No. of ureteroscopies
Major perforationb
Minor perforation
Mucosal abrasion
Netto [44]
Grasso [12]
Abdel-Razzak [10]
Harmon [29]
Puppo [45]
Butler [30]
Blute [11]
Jeromin [31]
Nonetheless, ureteroscopy is not without its complications and overall major complications of ureteroscopy, either for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes range between 0 and 2% [2–5]. Currently, there exists no standardization for reporting complications of ureteroscopy and this must be kept in mind when evaluating the literature. At least one recent study used the modified Clavien morbidity score to classify complications of ureteroscopy and suggested this as a means to standardize reporting [6].
Most reports on the complications of ureteroscopy tend to follow a similar classification schema and organize complications by chronology and by severity. A similar approach will be followed here and complications will be classified as intraoperative, early postoperative, or late postoperative. The significance of the complication will be classified as major if significant further surgical or medical therapy is required or if the complication is life-threatening and minor if nonoperative management or minimal intervention will be corrective.
Intraoperative Complications
Minor Complications
Failure to Access the Upper Tract
Inability to safely access the upper urinary tract for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes is not well reported. Problems with access range from 1.6 to 8.4% [4, 7, 8]. Common locations that may present access challenges include the ureteral orifice, a narrow intramural ureter, and unfavorable calyceal anatomy with acute angles and long narrow infundibula [9]. Ureteral strictures or impacted ureteral wall stones, which may present at any location, can preclude ureteroscopic advancement. Anatomic anomalies and variations such as severe spinal column angulation, external ureteral compression, renal and ureteral ectopia, prior ureteral reimplantation, cystoceles in women, and benign prostatic enlargement in men may also pose access difficulties. Ureteral injury such as mucosal flaps or ureteral perforation can also limit safe retrograde access.
When access problems are encountered, the safest option is to place a ureteral stent and allow for passive ureteral dilation over 1–2 weeks with an attempt at repeat ureteroscopy thereafter. This can reduce the risk of avoidable ureteral injury. In one single-institution retrospective review of 322 ureteroscopies which sought to determine factors predictive of ureteroscopic complications, one third of the ureteral perforations were associated with balloon dilation of the ureteral orifice or trying to manipulate a wire past an obstructing stone [7]. When access to the upper urinary tract is still not possible despite passive ureteral dilation with a stent, a percutaneous antegrade approach may be considered as well.
Bleeding during ureteroscopy is rarely of significant concern and it is only in the exceptional case that intervention is necessary beyond procedure termination and possibly ureteral stenting. Procedure termination is a result of compromised visualization from intraluminal bleeding. Most often bleeding is encountered with ureteral orifice dilation, mucosal, or calyceal injury from wire or ureteroscope trauma, or during stone lasing and manipulation. The incidence of bleeding severe enough to cause premature termination of ureteroscopy has been reported between 0.1 and 2.1% [4, 10–12]. Abdel-Razzak and Bagley reviewed 290 flexible ureteroscopies performed in the late 1980s and early 1990s for urolithiasis and upper tract urothelial carcinoma. They experienced two aborted procedures secondary to bleeding severe enough to limit vision. Geavlete et al., the largest of these series, retrospectively reviewed 2,735 semirigid ureteroscopies at a single center between 1994 and 2005 with three cases prematurely aborted because of bleeding limiting visualization. In all cases a ureteral stent was placed and the bleeding resolved. None of these cases required a blood transfusion.
A single case report described a significant delayed bleed after uncomplicated ureteroscopy and holmium laser lithotripsy for a 0.8 × 0.9 cm right proximal ureteral stone. The patient required a transfusion of 4 units of packed red blood cells and eventual angioembolization of a lower pole arteriovenous fistula [13]. Interestingly, the patient had undergone failed shockwave lithotripsy (SWL) 2 months prior. Endoureterotomy or endopyelotomy is another instance where significant bleeding may be encountered if a crossing vessel is injured. Prevention of this serious complication is through analysis of preoperative cross-sectional imaging such as computed tomography angiogram, careful selection of incision location away from likely artery location, and thorough ureteroscopic inspection for arterial pulsation at the incision site prior to incision. If bleeding does occur, placement of a large ureteral balloon dilator (24–30 Fr) can help temporize the bleeding to all for further intervention such as angioembolization.
