Functional Abdominal Pain


Involuntary weight loss

Vomiting especially bile or blood

GI blood loss

Unexplained fever

Persistent right upper or lower quadrant pain

Delayed puberty

Family history of IBD

Dysuria, hematuria, or flank pain


 Scleral icterus, pale conjunctivae

 Rebound, guarding, or organomegaly

 Perianal disease (skin tags, fissure, fistulae)

 Occult or gross blood in the stool


In Apley’s original survey of 1000 primary and secondary school children, 10.8 % of the children were found to have recurrent abdominal pain [8]. Subsequent studies have reported a prevalence of 0.3–25 % in school-aged children [9]. The wide variability in estimated prevalence is likely to be due to different definitions and diagnostic criteria used to define FAP in these studies. Functional abdominal pain accounts for approximately 2–4 % of pediatric clinic visits and almost 25 % of the referrals to tertiary gastroenterology clinics [10]. Most studies evaluating symptoms in groups of children suggest there are two peaks in prevalence of FAP: one between 4 and 6 years of age and the second between 7 and 12 years of age [11, 12]. In contrast, Perquin et al. demonstrated a progressive rise in symptoms of RAP in children below 12–15 years of age [13].

The original study by Apley reported a slight female predominance with a female-to-male ratio of 1.3:1 [8]. Subsequent studies which included children and adolescents reported a female-to-male prevalence ratio of 1.4:1 [9]. Gender differences in the prevalence of FAP are not obvious in children younger than 8 years of age. In boys the prevalence in 5–10-year-olds is 10–12 %, after which there is a slight decline followed by a later peak around 14 years of age. In girls there appears to be a sharp increase in reported incidence of abdominal pain after the age of 8 years [9, 13]. One study of adolescents in a suburban town in the USA reported no significant difference in prevalence rates among males and females, although strict criteria for FAP were not applied [14].


Functional abdominal pain is thought to be a multifactorial disorder resulting from a complex interaction between psychosocial factors, familial genetic vulnerability, environmental factors, and earlier life experiences through the brain–gut axis (Fig. 38.1). The bidirectional brain–gut interaction in functional GI illness is well recognized. The brain receives a constant stream of input from the GI tract and integrates this with other interoceptive information from the body and the environment. It then sends an integrated response back to various target cells within the GI tract [15]. In healthy subjects, the majority of the interoceptive information reaching the brain is not consciously perceived but serves primarily as input to autonomic reflex pathways (Fig. 38.1). In children with FAP, the conscious perception of the interoceptive information or recall of interoceptive memories of such an input can result in constant or recurrent pain. The model which incorporates peripheral and central abnormalities in patients with FAP is plausible, but until recently was somewhat assumptive as the majority of the data this model is based upon are extrapolated from animal and adult human studies.


Fig. 38.1
Schematic representation of interaction between the sensory neuronal pathways and stress-related activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. The GI afferent stimulus perception is modulated by these interactions. Following activation of cortical and subcortical brain regions, increased quantities of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) induces the release of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary. This in turn stimulates the release of glucocorticoids from the adrenal glands. In response to ANS activation, cells of the adrenal medulla produce catecholamines such as adrenaline and noradrenaline. These have potential to modulate activity of the sensory neuronal pathways and cause visceral hypersensitivity. The cortical and subcortical brain centers can facilitate or inhibit the activation of second-order spinal neurons in response to visceral afferent stimulus. (Adapted from Knowles CH, Aziz Q. Basic and clinical aspects of gastrointestinal pain. Pain. 2009;141:191–209, with permission.)

