Patients (N)
Tumor type
Lung (%)
Bone (%)
Other sites/multiple (%)
Mazaferri and Jhiang [18]
Shaha et al. [22]
Haq and Harmer [23]
Durante et al. [24]
Lee and Soh [3]
Nixon et al. [25]
Machens and Dralle [4]
Lang et al. [26]
131I treatment can be highly effective in patients with multiple distant metastases with 131I avidity. Especially in micronodular lung metastases, 131I therapy is effective to administer until loss of avidity has been reached [29]. Only for those with limited macronodular lung metastases, resection followed by 131I or external radiotherapy, can be a potentially curative treatment [6, 27, 30]. Patients with non-131I avid metastasis have a significantly worse cancer-specific survival. Therefore, it is not surprising that 131I avidity is a sole independent prognostic factor for survival in distant metastases [26, 29]. For patients with bone metastases, complete remission with only 131I is achieved in only 7 % of patients. Although resection of solitary distant metastases is rare, complete metastasectomy contributes to a better survival [31]. Early in 1986, surgical resection of single bone metastases of thyroid cancer was reported with an estimated cumulative 10-year survival rate of 33 % [32]. Limited numbers of bone metastases can be treated with surgery, usually combined with 131I and external beam radiotherapy [33, 34]. Apparently, resection of distant metastases in thyroid cancer can be a valuable alternative [32]. Given the lack of survival improvement observed over the last two decades of patients with distant metastases, innovative treatments are in dire need [19]. Several targeted drugs influencing tumor growth have been studied in phase II/III studies. Sorafenib, a multi-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), was recently investigated in a phase III study and is now registered for the treatment of patients with advanced 131I refractory WDTC. The median progression-free survival (PFS) was better in the sorafenib group (10.8 months) versus the placebo group (5.8 months, p < 0.0001) [35]. In conclusion, even though the presence of distant metastasis in WDTC is rare and associated with a grave prognosis, long-term survival can still be achieved with 131I followed by additional surgical treatment if feasible [22].
Hürthle Cell Carcinoma (HTC)
HTC, first described in 1894 by the pathologist Hürthle, is a rare tumor and is considered an oncocytic variant of FTC, accounting for 3–7 % of all thyroid carcinomas [36]. Little is known about its biological characteristics or clinical behavior. When Hürthle cells comprise more than 75 % of an encapsulated nodule, the lesion is classified as a Hürthle cell neoplasm, either an adenoma or carcinoma. As in FTC, there is no reliable preoperative diagnostic test to differentiate HTC from Hürthle cell adenoma [37]. The low incidence and lack of long-term follow-up data have caused controversy regarding its survival characteristics [38]. This poses a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. HTC has different biological behavior – usually not observed in FTC – like nodal metastasis, intrathyroidal spread, and poor 131I uptake [39, 40]. The survival is described to be around 74 and 49 % at 5 and 10 years, respectively [40]. Pulmonary metastases are most common, but metastases also occur in the bone, liver, and central nervous system. Literature shows that about 67 % of patients with metastatic HTC have lung metastases, 58 % soft tissue metastases, 33 % nodal metastases, 17 % bone metastases, and 17 % brain metastases [40]. Like patients with PTC and FTC, sorafenib is also active in patients with advanced HTC [35].
Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is an oncological entity on its own and accounts for 5–8 % of all thyroid cancers, originating from the calcitonin-secreting C cells of the thyroid [3, 44]. MTC is mainly sporadic in nature, but hereditary patterns (multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN type 2) and familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC)) are present in 20–30 % of patients. These genetic diseases are inherited in an autosomal-dominant pattern and are caused by mutations of the rearranged during transfection (RET) proto-oncogene [41]. The primary treatment of both hereditary and sporadic forms of MTC is surgery by means of total thyroidectomy and extensive lymph node dissection. Locoregional recurrence frequently occurs in MTC, and tumor control may be improved by standard central, bilateral, and upper mediastinal neck dissection [42]. In MTC patients, extrathyroidal extension and stage at diagnosis are the only independent predictors of (recurrence-free) life expectancy. Patients diagnosed in an early stage of disease and patients without detectable recurrence have a favorable life expectancy independent of biochemical cure [43]. Distant metastases are the main cause of death in patients with MTC and in 50 % they present synchronous and at multiple sites [41]. Metastases often simultaneously affect various organs, such as liver, lungs, and bones and, less frequently, brain and skin. Survival is 51 % at 1 year, 26 % at 5 years, and 10 % at 10 years. However, the prognosis can be variable and long-term survival of more than 15–20 years has been described [41, 44]. In the follow-up of MTC, measurements of serum calcitonin and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) are of great importance as they reflect the presence of persistent disease. Surgery is the only potential curative treatments for distant metastases but usually multiple distant metastases require systemic therapy [44]. Recently, vandetanib was studied in a phase III trial for advanced MTC and demonstrated therapeutic efficacy with a median PFS of 19.3 months in the placebo group and 30.5 months in the treatment group [45]. When MTC impairs quality of life caused by hyper-calcitonemia-associated diarrhea or pain from local tumor growth, a need might arise for efficient tumor reduction [46]. In patients with predominant liver involvement, thermoablation, embolization, or transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) can reduce tumor mass and ameliorate symptoms [41, 47].
Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
ATC is the most lethal type of thyroid cancer, with an overall median survival time of less than 6 months from diagnosis. Anecdotal cases of long-term survivors have been reported, mainly in patients with intra-thyroid tumors at the time of surgical treatment [48]. Almost all patients are classified as stage IV, with the primary lesion restricted to the thyroid gland in stage IVA; locoregional lymph nodes may exist in IVA/IVB, whereas stage IVC disease is defined by distant metastases [49]. Besic et al. studied the sites of metastases of ATC in an autopsy series of 45 patients and observed metastases in 41 cases (91 %). The most common sites of metastases were the lungs (78 %), intrathoracic lymph nodes (58 %), neck lymph nodes (51 %), pleura (29 %), adrenal glands (24 %), liver (20 %), brain (18 %), heart (18 %), and retroperitoneal lymph nodes (18 %) [50]. Causes of cancer-related mortality are distant metastases in 51.5 % (range 12–68 %), local complications in 23.7 % (5–37 %), or both in 26.2 % of patients (25–51 %) [48, 49, 51]. There is no place for surgery for distant metastases in ATC as it does not contribute to survival. The main aim of treatment focuses on prevention of complications by local tumor progression and can be obtained by palliative treatment, e.g., external beam radiotherapy and possibly surgery.
13.3 Current Strategies for Liver-Directed Therapies of Liver Tumors
The liver is frequently involved by metastatic disease. Although nearly all primary tumors can metastasize to the liver, especially digestive tract tumors often give rise to liver metastases. Drainage of these organs via the portal system directly toward the liver is the major contributing anatomical background. In the early days of liver surgery for metastatic disease, predominantly metastases of colorectal origin were treated by partial liver resection. The paradigm of limited liver involvement, no extrahepatic disease, and “easily” resectable metastases has undergone a dramatic change. Nowadays, unresectable liver tumors are converted into resectable liver tumors by increasing the future liver remnant with portal vein embolization and decreasing size and number by neoadjuvant chemotherapy or by combining partial liver resection with local ablative therapy like radiofrequency ablation (RFA) [52, 53]. Ablation of liver tumors is considered to be a new treatment strategy in comparison to partial liver resection, and as a consequence many require evidence before it can be introduced as a useful strategy. In this respect it is important to realize that thermoablation of liver was published as early as 1961, only 4 years after the first published liver resection [54]. Currently, several interventional approaches are used to treat liver tumors [54]. Since the introduction of less invasive, local or regional, treatment modalities of liver tumors, other more “exotic” metastatic tumor types than colorectal liver metastases are increasingly considered for treatment [55]. Locoregional liver-directed therapies can be classified as depicted in Table 13.2. For many patients with non-colorectal liver metastasis, decision making on the best type of therapy – if any – cannot be based on evidence. For these patients, personalized medicine using clinical reasoning – based on knowledge of tumor biology – and expertise in liver-directed treatments should guide the best therapeutic approach. In this context, the following variables will be of influence: (1) tumor progression (“stable” versus progressive disease); (2) localization (liver-only versus liver-predominant); (3) presence of symptoms (asymptomatic versus symptomatic); (4) the impact and risks of the intended therapy; (5) the aim of therapy (intentionally curative, not curative but aiming at prolongation of life, palliative with the aim to ameliorate symptoms); and (6) the availability, expected response, and toxicity of systemic treatments. In patients with distant metastases of thyroid cancer, reduction of large metastatic tumor masses (debulking) could be useful to make the 131I therapy for other smaller remaining metastases more effective [56]. On the one end of the spectrum is the (theoretical) patient with severe debilitating symptoms from a liver-only, relatively stable, potentially curable liver metastasis which can be treated by a minimal invasive – e.g., percutaneous – thermoablation, for whom the alternative would be a highly toxic systemic treatment. In such an example, the decision for treatment will be relatively straight forward. On the other side of the spectrum is the patient with equally debilitating symptoms, with rapidly progressive, widespread metastatic disease for whom a major liver resection needs to be performed, knowing that this will offer only palliation. These cases will probably be withheld from invasive treatment and will be offered best supportive care. In between these extremes are patients in whom decision making is far more complex and prone to extensive discussions. In conclusion, the benefit-risk ratio has dramatically shifted toward a lower risk for patients with liver metastases when treated by minimal invasive locoregional liver-directed treatments. This paves the way for a more liberal use of these treatments probably also in patients with liver metastases from thyroid cancer.
