This review covers important questions that arise for physicians caring for women with inflammatory bowel disease. Fertility, pregnancy outcomes and the safety of medications in pregnancy and lactation are discussed.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) often affects women during their peak reproductive years. As medical therapy for IBD advances, more patients are in a position to consider pregnancy; however, striking the balance between optimal medical therapy and fetal health has become increasingly complex. The ability to conceive and carry a healthy child to term, medications compatible with use during conception, pregnancy and lactation, and appropriate management of an IBD flare during pregnancy are questions for which highly charged decisions must be made with limited data. Box 1 summarizes key questions and answers discussed in this article on the management of ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn disease (CD) during pregnancy.
- 1.
Will my child get IBD?
- a.
1.6% if mother has UC
- b.
5.2% if mother has CD
- c.
36.0% if both spouses are affected
- a.
- 2.
What are my chances of getting pregnant?
- a.
Fertility is similar to the general population for presurgical UC and CD
- b.
Ileal pouch anal anastomosis reduces fertility by 50% to 80%
- c.
Surgery for Crohn may also slightly reduce fertility
- a.
- 3.
Do women with IBD have higher rates of sexual dysfunction?
- a.
Yes. Depression and surgery are predictors
- a.
- 4.
What are my expected pregnancy outcomes?
- a.
Increased spontaneous abortion and stillbirth
- b.
Increased preterm birth, low birth weight, small for gestational age infants
- c.
Increased complications of labor and delivery
- d.
Congenital anomalies—data mixed, but no clear increased risk
- e.
Even if disease is under good control, increased risk of adverse outcomes compared with the general population
- a.
- 5.
What will pregnancy do to my IBD?
- a.
The risk of flaring during pregnancy is the same as if not pregnant—34% at 1 year
- a.
- 6.
What medications can I use? (Food and Drug Administration Category)
- a.
Mesalamine (B): conception, pregnancy, lactation
- i.
Sulfasalazine—increase folic acid to 2 mg daily
- i.
- b.
Corticosteroids (C) and budesonide (C):
- i.
Use if needed, but avoid use in first trimester
- 1.
increased risk of cleft palate
- 1.
- ii.
Increased risk of gestational diabetes
- i.
- c.
Azathioprine/6Mercaptopurine (D)
- i.
Low risk. Benefits of maintaining remission outweigh risk
- ii.
Compatible with use in conception, pregnancy and lactation
- iii.
Wait 4 hours after taking dose to breastfeed
- i.
- d.
Infliximab and Adalimumab (B)
- i.
Low risk. Compatible with use in conception, pregnancy, lactation
- ii.
Transfers across placenta. Avoid use in late third trimester
- iii.
Consider holding rotavirus vaccination in infant (live virus)
- i.
- e.
Certolizumab (B)
- i.
Low risk. Compatible with use in conception, pregnancy, lactation
- ii.
Limited transfer across placenta in third trimester so dose on schedule
- i.
- f.
Natalizumab (C)
- i.
Limited data. No reports of congenital anomalies
- i.
- g.
Methotrexate (X)
- i.
Contraindicated. Discontinue 6 months before attempting conception
- i.
- a.
Patients are often concerned about passing their disease on to their offspring, as family history is the strongest predictor for developing IBD. If one parent is affected, the risks of the offspring developing IBD are 2 to 13 times higher than in the general population. One study estimated that the risk of IBD in first-degree relatives of probands with UC and CD were 1.6% and 5.2% respectively. If both parents have IBD, the risk of their offspring developing IBD over their lifetime was estimated to be as high as 36%.
Fertility and sexual function
Infertility is defined as the diminished ability or inability to conceive and have offspring. It is also defined in specific terms as the failure to conceive after a year of regular intercourse without contraception. In general, women with CD appear to have similar fertility rates to the general population. Older, referral center studies estimated infertility rates between 32% and 42% in women with CD ; however, community-based and population-based studies suggest infertility rates (5%–14%) similar to the general population. Surgery for CD may decrease fertility compared with medical therapy alone.
Women with UC have fertility rates similar to the general population before surgery. A study by Ording Olsen and colleagues of 290 women with UC versus 661 non-IBD controls found that women with UC had fecundability ratios (FR) (the ability to conceive per menstrual cycle with unprotected intercourse) equal to the general population (FR = 1.01). However, after surgery for an ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA), the FR dropped to 0.20 ( P <.001). The reduction in fertility may be attributable to surgery in the pelvis and the consequent adhesions and damage to the reproductive organs. Patients who undergo a proctocolectomy with ileostomy also experience a reduction in fertility, as do patients with familial adenomatous polyposis who undergo IPAA.
