Paraneoplastic syndrome refers to “clinical manifestations that are not directly related to tumor burden, invasion or metastasis, but are caused by secretion of tumor cell products, such as hormones, growth factors, cytokines and tumor antigens.” The idea that the kidneys could manifest paraneoplastic disease was first proposed in 1922 by Galloway who noticed the presence of an “unusual protein” in the urine of his patient afflicted with Hodgkin lymphoma. It has been proposed that the diagnosis of paraneoplastic syndrome should be suspected when: (1) there is no obvious alternate etiology for the associated syndrome; (2) a temporal relationship exists between the diagnosis of the syndrome and cancer; (3) clinical (and histologic) remission occurs after complete surgical removal of the tumor or full remission is achieved by chemotherapy; and (4) recurrence of the tumor is associated with increase of associated symptoms. Since the early 1920s, various animal studies and retrospective studies have provided evidence for paraneoplastic glomerulopathy (PNGN), but there still remains some skepticism about its existence. In addition to malignancies, benign tumors, such a pheochromocytoma, carotid body tumors, benign ovarian teratomas, and spinal cord tumors have also been reported to cause glomerular disease. This chapter will focus on the reported incidence and purported mechanisms of PNGN in solid tumors.
Epidemiology of paraneoplastic glomerulopathy in solid tumors
PNGN is likely a rare clinical entity. Less than 1% of adult cancer patients develop PNGN with overt renal disease. The true incidence of PNGN remains ill-defined for a number of reasons. First, patients with cancer can have various urinary abnormalities that are not routinely investigated, and urinalysis is not performed routinely among inpatients and outpatients with cancer. Sometimes, patients with malignancy can have subclinical glomerulonephritis (GN) manifested by presence of immune complex (IC) deposits caused by defects in the immune-regulatory mechanisms without significant renal damage. In addition, many of the reports on PNGN are based on retrospective data and case reports, which have their inherent reporting biases. The case reports of PNGN do not seem to reflect the relative incidence or prevalence of cancer in the general population. According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is the second most common cancer among men and women, whereas prostate is the most common cause among males and breast cancer among females. However, based on the available published reports, the solid tumors most commonly associated with a PNGN are of renal, gastrointestinal, (GI) and lung origin ( Fig. 22.1 ). Whereas solid tumors have been reported most commonly in association with membranous glomerulonephritis (MN) ( Fig. 22.2 ), a wide spectrum of glomerular lesions have been described.

Notwithstanding the issues of reporting bias and the relative rarity of this clinical entity, several clinical and laboratory features have been recognized to associate with paraneoplastic disease in the kidney. In a population based longitudinal study of 5425 nondiabetics without any previous diagnosis of cancer, Jorgensen et al. found that elevated albumin to creatinine ratio was associated with higher incidence of cancer, even after adjustment for age, gender, body mass index, physical activity, and smoking. Age greater than 60 years and a history of tobacco smoking has been associated with higher risk for cancer in patient with nephrotic syndrome (NS). ,
A causal link between neoplasia and PNGN remains ill defined, but there are several purported pathogenetic mechanisms. In a study of three patients with gastric cancer presenting with NS, glomerular eluates reacted specifically with the surface of the cancer cells from the same host seen under immunofixation (IF). Thus one hypothesis is that there is deposition of circulating tumor antigen-antibody complexes in the glomeruli with subsequent activation of inflammatory pathways, which eventually produces glomerular disease. In addition, antibodies could be directed toward specific endogenous glomerular antigens. Couser et al. report a case of a patient with MN who was found to have elevated carcinoembryonic antigen following the diagnosis of NS. The patient was subsequently diagnosed with colon cancer and underwent colon resection. The authors of the report demonstrated that an antibody in the serum of the patient reacted with an antigen on the glomerular basement membrane (GBM). This antibody was removed by adsorption of serum with homogenates of the patient’s serum but not by the homogenates of normal colon, liver, or spleen.
