Extension to
Tis N0 M0
Carcinoma in situ: intraepithelial or invasion of lamina propria
T1 N0 M0
T2 N0 M0
Muscularis propria
T3 N0 M0
Subserosa/perirectal tissue
Less than 1 mm
1–5 mm
5–15 mm
15+ mm
T4 N0 M0
Perforation into visceral peritoneum (b) or invasion to other organs (a)b
T1–2 N1 M0
1–3 Regional nodes involved
T3–4 N1 M0
1–3 Regional nodes involved
T1–4 N2 M0
4 or more regional nodes involved
T1–4 N1–2 M1
Distant metastases
Need for Quality Assurance and Control
Treatment of rectal cancer is demanding and requires great skill in the entire multidisciplinary team (MDT). Good surgery and good pathology as well as good radiation techniques and optimally given chemotherapy together with long-term complete follow-up, also including functional aspects, are important for quality control. Many countries have recently lounged quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) programmes in rectal cancer surgery. They have been beneficial for the outcome [30, 31]. Although other components than surgery have been dealt with within the clinical guidelines/care programmes, these, like RT and CRT, must also be fully integrated in the QA and QC programmes. Presently they are not [32].
Risk-Adapted Treatment
This description basically follows what is stated in the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) guidelines [7, 33].
Very Favourable Rectal Cancer
In the earliest, most favourable cases, chiefly the malignant polyps (Haggitt 1–3, T1 sm 1 (−2?) NO), a local procedure, e.g. using the transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) technique, is appropriate [34, 35]. The resection should be radical (R0) and no signs of vessel invasion or poor differentiation should be present. If this is not the case or if the tumour infiltrates deeper into the submucosa (Haggit 4, T1 sm (2?–)3) or a T2 tumour, the risk of recurrence because of remaining tumour cells or because of lymph node metastases is too high (≥10 %), and the patient should have postoperative CRT or, more safely, be recommended major (TME) surgery [36]. If the cancer diagnosis is verified in a biopsy, presurgical CRT is preferred if the intent is to perform a local procedure [34, 36]. As an alternative to local surgery, alone or with (preoperative) CRT, local RT (brachytherapy or contact therapy (Papillon technique)) can be used in the most favourable cases. The experiences of these treatments are limited outside specialised centres [37], and more prospective studies are required in order for these techniques to be part of clinical routines.
Favourable, ‘Good’ Rectal Cancers
In the early, favourable cases (cT1–T2, some early cT3, N0 [cT3a(−b) and clear mrf (mrf-) according to MRI], ‘good’ group) above the levators, surgery alone, meaning a sharp radical dissection using the total mesorectal excision (TME) technique, is appropriate, since the risk of local failure is very low [5]. A high cT3ab tumour with limited lymph node metastases (N1) according to MRI may also belong to the good group if mrf-. The role of TME in tumours situated in the upper third of the rectum has been much discussed. To avoid spillage of distal tumour cells, a margin of at least 5 cm distally to the tumour on an unfixed specimen is recommended. Although there are indications from the large randomised trials where short-course RT has been given that this treatment even further reduces local recurrence rates [11, 38, 39], surgery alone is recommended since the addition of preoperative RT results in overtreatment of too many individuals [5, 12]. The balance between the reduction in local recurrence rates and long-term morbidity is intricate.
Intermediate, ‘Bad’ Rectal Cancers
In the intermediate or ‘bad’ group (most cT3 (cT3(b)c+ without threatened or involved mrf (mrf-) according to MRI), some cT4 (e.g. vaginal or peritoneal involvement only), N+), preoperative RT is recommended followed by TME, since this reduces local recurrence rates. Even in the absence of signs of extramural growth on ultrasound or MRI (cT2) in very low tumours (0–5 cm), preoperative RT may be indicated because the distance to the mesorectal fascia is very small. Twenty-five Gy during one week followed by immediate surgery (<10 days from the first radiation fraction) is a convenient, simple and low-toxic treatment [11, 38–40]. It has been used predominantly in Sweden, the Netherlands and the UK, where several clinical trials revealing its efficacy have been performed. The trials have shown that the risk of local failure in the randomised population selected for later resection, i.e. the intention to treat population, has been reduced by 50–70 % versus surgery alone. More demanding and not proven more effective alternatives are 46–50.4 Gy, 1.8–2 Gy/fraction without or preferably with 5-FU (bolus, continuous infusion or peroral) [18, 19, 21, 22]. The chemotherapy was added to the preoperative radiation primarily based upon extrapolations from the postoperative RT trials in rectal cancer (see below) and other GI cancer trials. As indicated above in the paragraph about different strategies in different parts of the world, two large European trials (FFCD 9203 and EORTC 22921 [21, 22]) however recently showed that the addition of 5-FU improves local control with reduced local failure rates after 5 years. These were 16–17 % in the preoperative RT arms alone and 8–10 % in the CRT arms. In the EORTC trial, the same reduction was seen whether the chemotherapy was given concomitantly or only postoperatively. Two trials (Polish, TROG 01.04) have randomised between preoperative 5 × 5 Gy and preoperative CRT (5-FU + 50.4 Gy) without detecting any statistically significant difference in local recurrence rates, DFS and OS. In the Polish trial [18], local recurrence rates were 11 % in the 5 × 5 arm at 4 years and 16 % in the CRT arm (p = 0.2). The corresponding figures were 7.5 and 4.4 % (p = 0.2) in the Australasian trial [19]. In a third trial (MRC-CR07) [39], preoperative 5 × 5 Gy was randomly compared with postoperative CRT if crm was positive. Local recurrence rates favoured the preoperative arm (5 % vs. 17 %, p < 0.001) [39]. In the MRC-CR07 trial including 1350 patients, DFS was superior in the preoperative arm (hazard ratio, HR, 0.76, p = 0.01), whereas OS did not significantly differ (HR 0.91, p = 0.04).
