© Springer-Verlag London 2015
Vinod H. Nargund, Derek Raghavan and Howard M. Sandler (eds.)Urological Oncology10.1007/978-0-85729-482-1_4141. Expectant Management of Localized Prostate Cancer
Department of Urology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
Prostatic neoplasmsWatchful waitingProstate-specific antigenMass screeningProstatectomyRadiotherapyClinical trials, randomizedRationale for Expectant Management
In 2014, an estimated 233,000 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, the majority of whom will be diagnosed by opportunistic PSA screening [1]. Since the PSA test was made commercially available in the late 1980’s, the incidence rate of prostate cancer has increased by roughly 33 % (from 120 to 160 per 100,000 population) and a man’s lifetime risk has more than doubled (from 7.3 % in 1975 to 18 % in 2012) [1]. PSA screening preferentially detects cancers of low-grade and low-stage that may pose a limited threat to a man in terms of longevity and quality-of-life. As a result, the majority of men diagnosed with prostate cancer have low-risk tumors, defined as PSA <10 ng/mL, biopsy Gleason score 2–6, and clinical T2a or less [2].
Estimates from the European Randomised Screening Trial for Prostate Cancer and the U.S. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) registry indicate that 25–50 % of cancers detected through screening represent over diagnosis, defined as tumors that would have gone undiagnosed over a man’s lifetime in the absence of screening [3, 4]. In older men, prostate cancer is ubiquitous, as approximately 60–70 % of men dying from non-prostate cancer causes will have histological evidence of prostate cancer in autopsy series [5]. While a 35 % reduction in prostate cancer-specific mortality in the U.S. has been observed since the early 1990’s (of which 45–70 % may be attributable to screening) [6], it is estimated that the vast majority of excess men diagnosed as a consequence of opportunistic PSA testing were over-treated and did not benefit from early detection [7]. The issue of over-treatment is particularly relevant for prostate cancer as all treatments (surgery and radiation therapy) may negatively impact urinary, bowel, and sexual function (even when performed at high-volume hospitals), each is associated with a small but definable risk of treatment-related mortality, and many men will live decades with the sequelae of the treatments they have received [8]. The issues of over diagnosis and over-treatment were largely behind the recent U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s grade D recommendation for PSA screening, indicating that there is a moderate-to-high certainty that the screening has no net benefit or that the harms outweigh the benefits [9].
While a strong rationale can be made that the majority of men diagnosed with screen-detected prostate cancer do not need immediate radical therapy (particularly for those with life expectancy <10–15 years due to advanced age and/or comorbid medical illness), the vast majority of American males receive some form of definitive local therapy. Data from the combined, linked SEER-Medicare registry of men over 65 years of age suggest that 75–84 % of elderly men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer receive surgery or radiation therapy [7, 10]. Expectant management rates for men with low-risk prostate cancer in the CaPSURE registry are only 6–8 % and these rates appearing to be decreasing over time [11, 12]. Similarly low rates of surveillance among low-risk patients has been reported from high-volume, academic centers [13, 14].
It is likely that both patient- and physician-related factors have contributed to the low utilization of expectant management for prostate cancer in the United States, such as anxiety and loss of control for the patient, and financial disincentives and medicolegal concerns for the physician. One of the major factors that has contributed to the low acceptance of this approach is concern by the patient and physician that the threat a cancer poses to an individual may be underestimated by the PSA, clinical stage, biopsy Gleason score, and other information from the diagnostic biopsy (e.g. number of positive and negative cores, percentage of cancer within the biopsy specimens). Data from conservatively-treated patients from the pre-PSA era have suggested rates of prostate cancer-specific mortality at 15 years of 20–25 %, 65–75 %, and 80–90 % for men with biopsy Gleason score 6, 7, and 8–10 cancers, respectively [15]. As such, expectant management has largely been restricted to those with a high probability of indolent cancer (defined as tumor volume <0.5 cc, absence of Gleason pattern 4, and no evidence of pathologically advanced cancer features such as extraprostatic extension or seminal vesicle invasion) as these features are associated with cancers detected at autopsy and, with exceedingly rare exceptions, all these men are cured by radical therapy [5, 16]. Various clinical criteria and nomograms have been developed to predict which men have a high probability of having indolent prostate cancer for whom expectant management is a safe approach [17–20]. However, fewer than 15 % of patients from screening and surgical series meet pre-treatment criteria for indolent prostate cancer [21–23], and thus likely under-estimate the proportion of men who may be eligible for active surveillance.