This finding has been confirmed by a meta-analysis as well as a systemic review. In a meta-analysis of 7 studies, IPAA increased the risk of infertility in women with UC by approximately threefold. Infertility, defined as failure to achieve pregnancy in 12 months of attempting conception, increased from 15% to 48% in women post-IPAA. The relative risk of infertility after IPAA was 3.17 (2.41–4.18), with nonsignificant heterogeneity. The weighted average infertility rate in medically treated UC was 15% for all seven studies, and the weighted average infertility rate was 48% after IPAA. In the systematic review, a total of 22 studies, with 1852 females, were included. The infertility rate was 12% before restorative proctocolectomy and 26% after IPAA, among 945 patients in seven studies.
With respect to sexual dysfunction, a German survey of 1000 patients found that women with IBD showed impaired function irrespective of disease activity as compared with healthy controls. High socioeconomic status was a protective factor for several subscores in women; depression was the most important predictor of dysfunction. In the systematic review stated in the preceding paragraph, an incidence of sexual dysfunction of 8% preoperatively and 25 % postoperatively (7 studies, n = 419) was reported in women undergoing IPAA.
The risk of infertility and sexual dysfunction should be discussed with the patient before surgery as part of the potential risks of the operation. It is unclear if techniques such as laparoscopic IPAA or a subtotal colectomy with rectal stump and ileostomy during the childbearing years are helpful in reducing infertility and sexual dysfunction rates. The drawbacks of the latter procedure include rare ileostomy complications during pregnancy such as obstruction and stoma-related problems, technical difficulties in creating a functioning pouch several years after the initial surgery, and the patient’s reluctance to have a long-term stoma.
Cervical dysplasia, another factor for reduced fertility, has been reported to be increased among women with IBD, particularly if they use immunosuppressants or infliximab. Although larger population-based studies and referral center studies have not confirmed these findings, it is recommended that women with IBD, regardless of medication status, have annual papanicolau smears and young women should receive the human papilloma virus vaccine.
Fertility and sexual function
Infertility is defined as the diminished ability or inability to conceive and have offspring. It is also defined in specific terms as the failure to conceive after a year of regular intercourse without contraception. In general, women with CD appear to have similar fertility rates to the general population. Older, referral center studies estimated infertility rates between 32% and 42% in women with CD ; however, community-based and population-based studies suggest infertility rates (5%–14%) similar to the general population. Surgery for CD may decrease fertility compared with medical therapy alone.
Women with UC have fertility rates similar to the general population before surgery. A study by Ording Olsen and colleagues of 290 women with UC versus 661 non-IBD controls found that women with UC had fecundability ratios (FR) (the ability to conceive per menstrual cycle with unprotected intercourse) equal to the general population (FR = 1.01). However, after surgery for an ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA), the FR dropped to 0.20 ( P <.001). The reduction in fertility may be attributable to surgery in the pelvis and the consequent adhesions and damage to the reproductive organs. Patients who undergo a proctocolectomy with ileostomy also experience a reduction in fertility, as do patients with familial adenomatous polyposis who undergo IPAA.
This finding has been confirmed by a meta-analysis as well as a systemic review. In a meta-analysis of 7 studies, IPAA increased the risk of infertility in women with UC by approximately threefold. Infertility, defined as failure to achieve pregnancy in 12 months of attempting conception, increased from 15% to 48% in women post-IPAA. The relative risk of infertility after IPAA was 3.17 (2.41–4.18), with nonsignificant heterogeneity. The weighted average infertility rate in medically treated UC was 15% for all seven studies, and the weighted average infertility rate was 48% after IPAA. In the systematic review, a total of 22 studies, with 1852 females, were included. The infertility rate was 12% before restorative proctocolectomy and 26% after IPAA, among 945 patients in seven studies.
With respect to sexual dysfunction, a German survey of 1000 patients found that women with IBD showed impaired function irrespective of disease activity as compared with healthy controls. High socioeconomic status was a protective factor for several subscores in women; depression was the most important predictor of dysfunction. In the systematic review stated in the preceding paragraph, an incidence of sexual dysfunction of 8% preoperatively and 25 % postoperatively (7 studies, n = 419) was reported in women undergoing IPAA.
