© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Gunnar Baatrup (ed.)Multidisciplinary Treatment of Colorectal Cancer10.1007/978-3-319-06142-9_2323. Staging of Colorectal Cancer (Including Staging After Neoadjuvant Therapy)
Department of Pathology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Geert Grooteplein 2, Nijmegen, 6500 HB, The Netherlands
Pathological examination of colorectal cancer is the basis for further treatment. Staging of the tumor predicts prognosis and indicates the necessity of adjuvant therapy. Neoadjuvant treatment may hamper staging and is subject to ongoing research.
The tumor node metastasis (TNM) staging system, derived from the Dukes classification, has been of major importance over the past 50 years. Although this system was initially developed to predict patients’ prognosis, its function has expanded, and it is now used to select patients for adjuvant therapy and to determine inclusion in clinical trials.
Throughout the years, TNM has been challenged by the detection of new tumor markers as well as tumor profiles, but it still remains the hallmark of diagnosis and treatment. However, treatment of rectal cancer has changed dramatically over the past 20 years, and one should wonder whether this change in treatment, accompanied by a shift from adjuvant to neoadjuvant therapy, should lead to profound changes in TNM staging.
In the current chapter, pathological staging of colorectal carcinomas is discussed with special attention to the problematic features. Staging after neoadjuvant treatment is explained together with tumor regression grading.
Traditional Staging
Invasion Depth
TNM staging is based on the invasion depth of the primary Tumor, the presence of lymph Node metastases, and the presence of distant Metastases. The subclassification for the early (T1) tumors is described in Chap. 20.
Lymph Nodes
The Trouble with Tumor Deposits
Although the 5th edition [1] of the TNM has been replaced by the 6th edition [2] in 2002 and the 7th edition [3] in 2010, a number of national guidelines for treatment and diagnosis of colorectal cancer prefers the 5th edition for reasons of reproducibility and uniformity. In the 6th edition of the TNM staging system, tumor deposits are considered positive lymph nodes if they have the form and smooth contour of lymph nodes [2], whereas in the 5th edition, they are considered as lymph nodes if they are 3 mm or more in size [1]. In any other case, the deposits should be considered as part of the primary tumor and thus be included in the T stage. In the 7th edition, it is left to the discretion of the pathologist to determine whether a deposit is actually a lymph node; no definitions are given. Moreover, all deposits may be placed in a new N subcategory, N1c, immediately upgrading all patients with deposit to stage III disease. This massive stage migration might have large effects on treatment and health-care costs without any evidence of benefit for patients and society.
Staging After Neoadjuvant Therapy
Neoadjuvant therapy has, at least in a large number of cases, profound effects on tumor stage and tumor histology, dependent on its components and time frame in which it has been applied. Not all treatment regimens are equally effective in causing downstaging. After short-term (5 × 5 Gy) radiotherapy, with surgery within 5 days after the radiotherapy, no downstaging is observed [4]. Despite the fact that in the radiotherapy, arm tumors were significantly smaller, no difference in T stage was observed. In addition, fewer lymph nodes were examined but the N stage was not different either. In contrast, a study from the Swedish rectal cancer trial using the same radiotherapy regimen did report downstaging in a subgroup of patients [5]. However, the overall treatment time in this subgroup was more than 10 days. A recent paper by Rado et al. [6] demonstrates that even in T4 tumors, a pathological complete response can be achieved with 5 × 5 Gy with delayed surgery. Of the 24 patients treated with curative intent, 88 % had a R0 resection.
Increased downstaging and tumor regression can be seen in almost all longer radiotherapy and chemotherapy regimens with delayed surgery [7–10]. For the record, downstaging is not automatically correlated with better local control. In fact, in some studies downstaging does not lead to improved local control, whereas in other studies it does. These seemingly contradicting results can be explained by careful looking at the radiobiology underlying the mechanism of downstaging. For neoadjuvant treatment with a short interval, downstaging cannot be expected and is as such of no prognostic value. In addition, increased downstaging obtained by a longer interval between radiotherapy and surgery is of no importance for better local control. Obviously, cell death either occurs or does not occur, and a longer interval will make the cell death clinically and histopathologically more apparent but will have no additional benefit for local control. In contrast, increased downstaging obtained by a different mechanism (e.g., the addition of chemotherapy to radiotherapy) will indeed lead to an increase in local control.
Problems with the Current TNM System
Since the current TNM system is essentially unchanged since early modifications of the Dukes staging system, the accompanying effects of neoadjuvant therapy are not fully considered. The addition of the prefix “y” or “yp” to the TNM stage does indicate that neoadjuvant therapy has been applied, nothing more and nothing less. However, the often profound histological changes caused by the neoadjuvant treatment are confusing when standard rules are applied. Should mucinous lakes be considered in the T staging? When do we declare a complete response and how do we determine this? How do we define involved lymph nodes? Most of these issues have been signaled before, but there is as of yet no standard method available as how to solve these problems.