Another possible pathogenetic mechanism is that tumors elaborate cytokines and/or permeability factors, which triggers glomerular injury. In a study on a patient with rectal adenocarcinoma associated minimal change disease (MCD), Taniguchi et al. demonstrated high levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the tumor. After resection of the tumor, VEGF levels returned to normal and the proteinuria resolved. The authors hypothesized that the overexpression of VEGF by certain tumor cells was linked to the onset of proteinuria, and thus when the VEGF levels decreased after tumor resection, the proteinuria resolved. , ,
Intrinsic viral oncogenic activity has been offered as an additional pathogenetic mechanism for PNGN. Viral activity may interfere with the renal clearance of the prooncogenic biological mediators released from the body. Alternatively, viral infections could lead to both malignancy and a PNGN through a common pathway. , The possible role of viral oncogenic activity and PNGN is discussed in more detail in the chapter on Paraneoplastic Glomerulopathy in Hematologic Malignancies.
The cellular and humoral immune systems may also have a role in the pathogenesis of PNGN. In an animal study that was performed by injecting rat colon cancer cells into immunocompetent and T-cell deficient F344 rats, the T-cell deficient rat’s kidneys did not show any morphologic abnormalities and did not have any immunoglobulin (Ig)G deposition. Thus it can be hypothesized that the presence of an intact cellular and humoral immunity is required for development of PNGN.
The various histologic patterns of PNGN may be dependent on several factors, including: (1) the duration of the neoplasm; (2) degree of tumor differentiation, which may dictate the elaboration of specific and nonspecific antigens; (3) type of tumor antigen and other products expressed; (4) type and extent of host response to these antigens via cell-mediated and antibody-mediated mechanisms; and/or (5) physiochemical characteristics of the circulating IC that render them pathogenic or nephritogenic.
Membranous nephropathy
MN is the most common PNGN associated with solid tumors. , Paraneoplastic MN has been reported more often in males, in those at age greater than 60 years, and in patients with a history of heavy tobacco use. , , The most commonly associated cancers are those of lung, GI, and renal origin ( Table 22.1 ). Prostate cancer is increasingly being reported with paraneoplastic MN, , which may reflect the increased use of prostate-specific antigen as a screening test. In most reports, patients who were diagnosed with idiopathic MN were diagnosed with a neoplasia within 12 months. However, the PNGN can present years after the neoplasia is evident.
Organ | Number of Cases |
Gastrointestinal | 26 |
Lung | 27 |
Renal | 12 |
Prostate | 9 |
Breast | 5 |
On light microscopy (LM), the GBMs in MN appear thickened. On electron microscopy (EM), subepithelial deposits are evident. The presence of subendothelial or mesangial deposits should raise concern for a secondary or paraneoplastic process. There are several features on histopathology that have been associated with a paraneoplastic MN. Patients with paraneoplastic MN have an increased number of infiltrating inflammatory cells in the glomeruli (> 8 cells per glomeruli). Also, whereas IgG4 is the predominant subclass found in idiopathic MN, IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 are predominantly found in cases of secondary MN. Circulating antiphospholipase A2 receptor is seen in up to 89% cases of idiopathic membranous nephropathy. It is worth noting that circulating antiphospholipase A2 receptor is occasionally present with secondary, including paraneoplastic membranous. ,
Pathogenetic mechanism
Heymann nephritis is an experimental rat model for active and passive immune-mediated nephritis. Megalin, which is the target antigen, localizes to the podocytes in the rat model. However, in humans, megalin is found in the proximal tubule and not in podocytes. Hence investigators have sought to find an equivalent antigen present in the podocytes to explain paraneoplastic membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN). The finding of thrombospondin type-1 domain-containing 7A (THSD7A) antibody in a patient with MGN with a neoplasm, and the disappearance of the antibody and urinary protein after the malignancy was treated, suggests a potential causal relationship between THSD7A expression and MGN. Other factors may exist, but they have yet to be fully defined. There are a number of isolated case reports in which eluates from the glomeruli of patients with known malignancy showed reactivity with the patient’s serum and the tumor homogenates, but not with normal kidney.
