The lower urinary tract functions as a group of interrelated structures in the adult to bring about efficient and low-pressure bladder filling, low-pressure urine storage with perfect continence, and periodic, complete, voluntary urine expulsion at low pressure. Because in the adult the lower urinary tract is normally under voluntary neural control, it is different from other visceral organs, whose regulation is solely by involuntary mechanisms.
Two-Phase Concept of Function: Filling or Storage and Emptying or Voiding
Whatever disagreements exist regarding the anatomic, morphologic, physiologic, pharmacologic, and mechanical details involved in the storage and expulsion of urine by the lower urinary tract, most experts agree on certain points.1 The first is that the micturition cycle involves two relatively discrete processes: bladder filling with urine storage and bladder emptying. The second is that, whatever the details involved, these processes can be summarized from a conceptual point of view as follows.
Bladder filling and urine storage require the following:
Bladder emptying requires the following:
The smooth sphincter refers to the smooth musculature of the bladder neck and proximal urethra. This is a physiologic but not an anatomic sphincter and one that is not under voluntary control. The striated sphincter refers to the striated musculature, which is a part of the outer wall of the proximal urethra in males and females (this portion is often referred to as the intrinsic or intramural striated sphincter), and the bulky skeletal muscle group that surrounds the urethra at the level of the membranous portion in the male and the middle segment in the female (often referred to as the extrinsic or extramural striated sphincter). The extramural portion is the classically described external urethral sphincter and is under voluntary control.2
Any type of voiding dysfunction must result from an abnormality of one or more of the factors just listed. This two-phase concept of micturition, with the three components of each, related to the bladder or to the outlet provides a logical framework for a functional categorization of all types of voiding dysfunction and disorders of filling and storage or to voiding (Boxes 13-1 and 13-2). Some types of voiding dysfunction represent combinations of filling with storage and voiding abnormalities. Within this scheme, however, these become readily understandable, and their detection and treatment can be logically described. Various aspects of physiology and pathophysiology are always related more to one phase of micturition than another. All aspects of urodynamic and video-urodynamic evaluation can be conceptualized in this functional manner according to what they evaluate in terms of bladder or outlet activity during filling with storage or voiding (Table 13-1). All known treatments for voiding dysfunction can be classified in the broad categories of whether they facilitate filling with storage or voiding and whether they do so by an action primarily on the bladder or on one or more of the components of the bladder outlet (see Box 13-2 and Table 13-1).
Box 13-2 Expanded Functional Classification
Phase Assessed* | Bladder Assessment | Outlet Assessment |
Filling and storage phase | Total Pves and Pdet during a filling cystometrogram | Urethral pressure profilometry |
Detrusor leak point pressure | Valsalva leak point pressure | |
Fluoroscopy | ||
Emptying phase | Total Pves and Pdet during a voiding cystometrogram | Micturitional urethral pressure profilometry |
Fluoroscopy | ||
Electromyography of periurethral striated musculature | ||
Flowmetry† | Flowmetry† | |
Residual urine† | Residual urine† |
Pdet, detrusor pressure; Pves, bladder pressure.
* This functional conceptualization of urodynamics categorizes each study according to whether it examines bladder or outlet activity during the filling and storage phase or emptying phase of micturition.
† In this scheme, uroflow and residual urine integrate the activity of the bladder and the outlet during the emptying phase.
Mechanisms Underlying the Two Phases of Function
This section summarizes pertinent points regarding the physiology of the various mechanisms underlying normal bladder filling with storage and voiding, abnormalities of which constitute the pathophysiologic mechanisms of the various types of dysfunction of the lower urinary tract. The information is consistent with that detailed by de Groat and associates,3,4 Zderic and colleagues,2 and Steers,5 and references are provided only when particularly applicable.
Bladder Response during Filling
The normal adult bladder response to filling at a physiologic rate is an almost imperceptible change in intravesical pressure. During at least the initial stages of bladder filling, after unfolding of the bladder wall from its collapsed state, this very high compliance (Δ volume/Δ pressure) of the bladder primarily results from its elastic and viscoelastic properties. Elasticity allows the constituents of the bladder wall to stretch to a certain degree without any increase in tension. Viscoelasticity allows stretch to induce a rise in tension, followed by a decay (i.e., stress relaxation) when the filling (i.e., stretch stimulus) slows or stops. Brading and colleagues6 think there is continuous contractile activity in the smooth muscle cells to adjust their length during filling but without (normally) synchronous activity that would increase intravesical pressure, would impede filling, and could cause urinary leakage. Clinically and urodynamically, the bladder seems relaxed. The urothelium also expands but must preserve its barrier function while doing so. There may be an active component to the storage properties of the bladder. The mucosa and lamina propria are normally the most compliant layers of the bladder. Coplen and associates7 have hypothesized that the smooth muscle layer may have a chronic effect on compliance in the midportion of the cystometric filling curve through a complex interaction between muscle and extracellular matrix. This layer may acutely affect compliance in response to neurologic input as well.