In general, careful technique and fastidious use of lasers and other instruments can help minimize potential bleeding and allow for successful ureteroscopy even in anticoagulated patients and those with bleeding diatheses [14].
Thermal Tissue Damage
Modern ureteroscopes are well insulated and if maintained properly should not cause ureteral thermal injury. Some of the instruments commonly used during uretersocopy, such as lasers and electrohydraulic lithotripters can cause thermal damage to the ureter. This complication is rarely reported. The Holmium:YAG laser was reported to cause a ureteral perforation in 1 patient out of 598 patients (0.2%) undergoing laser lithotripsy in a large prospective study between 1993 and 1999 [15]. Ureteral mucosal spark damage from the electrohydraulic lithotripter was reported to cause ureteral perforations in 2 patients out of 198 patients (1%) with ureteral or renal stones in a separate study between 1985 and 1991 [16]. Three cases (0.1%) of mucosal thermal injury were reported in a more contemporary series of 2,275 semirigid ureteroscopies [4]. Comparisons between the two instruments have shown no difference in complication rates [17].
Proper technique during lithotripsy including avoiding direct contact with the ureteral wall and aiming the energy source parallel rather than perpendicular to the ureteral wall, should minimize thermal tissue damage. If there is concern for thermal injury, ureteral stent placement is prudent. Four to six weeks after ureteral stent removal, renal ultrasound can be used as a screen for ureteral stricture formation, as this has been reported after thermal injuries [18].
Instrument Malfunction
Successful ureteroscopy depends on the proper function of multiple instruments and technologies including the endoscope, light source, lithotripsy device, stone basket, biopsy forceps, and digital camera. Any of these may be damaged during surgical use or during processing and sterilization. Baskets may break when extracting larger stone fragments that become lodged within the ureter or within the calyces when acute angles are present. Laser fibers may crack within the sheath of the ureterscope and cause unintentional damage to the scope or patient. On very rare occasions the ureteroscope may fracture within the ureter [9].
Broken or entrapped baskets can be challenging problems. This is most often encountered during stone basket extraction of larger stones or fragments. Tipped baskets that break often have wire fragments extending out toward the ureteral wall [19]. Tipless baskets have less of a tendency to do this and are safer from this perspective. Many strategies have been suggested. Clearing the engaged stone first can allow safer manipulation of the basket. Cutting or lasering the remaining intact basket wires can help disengage most of the basket. Then grasping the remaining portion of the basket may be easier. The remaining portion of the basket can also be carefully manipulated so that the tip of the basket is angled down the ureter and then removed tip first. In this orientation ureteral injury is less likely. Alternatively, trying to backload a small catheter over the basket may sheath the broken wire fragments and protect the ureter with basket removal through the catheter [19].
Ureteroscopy accessories such as basket retrieval devices and laser fibers are usually easily replaced. Malfunctioning or damaged ureteroscopes often require manufacturer repair, which are expensive and can represent a majority of the cost of a flexible ureteroscopy program over time [20]. Instrument malfunction is likely underreported, and has ranged in incidence from 0.7 to 1.9% [4, 7, 10]. Unfortunately all ureteroscopes require repair at some point, and a prospective comparison of four contemporary ureteroscopes showed three of the four to have relatively similar durability with approximately 17–18 uses before repair was necessary [21]. However, the fourth ureteroscope required repair after only approximately five uses, though the authors did not comment further as to the differences.
Proper technique during ureteroscope use is important to reducing preventable damage to instruments. The ureteroscope should be straight when advancing and removing instruments through the working channel. Ureteral access sheaths and small laser fibers and baskets can minimize deflexion strain on ureteroscopes and improve longevity [22].
Ureteroscope processing, sterilization, and storage is another source of preventable damage and has been of increased interest recently. Specific causes of ureteroscope damage include overcurling of the scope during storage, improper cleansing techniques, and closing the storage case onto the ureteroscope shaft [23]. Developing a dedicated and well educated team responsible for ureteroscope cleansing and storage has been shown to reduce ureteroscope damage and increase ureteroscope lifespan [24].
When broken or damaged instruments are detected they should be removed from the surgical field and no longer used. In some cases this may require early termination of the current procedure and a repeat procedure at a later time. This approach is preferred to the possible major complications that may occur when continuing with poorly functioning or broken equipment.
