Mechanism
The vascular response to a change in perfusion of single loops of Henle occurs without alterations in systemic arterial pressure, renal sympathetic tone or in the resistance of larger renal vessels such as the cortical radial arteries (interlobular arteries). Therefore, the alteration in the hemodynamic determinants of filtration must be caused by a change in the contractile state of glomerular vascular elements. To determine the effect of TGF on glomerular arteriolar resistance, both the pressure fall and the rate of arteriolar blood flow have to be assessed while the perfusion in the loop of Henle of the same nephron is altered.
Pressure Gradients
Glomerular Capillary Pressure (P GC )
Direct measurements in superficial glomeruli of Munich-Wistar rats have shown that saturating flow increments cause a significant fall in P GC , with fractional decreases ranging between 15 and 22%. The slope of the P GC change in the most sensitive flow range was 1.3 mmHg min/nl. P GC measured directly in an in vitro preparation of juxtamedullary nephrons also fell during TGF activation. P GC in nephrons without superficial glomeruli can be estimated from measurements of stop flow pressure (P SF ). In response to a saturating increase in loop flow, mean P SF of 23 studies fell by 22%, from 39.0±0.8 to 30.3±0.8 mmHg. A reduction in P SF was also observed in the dog when loop flow was increased from zero to normal and supranormal values. In the mouse, TGF responses of P SF are similar in magnitude as those seen in rats, but the sensitivity range is shifted to lower flows. Since multiple determinations of P SF can be made in the same nephron with small perfusion flow increments, the nonlinear relationship between loop of Henle flow and P SF was apparent long before a similar feedback function for SNGFR was defined. In 15 experimental series, the maximum P SF decrease averaged 7.9±0.6 mmHg, with a mean V ½ of 20.1±1.1 nl/min. The maximum sensitivity varied substantially between different studies, but in general was between 1 and 2 mmHg min/nl. Two laboratories have reported that the TGF-induced change in P SF was identical to the TGF-induced change in P GC .
The main uncertainty in the determination of feedback-induced changes in the glomerular arteriolar pressure drop results from the evidence that, at least in the rat, a portion of the preglomerular resistance resides in the cortical radial arteries rather than in the afferent arterioles. As a consequence, afferent arteriolar resistance, calculated from the artery-to-glomerulus pressure difference, overestimates true afferent resistance, while the relative change caused by the TGF mechanism is underestimated. If preglomerular resistance is equally apportioned between interlobular artery and afferent arteriole, the TGF-induced resistance change along the afferent arteriole would be about 15% greater.
Glomerular Plasma Flow
Estimation of glomerular plasma flow (GPF) by micropuncture requires measurements of SNGFR and single nephron filtration fraction (SNFF), with SNFF being derived from the increase in protein concentration or hematocrit in collected samples of early postglomerular blood. Increasing loop perfusion rate reduced plasma flow entering the glomerulus by about 20%, a change accompanied by a fall in SNFF. Laser-Doppler shift analysis showed that saturation of the TGF mechanism caused about a 40% reduction in efferent arteriolar blood flow, while TGF inhibition with furosemide increased blood flow by about 25%. Supportive evidence for TGF-induced reductions in GPF came from the observation that glomerular blood flow, estimated from the change in the arrival of fluorescent particles in a single glomerular capillary, fell by about 25–30% when loop flow was increased (M. Steinhausen and J. Schnermann, unpublished). A 30% reduction in afferent arteriolar blood flow was also seen in Amphiuma and Necturus kidneys when distal flow rate was increased.
Effector Site
Preglomerular Resistance
The micropuncture studies agree that increasing loop of Henle flow produces a 30–40% increase in preglomerular resistance. TGF-induced reductions in afferent arteriolar diameter have been directly observed in the blood-perfused juxtamedullary nephron preparation, and in an isolated perfused tubule/vessel preparation. TGF-induced resistance changes estimated from such diameter observations are consistently much larger than those measured with the micropuncture approach. As suggested above, the location of a sizable resistance along large intrarenal arteries would lead to an underestimation of the TGF-induced resistance change. It is also possible that in the small preglomerular arterioles resistance estimates may deviate from Poiseuille’s law. Finally, cTGF, the vasodilator effect at the level of the connecting tubule, may blunt TGF in vivo , but would be absent in the perfused tubule.
The ultimate cause for TGF-induced vasoconstriction is a rise in intracellular calcium that, at least to a large extent, is mediated by activation of voltage-dependent calcium channels. Depolarization of afferent arteriolar smooth muscle cells during TGF activation has recently been demonstrated using voltage-sensitive dyes. A role for the resulting activation of L-type Ca channels in TGF is supported by the TGF inhibitory effects of intravenous or peritubular application of Ca channel blockers. A decrease in protein kinase A activation may be an additional component of TGF-mediated vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole, since Db-cAMP in the presence of 50 µM IBMX or the luminal application of forskolin, a stimulator of adenyl cyclase, significantly reduced the TGF response magnitude.
Observation of the TGF response indicates that the afferent arteriole immediately adjacent to the glomerulum is the main direct target of the TGF mediator. The glomerular entrance segment of the vessel is the part of the afferent arteriole in which agents affecting TGF response magnitude, such as adenosine and angiotensin II, exert their largest constrictor action. TGF-induced local constriction may elicit a vascular conducted response that spreads to proximal portions of the arteriole by electrotonic coupling or myogenic excitation. Spreading of contractile responses during local application of KCl has been observed in juxtamedullary nephrons, indicating electrotonic coupling of afferent arteriolar smooth muscle cells. Upstream propagation of TGF-induced vasoconstriction is also responsible for the functional coupling of nephrons that are supplied by a common interlobular artery. It is probable that conducted vasoconstriction relies on the presence of various connexins in endothelial and smooth muscle cells. In view of the functional connection between afferent arteriolar smooth muscle cells, one may conclude that the total vasoconstrictor response to a NaCl step-change is composed of a local MD-generated effect and an upstream myogenic constrictor component.
Postglomerular Resistance
Evidence for a concomitant constriction of efferent arterioles during TGF activation has been obtained by micropuncture studies showing a reduction of GFR with unaltered glomerular capillary pressure, therefore suggesting proportional increases in the tone of afferent and efferent vessels. Furthermore, an increase of flow within the low-to-ambient flow range is associated with a greater change of SNGFR than of P SF , suggesting that either there was balanced afferent and efferent vasoconstriction, with the SNGFR fall being a consequence of the reduced plasma flow or that total resistance did not change and the SNGFR change was a consequence of a reduced K f . Direct observations of juxtamedullary efferent arterioles during TGF activation did not reveal any vasoactivity. In contrast to these observations, luminal NaCl has been observed to dilate efferent vessels in the double-perfused nephron preparation of the rabbit, an effect that was prevented by antagonists of A2 adenosine receptors. There is some experimental evidence in support of the possibility that a reduction in the filtration coefficient may contribute to TGF-induced reduction of GFR.
Purinergic Mediation of the Vascular Response
As discussed in the previous sections, an increase in loop of Henle flow rate produces increases in NaCl concentration and NaCl transport at the MD, and this functional alteration elicits a vasoconstrictor response of the glomerular microvasculature, as well as a reduction in the rate of renin secretion. Propagation of the signal across the JGA interstitium and subsequent changes in vasomotor tone occurs through the transport-dependent generation and action of purinergic mediators ( Figure 23.9 ).

Adenosine was originally proposed as a mediator of the TGF response, since it provided a conceptual link between the energy expended for NaCl transport and the generation of a vasoactive ATP metabolite. Stimulation of Na transport in the proximal tubule is in fact associated with a decrease in cellular ATP, and increased NaCl secretion in the shark rectal gland causes a decrease in ATP, as well as an increase in adenosine release.