For various reasons, the outcomes of conservatively managed patients from the pre-PSA era may not be applicable to contemporary patients to determine who should and should not be considered for expectant management. First, PSA screening is associated with a lead-time of 5–12 years in the diagnosis of prostate cancer [24]. Second, patients treated in the pre-PSA era may not have been appropriately staged at diagnosis as bone scintigraphy and computed tomography (CT) imaging were in their infancy and many of these men may have had metastatic disease at diagnosis. Third, many of these men were diagnosed by TURP (which largely samples the transition zone) and thus index tumors that largely develop in the peripheral zone may not have been adequately sampled. Lastly, substantial changes to the Gleason scoring system have taken place which culminated in a modification of the Gleason scoring system such that many tumors of lower grade in years past would now be classified as high-grade cancers [25, 26].
In summary, the rationale for expectant management of localized prostate cancer is based on the fact that the majority of men with prostate cancer will die with their disease rather than from their disease; estimates from various sources suggest the number of men needed to be treated to prevent one prostate cancer death ranges from 18 to 48 [7, 27, 28]. As treatment may be associated with important impacts on quality-of-life, an observational strategy has the potential to reserve treatment for those who it need and avoid unnecessary treatment for those that do not, thus preserving quality-of-life without compromising survival.
Expectant Management: Watchful Waiting vs. Active Surveillance
Expectant management of prostate cancer may take one of two forms: watchful waiting and active surveillance. Watchful waiting involves less intensive monitoring with periodic clinical assessment with or without PSA testing and imaging where treatment (usually in the form of androgen deprivation therapy) is typically administered with palliative intent for symptomatic local or systemic progression. Active surveillance involves intensive monitoring with PSA testing and surveillance prostate biopsies at periodic intervals and intervention with curative intent is recommended when evidence of more important cancer is detected (either cancer of higher grade, increasing cancer burden on biopsy or prostate exam, or changes in PSA). It is anticipated that the risks of clinical progression and prostate cancer-specific mortality will be less with an active surveillance strategy compared to watchful waiting (though the probability of receiving radical treatment will be higher). As such, active surveillance has emerged as the preferred observational strategy by clinicians and patients for those with life expectancy >10 years who would otherwise be candidates for definitive local therapy.
Watchful Waiting
The rationale behind watchful waiting is the observation that localized prostate cancer often progresses slowly and relatively few men with life expectancy <10 years due to advanced age and/or comorbid illness will suffer symptoms or die from prostate cancer over their anticipated life expectancy. As mentioned, watchful waiting has been the most frequently used observational strategy in the past but currently favored only for those with limited life expectancy. While watchful waiting may be associated with a lower probability of treatment and higher cost compared to active surveillance, it may also be associated with higher risks of prostate cancer mortality (though this has yet to be proven).
The strongest evidence in favor of expectant management is for watchful waiting, and this comes from two randomized trials of radical prostatectomy vs. watchful waiting, one from a cohort of men with clinically-detected prostate cancer and the other from a cohort with screen-detected prostate cancer [29, 30]. Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group-4 (SPCG-4) randomized 695 men with clinically-detected prostate cancer (only 5 % of whom were diagnosed as a consequence of PSA screening) between 1989 and 1999 and reported a statistically significant 6.6, 6.1, and 11.7 % absolute reduction in all-cause mortality, prostate cancer-specific mortality, and distant metastasis, respectively among men treated by radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting at a median follow-up of 15 years [29]. What is notable from this study is that, theoretically, only 12 % of men benefited from radical prostatectomy in terms of preventing distant metastasis or death from prostate cancer death and 88 % were treated unnecessarily; 22 % developed metastasis despite therapy and 66 % did not experience clinical disease progression. In terms of local progression (defined as biopsy-proven local recurrence in the radical prostatectomy arm and palpable transcapsular tumor growth or with symptoms of urinary obstruction that necessitated intervention in the watchful waiting arm), the difference in the absolute risk reduction associated with radical prostatectomy after 10 years was 25 % (19 % vs. 44 %), corresponding to a relative risk with radical prostatectomy of 0.33 (95 % CI: 0.25–0.44) [31].