Whenever possible, preoperative treatment is preferred since it is more effective and less toxic than postoperative treatment [5, 15]. Postoperative chemotherapy has otherwise been extensively used in many countries, including Germany and the USA, since decades. The NIH consensus conference with the follow-up NCI statement in 1990 and 1991 stated that postoperative CRT should be standard treatment in stages II and III. The scientific support for these statements was considered strong and based upon several randomised clinical trials [8, 9]. Some of the trials were small (about 50 patients per treatment arm), the results were not entirely consistent, and it was difficult to firmly establish the role for local control and survival from the different treatment components (the RT, the concomitant chemotherapy with the radiation (CRT) or the chemotherapy given before or after the radiation). Taken together, these treatments during 6 months appear to reduce local recurrences in stages II and III with 50–60 % versus surgery alone [41].
Locally Advanced, ‘Ugly’ Rectal Cancers
In the most locally advanced, frequently non-resectable cases (cT3 crm+, cT4 with overgrowth to other organs [cT4a according to TNM5, cT4b according to TNM6 and 7, see Table 14.1]), preoperative CRT, 50.4 Gy, 1.8 Gy/fraction with concomitant 5-FU-based therapy should be used [5, 6, 23], followed by radical surgery 6–8 weeks later. In a Nordic randomised trial in locally advanced rectal cancers (cT4NXM0), local control was significantly better after 5 years in the CRT arm (5-FU + 50 Gy) than in the RT only arm (82 % vs. 67 %, p = 0.03). Also, DFS and cancer-specific survival were significantly better in the combined modality arm, whereas OS did not significantly differ (66 % vs. 53 %, p = 0.09) [23]. In very old patients (≥80–85 years) and in patients not fit for CRT, 5 × 5 Gy with a delay of approximately 8 weeks before surgery can be an alternative option [42–45].
Standard preoperative CRT means a dose of 46–50.4 Gy together with 5-FU given either as bolus injections with leucovorin at 6–10 times during the radiation (as in the trials proving that CRT provides better local control than the same RT alone) [6, 21–23], prolonged continuous infusion (likely better than bolus) or oral capecitabine or UFT. Extrapolations from other clinical situations and convenience tell that oral 5-FU is a valid treatment [46, 47]. Combinations of 5-FU or other antifolates with other cytostatics like oxaliplatin or irinotecan or targeted biologic drugs have been extensively explored in phase I–II trials, with claimed more favourable results (more downsizing, higher pathological complete response (pCR) rates) but also more acute toxicity. Several comparative randomised trials using oxaliplatin are ongoing. The initial results of these are not favourable [48–50], and these combinations are still experimental. Neither are the initial results of adding targeted drugs like cetuximab, panitumumab or bevacizumab favourable [51–55], although the first publications are, as usual, optimistic. When cetuximab was added to neoadjuvant oxaliplatin-capecitabine and preoperative CRT in the randomised phase II EXPERT-C trial, more radiological responses were seen in the cetuximab arm (89 % vs. 72 %, p = 0.003) in the KRAS wild-type population (n = 90) [56]. Overall survival was also improved (96 % vs. 81 % at 3 years, p = 0.04).
Organ Preservation?