The vasomotor action of adenosine in most organs and vascular beds consists of vasorelaxation that reflects the wide distribution of the two types of A2 adenosine receptors, A2aAR and A2bAR. Although the kidney is usually considered an exception to this rule, several studies have shown that the steady-state response to an intravenous administration of adenosine is a clear reduction of renal vascular resistance, whereas the initial constrictor response is only short-lasting. In contrast, persistent vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles by adenosine and A1 adenosine (A 1 ) analogs was observed in the hydronephrotic kidney and in isolated perfused afferent arterioles when adenosine receptors were activated from the interstitial aspect of the vessel. The constrictor effect was absent in arterioles from A1 adenosine receptor (A1AR)-deficient mice. Thus, adenosine causes a lasting vasoconstriction only when the nucleoside is generated in a restricted interstitial region so that A1AR can be accessed without general activation of the more dominant A2 receptors. Expression data, as well as functional observations, indicate that the terminal afferent arteriole is a vessel with high representation of A1AR. A1AR-mediated vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles is initiated by Gi-dependent activation of phospholipase C, release of Ca from intracellular stores, and subsequent Ca entry through L-type Ca channels. The A1AR-mediated vasoconstrictor effect of adenosine in afferent arterioles was stable for extended periods of time, indicating absence of rapid receptor desensitization. Tubular administration of A1AR agonists augments the vasoconstrictor response to increased loop flow rates. This effect does not appear to be mediated through apical A1AR, but rather to reflect a direct interaction with A1AR on afferent arterioles, and it thereby demonstrates the vasoconstrictor potency of A1AR activation and its effect on glomerular capillary pressure in vivo .
Two laboratories have independently generated mouse strains with targeted deletion of A1AR, and both groups observed a complete absence of TGF responses in A1AR −/− animals using micropuncture measurements of stop flow pressure or single nephron GFR ( Figure 23.10 ). Furthermore, specific A1AR antagonists such as 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX) or PSB-36 inhibit TGF responses when added to either the tubular lumen or the peritubular blood. A similar effect has been seen earlier with non-specific blockers such as theophylline or 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, IBMX. Addition of the nonxanthine A 1 receptor antagonist FK838 to the perfusate or bath also eliminated TGF responses in an isolated tubule preparation. There is evidence that adenosine generated during TGF activation may also interact with A2 adenosine receptors, but the site of action is unclear. Enhanced TGF responses have been observed during A2AR blockade, suggesting that activation of A2AR tonically diminishes A1AR-mediated vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles, perhaps through the release of nitric oxide. On the other hand, adenosine is able to vasodilate preconstricted efferent arterioles through A2AR, and A2AR inhibition has been found to block TGF-mediated vasodilatation of efferent arterioles in the isolated perfused JGA preparation. The latter findings are difficult to reconcile with the absence of in vivo evidence for a reduction of efferent arteriolar resistance during TGF activation.

The preponderance of current evidence indicates that extracellular ATP serves as the major source for the generation of adenosine in the JG interstitium. Strong support for this notion is furnished by the demonstration that basolateral membranes of MD cells appear to have an ATP release pathway that is modulated by changes in luminal NaCl. Release of ATP by MD cells is suggested by the observation that PC12 or mesangial cells placed near the basolateral MD cell membrane responded to changes in luminal NaCl over the 20–60 mM range with an increase in cytosolic calcium. This Ca response of the biosensor cells reflects P2 receptor activation, since it was inhibited by suramin. Patch-clamp studies in cell-attached and excised patches of the basolateral membrane of MD cells showed the presence of an anion channel of 380 pS whose activity was dependent on the presence of extracellular NaCl, and that was active in the presence of ATP as the only anion. Channel activity was blocked by gadolinium, but not by the Cl channel inhibitors DPC or NPPB. The molecular nature of this large conductance anion channel has not been identified, but it may be identical to a functionally described maxi-anion channel that is widely expressed throughout the body. Release of ATP across connexin hemichannels would be another possibility, but the evidence for the presence of connexins in the basolateral membrane of MD cells is weak.
It is likely that ATP released into the JGA interstitium serves as substrate for membrane-bound ecto-ATPases and nucleotidases, ultimately resulting in the formation of the vascular mediator adenosine. In fact, TGF responses have been found to be greatly reduced in mice with deletion of NTPDase1/CD39, the major renal ecto-ATPase that dephosphorylates both ATP and ADP to AMP. Furthermore, evidence has been obtained suggesting that adenosine formation by e-5′NT/CD73 may be critical in the generation of adenosine during the TGF response. Blocking adenosine formation with the e-5′NT-inhibitor α,β-methylene adenosine 5′-diphosphate (MADP) significantly reduced the compensatory TGF efficiency and the slope of the TGF relationship. When the level of TGF activation was fixed by saturating concentrations of CHA, TGF efficiency was further reduced, and retrograde administration of MADP in combination with CHA caused vasoconstriction and abolition of TGF response. Consistent with these data are observations in mice with targeted deletion of e-5′NT/CD73 in which TGF responses were found to be markedly compromised. Finally, in the double-perfused JGA preparation, bath addition of the ecto-ATPase apyrase enhanced, and MADP abolished, TGF responses, suggesting that extracellular generation of adenosine from ATP is critical for JGA signaling. Exogenous e-5′NT was also found to improve the defective TGF component of renal autoregulation in Thy-1 nephritic rats. Dephosphorylation of ATP and AMP is likely to occur through enzymes anchored to the surface of mesangial cells. Whether adenosine levels in the JG interstitium are regulated by adenosine release across equlibrative nucleoside transporters (ENT) is unclear, since evidence based on the effect of ENT inhibitors such as dipyridamole or dilazep on TGF responses is inconclusive.
As an alternative to a role of ATP as precursor for adenosine, it has been proposed that ATP may directly elicit TGF responses, most likely through activation of P2 receptors on extraglomerular mesangial cells and gap junctional transmission of the resulting increase of cytosolic Ca to the afferent arteriole. ATP may also directly activate arteriolar P2 receptors, with P2X1 receptors being the most likely receptor subtype since its presence in afferent arterioles has been well-documented. In fact, ATP causes rapid and reversible constriction of afferent arterioles, an effect that may be more pronounced in juxtamedullary than superficial nephrons. A similar effect is seen with the P2X receptor-specific ligand α,ß-methylene ATP, suggesting mediation of vasoconstriction by P2X purinoceptors. Nevertheless, unequivocal evidence in support of a P2 receptor-mediated action of ATP in TGF in vivo is not available. TGF responses in superficial nephrons of P2X1 knockout mice were not statistically distinguishable from wild-type animals. Likewise, TGF responses were not significantly affected by the infusion of the broad-spectrum inhibitors of P2 receptors PPADS or suramin, although these agents clearly diminished the blood pressure response to the P2 agonist α,ß-methylene ATP. Results from the double-perfused JGA preparation are controversial. In an earlier study on rabbit tissue, suramin had been without effect on the response of afferent arteriolar diameter to an increase of luminal NaCl. Since acceleration of ATP breakdown enhanced, and inhibition of 5′-ecto nucleotidase and of A1 adenosine receptors blocked, the arteriolar diameter response, these results were consistent with the ATP dephosphorylation/adenosine paradigm. However, in similar preparations from rabbit or mouse, suramin was recently found to abolish afferent arteriolar Ca and constrictor responses, while the A1AR antagonist DPCPX was without effect. The reasons for this divergence are presently unclear, but it is to be noted that a novel approach was used in at least part of the latter study, in that only the macula densa cells of the perfused nephron were maintained, while all thick ascending limb cells were removed by microdissection. While it is conceivable that the presence of thick ascending limb cells is required for the “conventional” TGF response that is flow-independent, NaCl-dependent, and affects vascular tone through A1AR activation, the possibility of technical reasons for the obvious discrepancies cannot be excluded.
Link between Nacl Transport and TGF
Exactly how an increase of NaCl transport by MD cells is coupled to the release of ATP or the subsequent activation of the purinergic signaling pathway is one of the major open questions in TGF physiology. Cell swelling is a very common cause for eliciting ATP release, and this mechanism may be the critical factor for linking NaCl transport to ATP egress in MD cells. Nevertheless, as discussed above, the relationship between the compositional changes associated with elevated loop flow rates and MD cell volume is not entirely clear. ATP release could also be related to any of the changes caused by stimulation of NaCl transport acrosss apical or basal membranes of MD cells. NKCC2 activation is followed by increases in cytosolic Na and Cl concentrations, increases in cytosolic pH, and membrane depolarization. MD depolarization by about 30 mV following an increase of luminal [NaCl] to 150 mM occurs over the 20–60 mM range, and it therefore parallels the TGF response curve. Depolarization may be directly involved in TGF responses, since the cation ionophore nystatin elicited afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction in the presence of low luminal NaCl and furosemide. TGF responses were also seen when MD cells were depolarized by luminal application of the K ionophore valinomycin, together with 50 mM KCl. The valinomycin-induced vascular response was not affected by the Cl channel inhibitor NPPB (5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid), whereas the normal NaCl-induced response was fully blocked by NPPB. Thus, it appears that TGF responses depend upon MD cell depolarization independent of the specific mechanism underlying the PD change, but evidence is needed to establish that the depolarization by valinomycin or nystatin is restricted to MD cells, and does not affect arteriolar smooth muscle cells.
