Risk group
Combination of pretreatment variables
≤T2a and PSA ≤10 ng/ml and GS ≤6
T2b or PSA 10.1–20 ng/ml or GS = 7
≥T2c or PSA >20 ng/ml or GS ≥8
Using PSA to Define Freedom from Recurrence
Due to the long natural history of prostate cancer, it is difficult to demonstrate a beneficial effect of any therapeutic intervention. D’Amico quantified prostate cancer specific mortality (PCSM) in men with clinically localized T1-2 prostate cancer treated with RP or EBRT in the PSA era [4]. This analysis included more than 7,000 men from 44 different institutions. The rate of PCSM was dependent on risk groupings and primary treatment. In men treated with EBRT and with low-risk disease, the 8 year rate of PCSM was <5 % and approximately 10 % for intermediate risk patients. If aggressive local therapy is to impact survival, especially for low-risk patients, large patient numbers with long follow-up will be required. Additionally, many men are diagnosed with prostate cancer beyond the age of 65 and thus have competing medical co-morbidities; likely making detection of treatment-related improvements difficult. More than 50 % of men treated on cooperative group clinical trials of prostate cancer between 1975 and 1992 died of non-prostate causes. For these reasons, researchers have sought a surrogate for survival when conducting clinical research. Using the post-treatment PSA level as a surrogate has gained acceptance and the biochemical relapse-free survival is the most commonly reported end-point used.
The Phoenix definition [5] is the current standard for defining biochemical failure after definitive radiotherapy and replaces the American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Consensus definition which had been in use since 1997 [6]. Phoenix defines biochemical failure as a rise in serum PSA of more than 2 ng/ml above the post-radiotherapy nadir. The previous ASTRO definition required three consecutive rises in PSA but the date of failure was then backdated to midway between the PSA nadir and the first PSA rise. The advantages of the Phoenix definition are that it eliminates the backdating artifact of ASTRO and false positives due to hormone therapy use; the negatives are that it relies on sufficient follow-up. This chapter will preferentially report the Phoenix definition of biochemical failure but will report the ASTRO Consensus definition in older studies.
Definitive External Beam Radiotherapy
EBRT as monotherapy is appropriate for men with most men with low-risk disease and some men with low-volume intermediate-risk disease. It is not appropriate, however, for men with high-risk or locally advanced cancer unless there is concern for competing comorbidities. In men with low-risk disease EBRT monotherapy is associated with 10-year BRFS of 80–90 % [7–9]. Men with intermediate- and high-risk features experience 10-year BRFS of approximately 65 and 25 % respectively when treated with EBRT alone [10, 11].
Combination EBRT and Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT)
The addition of androgen deprivation to radiotherapy improves overall survival for both intermediate and low risk disease [10, 12]. For intermediate disease 6 months ADT appears to be sufficient [13, 14], while survival for high risk is improved by long-term ADT (~3 years) [15]. The details and results of the following RCTs are detailed in Table 42.2.
Table 42.2
Randomized controlled trials of EBRT and ADT
Study | N | Length of ADT (months) | EBRT (Gy) | Median follow-up (years) | Results |
EORTC [10] | 415 | 36 vs 0 | 50 WP | 9.1 | 10-year OS increased from 40 to 58 % with ADT |
70 P | |||||
85–31 [16] | 977 | 24 vs 0 | 44–46 WP | 7.6 | 10-year OS increased from 39 to 49 % with ADT |
65–70 P | |||||
86–10 [11] | 456 | 4 vs 0 | 44–46 WP | 12.5 | 10-year DSM decreased from 36 to 23 % with ADT |
65–70 P | |||||
D’Amico et al. [17] | 206 | 6 vs 0 | 70 P | 7.6 | 8-year OS increased from 61 to 74 % with ADT |
94–08 [12] | 1,979 | 4 vs 0 | 46.8 WP | 9.1 | 10-year OS improved from 57 to 62 % with ADT |
66.6 P | |||||
92–02 [18] | 1,554 | 28 vs 4 | 44–46 WP | 11.3 | 10-year DSM decreased from 16 to 11 % with longer ADT. OS benefit only seen for GS ≥ 8 with longer ADT |
65–70 P | |||||
EORTC 22961 [15] | 970 | 36 vs 6 | 50 WP | 6.4 | 5-years OS improved from 81 to 85 % with longer ADT |
70 P |
EORTC 22863: This study included high-grade T1-2 or T3/T4 disease. Approximately 90 % of the patients had ≥ T3 disease and 10 % had high-grade T1-2 disease
RTOG 85–31: Inclusion criteria included clinical T3 disease or regional lymphatic involvement or pathologic T3a or T3b disease post-prostatectomy
RTOG 86–10: Eligibility included patients with T2-4 disease with or without positive pelvic lymph nodes.
D’Amico: This single institution RCT included men with PSA >10 ng/ml, or GS ≥ 7, or had radiographic evidence of extraprostatic disease.
RTOG 94–08: This study primarily enrolled low and intermediate risk patients. Its eligibility included T1-2b with a PSA ≤ 20 ng/ml. One third were considered low risk and ~50 % were intermediate risk.
RTOG 92–02: Patients with T2c-4 disease and PSA <150 ng/ml were eligible. Fifty-five percent of patients had ≥ T3 disease with a median PSA of 20 ng/ml
EORTC 22961: This non-inferiority study allowed pathologically node positive or T2c-4 node negative patients with a PSA up to 40× upper limit normal.