Visceral Hypersensitivity

An afferent signal originating in the GI tract activates the nerve endings in the bowel wall and travels along the first-order spinal afferents, which synapse with the second-order neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The second-order neurons project to the brain through the spinoreticular, spinomesencephalic, spinohypothalamic, and spinothalamic tracts. While the first three tracts mainly activate unconscious and autonomic responses to visceral sensory input including changes in emotion and behavior, the latter transmits conscious sensation by its projections to the somatosensory cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and the insula. The spinothalamic pathway is mainly responsible for pain localization and assessment of pain intensity, and the other three pathways modulate affective pain behavior with stimulation of important autonomic and descending inhibitory pathways (Fig. 38.1). In animal models, the anterior cingulate cortex and its projections to the amygdala and periaqueductal gray matter of the midbrain and the rostral ventromedial medulla and the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum can selectively modulate nociceptive transmission. Stimulation of these sites inhibits responses of spinal neurons to noxious stimuli and can have an analgesic effect [16]. Therefore, second-order spinal neurons are activated by afferent input from the first-order neurons conveying messages from the bowel and inhibitory input from the brain. Traditional thinking assumes that disruption in this balance can result in hypersensitivity.

Peripheral sensitization represents a form of stimulus-evoked nociceptor plasticity in which more prolonged stimulation, especially in the context of inflammation or injury, leads to change in the chemical milieu that permits nociceptor firing at a lower level. The main sensitizers implicated in primary sensitization include bradykinin, histamine, serotonin, proteases, and cytokines [17]. Persistent abdominal pain following a gastrointestinal infection, surgery during infancy [18], or an inflammatory disorder such as gastroenteritis, Henoch–Schonlein purpura, and cow’s milk intolerance can alter pain perception, and visceral hypersensitivity is thought to be one of the mechanisms responsible for this change [1921].

Central Sensitization

Under physiological states, spinal afferents respond only to noxious stimuli, but under conditions of injury and inflammation of peripheral nerve endings or repetitive noxious stimulation, they can respond to lower intensity afferent signal, a phenomenon called central sensitization [15]. Central sensitization can also affect adjacent neurons , leading to the recruitment of previously “silent” nociceptors and hyperalgesia in regions (somatic and visceral) remote to the site of peripheral sensitization. This is also termed secondary hyperalgesia. In animal models, this facilitation is triggered by presynaptic release of neurotransmitters and increased intracellular calcium, which lead to phosphorylation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and resultant changes in receptor kinetics. Substance P and other tachykinins play a crucial role in central sensitization [17, 22]. Descending projections from the brain stem nuclei to the spinal cord enhance or reduce the excitability of dorsal horn neurons, which receive afferent input from the viscera, in part through the opioidergic and adrenergic descending pain inhibitory pathways. Using the water-drinking test and barostat studies, altered sensory gastric perception and visceral hypersensitivity have been reported in children with FAP [2325].

This traditional view that chronic pain disorders are either driven by primary afferent input (e.g., post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome) or sustained by the local reverberating circuitry within the spinal cord and facilitated by descending pain modulation has been challenged. In the last decade advances in functional brain imaging has helped in identifying key neural structures involved in processing experimental gut stimulation [26, 27] The human brain is intrinsically organized into distinct functional networks supporting various sensory, motor, and cognitive functions [28]. Of particular relevance to the understanding of visceral hypersensitivity and altered brain–gut interaction in IBS is an intrinsic brain network, the salience network (SN), with two key anchor nodes in the anterior insula (AI) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC ) [29]. The SN has extensive connections with cortical and subcortical brain structures, such as the medial prefrontal cortex, thalamus, amygdala, cerebellum, and midbrain structures. Pain produced in the absence of tissue injury (e.g., FGIDs) and pain relief in the absence of drugs (e.g., placebo analgesia) provide compelling evidence that salience—how we interpret the importance of a given physiological state—is able to reproduce experiences to those produced by overt tissue injury or potent analgesic medications. A number of studies using controlled rectal distension as the stimulus have shown greater engagement of regions of the salience network in IBS patients [27]. Our group evaluated changes in the brain networks in a small cohort of pediatric patients with chronic visceral pain and emphasized the crucial role of the SN in modulating the engagement of the executive control network and disengagement of the default mode network (brain activity during mental rest) when attending to a salience event (e.g., rectal distension) [30].