The risk of infertility and sexual dysfunction should be discussed with the patient before surgery as part of the potential risks of the operation. It is unclear if techniques such as laparoscopic IPAA or a subtotal colectomy with rectal stump and ileostomy during the childbearing years are helpful in reducing infertility and sexual dysfunction rates. The drawbacks of the latter procedure include rare ileostomy complications during pregnancy such as obstruction and stoma-related problems, technical difficulties in creating a functioning pouch several years after the initial surgery, and the patient’s reluctance to have a long-term stoma.
Cervical dysplasia, another factor for reduced fertility, has been reported to be increased among women with IBD, particularly if they use immunosuppressants or infliximab. Although larger population-based studies and referral center studies have not confirmed these findings, it is recommended that women with IBD, regardless of medication status, have annual papanicolau smears and young women should receive the human papilloma virus vaccine.
Pregnancy outcomes
Population-based studies have clearly shown an increased risk of preterm birth, low birth weight (LBW), and small for gestational age infants among the offspring of women with IBD. Cesarean sections are also more common. Whether there is an increase in congenital anomalies is unclear and may be related to medication use (see section on medication below).
A population-based cohort study by Dominitz and colleagues used the computerized birth records of Washington State to compare pregnancy outcomes in 107 UC and 155 CD patients with 1308 controls. Women with CD had significantly higher rates of preterm delivery, low birth weight, and small for gestational age infants compared with controls. Women with UC, on the other hand, had similar rates to controls, but a significantly higher rate of congenital malformations (7.9% vs 1.7%). The study did not account for medication use and the results have not been replicated in other studies. The Hungarian Case Control Surveillance of congenital anomalies was queried from 1980 to 1996. The odds ratio (OR) of congenital anomalies in UC patients versus controls was 1.3 (95% CI = 0.9, 1.8), adjusted for parity, age, and medication use. However, the risk of limb deficiencies, obstructive urinary congenital abnormalities, and multiple congenital abnormalities were increased with OR = 6.2 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.9–13.1), OR = 3.3 (95% CI = 1.1–9.5), and OR = 2.6 (95% CI = 1.3–5.4), respectively.
A population representative cohort study of women with IBD in the Northern California Kaiser population compared women with IBD (n = 461) matched to controls (n = 495) by age and hospital of delivery. Women with IBD were more likely to have a spontaneous abortion, OR = 1.65 (95% CI = 1.09, 2.48); an adverse pregnancy outcome (stillbirth, preterm birth, or small for gestational age (SGA) infant), OR = 1.54 (95% CI = 1.00, 2.38); or a complication of labor, OR = 1.78 (95% CI = 1.13, 2.81). However, there was no difference in the rate of congenital malformations in IBD patients versus controls or individually among CD and UC patients. Independent predictors of an adverse outcome included a diagnosis of IBD, a history of surgery for IBD, and non-White ethnicity. Severity of disease and medical treatments were not associated with an adverse outcome suggesting that even women in remission with IBD were more likely to have complications of pregnancy than their general population counterparts.
A meta-analysis by Cornish and colleagues combined 12 studies totaling 3907 patients with IBD. A clear increase in preterm birth, OR =1.87 (95% CI = 1.52, 2.31); low birth weight, OR = 2.1 (95% CI = 1.38, 3.19); and cesarean section, OR = 1.5 (95% CI = 1.26, 1.79) was seen. The risk of congenital anomalies was increased as well with an OR of 2.37 (95% CI = 1.47, 3.82). The difference was seen in patients with UC, not CD, and was primarily based on the Dominitz and colleagues study reported earlier and an older study by Larzilliere and Beau. Overall, the studies regarding the risk of congenital anomalies among the progeny of women with UC are mixed, with some suggesting an increased risk overall or for particular anomalies, whereas other studies do not suggest an increased risk at all. If there is a risk, the role of medications, disease activity, and other possible contributing factors needs to be more clearly defined.
Disease activity
Effect of Pregnancy on IBD
In general, women with IBD are as likely to flare during pregnancy, as they are to flare when not pregnant. Nielsen and colleagues reported an exacerbation rate of 34% per year during pregnancy and 32% per year when not pregnant in women with UC. Pregnant women with CD also had similar rates of disease exacerbation. In the Kaiser population, most patients had inactive disease throughout their pregnancy with no sudden increase in the postpartum. This is consistent with other published studies that found the rate of disease flare during pregnancy (26%–34%) to be similar to the rate of flare in the nonpregnant IBD population. Although breastfeeding has anecdotally been associated with an increase in disease activity in the postpartum, this has not been shown to be a contributing factor independent of medication cessation to facilitate breastfeeding.