In the usual clinical setting, filling cystometry seems to show a slight increase in intravesical pressure, but Klevmark8,9 elegantly showed that this pressure rise is a function of the fact that cystometric filling is carried out at a greater than physiologic rate and, at physiologic filling rates, there is essentially no rise in bladder pressure until bladder capacity is reached.
Does the nervous system affect the normal bladder response to filling? At a certain level of bladder filling, spinal sympathetic reflexes facilitatory to bladder filling and storage are evoked in animals, a concept developed over the years by de Groat and associates,3 who have also cited indirect evidence to support such a role in humans. This inhibitory effect is likely mediated primarily by sympathetic modulation of cholinergic ganglionic transmission. Through this reflex mechanism, two other possibilities exist for promoting filling and storage. One is neurally mediated stimulation of the predominantly α-adrenergic receptors in the area of the smooth sphincter, the net result of which would be to cause an increase in resistance in that area. The second is neurally mediated stimulation of the predominantly β-adrenergic receptors (inhibitory) in the bladder body smooth musculature, which would cause a decrease in bladder wall tension. McGuire and colleagues10 also cited evidence for direct inhibition of detrusor motor neurons in the sacral spinal cord during bladder filling that results from increased afferent pudendal nerve activity generated by receptors in the striated sphincter. Good evidence exists to support a tonic inhibitory effect of other neurotransmitters on the micturition reflex at various levels of the neural axis. Bladder filling and consequent wall distention may also release autocrine-like factors (e.g., nitric oxide, prostaglandins, peptides) that influence contractility.
Outlet Response during Filling
Although it seems logical and compatible with neuropharmacologic, neurophysiologic, and neuromorphologic data to assume that the muscular component of the smooth sphincter also contributes to the change in urethral response during bladder filling, it is extremely difficult to prove this experimentally or clinically. The direct and circumstantial evidence in favor of such a hypothesis has been summarized by Wein and Barrett,1 Elbadawi,11 and Brading.12 The passive properties of the urethral wall deserve mention because they undoubtedly play a large role in the maintenance of continence.6,13 Urethral wall tension develops within the outer layers of the urethra; however, urethral pressure is a product of the active characteristics of smooth and striated muscle and of the passive characteristics of the elastic, collagenous, and vascular components of the urethral wall, because this tension must be exerted on a soft or plastic inner layer capable of being compressed to a closed configuration—the “filler material” representing the submucosal portion of the urethra. The softer and more plastic this area is, the less pressure required by the tension-producing area to produce continence. Whatever the compressive forces, the lumen of the urethra must be capable of being obliterated by a watertight seal. This mucosal seal mechanism explains why a thin-walled rubber tube requires less pressure to close an open end when the inner layer is coated with a fine layer of grease than when it is not, and the latter case is much like scarred or atrophic urethral mucosa.
Urinary Continence during Abdominal Pressure Increases
During voluntarily initiated micturition, the bladder pressure becomes higher than the outlet pressure, and certain adaptive changes occur in the shape of the bladder outlet, with consequent passage of urine into and through the proximal urethra. Why do such changes not occur with increases in intravesical pressure that are similar in magnitude but that are produced only by changes in intra-abdominal pressure, such as straining or coughing? A coordinated bladder contraction does not occur in response to such stimuli, emphasizing the fact that increases in total intravesical pressure are by no means equivalent to emptying ability. Normally, for urine to flow into the proximal urethra, there be an increase in intravesical pressure; the increase must be a product of a coordinated bladder contraction, occurring through a neurally mediated reflex mechanism; and it must be associated with characteristic conformational and tension changes in the bladder neck and proximal urethral area.
Assuming that the bladder outlet is competent at rest, a major factor in the prevention of urinary leakage during increases in intra-abdominal pressure is the fact that there is at least equal pressure transmission to the proximal urethra during such activity. This phenomenon was first described by Enhorning14 and has been confirmed in virtually every urodynamic laboratory since then. Failure of this mechanism, generally associated with hypermobility of the bladder neck and proximal urethra (another way of describing pathologic descent with abdominal straining), is an almost invariable correlate of genuine stress urinary incontinence in the female. No such hypermobility occurs in the male. The increase in urethral closure pressure that is seen with increments in intra-abdominal pressure normally exceeds the intraabdominal pressure increase, indicating that active muscular function due to a reflex increase in striated sphincter activity or other factors that increase urethral resistance, in addition to simple transmission of pressure, is also involved in preventing such leakage. Tanagho15 was the first to provide direct evidence of this.