MD cell depolarization may be linked to TGF responsiveness through its effect on MD cytosolic calcium [Ca] i . Transport-induced changes in MD [Ca] i have been suggested to play a specific role in coupling the luminal electrolyte signal to the vascular response. The Ca ionophore A 23187 in the presence of luminal Ca enhanced TGF responsiveness, whereas blocking Ca release from intracellular stores with 8-(N,N-diethyl-amino)-octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate (TMB 8) and chelation of Ca with BAPTA-AM diminished it. Ca entry may occur through a voltage-activated and nifedipine-sensitive Ca channel in the basolateral membrane, but increased flux across a 20 pS non-selective cation channel with finite Ca permeability reduced Ca extrusion by Na/Ca exchange, and utilization of a conductive Ca entry pathway across the apical cell membrane is an alternative possibility. Despite the evidence supporting an important role of [Ca] i it is far from certain that the [Ca] i changes occurring in response to fluctuations of luminal NaCl between 20 and 60 mM in vivo are large and consistent enough to establish a systematic and causal association between MD [Ca] i and the TGF response. In fact, the relationship between luminal NaCl and MD cytosolic calcium has been described as positive, negative or entirely absent, perhaps indicating that the changes of [Ca] i in MD cells may be too small to be safely distinguishable from experimental noise in this technically demanding experimental approach.
A novel role for MD cell depolarization may be activation of NADPH oxidase and generation of superoxide that may directly or by scavenging NO enhance TGF. An increase in NaCl delivery to the MD in the isolated perfused JGA preparation caused about a three-fold increase in superoxide production that was largely inhibited by tempol or apocynin. Activation of NADPH oxidase appears to be the direct result of depolarization, since depolarization with valinomycin increased superoxide production and the hyperpolarization following furosemide-induced inhibition of NaCl uptake reduced it. The enhanced activity of the NOX2 isoform of NADPHase oxidase following membrane depolarization may be associated with translocation of the small GTP-binding protein Rac to the plasma membrane.
Integrated Function of the TGF Mechanism
The JGA control system is constructed as a negative, homeostatic feedback loop. The physiological purpose of this regulatory loop has been the subject of a substantial body of investigation using both experimental approaches and mathematical modeling. One potential effect of the operation of the TGF feedback loop is to reduce fluctuations of NaCl concentration at the MD, thus reducing the variability in the delivery of NaCl into the relatively low-capacity transport system of the distal nephron. Another role hypothesized for the TGF loop is in the autoregulatory adjustments in vascular resistance that promote constancy of GFR when arterial pressure changes.
The two hypothesized roles, regulation of distal salt delivery and control of GFR, are functionally interrelated; the feedback loop may contribute to stabilization of NaCl excretion, rendering it relatively independent of fast and irregular fluctuations in perturbing forces that are not the expression of an adaptation to a change in body Na balance. Such variations are represented, for example, by the marked fluctuations in blood pressure that have been observed to occur throughout the day and with changing body activities. In the absence of tight control of vascular resistance, glomerular capillary pressure, and hence GFR, would be expected to fluctuate in parallel with blood pressure, causing changes in Na excretion unrelated to the NaCl status of the organism. Since, however, changes in GFR will in general be followed by parallel changes in distal NaCl concentration, the TGF system can dampen the amplitude of the predicted GFR changes. Similar rapid hemodynamic adjustments will occur with other acute perturbations of MD NaCl concentration resulting from variations in cardiac output, renal blood flow or proximal tubular transport. As discussed below, the TGF mechanism changes its response characteristics when perturbations of MD NaCl concentration are sustained for extended periods of time. The homeostatic efficiency of TGF in the regulation of distal salt delivery and SNGFR is greatest in the vicinity of the operating point where fractional compensations of small input perturbations may be between 0.6 and 0.75, corresponding to an open loop gain of around 3.
Participation of TGF in autoregulation
Acute changes in mean arterial pressure induce adjustments in renal vascular resistance which stabilize renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate over a wide range of pressures. Pressure-induced resistance changes in the kidney have been proposed to be TGF-mediated. A role of TGF in steady-state autoregulation was first supported by the observation in both dogs and rats that interruption of the TGF loop in single nephrons causes SNGFR and P SF to vary directly with arterial pressure. Pressure dependency of SNGFR was noted regardless of whether the TGF loop was physically disrupted by injecting an oil block, blocked acutely by adding furosemide to the perfusate or inhibited by chronic treatment with DOCA and a high salt diet. In contrast, arterial pressure had little effect on GFR when the TGF loop was intact. In the in vitro perfused juxtamedullary nephron preparation, interference with the TGF mechanism by furosemide or physical interruption of the feedback loop markedly diminished autoregulatory diameter alterations of afferent arterioles, and constancy of afferent arteriolar blood flow was no longer maintained.
There is equally solid evidence for the existence of TGF-independent autoregulatory resistance changes. Glomerular arterioles in kidney tissue transplanted to the cheek pouch of the hamster showed marked autoregulation of vessel diameters. In the hydronephrotic kidney model which does not possess an operating TGF system, a decrease in arterial pressure increased vessel diameters along the entire preglomerular vasculature, except for the portion of the afferent arteriole near the glomerulus. Isolated afferent arterioles and interlobular arteries of the rabbit maintained their diameter when luminal pressure increased, while perfused afferent arterioles from the mouse showed an 11% diameter reduction with a doubling of perfusion pressure from 40–80 mmHg accompanied by a linear increase in wall tension. The nature of the TGF-independent regulator is unclear, but an intrinsic myogenic mechanism responding to wall tension or mechanical stress is the most likely possibility.
Existence of at least two regulators is further supported by studies in which the dynamic response of renal blood flow to random fluctuations of blood pressure has been analyzed. Frequency domain analysis of renal blood flow using linear techniques revealed the presence of a regulator with a frequency response compatible with the TGF mechanism, about 0.01 Hz, and a faster mechanism with a frequency characteristic consistent with myogenic vasomotion, about 0.1 Hz. Since the TGF system is nonlinear, it is important that a similar conclusion has been reached from the more recent application of nonlinear system analysis. The existence of two regulators with similar frequencies has also been established in spontaneously hypertensive and Dahl rats. There is evidence for the operation of two regulating mechanisms in conscious dogs and mice. Interference with the slow component was observed in a number of experimental models of TGF interruption, including A1AR-deficient mice, ureteral obstruction, converting enzyme inhibition, and the perfused hydronephrotic kidney. Temporal resolution of the adjustment of renal vascular resistance to step-changes in renal arterial pressure is consistent with the sequential operation of several mechanisms with different response times. Various approaches and analyses have concluded that the quantitative contribution of TGF to autoregulation may be between 30 and 60%. In addition to the TGF and myogenic components, evidence for the presence of a third mechanism with a slow response time has been obtained that may be of particular importance at low perfusion pressures. Furthermore, an afferent arteriolar constrictor mechanism has been identified that responds to the systolic pressure peaks rather than to mean arterial pressure, and therefore must possess a response time in the frequency of the heart rate. This mechanism is thought to protect the glomerular vasculature against the high pressures exerted during systole.
Interaction between the two autoregulatory mechanisms may lead to amplification of vascular responses. Models of autoregulation suggest that a TGF-dependent vasoconstriction can induce a myogenic response in upstream vascular regions and amplify the resistance increase. In fact, mathematical modeling suggests that a myogenic contribution from proximal vascular segments is necessary for distal mechanisms such as TGF to contribute to resistance regulation. Spatial separation between the two regulatory mechanisms along the afferent arteriole has been noted, with TGF being most effective in the region of the afferent arteriole close to the glomerulus, and the myogenic component being more pronounced in more proximal portions of the afferent arteriole. Interactions between the myogenic response and TGF have been demonstrated at both the single nephron and the whole kidney level, and they have been the subject of extensive mathematical modeling. One of the conclusions is that elimination of a variable TGF signal enhances myogenic responsiveness. Recent evidence indicates that the restraining effect of TGF on the myogenic mechanism is mediated by nitric oxide. Functional coupling of small ensembles of nephrons by ascending myogenic or conducted vascular responses adds to the complexity of regulation of preglomerular vascular tone. Enhanced nephron-to-nephron coupling has been suggested to be responsible for the more efficient dynamic autoregulation in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Role of TGF in Response to Transport Alterations
Hypertonic Nacl
Administration of hypertonic NaCl causes vasodilatation in most vascular beds, but in the kidney it results in an anomalous vasoconstriction. This response may be a whole kidney equivalent of the response of SNGFR to increased loop flow rate. Both TGF- and NaCl-induced vasoconstriction are enhanced by salt depletion and inhibited by furosemide, theophylline or DOCA-salt treatment. Furthermore, hypertonic non-chloride containing solutions usually do not produce vasoconstriction. A micropuncture study in the rat revealed that an infusion of hypertonic NaCl reduced proximal tubular fluid absorption and increased loop flow rate, and that SNGFR fell as a result of these changes.
