It is important to note that serum ferritin is influenced by liver injury and inflammation, so an elevated serum ferritin does not necessarily indicate increased body iron stores.
Serum iron studies
Serum iron is included on some routine blood tests of electrolytes and liver enzymes. It is affected by dietary intake, shows diurnal variation, and is not a reliable indicator of iron stores. Transferrin is the major iron transporting protein in the body. Transferrin saturation reflects iron stores and is usually elevated (>50%) before the serum ferritin increases. Transferrin is calculated from the serum iron and total iron binding capacity, which depends on serum transferrin concentration. Measuring fasting transferrin saturations decreases the effects of diet and diurnal variation, and a value of >45% is suggestive of iron overload.
Causes of high serum ferritin
Serum ferritin is increased in iron overload, liver injury and in inflammatory states. Iron overload can occur with inherited abnormalities of iron metabolism, particularly hereditary haemochromatosis (HFE), repeated blood transfusion and dietary iron overload (including hazardous alcohol consumption). The most common cause of iron overload in Western countries is haemochromatosis. There are a number of different types of haemochromatosis. HFE1 is the most common type of haemochromatosis and is an autosomal recessive condition caused by mutation of the HFE gene, in particular a cysteine to tyrosine mutation at amino acid 282, designated Cys282Tyr or C282Y. This mutation interferes with the regulated movement of iron from enterocytes into the body, so that iron accumulation can occur despite adequate iron stores. This depends on factors like dietary iron intake, and iron depletion through blood loss or pregnancy. The C282Y mutation appears confined to populations with Northern European ancestry and in these groups the prevalence of C282Y homozygotes is about 1 in 200 to 1 in 400. Approximately 50% of C282Y homozygotes will develop significant iron overload, depending on diet, blood loss and other genetic factors. Another HFE mutation that appears to play a role in HFE1 is the H63D mutation, which seems to only be associated with iron overload in combination with C282Y. Other genes implicated in haemochromatosis include transferrin receptor 2, ferritin heavy chain, ferroportin 1, hepcidin and hemojuvelin.