Disease activity may even be slightly lower during pregnancy. One study found that the rate of relapse may decrease in the 3 years following pregnancy. This was further supported by a study from a 10-year follow up of a European cohort of patients with 580 pregnancies. Patients with CD who were pregnant during the course of their disease had lower rates of stenosis (37% vs 52%, P = .13) or resection (0.52 vs 0.66, P = .37). The rates of relapse decreased in the years following pregnancy in both UC (0.34 vs 0.18 flares/year, P = .008) and CD patients (0.76 vs 0.12 flares/year, P = .004). Although the etiology for this is not understood, a possible factor inducing quiescent disease may be disparity in HLA class II antigens between mother and fetus, suggesting that the maternal immune response to paternal HLA antigens may result in immunosuppression that affects maternal immune-mediated disease. This has been demonstrated in rheumatoid arthritis as well as in IBD.
Effect of Disease Activity on Pregnancy
Earlier studies suggested that disease activity was a predictor of adverse outcome in pregnancy. Disease activity at conception has been associated with a higher rate of fetal loss and preterm birth ; disease activity during pregnancy was associated with low birth weight and preterm birth. Other potential predictors of an adverse outcome include ileal CD and prior bowel resection.
However, in the Kaiser population, disease activity was not predictive of an adverse outcome in any category. Even when limited to the presence of moderate to severe disease activity, there was still no association with an adverse outcome. Most patients with both UC and CD, however, did have inactive or mild disease throughout pregnancy. Similarly, a population-based study from Denmark reported that women with active disease had adjusted risks of LBW, LBW at term, preterm birth, and congenital anomalies of 0.2 (0.0–2.6), 0.4 (0.0–3.7), 2.4 (0.6–9.5), and 0.8 (0.2–3.8), respectively. However, the crude risk of preterm birth was 3.4 (1.1–10.6) in those with moderate-high disease activity. Overall, these two population-based studies suggest that IBD patients have higher rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes regardless of disease activity.
Labor and delivery
There is an increased rate of cesarean sections in women with IBD. In general, the decision to have a cesarean section should be made on purely obstetric grounds. The two exceptions are active perianal disease and the presence of an ileoanal pouch. If a patient has inactive perianal disease or no history of perianal disease, she is not at increased risk for perianal disease after a vaginal delivery. However, if the patient has active perianal disease, she can risk aggravating the injury with a vaginal delivery. One report noted an increased incidence of perianal disease following episiotomy, but this has not been replicated in other studies.
Patients who have an IPAA can have a normal vaginal delivery without fears of damaging the pouch. However, the concern with vaginal delivery is for damage to the anal sphincter. Although pouch function may deteriorate during pregnancy, after pregnancy it reverts to the prepregnancy state. However, over time damage to the anal sphincter may be compounded by aging and the effects on the pouch will not be seen for several years when incontinence and number of bowel movements may increase significantly. The patient, her obstetrician, and her surgeon should discuss the theoretical risk to long-term pouch function before making a decision on mode of delivery.
The use of medications during the conception period and pregnancy is a cause of great concern for patients and the physicians caring for them. Overall, most medications used for the treatment of IBD are not associated with significant adverse effects and maintaining the health of the mother remains a priority in the management of these patients. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classification of drugs offers a guide to the use of medications during pregnancy. The FDA categories are listed in Table 1 and are noted for each drug discussed. Table 2 summarizes the safety of IBD medications for pregnancy and breastfeeding.
