Evaluation of the Urologic Patient: History, Physical Examination, and Urinalysis

Glenn S. Gerber, MD, Charles B. Brendler, MD

Urologists have a unique position in medicine because their patients encompass all age groups including prenatal, pediatric, adolescent, adult, and geriatric. Because there is no medical subspecialist with similar interests, the urologist has the ability to make the initial evaluation and diagnosis and to provide medical and surgical therapy for all diseases of the genitourinary (GU) system. Historically, the diagnostic armamentarium included urinalysis, endoscopy, and intravenous pyelography. Recent advances in ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and endourology have expanded our diagnostic capabilities. Despite these advances, however, the basic approach to the patient is still dependent on taking a complete history, executing a thorough physical examination, and performing a urinalysis. These basics dictate and guide the subsequent diagnostic evaluation.



The medical history is the cornerstone of the evaluation of the urologic patient, and a well-taken history will frequently elucidate the probable diagnosis. However, many pitfalls can inhibit the urologist from obtaining an accurate history. The patient may be unable to describe or communicate symptoms because of anxiety, language barrier, or educational background. Therefore the urologist must be a detective and lead the patient through detailed and appropriate questioning to obtain accurate information. There are practical considerations in the art of history taking that can help to alleviate some of these difficulties. In the initial meeting, an attempt should be made to help the patient feel comfortable. During this time, the physician should project a calm, caring, and competent image that can help foster two-way communication. Impaired hearing, mental capacity, and facility with English can be assessed promptly. These difficulties are frequently overcome by having a family member present during the interview or, alternatively, by having an interpreter present.

Patients need to have sufficient time to express their problems and the reasons for seeking urologic care; the physician, however, should focus the discussion to make it as productive and informative as possible. Direct questioning can then proceed logically. The physician needs to listen carefully without distractions to obtain and interpret the clinical information provided by the patient. A complete history can be divided into the chief complaint and history of the present illness, the patient’s past medical history, and a family history. Each segment can provide significant positive and negative findings that will contribute to the overall evaluation and treatment of the patient.

Chief Complaint and Present Illness

Most urologic patients identify their symptoms as arising from the urinary tract and frequently present to the urologist for the initial evaluation. For this reason, the urologist frequently has the opportunity to act as both the primary physician and the specialist. The chief complaint must be clearly defined because it provides the initial information and clues to begin formulating the differential diagnosis. Most importantly, the chief complaint is a constant reminder to the urologist as to why the patient initially sought care. This issue must be addressed even if subsequent evaluation reveals a more serious or significant condition that requires more urgent attention. In our personal experience, a young woman presented with a chief complaint of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). In the course of her evaluation, she was found to have a right adrenal mass. We subsequently focused on this problem and performed a right adrenalectomy for a benign cortical adenoma. We forgot about the woman’s original symptoms until she presented for her subsequent postoperative examination. She reminded us of her original symptoms at that time, and subsequent evaluation revealed that she had a nylon suture that had eroded into the anterior wall of her bladder from a previous abdominal vesicourethropexy performed 2 years earlier for stress urinary incontinence. Her UTIs resolved after surgical removal of the suture.

In obtaining the history of the present illness, the duration, severity, chronicity, periodicity, and degree of disability are important considerations. The patient’s symptoms need to be clarified for details and quantified for severity. Listed next are a variety of typical initial complaints. Specific questions that focus the differential diagnosis are provided.


Pain arising from the GU tract may be quite severe and is usually associated with either urinary tract obstruction or inflammation. Urinary calculi cause severe pain when they obstruct the upper urinary tract. Conversely, large, nonobstructing stones may be totally asymptomatic. Thus a 2-mm-diameter stone lodged at the ureterovesical junction may cause excruciating pain, whereas a large staghorn calculus in the renal pelvis or a bladder stone may be totally asymptomatic. Urinary retention from prostatic obstruction is also quite painful, but the diagnosis is usually obvious to the patient.

Inflammation of the GU tract is most severe when it involves the parenchyma of a GU organ. This is due to edema and distention of the capsule surrounding the organ. Thus pyelonephritis, prostatitis, and epididymitis are typically quite painful. Inflammation of the mucosa of a hollow viscus such as the bladder or urethra usually produces discomfort, but the pain is not nearly as severe.

Tumors in the GU tract usually do not cause pain unless they produce obstruction or extend beyond the primary organ to involve adjacent nerves. Thus pain associated with GU malignancies is usually a late manifestation and a sign of advanced disease.