External Beam Dose Escalation
With the evolution of radiotherapy technology, data has emerged that supports the concept that higher radiation doses will yield better clinical outcomes with acceptable toxicity profiles. A meta-analysis including seven RCT and 2,812 patients showed that all categories of risk benefited in biochemical control from dose escalation, although there was no change in overall survival or disease-specific survival observed to date [19]. Current recommendations are for doses of 75.6 Gy or higher when conventional fractionation (1.8–2 Gy/fraction) is used. External beam radiation therapy and brachytherapy have been combined in the treatment of prostate cancer as a method of dose escalation beyond what external techniques alone can deliver. Institutional series have shown promising biochemical control of high risk disease using combined EBRT and brachytherapy in conjunction with ADT. Institutional series from Duke [20] and Mt Sinai [21] state 5-year biochemical control of 80 %, although 15-year outcome drops to 68 % [22]. The RTOG has conducted two phase II trials of combination external beam and brachytherapy, either permanent interstitial (0019) or high dose rate (0321). RTOG 0019 enrolled 138 intermediate-risk patients and resulted in 4-year biochemical relapse rate of 14 % but a high GU/GI combined grade 3+ morbidity rate of 15 % [23]. Preliminary results for 0321 show low rate of grade 3+ toxicity (3 % at 18 months) but will need to be evaluated at longer followup [24].
The advent of improved prostate localization and high precision radiotherapy made it possible to deliver shorter courses using higher dose per fraction. Two methods of hypofractionation have resulted: moderate hypofractionation (4–5 weeks of daily treatment) and extreme hypofractionation (4–5 treatments over 1–2 weeks). The results of three RCTs examining moderate hypofractionation have been published, although two used doses that are much lower that contemporary standards [25, 26]. The third RCT compared 80 Gy in 40 fractions over 8 weeks versus 62 Gy in 20 fractions over 5 weeks. With short follow-up, 3 year freedom from biochemical failure was 87 % in the hypofractionated arm compared to 79 % in the conventional arm (p = 0.035) with similar late toxicity rates [27]. Other moderate hypofractionation trials have been reported in abstract form [28, 29]. Three very large studies of moderate hypofractionation with non-inferiority hypotheses containing more than 5,000 patients have recently been completed. The results are expected in 2–3 years and will inform subsequent decision-making.
The results of extreme hypofractionation (4–7 fractions over 1–2 weeks) have also been reported. Prospective cohort data has achieved follow-up of 3–5 years, however less than 20 patients have been followed beyond 5 years [30]. Extreme hypofractionation requires accurate positioning and tight margins on the prostate to avoid the rectum and bladder. The studies reported to date have included mostly patients with low risk disease. The follow-up is short (median usually 3–4 years) with reported rates of biochemical progression-free survival of 90–95 % [30, 31].
Post-prostatectomy EBRT
Adjuvant Radiotherapy
Approximately 80,000–100,000 RPs are performed in the US per year and ~30,000 will have a PSA failure [32]. The risk factors for local failure after prostatectomy include positive surgical margins, extracapsular extension, seminal vesicle invasion. The risk factors have been used as eligibility criteria for three randomized trials of adjuvant EBRT (Table 42.3).
Table 42.3
Randomized controlled trials of adjuvant EBRT versus observation
Study | N | Percentage undetectable post-operative PSA (%) | EBRT (Gy) | Median follow-up (years) | Results |
EORTC [33] | 1,005 | 69 | 60 P | 10.6 | 10-year BRFS improved from 41 to 61 % with adjuvant EBRT |
SWOG [34] | 425 | 66 | 60–64 P | 12.6 | 10-year OS improved from 66 to 74 % with adjuvant EBRT |
German [35] | 385 | 100 | 60 P | 4.5 | 5-years BRFS improved from 54 to 72 % with adjuvant EBRT |
These trials have all found an improvement in biochemical relapse- and disease-free survival, and one has shown a significant overall survival benefit to adjuvant radiotherapy for men with pathologic high risk features. However, debate still exists as to whether certain subgroups, particularly those with pT3a negative margin or seminal vesicle-positive disease, benefit from adjuvant radiotherapy compared to early salvage [36].
The EORTC performed a RCT of observation versus immediate RT for high risk post-prostatectomy prostate cancer patients [37]. Eligibility included clinical T1-3N0M0, age <75 years old and a good performance status. Pathologic risk factors were: capsule invasion, positive margins or SVI. EBRT (60Gy) had to start within 4 months of surgery. One thousand and five patients accrued between 1992 and 2001 with a median age 65, median pre-tx PSA 12.3, and median post-op PSA 0.2. The 10-year BFS rate was 61 % versus 41 % in favor of RT (p < 0.0001). Clinical progression-free survival and local control were also improved with RT, but overall survival was not significantly different (77 % v 81 %, p > 0.1) [33]. Unplanned sub-analysis found that when pathology was centrally reviewed, extracapsular extension in the setting of negative margins did not have a statistical benefit from adjuvant EBRT [38]. While seminal vesicle invasion is commonly thought to be a harbinger of distant metastatic disease, the same study showed that adjuvant RT does benefit those with seminal vesicle involvement [38].
The Southwest Oncology cooperative group (SWOG) conducted a RCT of 425 men with extracapsular extension (ECE), seminal vesicle invasion (SVI), or positive margins, with arms of immediate 60–64 Gy to the prostate bed or observation. Overall survival, as well as metastasis-free and PSA relapse-free survival, were improved with adjuvant therapy [34, 39]. This benefit was seen in subsets of PSA stratification (both less than and greater than 0.2 ng/ml), high gleason grade, ECE/positive margin, and SVI-positive patients [34]. The authors calculate that the number needed to treat with adjuvant EBRT to prevent one death was 9.1.
Finally, Weigel published a trial from Germany randomizing men with pathologic T3 disease and undetectable post-operative PSA to adjuvant radiotherapy (60 Gy) or observation. With follow-up just under 5 years, the authors confirmed a biochemical progression-free survival benefit to adjuvant EBRT in undetectable PSA population [35].
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