In an unplanned subset analyses, SPCG-4 reported no significant reduction in mortality or metastasis among men aged 65 years or older. Given the lead-time of 5–11 years in the diagnosis of prostate cancer by screening, these results suggest that watchful waiting may be a reasonable strategy for men as young as 55–60 years of age who have screen-detected cancers [4, 32].
The recently-published Prostate Cancer Intervention Versus Observation Trial (PIVOT) randomized 731 American veterans with screen-detected prostate cancer between radical prostatectomy and watchful waiting and reported no difference in all-cause (HR 0.9; 95 % CI: 0.7–1.1) or prostate cancer-specific mortality (HR 0.6; 95 % CI: 0.4–1.1) at a median follow-up of 12 years [30]. The trial closed prematurely due to poor accrual (initial planned sample size was 2000) and a lower-than-expected mortality rate was observed among the men randomized and thus may have been inadequately powered to detect survival differences. The trial reported a non-significant 15 % relative increase in all-cause mortality among men treated by radical prostatectomy and non-significant reductions in all-cause mortality among those with intermediate- and high-risk features. In terms of prostate cancer-specific mortality, only those patients with high-risk features on the basis of PSA, biopsy Gleason score, and/or clinical stage appeared to benefit from radical prostatectomy. What are notable from this trial are the low rates of prostate cancer-specific mortality at 12 years with watchful waiting among all patients (7.4 %) and those with low-risk (4.1 %) and intermediate-risk (4.3 %) features, all of which are substantially lower than those reported from observational studies in the pre-PSA era.
In terms of observational studies, in a pooled analysis of 828 patients managed by watchful waiting in six non-randomized studies, Chodak et al. reported 10-year cancer-specific survival and metastasis-free survival of 87 and 81 %, respectively for grade 1 tumors versus 34 and 26 %, respectively for grade 3 tumors [33]. In a population-based study of 14,516 patients treated conservatively between 1992 and 2002 from the SEER-Medicare database, the 10-year risk of prostate cancer-specific mortality and death from competing causes was 8.3 and 60 % for well-differentiated tumors, 9.1 and 57.2 % for moderately-differentiated tumors, and 25.6 and 57 % for poorly-differentiated tumors [10]. The authors note that cancer mortality rates observed were substantially lower than the pre-PSA era. Albertsen et al. used data from 19,639 men 66 years of age and older identified by the combined SEER-Medicare registry to estimate 10-year risks of prostate cancer-specific mortality and all-cause mortality based on tumor grade and stage, age and comorbidity to better select patients for expectant management. During the first 10 years after diagnosis, men with moderately- and poorly-differentiated prostate cancer were more likely to die from causes other than their disease. Depending on patient age, clinical stage, Gleason score, and number of comorbid illnesses present at diagnosis, 10-year all-cause mortality rates ranged from 29 to 94 %, and prostate cancer-specific mortality rates ranged from 2 to 28 % [34].
In summary, evidence from randomized trials and observational studies demonstrate that the risks of prostate cancer-specific mortality and metastatic progression associated with watchful waiting are substantially less than that reported for patients diagnosed in the pre-PSA era before the availability of standard contemporary imaging modalities for prostate cancer staging. Over a time period of 10–15 years, the risk of mortality from competing causes is far greater than prostate cancer-specific mortality among all tumor grades. For clinically detected prostate cancer, the benefit of radical prostatectomy was apparent only for those men less than 65 years of age at diagnosis (this may translate into 55–60 years of age or less for screen-detected prostate cancer). For screen-detected prostate cancer, no benefit of radical prostatectomy was observed overall, though there was a suggestion that those with high-risk features may have a reduced all-cause and prostate cancer-specific mortality. As such, there is strong evidence that watchful waiting may be a suitable strategy for all patients except those with long (>15–20 year) life expectancy and/or high-risk features.