Protein Feeding
The vasodilatation caused by acute and chronic protein feeding may include a TGF-dependent component. In conscious dogs, furosemide and ethacrynic acid blocked the acute rise in GFR following a meat meal, suggesting that the postprandial vasodilatation may be TGF-dependent. It has been proposed that the rise in filtered amino acids causes an increase in proximal Na and fluid absorption, and a decrease in MD Na delivery.
Chronic consumption of a high-protein diet induced a rightward resetting in the feedback curve of normal and Goldblatt hypertensive rats, so that higher flows were necessary to suppress GFR than in control or low-protein fed animals. In normotensive animals the response amplitude and the slope of the feedback function were unaltered. These effects appear to be due to alterations in transport along the loop of Henle, since NaCl concentrations in distal tubular fluid during loop perfusion were 30% lower in rats on a high-protein diet than in rats on a low-protein diet. Consistent with this notion is the observation that TGF responses were the same in the two groups of rats when loops of Henle were perfused in a retrograde fashion, indicating that functional changes in the loop of Henle rather than at the level of the JGA were responsible for the protein-induced changes in TGF characteristics. The increased rate of NaCl transport along the loop of Henle caused by high-protein feeding may result from structural adaptations.
Inhibition of Proximal Transport
Diuretics that inhibit predominantly proximal tubular fluid absorption may cause a TGF-dependent decrease in GFR as a result of increased distal NaCl delivery. In support of this hypothesis, several studies using carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, as well as chlorothiazide, suggest that these agents cause SNGFR to fall more with the TGF loop intact than with the TGF loop interrupted. In view of the Cl dependency of TGF, however, the acute TGF activation by carbonic anhydrase inhibition is unexpected since these drugs, while causing an increase of early distal [Na], do not elevate distal Cl concentrations. There is no evidence to show that HCO 3 can substitute for Cl in initiating TGF responses. In fact, recent studies have shown that the effect of benzolamide to reduce GFR and RBF was maintained in A1AR −/− mice which are unable to generate a TGF response. Thus, the mechanism of the renal vasoconstriction caused by CA inhibitors is not entirely clear, but a rise in tubular pressure may be an important contributor. In addition, studies in rats and mice indicate that major increases in urine flow, including those caused by furosemide, may lead to increases in total renal vascular resistance even when participation of TGF is a priori unlikely.
SNGFR of mice with targeted deletion of AQP1 was found to be significantly reduced compared to wild-type when it was determined in distal nephron segments with the TGF pathway intact. The fall in GFR was dependent upon distal fluid delivery, since it was not observed when SNGFR was measured in the proximal tubule with the TGF loop interrupted. Mice deficient in both AQP1 and A1AR which combine a proximal transport defect with absent TGF responsiveness, have been found to have a normal distal SNGFR , supporting the notion that the fall of GFR in AQP1 −/− mice is TGF-mediated.
Very similar results were obtained in mice with a knockout mutation in the apical Na/H exchanger NHE3, another model of established proximal tubular NaCl and fluid malabsorption. Considering that distal flow rates were not different between wild-type and AQP1 or NHE3 knockout mice, it seems unlikely that TGF activation is due to an increased NaCl concentration at the MD. Resetting of the TGF function curve (discussed below) subsequent to extracellular volume depletion seems to be more likely as causation for enhanced TGF engagement.
Adaptation of TGF Response Characteristics
Extracellular Fluid Volume
Adaptations in the TGF function occur whenever MD NaCl concentrations deviate from normal for an extended period of time. Typically, such deviations result from alterations in body Na content, with volume expansion associated with persistently increased, and volume depletion associated with decreased, MD NaCl concentrations. Formally, two types of adaptation in the TGF relationship can be distinguished. TGF resetting refers to a shift in the range over which the system is operating, either a shift to the right, to higher flows or concentrations or a shift to the left, to lower flows or concentrations. A change in TGF response sensitivity refers to an altered response, either altered slope and/or maximum response magnitude. By and large, volume depletion is associated with a left shift and an increase in response magnitude, and volume expansion with the opposite, but the actual adaptation observed has varied with the protocol used.
A number of studies have established that acute expansion of the extracellular space by infusion of isotonic saline or plasma reduces the TGF response magnitude and slope, and increases V ½ in both superficial and juxtamedullary nephrons. Impaired TGF responses have been observed during chronic volume expansion caused by the administration of DOCA together with isotonic saline as drinking fluid. The combination of a right shift and a reduced response magnitude is not invariant. Short-term volume expansion by a bolus injection of dilute rat plasma shifted the responsive range to higher flows, although this protocol produced an increase rather than a decrease in the maximum response magnitude ; SNGFR at zero loop flow rose 60%, whereas kidney GFR and free flow SNGFR rose only moderately with the position of the operating point and a large proximal–distal SNGFR difference indicating that the suppressing effect of the TGF mechanism was greater than normal. Thus, in these studies, the TGF mechanism appeared to counteract TGF-independent vasodilator influences on the renal vasculature. These data are consistent with closed-loop studies in which acute volume expansion with plasma did not reduce the maximum homeostatic efficiency, but shifted it away from ambient flows to lower flows, enhancing its dilatory and reducing its constrictor potency.
The effects of an acute decrease of ECV have been studied in rats after acute hypotensive hemorrhage, and in dehydrated rats. In general, these interventions are accompanied by an increase in TGF response magnitude. Hypotensive hemorrhage induced a shift of the feedback curve to the left. Since proximal absorption increased at the same time, the operating point tended to move toward the shoulder of the reset feedback function. Thus, in this circumstance, the resetting results in reduced dilatory and enhanced constrictor capacity.
Studies have been performed to determine the time course of TGF adaptation. When single nephrons were perfused for extended periods of time, resetting developed over the initial 30–40 minutes of hyperperfusion, whereas changes in response magnitude were slower, requiring 40–60 minutes. Similarly, acute volume depletion by furosemide restored TGF responses in chronically volume-expanded rats within 60–120 minutes.
Other Conditions Associated with TGF Adaptation
Ureteral and Nephron Obstruction
In the first few hours following complete unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), TGF reactivity appears to be completely abolished. Elimination of the restraining effect of TGF is reflected by increased renal and glomerular plasma flows and elevated glomerular capillary pressures. After persistence of ureteral obstruction for 24 hours, TGF activity is restored and possibly slightly enhanced, as indicated by a reduced V ½ . Augmentation of TGF responses in hydronephrotic kidneys appears to be caused by increased superoxide formation and NO deficiency, since nNOS blockade was without effect and tempol administration normalized TGF responsiveness in hydronephrotic animals. The dominant effect of prolonged ureteral obstruction is a marked reduction of glomerular capillary pressure and glomerular plasma flow, changes which result in a dramatic reduction of GFR. The apparent absence of a luminal signal suggests that vasoconstriction is not equivalent to the standard TGF response discussed so far. On the other hand, obstruction of a single nephron for 4 hours also causes marked vasoconstriction, indicating that persistent interruption of distal delivery produces a local constrictor signal of unknown nature.
Following release of short-lasting ureteral obstruction TGF reactivity is increased, and it is maintained in its somewhat activated state after release of an obstruction of 24 hours duration. It is possible that the activated TGF mechanism is in part responsible for the continued vasoconstriction following release of both ureteral and single nephron obstruction. However, additional mechanisms appear to contribute to the reduction in filtration after release of obstruction, since SNGFR at zero flow increased only slightly above distal values. Furthermore, nephron and kidney filtration rates were also markedly suppressed after release of bilateral ureteral obstruction, even though in this experimental condition TGF responses were blunted rather than enhanced.