Immunoglobulin a nephropathy
IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common form of primary GN worldwide. There is geographic variation in the frequency of the disease and the prevalence of IgAN is highest in Japan and lowest in the USA. The clinical presentation ranges from gross hematuria at the time of an upper respiratory tract infection, isolated persistent hematuria, and varying degrees of proteinuria, rarely reaching nephrotic ranges.
IgAN is usually diagnosed around the second and third decade of life in the adult population. When IgA is initially diagnosed in patients older than 60 years, the prevalence of malignancy is 23%. Table 22.2 shows the prevalence of IgAN among solid tumors listed according to tumor type. Paraneoplastic IgAN has been most often reported with renal cell carcinoma (RCC), followed by cancers of the GI and the respiratory systems. Based on histologic examination of native kidney specimens in patients with RCC who underwent a nephrectomy, the prevalence of IgAN was 18% in 60 patients with RCC. A study of autopsy specimens of 129 patients with solid tumors found that glomerular deposits were more frequently observed in patients with GI carcinoma and that 36% of these specimens had demonstrable IgA mesangial deposits.
Organ | Number of Cases |
Renal carcinoma | 17 |
Gastrointestinal carcinoma | 1 |
Respiratory system carcinoma | 7 |
Patients with IgAN have increased levels of abnormally galactosylated IgA1 subtype. On LM, IgAN is characterized by mesangial expansion with cellular proliferation and increased mesangial matrix. There can also be segmental or global endocapillary proliferation, presence of crescents, and segmental sclerosis. Immunofixation (IF) study is required for the diagnosis of IgAN because optically normal glomeruli on LM will have IgA as the principal and sole Ig on IF. It is not known whether IgA in the deposits is the antigen or the antibody that fixes C3. On the EM reveals granular electron dense mesangial and paramesangial deposits.
Pathogenetic mechanism
There are major differences between mice and human IgA systems. Therefore a good animal model for IgAN is lacking. One hypothesis is that the invasion of the mucosa by the malignancy leads to increased circulating IgA, leading to mesangial IgA deposits. In human models of RCC, elevated levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) have been found in the serum and cell lines on cancer patients. In murine models, it has been shown that IgA production is stimulated by IL-6. Therefore one postulate is that elevated levels of IL-6 in RCC stimulates IgA production, leading to increased circulating levels of IgA, which in turn deposit in the mesangium. Alternatively, it is possible that tumors could stimulate secretion of abnormal IgA1-like particles that could then induce an IgG response in the host, which in turn could lead to formation of ICs that deposit in the mesangium.
Minimal change disease
The classic presentation of MCD is sudden onset nephrotic range proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia, and pitting edema. MCD is the most common cause of childhood NS and accounts for NS in 90% of cases of children less than 10 years old and for 50% of cases more than 10 years old. In adults with NS, MCD is the underlying diagnosis in 10% to 15% cases. Paraneoplastic MCD is most commonly associated with lymphoid malignancy, specifically Hodgkin lymphoma ( Table 22.3 ). Solid tumors are not as commonly associated with paraneoplastic MCD.
Organ | Tumor Type | Number of Cases |
Thymus | Thymoma | 26 |
Renal | Renal cell carcinoma | 7 |
Ovarian | Ovarian carcinoma | 1 |
Breast | Breast carcinoma | 2 |
MCD is characterized by normal looking glomeruli on LM with abundant proximal tubular protein reabsorption droplets. Staining for complement and Ig is negative on IF. The distinct histopathologic finding diffuse foot process effacement is seen on EM.