Active Surveillance
As mentioned, active surveillance is the preferred observational strategy for men with life expectancy >10 years who would otherwise be candidates for definitive local therapy as it is theoretically associated with lower risks of clinical progression and prostate cancer mortality since men are not denied curative therapy who would benefit from it. The current data in support of active surveillance is limited to single-arm, observational studies and thus is not as robust as the data for watchful waiting. An international randomized trial of surveillance vs. radical therapy was opened in 2006 (START, Surveillance Therapy Against Radical Treatment) but was closed due to poor accrual. The ProtecT (Prostate testing for cancer and Treatment) study is a randomized trial in the United Kingdom where men with screen-detected prostate cancer are randomly assigned to surgery, external-beam radiation or surveillance, but results from this trial are not anticipated to be available for many years [35].
There are no standardized schedules for how patients should be selected, how they should be followed, and what criteria should be used to recommend definitive treatment. Active surveillance involves a repeat biopsy shortly after diagnosis (typically within 6 months) to confirm the presence of favorable clinical and pathological features with or without adjunctive tests such as free: total PSA measurements, urine PCA3, and/or multiparametric magnetic resonance (MR) 1.5-3-T prostate imaging (with or without endorectal coil, spectroscopy or dynamic contrast-enhanced sequences).
Eggener et al. have previously reported that the presence of cancer on the repeat biopsy was significantly associated with the need for intervention [36]. The rate of re-classification to a more aggressive cancer by repeat biopsy has consistently been reported in this and other studies to be between 20 and 30 % [36–38]. Of all low-risk patients eligible for surveillance who are found to adverse features on subsequent evaluations, 80 % are identified at the initial repeat biopsy, which emphasizes the importance of initial repeat biopsy in patient selection. In the authors’ practice, the recommendation to proceed with therapy is individualized and generally advised for patients with a substantial amount of Gleason pattern 4 (either Gleason 4 + 3 or greater or multiple cores showing Gleason 3 + 4) or a substantial increase in the amount of cancer in biopsy specimens (either based on the number of positive cores or the % cancer in a core).
Once favorable clinical parameters are confirmed, patients are typically followed at 3- to 6-month intervals with PSA and clinical assessment and repeat prostate biopsy every 1–3 years (the authors’ practice is to perform a repeat biopsy using an extended biopsy scheme (12-cores or more) at year 2 and 4 and 2–4-year intervals thereafter). Surveillance biopsies may be performed sooner if a change in other clinical parameters warrants it. Adjunctive tests such as prostate MRI may be considered if there is discordance between biopsy findings and clinical parameters such as PSA and prostate examination. There are no uniform criteria for recommending treatment. PSA alone is seldom used to recommend abandoning active surveillance in the absence of other findings suggesting important disease reclassification as a poor correlation between rising PSA levels and adverse biopsy features among active surveillance patients has been reported [39].
The use of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (5ARI) in patients on surveillance is highly controversial. A randomized trial of dutasteride vs. placebo in 302 patients followed for 3 years on active surveillance (with repeat biopsy at 18 months and 3 years) showed a significant reduction in the need for treatment and biopsy progression (HR 0.6; 95 % CI: 0.4–0.9; P = 0.009) [40]. The use of 5ARI may also improve the ability of currently available tests to monitor patients on surveillance as these drugs increase the performance characteristics of PSA, digital rectal examination, and prostate biopsy to diagnose prostate cancer [41–43]. However, the appeal of 5ARI in the active surveillance population is limited by the possible association with the development of high-grade prostate cancer [44].
The feasibility and safety of surveillance in appropriately selected patients has been demonstrated in multiple single-arm cohort studies. Klotz et al. recently published their updated experience in 450 patients on surveillance and reported a 97 % 10-year cancer-specific survival and the hazard ratio of deaths from competing causes vs. prostate cancer was 18.6 [45]. A treatment rate of 30 % was reported in this study, which is consistent with the 20–40 % rate reported in most series, though one study reported a 4-year intervention rate of 73 % [13, 14, 36, 38, 40, 45–49]. While a 50 % biochemical recurrence rate after deferred radical therapy was reported for patients in the Klotz et al. series, most series have reported successful salvage in 87 % or more of patients over short (<5 years) follow-up [36, 45, 50, 51]. Of the men on active surveillance who undergo deferred radical prostatectomy, 85 % or more have organ-confined cancer in most series (this rate was only 65 % in the Johns Hopkins series) and rates of seminal vesicle invasion and lymph node metastasis are less than 5 % [36, 50–53].
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