FDA Category | Definition |
A | Controlled studies in animals and women have shown no risk in the first trimester, and possible fetal harm is remote. |
B | Either animal studies have not demonstrated a fetal risk but there are no controlled studies in pregnant women, or animal studies have shown an adverse effect that was not confirmed in controlled studies in women in the first trimester. |
C | No controlled studies in humans have been performed, and animal studies have shown adverse events, or studies in humans and animals not available; give if potential benefit outweighs the risk. |
D | Positive evidence of fetal risk is available, but the benefits may outweigh the risk if life-threatening or serious disease. |
X | Studies in animals or humans show fetal abnormalities; drug contraindicated |
Drug | FDA Category | Recommendations for Pregnancy | Breastfeeding |
Adalimumab | B |
| No human data: probably compatible |
Alendronate | C | Limited human data; long half life: Animal data suggest risk. | No human data: probably compatible |
Azathioprine/ 6-mercaptopurine | D | Data in IBD, transplant literature suggest some risk, but low | Limited transfer. Likely compatible |
Balsalazide | B | Low risk | No human data: potential diarrhea |
Budesonide | C | Data with inhaled drug low risk. Limited human data for oral drug | No human data |
Certolizumab | B |
| No evidence of transfer. Likely compatible |
Ciprofloxacin | C | Avoid: Potential toxicity to cartilage | Limited human data: probably compatible |
Corticosteroids | C | Low risk: possible small risk of cleft palate, adrenal insufficiency, premature rupture of membranes | Compatible |
Cyclosporine | C | Low risk | Limited human data: potential toxicity |
Fish oil supplements | — | Low risk. Possibly beneficial | No human data |
Infliximab | B | Low risk: limited human data: crosses placenta and detectable in infant after birth | No evidence of transfer. Likely compatible |
Mesalamine | B | Low risk | Limited human data: potential diarrhea |
Methotrexate | X | Contraindicated: teratogenic | Contraindicated |
Metronidazole | B | Given limited efficacy in IBD, would avoid in first trimester | Limited human data: potential toxicity |
Olsalazine | C | Low risk | Limited human data: potential diarrhea |
Risedronate | C | Limited human data. Long half life | Safety unknown |
Rifaximin | C | No human data. Animal data report some risk | Safety unknown |
Sulfasalazine | B | Low risk. Give folate 2 mg daily | Limited human data: potential diarrhea |
Tacrolimus | C | Low risk | Limited human data: potential toxicity |
Thalidomide | X | Contraindicated: teratogenic | No human data: potential toxicity |
a Low risk is defined as “the human pregnancy data do not suggest a significant risk of embryo or fetal harm.”
All aminosalicylates (sulfasalazine, mesalamine, balsalazide) are pregnancy category B except olsalazine, which is pregnancy category C. Sulfasalazine is composed of 5-aminosalicylic acid azo-bonded to sulfapyridine. Initial case reports suggested sulfasalazine teratogenicity with evidence of cardiovascular, genitourinary, and neurologic defects. However, a larger series of 181 pregnant women did not note an increase in congenital anomalies. A population-based study using the Hungarian Case Control Surveillance of Congenital Abnormalities database also did not find a significant increase in the prevalence of congenital abnormalities in the children of women treated with sulfasalazine. Given the concern over potential antifolate effects of the drug, it is recommended that women take folic acid 2 mg daily in the prenatal period and throughout pregnancy. Breast-feeding is also considered low risk with sulfasalazine. Unlike other sulfonamides, bilirubin displacement, and therefore kernicterus, does not occur in the infant. This may be due to negligible transfer via breast milk.
Case series of mesalamine use in pregnancy do not suggest an increased risk to the fetus. This has been supported by a prospective controlled trial of 165 women exposed to mesalamine compared with matched controls with no exposure and a population-based cohort study from Denmark. Breastfeeding while on aminosalicylates has been rarely associated with diarrhea in the infant. Women can breastfeed while being treated with 5-aminosalicylates, but infants should be observed for a persistent change in stool frequency.
Metronidazole is a pregnancy category B drug. Multiple studies have suggested that prenatal use of metronidazole is not associated with birth defects. These studies include two meta-analyses, two retrospective cohort studies, and a prospective controlled study of 228 women exposed to metronidazole during pregnancy. A population-based case-control study found that overall teratogenic risk was low, but infants of women exposed to metronidazole in the second to third months of pregnancy had higher rates of cleft lip with or without cleft palate. This increase was slight and not believed to be clinically significant.
Metronidazole is excreted in breast milk. If a single dose of metronidazole is given, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that breastfeeding should be suspended for 12 to 24 hours. Potential toxicity exists for longer-term use of metronidazole, and it is not compatible with breastfeeding.
Quinolones (eg, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, norfloxacin) are pregnancy category C drugs. Quinolones have a high affinity for bone tissue and cartilage and may cause arthropathies in children. The manufacturer reports damage to cartilage in weight-bearing joints after quinolone exposure in immature rats and dogs. However, a prospective controlled study of 200 women exposed to quinolones and a population-based cohort study of 57 women exposed to quinolones did not find an increased risk of congenital malformations. Overall, the risk is believed to be minimal, but given safer alternatives, the drug should be avoided in pregnancy. The data in breastfeeding are limited, but quinolones are probably compatible with use.
In general, given the limited evidence of benefit of these agents in IBD and the extended duration of use in the treatment of CD and UC, they should be avoided during pregnancy. Short courses for the treatment of pouchitis can be considered based on the safety data presented previously. An alternative antibiotic for pouchitis is amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, a pregnancy category B drug. A population-based case-control study and a prospective controlled study did not show evidence of increased teratogenic risk, and it is compatible with breastfeeding.