During partial unilateral ureteral obstruction for 3–6 weeks, TGF reactivity appears to be in the normal range. During volume expansion, on the other hand, TGF reactivity increased in the hydronephrotic kidney whereas it was strongly inhibited in the non-obstructed contralateral kidney. The enhanced TGF reactivity seen in hydronephrotic kidneys during volume expansion could be prevented by thromboxane synthase inhibition. A similar paradoxical enhancement of TGF reactivity by volume expansion was less pronounced during chronic bilateral ureteral obstruction.
Loss of Renal Mass
In the first hours following unilateral nephrectomy, TGF responses in the residual kidney may be enhanced and ambient distal flows may exert a GFR-depressing effect as judged from an increase in the proximal–distal SNGFR difference, without a change in the proximal value. However, at later time points uninephrectomy or 5/6 ablation has been shown to shift the TGF function to the right, with or without increasing the maximum response. A similar response to nephrectomy was noted in transplanted kidneys. On the other hand, a striking variability in SNGFR responses to loop of Henle perfusion was noted in rats with subtotal nephrectomy, in which the average TGF response was zero. Unexpectedly, AT1 blockade restored TGF responses for reasons that are not clear. To the extent that the most striking change is a TGF-independent increase in GFR (Y-intercept of the TGF function or proximal SNGFR ) these results are reminiscent of the findings during growth-related increases in renal weight, and suggest an adaptation of the TGF function curve to a primary increase in GFR.
Moderate hyperglycemia produced by either acute glucose infusion or streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus reduced the amplitude of the TGF response and shifted V ½ to higher flow rates. Type 2 diabetic rats of the OLETF strain have significantly diminished TGF responses accompanied by reduced autoregulatory efficiency even in the pre-diabetic stage. Reduced TGF responses have also been observed in the Akita mouse model of type 1 diabetes mellitus, as well as in hydrated db/db mice, a model of type 2 diabetes. This reduced capacity to compensate for experimentally-induced perturbations was also demonstrable under closed-loop conditions. The reduction in the TGF response magnitude may in part be caused by a reduction in NaCl concentration, and the presence of glucose in tubular perfusion fluid.
It has been suggested that the hyperfiltration of early diabetes is caused by TGF, as a result of excessive salt reabsorption in nephron segments upstream from the MD and the resulting reduction in MD NaCl concentration. This hypothesis is supported by the demonstration that tubular transport proximal to the macula densa is in fact enhanced in diabetic animals. Structural adaptations participate in tubular hyper-reabsorption; inhibition of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase blocked the renal hypertrophy in a rat model of diabetes mellitus, and attenuated both the enhanced proximal reabsorption and the increase in GFR. On the other hand, it has been argued that TGF may actually prevent excessive hyperfiltration in diabetes. A protective action of TGF is supported by the finding that diabetic mice of the Akita strain display an exaggerated hyperfiltration when TGF is rendered inoperative by A1AR deletion. Hyperfiltration in alloxan-diabetic mice deficient in A1AR also suggests that TGF is not the primary cause of hyperfiltration in this diabetic model.
Both in streptozotocin-treated rats and in diabetic humans, a paradoxical relationship between salt intake and GFR or renal plasma flow has been observed, with high salt intake producing a decrease instead of the expected rise of GFR, an effect which was absent when kidney growth was suppressed by inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase. These observations are consistent with the notion that the TGF adaptation during changes in extracellular fluid volume may be defective in diabetic animals. Whereas TGF desensitization normally prevents a non-homeostatic reduction of GFR during volume expansion, absent or incomplete resetting of TGF in diabetes appears to permit persistent GFR deviations. Altered resetting in diabetic animals could be a consequence of abnormal RAS activation or dysregulation of NO generation, factors thought to be involved in TGF adaptation. Nevertheless, the paradoxical low salt-induced increase and high salt-induced decrease of GFR has not been found in all studies of diabetic patients and animals. Differences in the dietary background, aside from NaCl content, may be an important modifying factor.
Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity
Whereas some experiments did not detect an effect of acute denervation or renal nerve stimulation on the TGF function curve in normotensive animals, other studies have reported that denervation causes a time-dependent resetting of TGF to higher values of V ½ without changes in the maximum response. Changes in TGF function persisted for at least one week, and were associated with increased GFR and Na excretion.
Mechanisms of TGF Adaptation
Renin–Angiotensin System
The local activity of the renin–angiotensin system appears to be the most consistent determinant of TGF sensitivity. Converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin-receptor blockers in relatively high doses cause a reduction of the TGF response magnitude by about 50–60%. An essentially complete inhibition of TGF responsiveness was seen in mice with a null mutation in the AT1A receptor, the major renal receptor for angiotensin I 185 . Similarly, TGF responses were essentially absent in ACE knockout mice, an effect that was in part reversible with infusion of subpressor doses of angiotensin II. Studies in mice with deletion of tissue ACE or with selective expression of ACE in either blood vessels or proximal tubules suggest that the angiotensin II that is required for full TGF responsiveness is derived both from the action of membrane-associated ACE in endothelial cells, and from systemic ACE, while exclusive expression of ACE in proximal tubules is unable to sustain normal TGF responses. This conclusion is consistent with earlier observations that angiotensin infusion partly restored feedback responsiveness during captopril-induced TGF inhibition. Intravenous or peritubular infusion of angiotensin II enhanced TGF responses in untreated control rats, a property not shared by other vasoconstrictors such as vasopressin and norepinephrine. Conversely, the arteriolar constrictor response to angiotensin II was greater during simultaneous TGF activation in both the isolated afferent arteriole/MD double-perfusion approach, and in the blood-perfused juxtamedullary nephron preparation. Since local adenosine levels are thought to increase during TGF activation, this augmentation is possibly due to the effect of adenosine in preventing angiotensin II desensitization. In accordance with the role of TGF in autoregulation, angiotensin II has been noted to enhance the TGF component of dynamic autoregulation. The suppression of TGF responsiveness caused by acute volume expansion could be fully overcome by the infusion of angiotensin II at doses that restored normal plasma angiotensin II levels. Taken together, these results indicate that an AT1A receptor-mediated effect of angiotensin II is a required constituent of the TGF pathway. The requirement for angiotensin II may result from the well-described synergistic interaction between the vascular effects of angiotensin II and of the TGF mediator adenosine. The mechanism of this interaction has been suggested to result from an intracellular action of adenosine that enhances the calcium sensitivity of myosin light chain phosphorylation or prevents desensitization of angiotensin II receptors. Contributing factors may be upregulation of MD NaCl transport by angiotensin II or enhanced production of feedback-enhancing superoxide radicals.
The TGF-modifying effect of angiotensin II gains special importance in view of the fact that changes in NaCl in the tubular fluid in the MD region not only affect vascular tone, but also regulate renin secretion (see below). This dual effect of MD NaCl has the potential to automatically adjust TGF sensitivity to the NaCl status of the organism. When the combined external forces determining GFR and proximal and loop of Henle absorption cause deflections in MD NaCl concentration which exceed the range over which TGF operates effectively, persistent changes in MD NaCl occur which will cause an inverse change in renin secretion. The change in angiotensin II concentration resulting from the altered rate of renin secretion, in turn, is predicted to alter TGF sensitivity. For example, an increase in MD NaCl resulting from extracellular volume expansion will decrease renin secretion, and the decrease of angiotensin II concentration expected to gradually develop is then predicted to uncouple GFR from MD control.
The presence of both isoforms of cyclooxygenase (COX) in the juxtaglomerular region raises the possibility of a participation of prostaglandins in JGA cell-to-cell signaling. COX-1 is expressed in mesangial cells and in endothelial cells of afferent arterioles, whereas COX-2 activity has been demonstrated in epithelial cells of thick ascending limb and MD. Maximum TGF responses have been found to be inhibited by the intravenous or luminal application of high concentrations of non-specific COX inhibitors, as well as specific inhibitors of both COX-2 and COX-1. The conclusion that the net effect of PGs on TGF is enhanced vasoconstriction is supported by the finding that arachidonic acid elicits a constrictor rather than a dilator response when administered by retrograde luminal infusion. Thromboxane (TP) is a vasoconstrictor prostaglandin that has been implicated in TGF on the basis of the finding that the intravenous administration of inhibitors of TP receptors or of TP synthesis reduced the magnitude of the TGF-induced vasoconstrictor response. TP receptor blockade also interfered with the TGF reducing effects of COX-2 and COX-1 inhibitors, indicating that these effects were TP-dependent. Conversely, activation of TP receptors by U-46,619 or by the isoprostane 8-isoprostaglandin F2α enhanced TGF responses, and COX-1 generated prostaglandins, presumably TP, may contribute to the TGF-enhancing effects of angiotensin II. Low levels of glomerular thromboxane synthase may limit thromboxane formation under basal and low-salt conditions ; in fact, attenuation of TGF responses by systemic or luminal application of blockers of TP receptors or of TP synthesis has not been found in all laboratories, and normal TGF responses have been observed in TP receptor knockout mice. Administration of a high-salt diet, on the other hand, caused a 20-fold increase of thromboxane synthase expression, as well as a stimulation of TP receptor levels. These observations provide an explanation for the finding that the TGF response in the presence of the TP mimetic U-46,619 is augmented in high-salt fed animals. TP receptor activation may also contribute to the exaggerated TGF responses observed in young spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). In contrast to these conclusions, studies in the blood-perfused juxtamedullary nephron preparation indicate that TGF activation is accompanied by nNOS-dependent enhancement of COX-2 activity and subsequent generation of vasodilatory PG metabolites which counteract TGF-mediated vasoconstriction.