Table 13.2
Currently available liver-directed therapies in the treatment of liver tumors
Approach | Tumor destruction | |
Mechanism | Technique | |
Direct puncture | Heat | Radiofrequency ablation |
Microwave ablation | ||
Cold | Cryoablation | |
Electrical | Irreversible electroporation-perforation | |
Chemical | Ethanol injection | |
Indirect | Ionizing radiation | Stereotactic radiotherapy |
Proton radiotherapy | ||
Tumor vasculature | Embolizing | |
Ionizing radiation | Radio-embolization with beads | |
Ischemia | Transarterial embolization | |
Ischemia and drugs | Transarterial chemoembolization | |
Hepatic vasculature | Non-embolizing | |
Local drugs | Hepatic artery infusion | |
Regional drugs | Isolated liver perfusion |
13.4 Diagnosis and Treatment of Liver Metastases in Thyroid Cancer
Over the last 30 years, 57 patients were reported in 25 case reports for which various treatments were used (Table 13.3) [1, 46, 47, 56–77]. Seven patients were found with liver metastases from FTC, 40 from MTC, six from PTC, and three from HTC.
Table 13.3
Case reports 1984–2014 reporting hepatic metastases in thyroid cancer
Author | Year of publication | Total pts | Diagnosis | No. liver mets | Therapy | Follow-up (months) |
Agriantonis et al. [56] | 2009 | 1 | PTC | 1 | RFA | – |
VandenBusche et al. [57] | 2011 | 4 | PTC | 4 | Surgery | – |
Mosci et al. [58] | 2012 | 1 | PTC | 1 | Surgery | – |
Brown et al. [59] | 1984 | 1 | FTC | – | I131 | – |
Guglielmi et al. [60] | 1999 | 1 | FTC | – | Laser coagulation | – |
Kondo et al. [61] | 2000 | 1 | FTC | 1 | Surgery and RFA | – |
Kelessis et al. [62] | 2005 | 1 | FTC | 1 | I131 | 14 |
Kouso et al. [63] | 2005 | 1 | FTC | 2 | Surgery | >24 |
Mackie et al. [64] | 2005 | 1 | FTC | 1 | I131 | 6 |
Salvatori et al. [1] | 2004 | 1 | HTC | 1 | Surgery | 22 |
Oreel et al. [65] | 2006 | 1 | HTC | 1 | Surgery | – |
Hui Zhang et al. [66] | 2011 | 1 | HTC | >8 | Docetaxel and cisplatin | – |
Siperstein et al. [67] | 1997 | 1 | MTC | 1 | RFA | 2 |
Curley et al. [68] | 1999 | 1 | MTC | – | RFA | – |
Machens et al. [69] | 2000 | 1 | MTC | – | TACE | 0 |
Siperstein, Berber [70] | 2001 | 6 | MTC | – | RFA | – |
El Rassi et al. [71] | 2002 | 1 | MTC | – | Surgery + RT | – |
Lorenz et al. [46] | 2005 | 11 | MTC | – | TACE | 1–72 |
Fromigue et al. [47] | 2006 | 12 | MTC | – | TACE | 15–28 |
Elvin et al. [72] | 2005 | 2 | MTC | 2 | RFA | 38 |
Iftikhar et al. [73] | 2006 | 1 | MTC | >8 | No treatment | – |
Wertenbroek et al. [74] | 2008 | 3 | MTC (FTC) | 7 | RFA | 6–72 |
Imperiale et al. [75] | 2010 | 1 | MTC | 1 | Surgery | – |
Souncess et al. [76] | 2013 | 1 | MTC
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