It has also become clear that some of the brain circuitry involved in processing pain-related information can be engaged by social and emotional experiences such as viewing another individual in pain, and these experiences appear to selectively involve neuro-circuitry related to emotional rather than sensory aspects of pain. Viewed in the context of a more comprehensive conceptual framework, rather than the narrow viewpoint of nociceptive processing, IBS symptoms can be defined by dysfunctions in a generalized model of visceral homeostatic regulation network within the brain–gut axis, regulating not only physiological conditions of viscera, but also the associated emotional and motivational contents [31]. Children with FAP appear to be temperamentally anxious and suffer from emotional difficulties. Such temperamental traits have been associated with pessimistic worry, fear of uncertainty, harm avoidance, and a lowered response threshold to environmental challenges [3236]. Children with a high pain dysfunctional profile have been characterized by poor coping skills, negative affect, pain catastrophizing, higher disability, and enhanced pain sensitization several years later [37].

Early Life Events and Environment

Early life stress can also influence illness behavior and emotional response to pain [38]. Work in animal models suggests that severe, prolonged, or repetitive pain can trigger neurobiological changes that can permanently modify pain pathways [39]. These changes are likely to be mediated through the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis [4042]. A higher incidence of FGIDs and psychiatric comorbidities has been reported in adults who were abused as children [4345]. A recent meta-analysis reported a 2.7 higher risk of functional somatic syndromes in individuals exposed to trauma as young [46]. What constitutes a painful or a potential sensitizing event is not clear. Painful experiences in neonatal life have been related to altered pain processing and hypersensitivity in later life [47, 48]. A stressful life event such as marital turmoil in the family, school bullying, and being involved in an accident can predate the onset of FAP. Therefore, stressful life events both early and later on in life seem to be a common in children with FAP. Corticotropin-releasing factor is an important hormone involved in stress response and can alter GI motility and visceral sensitivity [49].

Parenting style can influence a child’s ability to cope with pain. Children of parents who have IBS report more bothersome gastrointestinal symptoms compared to control children [50]. They also have more school absences and physician visits for gastrointestinal symptoms [51]. Twin studies have shown that the presence of IBS in the respondent’s parents made a larger contribution to the risk of having IBS than did the presence of IBS in one’s twin, suggesting social learning is more important than the environmental factors in determining illness behavior [52]. Further support for social learning in determining illness behavior comes from research showing a relationship between parental responses and children’s behavior [9]. Higher levels of parental solicitousness in response to their child illness behaviors are related to higher levels of children’s symptoms and disability as measured by school absences. Factors associated with solicitous behavior include non-Caucasian race, lower educational status, single mother or no partner, and parental perception of severity of their child’s condition [9, 11].

Clinical Presentation and Evaluation

Functional abdominal pain is typically periumbilical and usually not associated with vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea, nocturnal symptoms, or growth deceleration. Organic abnormalities have been reported in 25–88 % of children with recurrent abdominal pain [5355]. However, the causal relationship of some of the reported abnormalities with abdominal pain is not clear. A good example is the relationship of H. pylori infection with abdominal pain; four studies assessed this and none found a positive association [50, 5658]. A systematic review of the utility of endoscopy in FAP found a 28 % diagnostic yield when H. pylori was considered a diagnostic (vs. 3.6 % as incidental) finding [59]. Therefore, studies reporting positive yield of upper endoscopy in children with abdominal pain may overestimate the positive yield of upper endoscopy if they include H. pylori infection as an association with abdominal pain.

The majority of the GI disease that presents with abdominal pain as a symptom can be differentiated from FAP by a careful history and clinical examination (Table 38.2). Prandial or postprandial pain may be associated with pancreatobiliary disease, peptic ulcer, allergic disease, and carbohydrate intolerance. Postprandial release of cholecystokinin stimulates gallbladder contractions and pancreatic secretions. These physiological events can induce pain in subjects with biliary tract obstruction and pancreatitis. Children with constipation and rectal fecal impaction can also present with postprandial pain [55]. The gastrocolonic reflex after the meal can result in cramping pain in the presence of hard stool in the rectum producing outlet obstruction. Intolerance to lactose or sucrose or from excess fructose or sorbitol ingestion in fruit juice can also cause pain, bloating, and diarrhea [6062]. A detailed dietary history can help to identify dietary triggers and food intolerance, which can present with abdominal pain. The “ritual” of this process provides important information and further assures the patient that the physician takes their complaints seriously and is seeking a cause.