Corticosteroids are pregnancy category C drugs. A case-control study of corticosteroid use during the first trimester of pregnancy noted an increased risk of oral clefts in the newborn. This was confirmed by a large case-control study and a meta-analysis that reported a summary OR for case-control studies examining the risk of oral clefts (3.35 [95% CI, 1.97–5.69]). However, the overall risk of major malformations was low (1.45 [95% CI, 0.80–2.60]). A prospective controlled study of 311 women who received glucocorticosteroids during the first trimester did not note an increased rate of major anomalies and no cases of oral cleft were noted. The study was powered to find a 2.5-fold increase in the overall rate of major anomalies. An increased risk of premature rupture of membranes and adrenal insufficiency in the newborn has been reported in the transplant setting and gestational diabetes is a concern as well. Overall, the use of corticosteroids poses a small risk to the developing infant but the mother needs to be informed of both the benefits and the risks of therapy. Prednisone and prednisolone are compatible with breastfeeding.
A case series of eight patients with CD treated with budesonide did not find an increased risk of adverse outcomes. Inhaled or intranasal budesonide is not associated with adverse fetal outcomes based on large clinical series. Safety in lactation is not known.
The immunomodulators are the most controversial agents used in the treatment of the pregnant woman with IBD.
Methotrexate, a pregnancy category X drug, is clearly teratogenic and should not be used in women considering conception. Methotrexate is a folic acid antagonist, and use during the critical period of organogenesis (6–8 weeks postconception) is associated with multiple congenital anomalies collectively called methotrexate embryopathy or the fetal aminopterin-methotrexate syndrome. The syndrome is characterized by intrauterine growth retardation; decreased ossification of the calvarium; hypoplastic supraorbital ridges; small, low-set ears; micrognathia; limb abnormalities; and sometimes mental retardation. Exposure in the second and third trimesters may be associated with fetal toxicity and mortality. Methotrexate may persist in tissues for long periods, and it is suggested that patients wait at least 6 months from the discontinuation of the drug before attempting conception.
Methotrexate is excreted in breast milk and may accumulate in neonatal tissues. The AAP classifies methotrexate as a cytotoxic drug with the potential to interfere with cellular metabolism. It is contraindicated in breastfeeding.
6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) and its prodrug azathioprine (AZA) are pregnancy category D drugs. Animal studies have demonstrated teratogenicity with increased frequencies of cleft palate, open-eye, and skeletal anomalies seen in mice exposed to AZA and cleft palate, skeletal anomalies, and urogenital anomalies seen in rats. Transplacental and transamniotic transmission of AZA and its metabolites from the mother to the fetus can occur. The oral bioavailability of AZA (47%) and 6-MP (16%) is low, and the early fetal liver lacks the enzyme inosinate pyrophosphorylase needed to convert AZA to 6-MP. Both features may protect the fetus from toxic drug exposure during the crucial period of organogenesis.
The largest evidence on safety comes from transplantation studies where rates of anomalies ranged from 0.0% to 11.8% and no evidence of recurrent patterns of congenital anomalies emerged. A population-based cohort study from Denmark compared 11 women exposed to AZA or 6-MP with the general population. The adjusted OR for congenital malformations was 6.7 (95% CI, 1.4–32.4). However, when a single severely ill patient with autoimmune hepatitis and multiple other medications was removed from the cohort, the OR was 3.4 (95% CI, 0.4–27.3).
In IBD, multiple case series have not noted an increase in congenital anomalies, although one study did report a higher incidence of fetal loss in women with IBD with prior treatment on 6-MP compared with those who never had 6-MP exposure. However, a Danish nationwide cohort study found that women with CD exposed to corticosteroids and AZA/6-MP were more likely to have preterm birth (12.3% and 25.0% respectively) compared with non-IBD controls (6.5%). Congenital anomalies were also more prevalent among AZA/6-MP exposed cases compared with the reference group (15.4% vs 5.7%) with an odds ratio of 2.9 (95% CI 0.9–8.9). However, only 26 women were exposed to AZA/6-MP during conception versus 628 patients in the reference group, and the authors controlled for “disease activity,” which they defined as more than or fewer than two admissions for disease exacerbation, accounting for only the most severe patients. Finally, the largest single study to date studied 189 women who called a teratogen information service after exposure to AZA during pregnancy and compared them with 230 women who did not take any teratogenic medications during pregnancy. The rate of major malformations did not differ between groups with six neonates in each; for AZA, the rate was 3.5% and for the control group rate it was 3.0% ( P = .775; OR 1.17; CI 0.37, 3.69).