Mucosal Abrasion
Some degree of ureteral mucosal abrasion occurs routinely with most ureteroscopy cases. It is rarely of clinical significance and because of this likely underreported. Moreover, no standard definition of mucosal abrasion exists further complicating the understanding and impact of this problem.
A recent retrospective series of 2,275 semirigid ureteroscopies reported ureteral abrasions in 1.5% of cases while using a variety of ureteroscopes between 6 and 10 F [4]. An older series compared the complications of 248 rigid ureteroscopies using ureteroscope diameters between 9.5 and 11.5 F to 49 semirigid ureteroscopies with ureteroscope diameters between 6 and 7 F. Ureteral mucosal abrasions were reported in 24% of the rigid ureteroscopies and in only 6% of the cases using the smaller caliber semirigid ureteroscopes [25]. Principles to help minimize abrasions includes careful technique, avoiding rapid jerky movements while in the ureter, keeping the ureteral lumen in view when advancing and withdrawing the ureteroscope, and not advancing the ureteroscope with accessories protruding from the working channel. The use of ureteral access sheaths when expecting multiple passes with the ureteroscope should also help minimize mucosal injuries.
Submucosal Tunneling (False Passage)
This occurs when an instrument passes across the ureteral mucosal and tunnels submucosally for some distance, but does not completely perforate through the outer layers of the ureter. The incidence is reported between 0.4 and 1% [4, 11, 12]. Ureteral strictures, considerable ureteral tortuosity, and impacted ureteral stones all may increase the risk of submucosal tunneling. Small, short submucosal tunnels infrequently lead to termination of ureteroscopy and can be managed with short-term ureteral stenting. Unrecognized submucosal tunneling over a long distance with subsequent dilation or passage of large instruments can lead to devastating ureteral injury and loss [26].
Resistance to easy guidewire or instrument advancement is a clue to possible submucosal tunneling. Some have described guidewire passage through a submucosal tunnel as “tachy.” [18]. Retrograde ureteropyelograms can help expose submucosal tunnels or confirm intraluminal wire placement if any concerns arise. If a wire is detected submucosally, retrogression of the wire followed by intraluminal placement is recommended. This can also be done under direct vision with a ureteroscopy placed just distal to the false passage. Utilizing floppy tipped guidewires, especially when trying to negotiate past ureteral stones, strictures or severe tortuosity can help minimize this complication.
Extravasation refers to the migration of intraluminal contents outside of the upper collecting system. This most commonly occurs through an iatrogenic perforation in the collecting system, but may also occur through a forniceal rupture. Fluids such as urine, irrigant, blood, and contrast as well as solids such as tissue and stone fragments may extravasate. Fluid extravasation has a reported incidence of 1% or less [10, 11]. As with ureteral perforation, the true incidence of fluid extravasation is likely underreported because routine evaluation (such as with retrograde ureteropyelograms) is not usually done. Stone or stone fragment extravasation has been reported to occur between approximately 0.2 and 2% [4, 27, 28].
Extravasation of small fluid volumes is often insignificant. However, large volume extravasation can have clinically important consequences. Urine extravastion can lead to urinoma formation and subsequent mass effect if large, abscess formation if infected, and possibly periureteral fibrosis [18]. Hypervolemia and hyponatermia can result from the extravasation and absorption of large amounts of hypotonic irrigant. Thus as a rule, water should be avoided during ureteroscopy.
Extravasation of noninfected stones or stone fragments into the retroperitoneum usually has no adverse long-term effects and this complication can be managed similar to a ureteral perforation. Attempts should not be made to retrieve the stone because this often enlarges the ureteral perforations, increases the associated inflammation, and may increase the long-term stricture risk. Documenting stone location with perioperative imaging and informing the patient should help reduce misdiagnosis and unnecessary future procedure [28]. Limiting high pressure irrigation and the use of ureteral access sheaths can also help reduce the risk of extravasation.
Ureteral Perforation
Ureteral perforation occurs when a hole is created across all layers of the ureteral wall. The reported incidence of this complication varies but overall has become less frequent in recent years. Contemporary series report the incidence of ureteral perforation to be approximately 2% or less, with the incidence of major perforations requiring further surgical repair to be approximately 0.1–0.6% [4, 12, 18, 29, 30]. Older series found perforation rates between 6.1 and 15% of cases, however many of these were done with large caliber ureteroscopes (>9.5 Fr) [3]. Larger stones or impacted stones, retroperitoneal fibrosis, and prolonged operative time all increase the risk of perforation.