Pathogenetic mechanism
It has long been postulated that acquired podocytopathies are the consequence of immune factors, specifically a dysregulation of T-cell regulation. The Buffalo/Mna rat, which is a spontaneous model for thymoma and myasthenia gravis, has been studied for MCD-like glomerular disease. In these rats, NS presents at 1 month of age and the renal biopsy shows typical MCD features. In a retrospective study of 21 patients with thymoma, all patients with type B2 grade of malignant thymoma had MCD. Sixty-seven percent (14 out of 21) of the cases of thymoma had MCD on renal biopsy. Various T-cell related cytokines, such as IL-2, IL-4, and IL-13 may act as permeability factors and contribute to nephrotic range proteinuria. IL-13 levels are increased in the serum and T-cells of patients with MCD. Wistar rats that transfected with a vector, which resulted in overexpression of IL-13, developed significant proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and hypercholesterolemia when compared with control rats. The glomeruli of the transfected rats were optically normal on LM and had diffuse foot process fusion on EM. Further analysis revealed that there was downregulation of the proteins necessary to maintain the integrity of the GBM (nephrin, podocin, and dystroglycan), and upregulation of expression of IL-13 receptors. VEGF may also act as a permeability factor in patients with MCD. Increased secretion of VEGF has been observed in RCC.
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
FSGS and MCD are both manifestations of podocyte injury and may thus share similar pathogenetic mechanisms. FSGS accounts for 40% of cases of NS in adults. It is the most common primary glomerular disease leading to end-stage renal disease in the United States. The prevalence of paraneoplastic FSGS according to the cancer type is shown in Table 22.4 . As with MCD, FSGS is more commonly reported with hematologic malignancies. Of the solid tumors, it has been most commonly reported with thymomas and RCC.
Organ | Tumor Type | Number of Cases |
Renal | Renal cell carcinoma | 6 |
Thymus | Thymoma | 4 |
Gastrointestinal | Gastrointestinal carcinoma | 2 |
Histologically, on LM, the lesion is characterized by segmental obliteration of the glomerular capillary, glomerular sclerosis, capsular adhesion, and hyaline deposition. As a result of proteinuria, increased proximal tubular reabsorption droplets can be found. On EM, there is extensive effacement of epithelial foot processes and absence of electron dense immune deposits. IF typically shows coarsely granular staining for IgM and C3 in the mesangial areas. These findings are generally caused by nonspecific trapping of IgM and C3, particularly in areas of sclerosis.
Pathogenetic mechanism
As is the case with MCD, a potential paraneoplastic link between thymoma and podocyte dysfunction in FSGS was studied in the Buffalo/Mna rat model because of their association with spontaneous thymoma. Data showed that the thymic disease did not cause proteinuria, because thymectomy had no effect on proteinuria. In the Buffalo/Mna rats, two autosomal recessive genes were located on chromosome 13, which seems to confer susceptibility to glomerulosclerosis. This chromosome corresponds to the long arm of human chromosome 1, where the Nephs2 gene coding for podocin has been located. This gene colocalization suggests that perhaps there is a genetic predisposition to paraneoplastic FSGS. As is the case with MCD, the cytokine milieu of malignancy may produce the ultrastructural changes seen in paraneoplastic FSGS. Increased production of macrophage associated cytokines, particularly tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and cytokines associated with Th2-cells, have also been shown to produce an FSGS pattern of glomerular injury.
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Paraneoplastic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) is more commonly associated with lymphoproliferative disorders than with solid tumors. Tumors of the respiratory tract and kidney have been reported in association with paraneoplastic MPGN ( Table 22.5 ). There are additional case reports describing patients with RCC and a transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder who presented with NS. In these cases the renal biopsy showed MPGN and the proteinuria improved following resection of the tumor. , The paucity of reported cases and studies with solid tumors and MPGN makes it difficult to discern any causal pathogenicity for a PNGN.
Organ | Tumor Type | Number of Cases |
Renal | Renal cell carcinoma | 4 |
Thymus | Thymoma | 1 |
Gastrointestinal | Gastric carcinoma | 2 |
Breast | Breast carcinoma | 3 |

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