Breastfeeding, initially discouraged, may now be compatible with AZA use. Small studies in IBD suggest that the overall exposure to the infant is low. Moretti and colleagues reported four women breastfeeding on AZA. In two women, multiple breast milk samples did not have detectable levels of drug by high-performance liquid chromatography, and none of the four infants had any complications. Three other studies measured metabolite levels in the breastfeeding infant. Gardiner reported four infants with undetectable metabolite levels despite mothers whose levels were in the therapeutic range. Sau collected 31 samples from 10 breastfeeding women on AZA/6-MP. Only two samples had low levels of 6-MP in breast milk (1.2 and 7.6 ng/mL in one patient vs a serum level of 50 ng/mL). There were no detectable 6-thioguanine nucleotide or 6-methyl mercaptopurine levels in the 10 infants, nor were there signs of hematologic or clinical immunosuppression. Finally, an elegant study of eight lactating women on AZA obtained milk and plasma samples at 30 and 60 minutes after drug administration and hourly for the following 5 hours. The variation in the bioavailability of the drug was reflected in a wide range of peak plasma values of 6-MP within the first 3 hours. A similar curve, but with an hour’s delay and at significantly lower concentrations varying from 2-50 μg/L, was seen in maternal milk. Most 6-MP in breast milk was excreted within the first 4 hours after drug intake. On the basis of maximum concentration measured, the infant ingested 6-MP of less than 0.008 mg/kg bodyweight/24 h. The risks and benefits of breastfeeding must be considered carefully; however, at this time there does not appear to be an absolute contraindication to breastfeeding while on AZA/6-MP and mothers should be advised to wait 4 hours after dosing to feed.
Cyclosporine and tacrolimus
Cyclosporine is a pregnancy category C drug. A meta-analysis of 15 studies of pregnancy outcomes after cyclosporine therapy reported a total of 410 patients with data on major malformations. The calculated OR of 3.83 for malformations did not achieve statistical significance (95% CI, 0.75–19.6). The rate of malformations was 4.1%, which is not different from the general population. The conclusion of the study was that cyclosporine did not appear to be a major human teratogen. In a study published in the obstetric literature, a retrospective review of 38 pregnancies in 29 women between 1992 and 2002 was conducted. There were four spontaneous abortions and 10 first-trimester terminations for worsening liver function. The mean gestational age was 36.4 weeks, and there were no intrauterine or neonatal deaths. Five minor congenital anomalies were noted. The investigators concluded that planned pregnancy at least 2 years after liver transplantation with stable allograft function and continued immunosuppression had an excellent maternal and neonatal outcome.
There are several case reports of successful cyclosporine use during pregnancy to control UC and complete the pregnancy. In the setting of severe, corticosteroid-refractory UC, cyclosporine may be a better option than colectomy given the substantial risk to the mother and fetus of surgery during this time.
Cyclosporine is excreted into breast milk in high concentrations. Therefore, the AAP considers cyclosporine contraindicated during breastfeeding because of the potential for immune suppression and neutropenia.
Tacrolimus is also a pregnancy category C drug. The earliest experience with this medication was in 1997, with a report of 27 pregnancies with exposure to tacrolimus. Two infants died at weeks 23 and 24, but the mean gestational period was 36.6 weeks. There was a 36% incidence of transient perinatal hyperkalemia. One newborn had unilateral polycystic renal disease. Another study from Germany reported on 100 pregnancies in transplant recipients followed from 1992 to 1998. There were a 68% live birth rate, 12% spontaneous abortion rate, and 3% stillbirth rate. Fifty-nine percent of the infants were premature. Malformations occurred in four neonates with no consistent defects. In a later single-center experience, 49 pregnancies in 37 women over 13 years were followed prospectively. Thirty-six women survived the pregnancy, and two premature babies were seen. One infant died of Alagille syndrome; the rest survived, and 78% were of normal birth weight. No other congenital abnormalities were noted. A single case report of a patient with UC who had a successful pregnancy on maintenance tacrolimus was recently published. No other data on IBD are published at this time. Tacrolimus is contraindicated in breastfeeding because of the high concentrations found in breast milk.
Thalidomide, a pregnancy category X drug, has some anti–tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) effects and has been used successfully for the treatment of CD. However, its teratogenicity has been extensively documented and includes limb defects, central nervous system effects, and abnormalities of the respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary systems. Thalidomide is contraindicated during pregnancy and in women of childbearing age who are not using two reliable methods of contraception for 1 month before starting therapy, during therapy, and for 1 month after stopping therapy. There are no human data on breastfeeding, but it is not advised given the potential toxicity.