The increasing use of small caliber ureteroscopes and safer intraluminal lithotripters are both likely responsible for the decreasing rate of ureteral perforations despite increasing utilization of ureteroscopy. The true incidence of ureteral perforation is likely underreported. This may in part be due to the fact that small, clinically insignificant perforations may not be detected at the time of ureteroscopy. Along similar reasoning, the true incidence of large perforations may be more accurate because these are more readily detected intraoperatively.
Small ureteral perforations, such as small puncture holes from guidewires or laser fibers, are most often of little consequence. Larger perforations often require premature termination of the procedure and in rare circumstances necessitate further surgical repair. In all instances when a ureteral perforation is detected ureteral stent placement and antibiotics are advised. Duration of stenting can be as short as 1 week for small perforations to closer to 6 weeks for larger perforations, as is commonly done after endopyelotomy [18, 31]. Careful technique, ureteral access sheaths, and never advancing the ureteroscope with accessories protruding from the end can minimize ureteral perforation.
Major Complications
Ureteral Intussusception
An infrequent but devastating complication of ureteroscopy, ureteral intussusception, occurs when the ureteral mucosa circumferentially tears away from the underlying submucosa and then invaginates as a sleeve along the intact ureteral lumen. Described another way, it can be thought of as avulsion of the ureteral mucosa while the underlying ureteral layers remain intact. It has only rarely been described, and has been associated with stone manipulation, retrograde pyelography, and during diagnostic endoscopic management of urothelial cell carcinoma [32–34]. In the case of intussusception after retrograde diagnostic ureteroscopy, ureteral dilation with a 12 Fr peel-away sheath was believed to be the inciting factor.
Prompt recognition requires a high index of suspicion, and should be considered in cases of ureteral obstruction after recent instrumentation or stone extraction. Inability to place a ureteral stent after stone extraction or ureteral dilation should serve as an alert to possible intussusception. Retrograde pyelogram may show a “bell-shaped” ureter [35]. If not found intraoperatively, it can present as ureteral obstruction at a later time. Cross-sectional imaging with contrast can show an inner contrast-filled lumen surrounded concentrically by the intussuscepted ureteral mucosa and an outer ring of contrast. On coronal sections a narrow line of contrast, recently dubbed the “line sign,” can be appreciated [36].
If possible, a ureteral stent should be placed once the injury is identified. If retrograde stenting is unsuccessful, then percutaneous nephrostomy tube placement is advised. These are only temporizing measures to drain the kidney, as the intussuscepted segment can be expected to fibrose and stricture off rather than heal with any meaningful lumen. Ultimately, resection of the intussuscepted nonviable segment is required with ureteroneocystotomy, ureteroureterostomy, ureteropyelostomy, or ureteral substitution depending on the location and length of intussuscepted ureter.
Ureteral Avulsion
Arguably the most severe intraoperative complication of ureteroscopy is ureteral avulsion. This occurs when the ureter circumferentially tears apart resulting in total discontinuity of the ureter. Immediate operative intervention to rectify the avulsion is usually the rule if recognized intraoperatively. Post-ureteroscopic reconstruction of the avulsed ureter can be quite challenging and may ultimately lead to loss of the affected kidney.
The most common cause of avulsion is attempted basket extraction of stones or stone fragments too large to safely pass down the ureter. Other risk factors include stone basketing in the proximal ureter, retrieval of impacted stones, ureteral anatomic anomalies, and diseased ureters [19]. Many of the early reports of ureteral avulsion from the 1980s and 1990s occurred in the setting of blind stone basket extraction, and in particular with the Dormia stone basket. The ureteropelvic junction was the most frequent site of avulsion and can be explained by the local anatomy. The ureteral muscular wall and urothelium is the thinnest at the ureteropelvic junction and proximal ureter. Additionally, the renal pelvis is relatively fixed compared to the rest of the ureter which has considerable mobility within the retroperitoneum. The avulsion is often recognized intraoperatively as the ureter intussuscepts into the bladder or out of the urethra was the stone and basket are withdrawn [18]. The injury may also be detected by retrograde pyelography.

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