Renal Pain

Pain of renal origin is usually located in the ipsilateral costovertebral angle just lateral to the sacrospinalis muscle and beneath the 12th rib. Pain is usually caused by acute distention of the renal capsule, generally from inflammation or obstruction. The pain may radiate across the flank anteriorly toward the upper abdomen and umbilicus and may be referred to the testis or labium. A corollary to this observation is that renal or retroperitoneal disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any man who complains of testicular discomfort but has a normal scrotal examination. Pain due to inflammation is usually steady, whereas pain due to obstruction fluctuates in intensity. Thus the pain produced by ureteral obstruction is typically colicky in nature and intensifies with ureteral peristalsis, at which time the pressure in the renal pelvis rises as the ureter contracts in an attempt to force urine past the point of obstruction.

Pain of renal origin may be associated with gastrointestinal symptoms because of reflex stimulation of the celiac ganglion and because of the proximity of adjacent organs (liver, pancreas, duodenum, gallbladder, and colon). Thus renal pain may be confused with pain of intraperitoneal origin; it can usually be distinguished, however, by a careful history and physical examination. Pain that is due to a perforated duodenal ulcer or pancreatitis may radiate into the back, but the site of greatest pain and tenderness is in the epigastrium. Pain of intraperitoneal origin is seldom colicky, as with obstructive renal pain. Furthermore, pain of intraperitoneal origin frequently radiates into the shoulder because of irritation of the diaphragm and phrenic nerve; this does not occur with renal pain. Typically, patients with intraperitoneal pathology prefer to lie motionless to minimize pain, whereas patients with renal pain usually are more comfortable moving around and holding the flank.

Renal pain may also be confused with pain resulting from irritation of the costal nerves, most commonly T10-T12. Such pain has a similar distribution from the costovertebral angle across the flank toward the umbilicus. However, the pain is not colicky in nature. Furthermore, the intensity of radicular pain may be altered by changing position; this is not the case with renal pain.


Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine; greater than three red blood cells per high-power microscopic field (HPF) is significant. Patients with gross hematuria are usually frightened by the sudden onset of blood in the urine and frequently present to the emergency department for evaluation, fearing that they may be bleeding excessively. Hematuria of any degree should never be ignored and, in adults, should be regarded as a symptom of urologic malignancy until proved otherwise. In evaluating hematuria, several questions should always be asked, and the answers will enable the urologist to target the subsequent diagnostic evaluation efficiently:

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms

Irritative Symptoms

Frequency is one of the most common urologic symptoms. The normal adult voids five or six times per day, with a volume of approximately 300 mL with each void. Urinary frequency is due to either increased urinary output (polyuria) or decreased bladder capacity. If voiding is noted to occur in large amounts frequently, the patient has polyuria and should be evaluated for diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, or excessive fluid ingestion. Causes of decreased bladder capacity include bladder outlet obstruction with decreased compliance, increased residual urine, and/or decreased functional capacity due to irritation, neurogenic bladder with increased sensitivity and decreased compliance, pressure from extrinsic sources, or anxiety. By separating irritative from obstructive symptoms, the astute clinician should be able to arrive at a proper differential diagnosis.

Nocturia is nocturnal frequency. Normally, adults arise no more than twice at night to void. As with frequency, nocturia may be secondary to increased urine output or decreased bladder capacity. Frequency during the day without nocturia is usually of psychogenic origin and related to anxiety. Nocturia without frequency may occur in the patient with congestive heart failure and peripheral edema in whom the intravascular volume and urine output increase when the patient is supine. Renal concentrating ability decreases with age; therefore urine production in the geriatric patient is increased at night, when renal blood flow is increased as a result of recumbency. In general, nocturia may be attributed to nocturnal polyuria (nocturnal urine overproduction) and/or diminished nocturnal bladder capacity (Weiss and Blaivas, 2000). Nocturia may also occur in people who drink large amounts of liquid in the evening, particularly caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, which have strong diuretic effects. In the absence of these factors, nocturia signifies a problem with bladder function secondary to urinary outlet obstruction and/or decreased bladder compliance.

Dysuria is painful urination that is usually caused by inflammation. This pain is usually not felt over the bladder but is commonly referred to the urethral meatus. Pain occurring at the start of urination may indicate urethral pathology, whereas pain occurring at the end of micturition (strangury) is usually of bladder origin. Dysuria is frequently accompanied by frequency and urgency.

Obstructive Symptoms

Decreased force of urination is usually secondary to bladder outlet obstruction and commonly results from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or a urethral stricture. In fact, except for severe degrees of obstruction, most patients are unaware of a change in the force and caliber of their urinary stream. These changes usually occur gradually and go generally unrecognized by most patients. The other obstructive symptoms noted later are more commonly recognized and are usually secondary to bladder outlet obstruction in men due to either BPH or a urethral stricture.