Table 38.2
Differential diagnosis of functional abdominal pain

GI tract

 Gastroesophageal reflux disease

 Peptic ulcer disease

 Esophagitis (peptic, eosinophilic, or infectious)

 Celiac disease

 Carbohydrate intolerance

 Parasitic infestation

 Inflammatory bowel disease

 Malrotation and volvulus


 Meckel diverticulum

 Chronic appendicitis

 Epiploic appendagitis

 Gastric emptying abnormalities

 Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

Gall bladder, liver, and pancreas


 Choledochal cyst


 Liver abscess

 Recurrent pancreatitis


 Urinary tract infection




 Pelvic inflammatory disease



 Gilbert’s disease

 Familial Mediterranean fever



 Hereditary angioedema

 Sickle-cell crisis

 Lead poisoning

 Vasculitis (e.g., Henoch–Schonlein purpura)

 Thyroid disorders

 Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome

 Psychiatric disease

Identification of troublesome symptoms, possible triggers, environmental stressors, social or emotional disturbances, impaired daily functioning, and underlying psychiatric conditions is helpful in excluding other diagnosis and comorbid conditions. It also helps to develop a patient-specific management plan . Older children and adolescents should be interviewed without their parents and assured of complete confidentiality. Physical and sexually abused children often present with functional GI symptoms [63, 64].

Children with periumbilical abdominal pain and no alarm features usually do not require investigations. If the symptoms do not improve with empiric therapy or there is a high suspicion of an organic disease process, investigations including a complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, urine analysis, and culture are justified [1, 3, 65]. Other investigations such as biochemical profiles (liver and kidney), stool culture and examination for ova and parasites, and breath hydrogen testing for sugar malabsorption can be performed at the discretion of the clinician. The decision to perform these investigations is based on the child’s predominant symptoms, degree of functional impairment, and parental anxiety. Plain abdominal X-ray is not a reliable investigation to diagnose constipation, except when a rectal fecal mass is suspected. Repeated negative laboratory and imaging studies can provoke anxiety, and the child may start thinking that the physician is unable to find a cause for the symptoms and a rare and unusual disease process is being missed.

In one prospective study, three trajectories based on symptom severity, psychological evaluation, functioning, and self-worth evaluation were identified [66]. Almost 70 % of the subjects with low levels of symptoms and functional impairment improved within 2 months and had no recurrence at 1- and 5-year follow-up. All had low levels of anxiety and depression and scored better on self-worth compared to children in the other groups. The second trajectory classified as the short-term risk group had highest level of symptoms and functional impairment, but less severe depressive and anxiety symptoms. Symptoms in most of these patients improved in a few months, and they had no relapse in symptoms at 5-year follow-up. The third trajectory, classified as the long-term risk group, included children (14 %) with high levels of symptoms and functional impairment. All had high levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms, more negative life events, and lower perceived self-worth. Children in this group had persistent symptoms during the 5-year study period. It appears that children in the short-term and long-term group would benefit from referral to a specialist center, which has access to a multidisciplinary team including a gastroenterologist with an interest in pain-associated FGIDs and a pain psychologist.


When evaluating children with FAP, it is important to allocate sufficient time for the consult in order to allow the child and family to share their concerns. This assures them that the physician is listening and their complaints are being taken seriously. It is important to explain the pathophysiology of visceral hypersensitivity in a simple and child-friendly language. Establishing reasonable goals for improvement enables the physician to provide positive feedback and helps to maintain trust in the physician–patient relationship. Patients with prolonged or severe symptoms and a complex behavioral overlay that interfere with participation in a treatment plan may require early referral to a specialist center.