There is some evidence that 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE), an arachidonic acid metabolite endogenously generated in afferent arterioles by the 4A family of cytochrome P450 enzymes, may be involved in the TGF response. Two inhibitors of cytochrome P450 enzymes, 17-octadecynoic acid (ODYA) and clotrimazole, caused a marked attenuation of the TGF response when added to the luminal perfusate for an extended period of time, and this inhibition could be overcome by the administration of exogenous 20-HETE. The presence of the mRNAs for cytochrome P450 4A2, 4A3, and 4A8 has recently been demonstrated by RT-PCR in glomeruli and most segments of the tubule, while preglomerular arterioles appear to express only the 4A2 isoform. Immunocytochemistry with a polyclonal non-specific P450 4A antibody showed cortical presence of P450 4A protein in proximal tubules, thick ascending limbs, glomeruli, and preglomerular arterioles. Exactly how locally formed 20-HETE affects the TGF pathway is unclear. In addition to its vasoconstrictor properties, 20-HETE has been shown to inhibit TAL NaCl transport by blocking Na,K,2Cl co-transport, Na,K-ATPase, and by closing K channels. This combination of effects should result in a powerful inhibition of NaCl transport in thick ascending limb and presumably MD cells, so that increments in 20-HETE production would be expected to attenuate, not enhance, TGF responses. It is conceivable, therefore, that ODYA and clotrimazole inhibit the TGF response in a non-specific way by causing a reduction in baseline afferent arteriolar tone. It is also possible that 20-HETE acts as an intracellular second messenger for the TGF-mediating agent.
Nitric Oxide
Luminal application of non-specific and nNOS-selective inhibitors of NO synthases has been shown to enhance MD-mediated vasoconstrictor responses both in vivo and in vitro . These findings demonstrate tonic attenuation of TGF responsiveness by NO generated by nNOS in MD cells, an effect that is cGMP-dependent. TGF responses of stop flow pressure in situ and afferent arteriolar diameter reductions in vitro in response to elevated MD [NaCl] were similar in nNOS-deficient and wild-type mice, but the specific mutation in these mice does not exclude the possibility of maintained expression of β and γ splice variants of nNOS. Nevertheless, the proximal–distal SNGFR difference was significantly higher in the nNOS −/− animals, and luminal administration of a non-specific NOS inhibitor (NLA 10 −3 M) caused an augmentation of TGF responses only in wild-type, but not in nNOS knockout, mice. Luminal and systemic administration of NOS inhibitors reversed the attenuation of TGF responses caused by an acute saline infusion, suggesting that NO contributes to the TGF resetting caused by volume expansion.
NO may affect TGF by altering the function of MD cells. In the isolated double-perfused JGA preparation, inhibition of soluble guanylate cyclase or cGMP-dependent protein kinase mimicked the TGF-potentiating effect of a nNOS inhibitor when administered from the tubular side, whereas there was no effect when inhibitors were added to the vascular perfusate. The cGMP-dependent mechanism may be inhibition of NaCl uptake, since inhibition of Cl fluxes by NO is mediated by soluble guanylate cyclase in TAL cells. Formation of NO may occur in MD cells, but a contribution of NO produced by eNOS in TAL cells appears to also affect MD cell function.
The relationship between luminal NaCl concentration and NO formation in MD cells has been addressed by using the NO-binding agents DAF-AM DA and DAF-AM. Two independent studies agree that an increase in luminal NaCl causes an increase in fluorescence in MD cells, as well as in their surroundings, and that this increase was prevented by an inhibitor of nNOS. Since the concentration steps causing increased NO formation were between 35 and 135 mM in one study and between 60 and 150 mM in the other, it has been concluded that supraphysiological NaCl changes are necessary to stimulate NOS. That the stimulation of nNOS activity by high luminal NaCl is Ca-dependent is unlikely, since NaCl does not consistently elevate [Ca] i , and since an activation of NOS was seen in Ca-free medium. Another explanation for the increased formation of NO is based on the fact that the pH optimum of NOS is in the slightly alkaline range. Since an increase in luminal NaCl caused cell alkanization, it is conceivable that pH-dependent disinhibition of nNOS is responsible for the enhanced NO generation. This notion is supported by the observation that dimethyl amiloride increased TGF responses, and that an nNOS-specific inhibitor in the presence of the NHE blocker did not further enhance the TGF reaction. Furthermore, amiloride as well as 7-nitroindazole blunted the increase in NO formation caused by elevated luminal NaCl. Stimulation of NO formation by high-luminal NaCl is consistent with the earlier observations that the effect of NOS blockade on TGF-dependent vasoconstriction is greater at high than at low flows. Increases in luminal flow rate also stimulate NO formation by TAL cells, but in contrast to MD cells stimulation is strictly shear stress-dependent, and independent of NaCl transport. NaCl independence is difficult to reconcile with direct NO measurements performed with carbon fiber electrodes in the distal tubule which have shown an increase in the amount of NO and in NO concentration during perfusion of loops of Henle with furosemide, suggesting that transport inhibition along the entire loop of Henle stimulates emission and downstream convection of NO. These results seem consistent with observations in an MD cell line showing increased NO generation during exposure to low chloride or furosemide.
In the absence of hemoglobin, the biological half-life of NO in relation to the diffusion distance across the JGA would seem long enough to permit a direct interaction of NO released by MD cells with smooth muscle cells of the afferent arterioles. Nevertheless, NO inactivation may be an important modulator of the effect of NO on TGF. Reactive oxygen species have been identified as a factor that can markedly reduce bioactive NO levels. MD cells express NADPH oxidase isoforms NOX2 and NOX4, together with the required constituents of the active enzyme complex p47phox, p67phox, p22phox, and Rac. A high-luminal NaCl appears to activate NADPH oxidase, and this activation is pH-dependent since blocking Na/H exchange with dimethyl amiloride or acidification of the luminal perfusate diminished superoxide production. Production of the NO scavenger may limit the impact of NO that is stimulated in MD cells at the same time by the same mechanism. The membrane-permeant superoxide dismutase mimetic tempol can diminish TGF responses in vivo and in the perfused JGA preparation, but this effect is usually not very pronounced under control conditions. Since tempol had no effect in the presence of a NOS inhibitor, it appears that any effect is due to an increase in NO bioavailability. In spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) the expression of NADPH oxidase subunits is elevated, and the TGF-inhibiting effect of tempol is enhanced compared to normotensive controls, suggesting increased oxidative stress in SHR and reduced bioavailability of NO. This observation is in accordance with the earlier finding that inhibition of nNOS did not enhance TGF responses in SHR. Angiotensin II may be in part responsible for the activation of NADPH oxidase in SHR, since candesartan restored normal TGF responses to NOS inhibition. A high salt intake may be another situation in which the generation of superoxide is increased as indicated by increased expression of NADPH oxidase subunits, and increased excretion of isoprostanes. However, the TGF-enhancing effect of NOS inhibition was augmented rather than reduced in rats on a high-salt diet. NO availability may also be regulated by ADMA (asymmetric dimethylarginine), an endogenous NOS inhibitor that also inhibits cellular uptake of the NOS substrate arginine. In fact, ADMA in the luminal perfusate enhanced TGF responses, and this effect appears to be the result of both inhibition of arginine uptake and of NOS activity. Finally, NO may reduce TGF responses by inhibition of ecto-5′-nucleotidase, an intervention that would be predicted to reduce extracellular adenosine levels.