Urinary hesitancy refers to a delay in the start of micturition. Normally, urination begins within a second after relaxing the urinary sphincter, but it may be delayed in men with bladder outlet obstruction.

Intermittency refers to involuntary start-stopping of the urinary stream. It most commonly results from prostatic obstruction with intermittent occlusion of the urinary stream by the lateral prostatic lobes.

Postvoid dribbling refers to the terminal release of drops of urine at the end of micturition. This is secondary to a small amount of residual urine in either the bulbar or the prostatic urethra that is normally “milked back” into the bladder at the end of micturition (Stephenson and Farrar, 1977). In men with bladder outlet obstruction, this urine escapes into the bulbar urethra and leaks out at the end of micturition. Men will frequently attempt to avoid wetting their clothing by shaking the penis at the end of micturition. In fact, this is ineffective, and the problem is more readily solved by manual compression of the bulbar urethra in the perineum and blotting the urethral meatus with a tissue. Postvoid dribbling is often an early symptom of urethral obstruction related to BPH, but, in itself, seldom necessitates any further treatment.

Straining refers to the use of abdominal musculature to urinate. Normally, it is unnecessary for a man to perform a Valsalva maneuver except at the end of urination. Increased straining during micturition is a symptom of bladder outlet obstruction.

It is important for the urologist to distinguish irritative from obstructive lower urinary tract symptoms. This most frequently occurs in evaluating men with BPH. Although BPH is primarily obstructive, it produces changes in bladder compliance that result in increased irritative symptoms. In fact, men with BPH more commonly present with irritative than obstructive symptoms, and the most common presenting symptom is nocturia. The urologist must be careful not to attribute irritative symptoms to BPH unless there is documented evidence of obstruction. In general, lower urinary tract symptoms are nonspecific and may occur secondary to a wide variety of neurologic conditions, as well as to prostatic enlargement (Lepor and Machi, 1993). In this regard, two important examples are mentioned. Patients with high-grade flat carcinoma in situ of the bladder may present with urinary irritative symptoms. The urologist should be particularly aware of the diagnosis of carcinoma in situ in men who present with irritative symptoms, a history of cigarette smoking, and microscopic hematuria. In our personal experience, we cared for a 54-year-old man who presented with this history and was treated for BPH for 2 years before the diagnosis of bladder cancer was established. Once the correct diagnosis was made, the patient had developed muscle-invasive disease and required a cystectomy for cure.

The second important example is irritative symptoms resulting from neurologic disease such as cerebrovascular accidents, diabetes mellitus, and Parkinson disease. Most neurologic diseases encountered by the urologist are upper motor neuron in etiology and result in a loss of cortical inhibition of voiding with resultant decreased bladder compliance and irritative voiding symptoms. The urologist must be extremely careful to rule out underlying neurologic disease before performing surgery to relieve bladder outlet obstruction. Such surgery not only may fail to relieve the patient’s irritative symptoms but also may result in permanent urinary incontinence.

Since its introduction in 1992, the American Urological Association (AUA) symptom index has been widely used and validated as an important means of assessing men with lower urinary tract symptoms (Barry et al, 1992). The original AUA symptom score is based on the answers to seven questions concerning frequency, nocturia, weak urinary stream, hesitancy, intermittency, incomplete bladder emptying, and urgency. The International Prostate Symptom Score (I-PSS) includes these seven questions, as well as a global quality-of-life question (Table 3–1). The total symptom score ranges from 0 to 35 with scores of 0 to 7, 8 to 19, and 20 to 35 indicating mild, moderate, and severe lower urinary tract symptoms, respectively. The I-PSS is a helpful tool both in the clinical management of men with lower urinary tract symptoms and in research studies regarding the medical and surgical treatment of men with voiding dysfunction.

The use of symptom indices has limitations, and it is important for the physician to discuss the patient’s responses with him. It has been demonstrated that a grade 6 reading level is necessary to understand the I-PSS, and some patients with neurologic disorders and dementia may also have difficulty completing the symptom score (MacDiarmid et al, 1998). In addition, the symptom score and obstructive and irritative voiding symptoms are nonspecific, and the symptoms may be caused by a variety of conditions other than BPH. Similar symptom scores have been demonstrated to be present in age-matched men and women between 55 and 79 years of age (Lepor and Machi, 1993). Despite these limitations, the I-PSS is a simple adjunct in assessing men with lower urinary tract symptoms and may be used in the initial evaluation of men with lower urinary tract symptoms, as well as in the assessment of treatment response.


Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine. A careful history of the incontinent patient will often determine the etiology. Urinary incontinence can be subdivided into four categories.