Psychological Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is based on the belief that our thoughts, behaviors, and feelings interact and aims to reduce or eliminate physical symptoms through cognitive and behavioral changes. Cognitive behavioral therapy guides patients to modify or change cognitive distortions or irrational, negative thinking to improve mood and functioning. Parental response to pain reports and beliefs about the significance of pain and levels of psychological distress in the child can affect the severity of GI symptoms and disability. Cognitive behavioral therapy would guide a patient who believes that his or her pain is a symptom of undiagnosed terminal illness to challenge this belief and consider substituting a more realistic thought, such as that the pain is likely to subside and does not represent a terminal illness. Several randomized controlled trials to test the effectiveness of pain interventions in children, using a self-management approach that includes components of CBT and involvement of parents in treatment, yielded encouraging results (Table 38.3) [6771]. However, methodological limitations in some of these studies have made interpretation of results difficult. A recent Cochrane review thought CBT is worth considering for some children with functional abdominal pain, but better quality studies to show the efficacy of CBT are needed [72]. The American Academy of Pediatrics also rates CBT as efficacious in the treatment of FAP [73]. Recent guidelines for addressing anxiety in children with FAP have been suggested by Cunningham et al. [74].

Table 38.3
Studies using psychological therapy (CBT) to treat FAP in children since 1990s


Population and study design



van der Veek et al. (2013)

n = 104, 7–18 years


CBT equally effective as IMC in reducing pain (60 vs. 567 %), GI symptoms, functional disability and quality of life


 • Relaxation training

 • Cognitive restructuring

 • Coping strategies for child and parents

 • 6 sessions

Control group (IMC):

 • 6 physician visits

FU: 12 months

Levy et al. (2010/2013)

n = 200, 7–17 years


Greater decrease in pain and GI symptoms in CBT group


 • Relaxation training

Less parental solicitous responses in CBT group

 • Modify family response to illness

Outcomes maintained long-term

 • Cognitive restructuring

Control group:

 • Educational support

 • 3 sessions each group

FU: 12-month posttreatment

Duarte et al. (2006)

n = 32, 5–13 years


CBT had higher reduction in pain scores compared to controls (86.6 vs. 33.3 %)


 • Psycho-education

No significant difference in pressure pain threshold

 • Cognitive and behavioral strategies

 • Self-monitoring

Control group: SMC

4 monthly sessions

FU: 4 months

Hicks et al. (2006)

n = 47, 9–16 years


CBT group had significant improvement in pain scores compared to controls (72 vs. 14 %) at 3-month follow-up


 • Relaxation

Recurrent headaches and abdominal pain

 • Cognitive strategies (self-talk)

Control: SMC

Online and telephone sessions

FU: 3 months

Robins et al. (2005)

n = 69, 6–16 years


Significantly less abdominal pain in the CBT group compared to controls. Benefit maintained at 1-year FU


 • Psycho-education

No significant difference in functional disability

 • Relaxation

 • Coping strategies

Control : SMC

Five 50-min sessions

FU: 1 year

Sanders et al. (1994)

n = 44, 6–12 years


Both groups reported significant decrease in pain


 • Parent contingency management

CBT group had lower relapse rate and higher rate of complete pain relief

 • Relaxation training

 • Cognitive (self-talk)

Control: wait list

Six 50-min sessions

Alfven and Lindstrom (2007)

n = 83, 6–12 years

Group A

Pain improved in all groups


 • Psychological (psychoeducation) and physiotherapy (relaxation, breathing, coping skills)

Group C significantly better outcome (59 % decrease in pain scores)

Group B

Group A and C had significantly decrease in tender points at 12 months

 • Physiotherapy only

Group C

 • Integrated psychological and somatic therapy

Group D

 • No treatment

Tender points (rated 0–8) assessed in all groups

FU: 12 months

Groß and Warschburger (2013)

n = 29, 7–12 years


CBT group significantly reduced pain and improved health-related quality of life compared to controls


 • Coping strategies

 • Relaxation training

 • Increasing self-esteem

Control: wait list

6 weekly group sessions

FU: 3 months

van Tilburg et al. (2009)

n = 34, 6–15 years

Home-based guided imagery

Treatment responders more in GI group compared to SMC (63.1 vs. 26.7 %)



61.5 % of SMC patients responded to GI

2 months treatment

Treatment benefit was maintained for 6 months

FU: 6 months

Gulewitsch et al. (2013)

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Aug 29, 2017 | Posted by in GASTROENTEROLOGY | Comments Off on Functional Abdominal Pain

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