The application of laparoscopic techniques to radical cystectomy has been a recent and natural evolution of successful laparoscopic applications in renal surgery and prostatectomy. The authors’ ongoing international registry comprises over 700 cases from 14 countries. Most laparoscopic radical cystectomy (LRC) operations are performed using standard laparoscopic technique, with a minority of hand-assisted or robotic-assisted procedures. This article attempts to provide an overview of the current status of LRC, with technical details, modifications, and results of various techniques as reported by the authors’ group and other groups.
Bladder cancer accounts for more than 63,000 new cases and 13,000 deaths annually. Radical surgery remains the mainstay of treatment in cases of muscle-invasive disease and some cases of refractory or high-risk superficial bladder cancer, even with the modern concepts of integrating neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy into treatment strategies. A high-quality cystectomy, with the main objectives of negative surgical margins and an adequate lymphadenectomy, has been shown to have significant impact upon patient survival .
The application of laparoscopic techniques to radical cystectomy has been a recent and natural evolution of successful laparoscopic applications in renal surgery and prostatectomy. Initial case reports and small series of laparoscopic radical cystectomy (LRC) were reported in the early 1990s , soon yielding to larger series with varying techniques and dependable results. The authors’ ongoing international registry comprises over 700 cases from 14 countries. Most LRC operations are performed using standard laparoscopic technique, with a minority of hand-assisted or robotic-assisted procedures. This article attempts to provide an overview of the current status of LRC, with technical details, modifications, and results of various techniques as reported by the authors’ group and other groups.
The current standard: open radical cystectomy
Open radical cystectomy (ORC) remains the gold standard treatment for invasive bladder cancer, setting the bar for other treatment approaches to be measured against. Nevertheless, wide variations in the quality of ORC exist among academic and community settings, with the experience of the individual surgeon being a highly significant variable as regards nodal yield and positive surgical margins, both factors impacting on oncologic outcomes of ORC. At centers of excellence, a contemporary quality ORC is a technically efficient procedure with positive margin rates in the 0% to 2% range for organ-confined disease and less than 10% overall. A critical component of ORC is an extended lymphadenectomy up to the common iliac and presacral nodes, and recently, even para-caval, interaorto–caval, and para-aortic nodes, providing nodal yields greater than or equal to 20. Cancer-specific survival correlates with lymph node counts, even among node-negative patients.
ORC, however, does confer substantial morbidity, even at experienced centers. Major complication rates are 10% to 12%; overall complication rates are 30% to 60%, and perioperative mortality ranges from 2% to 5%. Factors impacting upon complications of ORC include surgeon experience, hospital volume, and patient factors such as advanced age and medical comorbidities.
The rationale for laparoscopic radical cystectomy
Fundamentally, LRC must deliver a high-quality, technically superb loco–regional oncologic clearance comparable to ORC, thereby guaranteeing equivalent oncologic outcomes. Additionally, LRC potentially can reduce morbidity and shorten convalescence, thereby leading to improved postoperative quality of life over the short term. Similar to other laparoscopic oncologic procedures (renal, prostate), the excellent visualization and decreased blood loss during laparoscopy allows for a highly precise technical operation. Smaller skin/fascial incisions decrease pain and convalescence, with the potential for decreasing certain perioperative complications. By minimizing bowel manipulation and its exposure to the atmosphere, postoperative ileus may be reduced. Partly because of patient demand, the application of minimally invasive surgery continues to rapidly increase not only in urologic oncology, but also across the entire surgical spectrum. Risks of port site recurrence and peritoneal seeding are exceedingly rare. LRC data require careful scrutiny to ensure that soft tissue margins, nodal yields, local recurrences, and cancer-specific survival meet the standards established by ORC. Such data are accruing. For LRC to become a widely accepted viable treatment option for aggressive bladder cancer, considerable work lies ahead.
The rationale for laparoscopic radical cystectomy
Fundamentally, LRC must deliver a high-quality, technically superb loco–regional oncologic clearance comparable to ORC, thereby guaranteeing equivalent oncologic outcomes. Additionally, LRC potentially can reduce morbidity and shorten convalescence, thereby leading to improved postoperative quality of life over the short term. Similar to other laparoscopic oncologic procedures (renal, prostate), the excellent visualization and decreased blood loss during laparoscopy allows for a highly precise technical operation. Smaller skin/fascial incisions decrease pain and convalescence, with the potential for decreasing certain perioperative complications. By minimizing bowel manipulation and its exposure to the atmosphere, postoperative ileus may be reduced. Partly because of patient demand, the application of minimally invasive surgery continues to rapidly increase not only in urologic oncology, but also across the entire surgical spectrum. Risks of port site recurrence and peritoneal seeding are exceedingly rare. LRC data require careful scrutiny to ensure that soft tissue margins, nodal yields, local recurrences, and cancer-specific survival meet the standards established by ORC. Such data are accruing. For LRC to become a widely accepted viable treatment option for aggressive bladder cancer, considerable work lies ahead.