Other Vasoactive Factors
A reduction in TGF reactivity has been observed subsequent to the systemic administration of renal vasodilators such as atrial natriuretic factor, histamine, dopamine, high concentrations of PGI 2 , bradykinin, uroguanylin, and a number of vasodilating drugs. Inhibition of heme oxygenase with stannous mesoporphyrin enhanced TGF-induced vasoconstriction in the isolated tubule/vessel preparation, and the administration of the CO-releasing agent CORM-3 (tricarbonylchloro[glycinato]rutheniumII) inhibited it, suggesting that carbon monoxide reduces TGF. Since the presence of heme oxygenases in the MD has not been established, it is likely that carbon monoxide affects TGF by its vasodilatory properties. Furthermore, TGF reactivity is decreased by an acute reduction of arterial blood pressure, probably as a consequence of non-TGF-mediated autoregulatory vasodilatation. It seems unlikely that all these agents specifically interact with the TGF mechanism at the JGA level to cause a reduction of renal vascular resistance. Rather, the adjustment of TGF responsiveness may be the non-specific consequence of vasodilatation, reflecting a dependency of vascular resistance changes on the initial wall thickness–radius ratio. Since the predominant effector of the TGF response is the afferent arteriole, a resistance change at this site would appear to be most likely to modulate TGF sensitivity.
Interstitial Pressure
TGF reactivity has been shown to increase during peritubular capillary perfusion with a hyperoncotic solution, whereas perfusion with protein-free solutions reduced TGF responses. Changes in response were seen after a time delay of about 20 minutes. Based on these observations, the concept was developed that net interstitial pressure (the difference between interstitial hydrostatic pressure and interstitial oncotic pressure) may be an important determinant of TGF reactivity in general. It was subsequently shown that TGF reactivity correlated inversely with net interstitial pressure during acute NaCl infusion, during short-lasting ureteral obstruction, and after contralateral nephrectomy. In all these conditions, V ½ increased and the TGF response amplitude decreased. Conversely, net interstitial pressure was found to be reduced by 24 hours of dehydration, and before and after release of 24 hour unilateral ureteral occlusion. TGF reactivity was increased in these experimental situations. Exactly how net interstitial pressure affects TGF reactivity is unclear.
Resetting by Luminal Factors
There are a number of circumstances in which unidentified factors in tubular fluid have been shown to modify responses. During chronic dietary salt-loading, TGF control was inhibited when native tubular fluid was used as perfusate, whereas responses were only slightly blunted during perfusion with an artificial fluid. A luminal factor has also been reported to modify TGF during the infusion of atrial natriuretic peptide, but this factor appears to enhance TGF responses compared to the blunting observed with artificial solutions. Loop of Henle perfusion with electrolyte-free plasma dialysates from patients with acute renal failure and liver dysfunction produced exaggerated TGF responses which could not be blocked by furosemide, suggesting that the plasma in certain disease states contains a factor which can elicit NaCl-independent vasoconstriction when present in the tubular lumen.
Macula Densa Control of Renin Secretion
Following Goormaghtigh’s early speculation, Vander suggested that renin release might be influenced by tubular fluid composition at the macula densa. During a variety of experimental conditions, plasma renin activity and sodium excretion appeared to be inversely correlated, whereas there was no correlation between renin and mean arterial pressure or renal blood flow. The overall conclusion from these studies was that an increased delivery of NaCl to the MD cells inhibits renin secretion. These early observations have now been corroborated by additional evidence from whole animal studies and from isolated in vitro systems which have established the concept that a high NaCl concentration at the macula densa inhibits renin secretion.
Evidence for Macula Densa Control of Renin Secretion
Studies in Intact Animals
Vander’s proposal that renin secretion depends upon MD NaCl concentration was studied more directly by comparing renin secretion from normal or nonfiltering kidneys. In dogs in which basal levels of renin were elevated by thoracic caval constriction, intrarenal infusion of NaCl or KCl inhibited renin secretion, but such a response was not seen in similarly treated animals in which the infused kidney had been rendered nonfiltering by ureteral occlusion. In conscious mice, acute infusion of isotonic saline, a maneuver that has been shown to result in increased distal tubular NaCl concentrations, leads to a suppression of renin secretion.
Attempts have been made to evaluate the effect of changes in MD NaCl concentration at the single nephron level in vivo . In these studies in rats, renin concentration in proximal tubular fluid and in postglomerular blood collected by micropuncture was found to vary inversely with changes in distal NaCl.
Studies in the Isolated Perfused TAL/Glomerulus Preparation
With the isolated perfused tubule technique it has been possible to study MD-dependent renin secretion in the absence of baroreceptor and regulated adrenergic inputs, and during precise control of tubular fluid composition. Another important aspect of the isolated JGA preparation is that it limits the possible sites of tubulovascular information transfer to MD cells and possibly a small number of surrounding TAL cells as the only cells present in the area of contact. In this preparation ( Figure 23.11 ) there is unequivocal evidence that increasing NaCl concentration in the tubular perfusate suppresses renin secretion and reducing NaCl concentration stimulates it. MD-dependent renin secretion is characterized by a rapid onset and offset following step-changes in NaCl concentration, and by reversibility of the induced changes. Renin responses were independent of whether the tubule was perfused in an orthograde fashion from the TALH or in a retrograde fashion from the distal convoluted tubule. Similar to the TGF response, MD-dependent renin secretion was not altered when NaCl concentration was reduced from isotonicity to about 80 mM, but the full renin response was seen when NaCl concentrations were varied between 7 and 61 mM of Cl and between 26 and 80 mM of Na, i.e., within the range that is physiologically relevant. In the most sensitive concentration range between 7 and 47 mM of Cl, renin secretion increased by about 2 nGU/min per mM, whereas it fell by 0.4 nGU/min per mM when NaCl concentration was raised from 47 to 87 mM. The NaCl concentration causing a half-maximum renin response is between 25 and 30 mM, values close to the estimated ambient NaCl concentration and close to the NaCl concentration causing a half-maximum TGF response. Although both decreases and increases of NaCl concentration are predicted to affect renin secretion, MD-dependent renin secretion is asymmetric around the operating point, with most of the responses occurring in the subnormal concentration range. Quantitative extrapolation from this in vitro system to the in vivo response must be made with caution, mainly because renin secretory responses in vitro are assessed in the absence of stabilizing feedback loops that may dampen MD-dependent changes in renin secretion in vivo .

Sensing Mechanism for Macula Densa-Mediated Renin Secretion
Renin Secretory Response and NaCl Transport
Early studies in intact animals suggested that, in certain conditions, renin secretion correlates more closely with distal tubular NaCl load than NaCl concentration, for example, during the infusion of hypertonic mannitol. However, a reinvestigation of early distal NaCl concentration during mannitol diuresis showed a clear concentration decrease, in agreement with the stimulation of renin release typically seen in this condition. In the isolated JGA preparation, an 80% reduction in luminal NaCl load by decreasing perfusate flow at constant NaCl concentration caused only a small, approximately two-fold increase in the rate of renin secretion. In contrast, when NaCl load was reduced to a similar degree by decreasing perfusate NaCl concentration, renin secretion increased nearly eight-fold, indicating that NaCl concentration is a more important determinant of renin release than NaCl delivery.
Based on the stimulatory effect of loop diuretics in intact animals, it was concluded that MD NaCl transport plays a critical role as an early step in NaCl-dependent control of renin secretion. Recent studies in mice deficient in the NKCC2A isoform of the co-transporter have shown that the inhibitory effect of an acute volume load on renin release is absent, supporting the notion that intact salt transport is required for salt-sensing by MD cells. Direct evidence for an MD-mediated effect of transport inhibition on renin secretion was obtained in non-perfused afferent arterioles in which furosemide stimulated renin release only when the MD segment was included in the dissected specimen, but not in its absence. In the isolated perfused JGA preparation, luminal application of bumetanide at 10 −6 M increased renin secretion during perfusion with high NaCl solutions. Furthermore, the presence of furosemide at 5×10 −5 M essentially abolished the dependence of renin secretion on luminal NaCl concentration.