Mucinous Lakes
The appearance of acellular mucinous lakes, also called colloid response, is frequently observed after neoadjuvant therapy of a rectal tumor, both in the areas of the primary tumor and in the surrounding lymph nodes (see also the paragraph on ex-positive lymph nodes). In addition, an increased number of mucinous carcinomas, where mucinous lakes contain vital tumor cells, are frequently observed after neoadjuvant therapy. However, these tumors do not cause any diagnostic problems. The discussion should be focused on acellular mucinous lakes and whether to include these in T staging. In 20–55 % [11, 12] of neoadjuvantly treated cases, acellular mucinous lakes are observed. Results on its relation with prognosis are conflicting; Shia et al. [12] did not observe a relation with recurrence-free survival, while Rullier et al. [11] demonstrated that the prognosis of patients with a colloid response (5-year DFS 64 %) is in between those for patients with downstaging (5-year DFS 80 %) and without any response (5-year DFS 54 %). In a series of patients with a pCR, acellular mucin was present in 27 % of cases. Its presence did not influence prognosis [13]. However, no studies have evaluated the difference between prognostic value of T stage including and excluding mucinous lakes, so real evidence is lacking. For practical reasons, we advise to mention the presence of mucinous lakes in the report and as it can be seen as tumor response, not to include these in the T stage.
Complete Response
Clinical complete response (cCR) is often a clinical end point in trials but is only well defined in a limited number of studies. The correlation with a pathological complete response is variable; a recent review [14] demonstrated that in 8 studies this correlation was described and that a cCR results in a pCR in approximately 30 % of cases. There is confusion about what exactly constitutes a pCR: Is an ypT0 resection enough or is an ypT0N0 resection required? In up to 7.1 % of ypT0 cases, lymph node metastases are still present.
Moreover, the process of determining a pCR is not standardized, and the probability of finding vital tumor cells in resections after neoadjuvant therapy is dependent on the enthusiasm of the pathologist and how many tissue blocks and section levels are investigated. In order to standardize response determination, we advised the following procedure:
Initially, five blocks of the tumor area are required.
If no tumor is found in these first five blocks, the whole tumor area should be included for histological examination.
If still no tumor is found, three levels of each block should be cut to exclude tumor involvement.
Further research is needed to evaluate the usefulness of this procedure.
Ex-Positive Lymph Nodes
The presence of positive lymph nodes is the most important prognostic factor in colorectal cancer and an indication for adjuvant therapy. Downstaging due to neoadjuvant therapy can cause positive lymph nodes to become negative. It is not clear whether, in these cases, the cN is more accurate in predicting prognosis than ypN. Theoretically, one could assume that any node that was positive is an indication of early metastasis, and thus also ex-positive lymph nodes have an increased risk on metastatic disease. On the other hand, the fact that the tumor in these lymph nodes reacts so well might be an indication for a good prognosis. A problem that so far has not been solved is the adequate pretreatment imaging of lymph nodes. Although the nodes can often be seen on MRI, predicting nodal involvement remains difficult.
Numbers of ex-positive lymph nodes are not frequently reported. Prall et al. [15] described in 10 out of 24 negative lymph nodes signs of tumor regression after chemoradiotherapy (fibrosis or acellular mucin lakes); Perez et al. [16] saw mucin lakes in 6 lymph nodes (1.2 % of all negative lymph nodes). Morgan et al. [17] describe necrotic tumor in lymph nodes in 2 of their 21 patients. In an MRI study [18], regressive changes were followed radiologically. Out of 29 positive lymph nodes, 3 became mucinous on MRI, while final pathological examination confirmed negative lymph nodes with acellular mucin lakes. These series are too small to draw any conclusion about the prognostic impact of ex-positive lymph nodes.
In a study with 165 patients, Valentini et al. [19] describe three different groups: 34 cN0ypN0, 72 cN + ypN0, and 56 ypN + patients, with a distant metastases-free 5-year survival of, respectively, 87.5, 82.9, and 47.9 %, suggesting that not initial N stage but rather final pathology makes the difference. However, with the limited possibilities of reliable clinical N staging, one can question which part of the cN0ypN0 group in reality should have belonged to the cN + ypN0 group. This might have affected the prognosis in this group and thus obscure the difference between the first two groups. Moreover, more studies are needed to confirm this finding. For now it seems reasonable to describe ex-positive lymph nodes as an additional item, but staging should be done on those lymph nodes with evident tumor present.
Number of Nodes
Neoadjuvant therapy influences the number of examined lymph nodes, either by decreasing their size below the observation limit [20] or by a complete disappearance of lymphocytes. Part of lymph nodes will be replaced by fibrosis [12]. In a randomized trial with short-term radiotherapy (5 × 5 Gy), fewer lymph nodes were examined in the radiotherapy arm (7.7 versus 9.7, p < 0.001) [4]. In a large population-based study with 5647 patients [21], after radiotherapy, 7.0 lymph nodes were examined, compared to ten nodes in the surgery-only group (p < 0.0001). Bujko et al. demonstrated that the type of neoadjuvant treatment also makes a difference, with 11.4 nodes after 5 × 5 Gy compared to 7.6 nodes after radiochemotherapy (p < 0.001) [22]. Several studies demonstrated that the number of lymph nodes is not correlated with treatment response [23, 24].

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