Besides the earliest tumours that can be treated with a local procedure or local RT, and described above, it has become increasingly popular to first give CRT, wait and restage the tumour with optimal multiple biopsies/excision biopsy of the previous tumour area in case good regression is seen [57–59]. If signs of no remaining tumour/no viable tumour cells, no further therapy is provided (organ preservation) and the patient is monitored closely for at least 5 years. It is then assumed that potential lymph node metastases have been eradicated parallel with the excellent response of the primary tumour. Although this undoubtedly may occur in some patients, this strategy has not been subject to properly controlled prospective studies. It is likely that this excellent response will not be frequently seen in the intermediate and locally advanced cases [60] but rather in the early cases. The advantages, no major surgery and no rectal excision if the tumour is very low, are apparent for certain individuals at very high risk for surgery or who cannot accept a stoma. However, the disadvantages for many others are seldom discussed. In most patients with an early ‘good’ rectal cancer, a low anterior resection alone is the preferred therapeutic option. Cure rates are high and morbidity is only a result of the surgery. If these patients are instead treated with the aim of organ preservation, all will receive CRT with its acute morbidity. Those clinically responding very well could then be cared for with a watch-and-wait policy. These are the patients potentially having a benefit of this approach, although they would all suffer from the long-term toxicity that can be seen after CRT. This is, as indicated above, not well studied. If the tumour is located low in rectum, at least part of the sphincters must be included in the irradiated volume, and poor anal function can be a result. For those not responding so well or those recurring during follow-up, major surgery is required. These patients will thus obtain the morbidity from both CRT and surgery. No study has so far had a prospective design so that it is possible to get an idea of the proportion of patients who do not need major surgery. With the CRT schedules available today, it is this author’s opinion that the group of patients having a true advantage is much smaller than the group of patients who get extra morbidity.
Evaluation of Response After Preoperative (Chemo)radiotherapy
Since the response to preoperative therapy (5 × 5 Gy with a delay or prolonged CRT to 46–50.4 Gy) may influence prognosis [61–63] and thus subsequent therapy, both the extent of surgery and postoperative chemotherapy, attempts to clinically and pathologically restage the tumours have been made. There is an increasing experience in evaluating tumour response by repeat MRI or PET-CT. Using MRI, decrease in size can be seen as well as increase in fibrosis and mucous degeneration indicating response [64]. Using FDG-PET, decrease in uptake can be seen [65–68]. At present, the knowledge about the relevance of these changes is too uncertain to modify the extent of surgery.
Several systems for pathological tumour regression grading have been used (e.g. by [69–72]). The best (reproducibility, prognostic information, etc.) is not known. The tumours should at least be graded into three groups, complete response (pCR), some (potentially in the future good, moderate and poor) response and no response. The proportion of pCRs, meaning the absence of tumour cells after a given treatment for a certain substage, is influenced by intensity of dissection. A standardisation of the dissection is required if pCR rates should be used as a valid endpoint [73].
Postoperative Therapy
Postoperative CRT (e.g. about 50 Gy, 1.8–2.0 Gy/fraction) with concomitant 5-FU-based chemotherapy is as said above no longer recommended, but could be used in patients with positive crm and perforation in the tumour area or in other cases with high risk of local recurrence if preoperative RT has not been given. The strategy of giving postoperative CRT to crm+ tumours was, however, inferior to giving preoperative 5 × 5 Gy to all, according to the MRC-CR07-trial [39]. According to the NIH and NCI statements [8, 9], all patients with pT3–4 or N+ tumours were recommended postoperative CRT, but the routine use of this has been questioned for all pT3N0 tumours [74].
Similar to the situation in colon cancer stage III (and ‘high-risk’ stage II), adjuvant chemotherapy can be provided, even if the scientific support for sufficient effect is less than in colon cancer [75–78]. In the early, chiefly American trials, both chemotherapy and CRT were predominantly given, and thus it was difficult to ascertain which component was responsible for the survival gain [8, 9]. In a Hellenic trial [79], CRT with 4 additional cycles of chemotherapy was not more effective than CRT alone. In a Norwegian trial [80], CRT alone resulted in a survival gain compared to no postoperative therapy. It is possible that the efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy is less if the tumour has not responded to the CRT, but this is based only upon a retrospective analysis of one trial [81].
Radiation Therapy Volumes and Doses
Whenever radiotherapy is indicated to lower the risk of local failure in the ‘intermediate/bad’ group or to cause downsizing to allow radical surgery in ‘locally advanced/ugly’ tumours, the primary tumour with the mesorectum and lymph nodes outside the mesorectum, at risk to contain tumour cells more than exceptionally, should be irradiated [82, 83]. In the ‘early/good’ group before or after a local procedure, only mesorectal nodes are considered at sufficient risk to be involved. The appropriate dose to subclinical disease is not precisely known, but should with 5-FU chemotherapy be at least 46 Gy in 1.8–2 Gy fractions. The relative reduction in local failure rates is then in the order of 50–60 %, why there is room for improvements. A boost of about 4–6 Gy in 2–4 fractions to the primary tumour is often given, limiting the radiation dose to the entire volume when long-course CRT is given. Elective para-aortic and liver radiotherapy did not improve survival in one trial [84].