Patient selection for laparoscopic radical cystectomy
Careful selection of patients for LRC is paramount for good outcomes. Invasive bladder cancer is an aggressive tumor; there will be no second opportunity for surgical cure, given a positive margin confers a death sentence. Adjuvant treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy) cannot salvage patients who have had a surgically suboptimal excision. Tumor, patient, and surgeon factors should be taken into account when selecting the optimal approach, laparoscopic or open, for radical cystectomy.
At this time, the authors offer LRC to select patients who have clinically low volume, organ-confined tumors without lymphadenopathy. Patients who have locally advanced or bulky tumors or gross lymphadenopathy (before or after chemotherapy) are handled best with an open surgical approach. In these cases, wide excision with possible adjacent organ resection may be necessary, which may require adequate intraoperative palpation to determine local tumor extension. Also, it is difficult to manipulate bladders with heavy tumors laparoscopically; these tumors leave little working space in the pelvis, compromising proper laparoscopic visualization.
Patient factors play a significant role in selection for LRC. General contraindications to laparoscopy (uncorrected bleeding tendency, active intra-abdominal infection, ascites) typically will contraindicate an open surgical cystectomy also. Other specific factors like previous pelvic radiation, multiple abdominal surgery, or previous pelvic surgery would favor selection of an open radical cystectomy. LRC has been reported after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, without mention of any added difficulty in such cases. Obese patients present a particular challenge to laparoscopy, with difficulty in obtaining access, identifying planes and landmarks, inability to reach adequately into the pelvis, and operator fatigue from difficult manipulation. Although robotic assistance can alleviate some of these difficulties, open surgery may be a more reasonable (although still challenging) option.
Finally, LRC should be limited to laparoscopic surgeons who have adequate experience and skills. These procedures are long, complicated, and require detailed knowledge of pelvic anatomy and bladder cancer pathology. Experience with laparoscopic pelvic surgery is vital to an oncologically adequate procedure for the patient. Open surgical experience is also essential for transfer of surgical experience to the laparoscopic setting, possible open conversion if needed, and performing open urinary diversion. The presence of an experienced surgical team in a tertiary care setting is the optimal situation, necessary to cover the laparoscopic, anesthetic, and postoperative care of such patients.
Techniques of laparoscopic radical cystectomy
Bladder cancer is more common in males, and as a result 75% to 80% of all radical cystectomies are performed in male patients. A similar technique of LRC with minor modifications has been reported in various initial series . LRC is performed transperitoneally, with four to five ports placed in a peri-umbilical fan arrangement across the lower abdomen, with a possible sixth port in the suprapubic area ( Fig. 1 ). The camera port is placed two fingerbreadths above the umbilicus, but may be moved to just below the umbilicus in large patients; this supra-umbilical camera position facilitates performance of the high-extended lymphadenectomy up to the inferior mesenteric artery. Although surgery can be performed in the supine position, a low lithotomy is preferred to allow access to the rectum and allow perineal pressure as needed during the urethral anastomosis in an orthotopic reconstruction. A steep Trendelenburg position is essential to keep the bowel out of the pelvis during surgery.
Surgery usually starts by visualizing the pelvis and releasing adhesions of the sigmoid colon to the pelvic side wall, which are present in almost all cases. This mobilization of the sigmoid allows retraction out of the pelvis and identification of the left ureter, and assists in the subsequent lymphadenectomy. If the sigmoid continues to fall into the pelvis, it can be held in place by a suture placed through an appendix epiploica and held to the abdominal wall. At this time, the major landmarks in the pelvis should be visualized; these are the ureters, medial umbilical ligaments, vasa deferentia, and the urachus. The tip of the urethral catheter frequently is seen in the bladder dome also.
Important planes of dissection for radical cystectomy are the posterior plane between the seminal vesicles and prostate anteriorly, and the rectal wall posteriorly, as well as the lateral plane, between the bladder within the perivesical fat and the pelvic side wall including the iliac vessels, obturator fossa, and pelvic floor muscles. These planes are generally avascular; understanding and meticulously developing and following them are essential for a technically and oncologically sound operation.
The posterior plane usually is developed first, keeping the bladder attached to the anterior abdominal wall to allow exposure ( Fig. 2 ). The ureters can be dissected and mobilized distally towards the bladder before or after opening the posterior plane. This plane is entered by dividing the peritoneum of the recto–vesical pouch a little higher than its lowest point. Following the vas deferens medially can facilitate identifying this plane in difficult cases. The tips of the seminal vesicles are visualized easily, and keeping the seminal vesicles anterior, the plane is developed distally towards the prostate ( Fig. 3 ). Denonvillier’s fascia is encountered at the level of the prostate–vesicular junction posteriorly. This fascia needs to be divided sharply, allowing the posterior plane to be developed further distally between the prostate and the anterior rectal surface ( Fig. 4 ). Extreme care should be exercised at this time to avoid injuring the rectum, which lies in an oblique, rather than transverse plane in this area.