Enuresis refers to urinary incontinence that occurs during sleep. It occurs normally in children up to 3 years of age but persists in about 15% of children at age 5 and about 1% of children at age 15 (Forsythe and Redmond, 1974). Enuresis must be distinguished from continuous incontinence, which occurs in the day and night and which, in a young girl, usually indicates the presence of an ectopic ureter. All children older than age 6 years with enuresis should undergo a urologic evaluation, although the vast majority will be found to have no significant urologic abnormality.

Sexual Dysfunction

Male sexual dysfunction is frequently used synonymously with impotence or erectile dysfunction, although impotence refers specifically to the inability to achieve and maintain an erection adequate for intercourse. Patients presenting with “impotence” should be questioned carefully to rule out other male sexual disorders including loss of libido, absence of emission, absence of orgasm, and, most commonly, premature ejaculation. Obviously, it is important to identify the precise problem before proceeding with further evaluation and treatment.

Medical History

The past medical history is extremely important because it frequently provides clues to the patient’s current diagnosis. The past medical history should be obtained in an orderly and sequential manner.

Previous Medical Illnesses with Urologic Sequelae

There are obviously many diseases that may affect the GU system, and it is important to listen and record the patient’s previous medical illnesses. Patients with diabetes mellitus frequently develop autonomic dysfunction that may result in impaired urinary and sexual function. A previous history of tuberculosis may be important in a patient presenting with impaired renal function, ureteral obstruction, or chronic, unexplained UTIs. Patients with hypertension have an increased risk of sexual dysfunction because they are more likely to have peripheral vascular disease and because many of the medications that are used to treat hypertension frequently cause impotence. Patients with neurologic diseases such as multiple sclerosis are also more likely to develop urinary and sexual dysfunction. In fact, 5% of patients with previously undiagnosed multiple sclerosis present with urinary symptoms as the first manifestation of the disease (Blaivas and Kaplan, 1988). As mentioned earlier, in men with bladder outlet obstruction, it is important to be aware of preexisting neurologic conditions. Surgical treatment of bladder outlet obstruction in the presence of detrusor hyperreflexia may result in increased urinary incontinence postoperatively. Finally, patients with sickle cell anemia are prone to a number of urologic conditions including papillary necrosis and erectile dysfunction secondary to recurrent priapism. There are obviously many other diseases with urologic sequelae, and it is important for the urologist to take a careful history in this regard.


It is similarly important to obtain an accurate and complete list of present medications because many drugs interfere with urinary and sexual function. For example, most of the antihypertensive medications interfere with erectile function, and changing antihypertensive medications can sometimes improve sexual function. Similarly, many of the psychotropic agents interfere with emission and orgasm. In our own recent experience, we cared for a man who presented with anorgasmia. He had been to several physicians without improvement in this problem. When we obtained his past medical history, he mentioned that he had been taking a psychotropic agent for transient depression for several years, and his anorgasmia resolved when this no-longer-needed medication was discontinued. The list of medications affecting urinary and sexual function is exhaustive, but, once again, each medication should be recorded and its side effects investigated to be sure that the patient’s problem is not drug related. A listing of common medications that may cause urologic side effects is presented in Table 3–2.

Table 3–2 Drugs Associated with Urologic Side Effects

Decreased libido Antihypertensives Hydrochlorothiazide
Erectile dysfunction   Propranolol
Psychotropic drugs Benzodiazepines
Ejaculatory dysfunction α-Adrenergic antagonists Prazosin
Psychotropic drugs Phenothiazines
Priapism Antipsychotics Phenothiazines
Antidepressants Trazodone
Antihypertensives Hydralazine
Decreased spermatogenesis Chemotherapeutic agents Alkylating agents
Drugs with abuse potential Marijuana
Drugs affecting endocrine function Antiandrogens
Incontinence or impaired voiding Direct smooth muscle stimulants Histamine
Others Furosemide
Valproic acid
Smooth muscle relaxants Diazepam
Striated muscle relaxants Baclofen
Urinary retention or obstructive voiding symptoms Anticholinergic agents or musculotropic relaxants Oxybutynin
Calcium channel blockers Nifedipine
Antiparkinsonian drugs Carbidopa
α-Adrenergic agonists Pseudoephedrine
Antihistamines Loratadine
Acute renal failure Antimicrobials Aminoglycosides
Chemotherapeutic drugs Cisplatin
Others Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Gynecomastia Antihypertensives Verapamil
Cardiac drugs Digoxin
Gastrointestinal drugs Cimetidine
Psychotropic drugs Phenothiazines
Tricyclic antidepressants Amitriptyline

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