The entire mesorectum is at great risk of having tumour deposits, often in the mesorectal lymph nodes, in all tumours except the very earliest (T1 sm1 (−2?)) and should be included in the clinical target volume (CTV). An exception is the high tumours where it is sufficient to include the 4–5 cm distal to the tumour. This means that in these tumours, the lower border of the beams can be about 5–6 cm distal to the tumour. Besides the mesorectal nodes, the presacral nodes along aa rectalis superior up to the level of S1–2 should be included. If presacral nodes are radiologically involved, the upper border of CTV should be even higher. Local recurrences above S1–2 are seldom seen [85–87]. The lateral nodes along aa rectalis inferior and aa obturatorii and the internal iliac nodes up to the bifurcation from aa iliac communis should be included in tumours below the peritoneal reflection, i.e. in tumours up to about 9–12 cm from the anal verge [88]. The risk of lateral node involvement in the Western world is not properly known, but studies from Asia show that these lymph nodes are seldom involved in low-mid rectal pT1–2 tumours and in high tumours irrespective of T-stage [89, 90]. External iliac nodes should only be included if an anterior organ like the urinary bladder, prostate or female sexual organs are involved to such an extent that there is a risk of involvement of these lymph node stations. The medial inguinal nodes need only to be prophylactically included when the tumour grows below the dentate line [91]. When lymph nodes are involved by metastatic disease so that this can be seen on imaging, there is always a risk of aberrant spread, and the CTV can be enlarged to include also other nodal stations than those described above.
Treatment of Local Recurrences
Patients with recurrence (if radiotherapy was not given in the primary situation) should receive preoperative RT (about 50 Gy during 5–6 weeks) with concomitant chemotherapy similar to a locally advanced (ugly) rectal cancer. In patients previously irradiated, attempts at providing additional RT, externally, using intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) or different brachytherapy techniques could be tried. It is often possible to re-irradiate many patients [93], although it is important to limit the dose to the small bowels as much as possible. Attempts of radical surgery should take place 6–10 weeks after RT. In patients with prior RT for whom salvage surgery is not an option, systemic chemotherapy should be considered.
Late Toxicity from Rectal Cancer Radiotherapy
It is extremely important to know the extent of late toxicity after rectal cancer RT if this is given pre- or postoperatively to diminish the risk of local recurrence. The prevention of a local failure with the severe morbidity it may have must be weighed against the morbidity from (C)RT that all treated patients can get. Studies have tried to estimate what minimal absolute gain should be present for patients to value RT. These studies are very difficult to interpret, although many patients accept an absolute 3 % difference for the risk of RT morbidity [94].
From the Swedish and Dutch randomised trials, we have good evidence of the morbidity that can be seen after 5 × 5 Gy RT (summarised in [20]). It is beyond the scope of this chapter to detail this toxicity, but increased risks of poor anal and sexual function, small bowel toxicity with obstruction and secondary malignancies have been reported. After having worked with rectal cancer patients for over 30 years, thus seeing many patients with a local recurrence during the first part of the period, and being actively involved in the research to estimate the risks of late toxicity up to 20 years after the RT, it is my opinion that an absolute risk reduction of in the order of 5 % unites motivates the recommendation to irradiate. Further and very important, the RT we give today, and the RT we can routinely give in only a few years, will mean less late toxicity than seen in the follow-up studies of the RT given during the 1980s–1990s [83].
A very important question not yet solved is the late toxicity from 5 × 5 Gy compared with the toxicity seen after 46–50 Gy in 25–28 fractions, usually with 5-FU. We know the long-term morbidity from 5 × 5 Gy up to at least 10 years’ follow-up (with yesterday’s techniques) from studies including thousands of patients. We do not have this knowledge from CRT to about 50 Gy. The Polish trial [18] and the MRC-CR07 trial [39] have reported late toxicity after 4 years of follow-up, without being able to detect any significant differences between 5 × 5 Gy and CRT to 46–50 Gy. The short-course schedule uses a high fraction size of 5 Gy, compared to 1.8–2.0 Gy, whereas the total dose is less (25 Gy compared to 46–50 Gy). Both the fraction size and the total dose are relevant. The relations between total dose, fraction size and toxicity are complex.