Although NKCC2 mediates the bulk of MD Na reabsorption, apical expression of the Na + /H + exchanger 2 (NHE2) may contribute to Na + transport, as well as to the regulation of intracellular pH. In NHE2-deficient mice, renal renin content and plasma renin concentration were elevated compared to wild-type controls, and the stimulation of the renin system by a salt-depleted diet was blunted. Increased baseline renin secretion in NHE2 −/− mice was paralleled by enhanced MD COX-2 and mPGES expression. Recent studies have shown that plasma renin concentration is significantly elevated in NKCC1-deficient compared to wild-type mice. Studies in isolated JG cells indicate that NKCC1 exerts a direct inhibitory effect on basal renin release. This effect appears to be independent of the NKCC2-dependent inhibitory pathway through the macula densa, since the stimulatory effect of furosemide on renin release was essentially normal in NKCC1 −/− mice.
Ion Specificity of Renin Secretion
MD control of renin secretion shows an apparent Cl dependency that is reminiscent of that described for TGF responses. Whereas the acute or chronic administration of various Cl or Br salts without Na inhibited renin secretion, Na salts without Cl as the accompanying anion had no effect. Furthermore, changes in renin secretion under these conditions correlated with loop of Henle Cl absorption. Conversely, an acute selective depletion of Cl by peritoneal dialysis increased plasma renin activity, and substitution of Cl by nitrate or thiocyanate in the perfusate of isolated kidneys stimulated renin secretion. In the isolated perfused JGA, ion selectivity has been examined by measuring the inhibitory effect of adding various Na and Cl salts to a low NaCl perfusate. The inhibitory response was unchanged when most luminal Na was replaced by choline or rubidium. On the other hand, substituting Cl by isethionate or acetate virtually eliminated the response to increased Na concentration. Cl dependency is supported by studies in conscious mice showing that suppression of renin secretion following acute intravenous salt-loading is observed with infusion of NaCl, but not NaHCO 3 . These results support the hypothesis that the initiating signal for MD control of renin secretion is a change in the rate of NaCl uptake predominantly via a luminal Na,K,2Cl co-transporter whose physiological activity is determined by a change in luminal Cl concentration.
Organic Compounds and Renin Secretion
In addition to their function as sensors of TAL Cl concentration, MD cells are equipped with receptors for organic compounds, like the citric acid intermediate succinate. The succinate receptor GPR91 (succinate receptor 1, SUCNR1) has been shown to be localized in the apical membrane of cells of the cortical TAL, including the MD. Increases in tubular succinate concentration result in the induction of the same intracellular signaling pathways that are activated by a low NaCl concentration. Incubation of cultured MD cells with succinate induced phosphorylation of p38 and Erk1/2 MAP kinases, and subsequent stimulation of COX-2 activity and expression in MD cells and enhanced PGE 2 release. During streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus, renocortical COX-2 and renin content were upregulated in wild-type mice, and this stimulation of the renin system was markedly reduced in GPR91-deficient mice. GPR91 expression in the vicinity of the JG cells, however, is not restricted to MD cells. GPR91 is also present in endothelial cells of the afferent arteriole, and may mediate renin release by stimulating endothelial prostanoid and NO formation.
Furthermore, components of the olfactory system are present in MD cells. MD cells rather specifically express the olfactory adenylate cyclase isoform 3 (AC3), as well as the olfactory trimeric G-protein G olf . The olfactory receptor Olfr90 was detected in a MD cell line, and was also present in the native kidney. Plasma renin concentration in AC3-deficient mice was reduced by about 50% compared to wild-types, despite increased MD COX-2 expression and augmented nNOS activity. The reason for these alterations of the MD–JG axis is unclear, and the ligands that may activate olfactory receptors on MD cells in vivo remain to be determined.
The Stimulus–Response Coupling Mechanism
Nitric Oxide
The presence of NOS I in MD cells raises the possibility that NO may act as an epithelium-derived factor that participates in MD control of renin secretion. This notion is supported by observations showing that the expression of MD nNOS changes in parallel with renin expression in a number of circumstances. MD cells of rats on a low-salt diet have increased levels of nNOS mRNA and protein expression. Furthermore, the administration of furosemide also causes a marked increase in MD nNOS expression, as does renal artery constriction. The mechanism responsible for the upregulation of nNOS expression in these states is unclear, but a reduced NaCl transport at the MD is a common feature. Since the expression and secretion of renin is known to be elevated in these conditions, it is possible that NO generation is an upstream signal in the control of the RAS. The suggestion that a chronically reduced NaCl transport may stimulate MD nNOS expression is not immediately reconcilable with the evidence discussed earlier that acute increases in NaCl concentration appear to increase nNOS activity and NO formation. The expression of nNOS in MD cells is stabilized by negative feedback influences exerted by angiotensin II and PGE 2 , since nNOS expression was markedly upregulated in mice with AT1 receptor or angiotensinogen deficiencies, as well as in COX-2 −/− mice.
Understanding the role of NO in renin secretion is complicated by the fact that NO can elicit both stimulatory and inhibitory effects. The inhibitory effect appears to result from activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinases (cGK), while the stimulatory effects are related to changes in intracellular cAMP levels. Two isoforms of cGK have been identified, cGK I and cGK II, and both isoforms have been found in granular cells. A direct activator of cGK, 8-para-chlorophenylthio-cGMP, has been shown to inhibit isoproterenol- or forskolin-stimulated renin secretion in isolated perfused rat kidneys and microdissected afferent arterioles, and this stimulation could be reversed by an inhibitor of cGK. A role for cGKII is suggested by the finding that 8-bromo-cGMP reduced basal and forskolin stimulated renin secretion in JG cells isolated from wild-type and cGK I −/− mice, but that it had no effect in cultures from cGK II −/− mice.
The mechanism of the stimulatory effect of NO on renin secretion is related to an activation of the cAMP/protein kinase A pathway, and this activation results from an inhibition of PDEIII, a cAMP degrading phosphodiesterase that is inhibited by cGMP. An early report showing that the PDEIII inhibitor milrinone increased basal and isoproterenol stimulated renin release in conscious rabbits has now been corroborated by substantial additional evidence. In the isolated perfused rat kidney, Na nitroprusside increased renin secretion, and this increase was attenuated by the protein kinase A inhibitor Rp-8-CPT-cAMPS. Since membrane-permeable cGMP analogs also reduced the stimulatory effect of SNP, stimulation of renin secretion by NO was clearly related to the A kinase, not G kinase pathway. Inhibition of PDE IV, a phosphodiesterase with predominant effects on cGMP degradation, also increased renin secretion, and this effect was blunted by nNOS inhibition suggesting that nNOS contributed to cGMP formation.
No in MD-Dependent Renin Release
In view of the dual effects of NO on renin secretion and the ambiguity about the directional changes of juxtaglomerular NO with changes in loop of Henle flow rates, it is not surprising that the precise role of NO in MD control of renin release has remained equivocal. In the isolated perfused JGA preparation during perfusion with a low NaCl concentration, the luminal addition of l-arginine stimulated renin secretion and this stimulation was abolished by NOS blockade, suggesting that in this setting NO is renin-stimulatory. Consistent with this conclusion is the observation that the NaCl dependency of renin secretion was essentially abolished in the presence of an NOS blocker in the tubular lumen, a change that was due entirely to prevention of the rise of renin secretion caused by a low luminal NaCl. The conclusion that a low NaCl concentration at the MD stimulates renin secretion in an NO-dependent fashion is also supported by findings showing that the increased renin secretion caused by a reduction in arterial or perfusion pressure in kidneys of conscious dogs and in isolated rat kidneys was markedly and consistently blunted by NOS inhibition. In other studies, the administration of a loop diuretic has been used to simulate a reduction in MD NaCl concentration. In dissected rat renal microvessels, NOS inhibition abolished the increase in renin release caused by furosemide pretreatment. Similarly, the stimulation of renin secretion by furosemide in vivo was inhibited by the administration of NOS inhibitors. Plasma renin activity in nNOS knockout mice and basal renin secretion in isolated perfused kidneys from nNOS −/− or eNOS −/− mice were found to be consistently lower than in wild-type animals, suggesting that tonic release of NO enhances renin release in mice. The relative increases of renin secretion by furosemide were essentially normal in nNOS −/− or eNOS −/− mice, but were markedly reduced by general NOS inhibition. Furthermore, the administration of the NO donor SNAP in kidneys in which endogenous NO production was blocked by L-NAME completely restored the stimulatory effect of loop diuretics. According to this recent evidence, it would appear that exposition of JG cells to NO regardless of its exact cellular source is necessary for the MD pathway to operate normally. The nature of this permissive effect of NO may be to inhibit PDEIII, and thereby to sensitize the renin secretory mechanism to the renin mediator that we assume to act through activation of the cAMP/PKA pathway ( Figure 23.12 ).