If the ureters have not been mobilized previously, they should be at this time. Proximal dissection to a level above the iliac vessels greatly facilitates the subsequent lymphadenectomy and the urinary diversion. The ureters are divided distally close to the bladder between clips, and the distal ureter margin is sent for frozen section pathological examination.
The lateral planes then are developed. This is done easiest by dividing the peritoneum over the obliterated medial umbilical ligaments until the anterior abdominal wall. The vas deferens is encountered commonly at this time and can be divided also. The lateral plane is identified readily lateral to the ligament, which is retracted medially. This plane is developed distally into the pelvis until the pelvic floor muscle and the endopelvic fascia is reached. The reflection of the endopelvic fascia over the prostate can be divided at this time or left for a later stage in the operation.
The posterolateral bladder pedicles thus are exposed between the posterior and lateral planes. These pedicles are sometimes separable into a lateral and posterior portion (with the ureter between the two), or in some thin patients may be one posterolateral attachment. The superior and inferior vesical vessels course with the lateral portion of the pedicle, and accordingly, the pedicles usually are divided with a laparoscopic linear stapler ( Fig. 5 ). Other energy-based coagulating instruments or clips can be used also. These pedicles are followed to the level of the pelvic floor, or if the endopelvic fascia has been opened, along the side of the prostate as distally as the apex of the prostate.
After the posterior and lateral bladder attachments are freed, the bladder is mobilized from the anterior abdominal wall, including a triangle of peritoneum with the urachus to the umbilicus ( Fig. 6 ). The pubic bones are exposed, the space of Retzius developed, and the puboprostatic ligaments exposed. The superficial branch of the dorsal vein is coagulated and divided. The endopelvic fascia is opened on both sides of the prostate at this time if not previously opened; the pelvic floor muscles are swept off the sides of the prostate, exposing the apex, urethra, and sides of the dorsal vein complex. The dorsal vein can be controlled by various techniques ( Fig. 7 ). The authors commonly utilize a laparoscopic GIA stapler to control the well-mobilized complex, although a controlling stitch can be placed across the dorsal vein. Coagulating instruments like bipolar electrocautery also can be used, although they are less reliable. After the puboprostatic ligaments and the dorsal vein complex are divided, the urethra comes into view. The attachments of the prostatic apex to the pelvic floor are released, and the urethral catheter can be removed at this time. A locking clip or a suture should be placed at the proximal urethra to prevent tumor spillage from the bladder, and the urethra is divided. Proximal traction on the prostatic apex allows the final attachments of the prostate to the anterior rectal surface (rectourethralis muscle) to come into view; these are divided carefully, and the specimen is placed in an impermeable laparoscopic retrieval sac, which is placed out of the pelvis to allow subsequent inspection, hemostasis, and lymphadenectomy.
LRC in the female usually involves an anterior exenteration with en bloc resection of the bladder, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The authors’ technique in females starts similar to a laparoscopic cystectomy in the male, with identification of the ureters and dissection into the pelvis. The ovarian vessels are divided in the infundibulopelvic ligaments, allowing the ovaries to be mobilized into the pelvis. The bladder is mobilized laterally in the same manner as in males, using the obliterated medial umbilical ligament as a guide, and dividing the round ligament of the uterus in the process. The endopelvic fascia is visualized, although it does not need to be divided in the female. Anterior retraction of the uterus is very helpful, and facilitates identification of the posterior and posterolateral structures. This can be accomplished with a laparoscopic instrument held by an assistant, or by various instruments that can be placed vaginally and used to manipulate the uterine cervix. A good example is the RUMI uterine manipulator with the Koch colpotomizer system (Cooper Surgical, Trumbull, Connecticut). The posterolateral bladder pedicles are identified; these include the uterine vessels and are controlled with a linear stapler.
The posterior fornix is identified with a sponge stick placed in the vagina, and the vagina is opened close to the cervix. The vaginal incision is continued around the cervix, and distally along the anterior vaginal wall. The vaginal wall is well-vascularized, and various cutting/coagulating instruments (eg, Harmonic scalpel, Ligasure) are especially useful for this part of the procedure. As the bladder neck area is reached, this dissection can proceed closer to the urethra, which is removed in its entirety. If an orthotopic neobladder is planned, the dissection ends at the bladder neck; the urethra is transected at the bladder neck, and the bladder neck is sutured closed immediately to prevent spillage. The distal dissection of the bladder neck and urethra can be performed vaginally, and the specimen can be removed from the vaginal incision (useful in cases where intracorporeal diversion is planned). The vagina then is closed with a continuous Vicryl suture. The distal part of this closure also can be performed vaginally according to surgical preference.

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