Biologic Therapy
Infliximab (INF), a pregnancy category B drug, is used for the management of CD and UC. INF is an IgG1 antibody, which does not cross the placenta in the first trimester, but very efficiently crosses in the second and third trimester. Although this protects the infant from exposure during the crucial period of organogenesis, INF levels cross efficiently in the third trimester and are present in the infant for several months from birth.
There is a growing body of evidence that suggests INF is low risk in pregnancy. The two largest studies are from the TREAT Registry and the INF Safety Database maintained by Centocor (Malvern, PA). The TREAT Registry is a prospective registry of patients with CD. Patients may or may not be treated with INF. Of the more than 6200 patients enrolled, 168 pregnancies were reported, 117 with INF exposure. The rates of miscarriage (10.0% vs 6.7%) and neonatal complications (6.9% vs 10.0%) were not significantly different between INF-treated and INF-naïve patients, respectively. The INF Safety Database is a retrospective data collection instrument. Pregnancy outcome data are available for 96 women with direct exposure to INF. This was primarily exposure in during conception and the first trimester. When patients found out they were pregnant, the treatment was often stopped. The 96 pregnancies resulted in 100 births. The expected versus observed outcomes among women exposed to INF were not different from those of the general population. A series of 10 women with maintenance INF use throughout pregnancy was also reported. All 10 pregnancies ended in live births, with no reported congenital malformations. Another series reported 22 patients with exposure to INF within 3 months of conception, continued until 20 weeks of gestation at which time the drug was stopped to minimize placental transfer. Several of the patients did have a flare of disease in the third trimester. There were three spontaneous abortions, one missed abortion, one stillbirth at 36 weeks (umbilical strangulation), two preterm births, three low birth weight infants, and no congenital anomalies.
INF crosses the placenta and is detectable in the infant for several months after birth. A case report noted higher than detectable INF levels in an infant born to a mother on INF therapy every 4 weeks. The mother breast-fed and continued to receive INF but the infant’s INF level dropped over 6 months, suggesting placental rather than breast milk transfer. The effect of high INF levels on the infant’s developing immune system is not known, although at 7 months the infant had appropriate responses to vaccination. In a case series of eight patients receiving INF during pregnancy, all eight patients delivered a healthy infant. The mothers were receiving INF 5 mg/kg every 8 weeks and the mean time between delivery and the last infusion was 66 days (range 2–120 days). The INF level at birth was always higher in the infant and cord blood than in the mother and it took anywhere from 2 to 7 months for the infant to have undetectable INF levels. These findings support the fact that IgG1 antibodies are very efficiently transported across the placenta in the third trimester, but the infant reticuloendothelial system is too immature to effectively clear the antibody rapidly. INF has not been detected in breast milk.
So far, there has been no reported adverse event associated with elevated INF levels in the newborns. In our experience, infants exposed to INF in utero have an appropriate response to standard early vaccinations. In adults receiving a similar agent, adalimumab, pneumococcal and influenza vaccinations were given safely and effectively. However, live vaccinations, such as varicella and small pox, are contraindicated in immunosuppressed patients, such as those on anti-TNF therapy. Traditionally, the first live virus encountered by an infant was at 1 year of age (varicella, measles-mumps-rubella) when INF levels would be undetectable. However, now, rotavirus live vaccine is given at 2 months of age. Although it is given orally and is significantly attenuated, its safety in this setting is not known and the mother and pediatrician should be cautioned against its use if INF or ADA levels may be present.
Adalimumab (ADA), a pregnancy category B drug, is FDA approved for induction and maintenance of remission in CD. Three case reports document the successful use of ADA to treat CD during pregnancy, including one in which the patient received weekly dosing throughout pregnancy for a total of 38 doses. OTIS (Organization for Teratology Information Specialists) reports 27 women enrolled in a prospective study of ADA in pregnancy and an additional 47 ADA exposed pregnant women in a registry (Chambers CD Johnson D, Jones KL. Pregnancy outcomes in women exposed to adalimumab: The OTIS autoimmune diseases in pregnancy project, personal communication; July 13, 2007). The rate of spontaneous abortion and stillbirth was similar to the diseased comparison and the general population. The rates of congenital malformation and preterm delivery are also within the expected range.
ADA, an IgG1 antibody, would be expected to cross the placenta in the third trimester as INF does. However, as ADA levels cannot be checked commercially, this has not been confirmed. ADA is considered compatible with breastfeeding although there are no human data.
Certolizumab pegol
Certolizumab pegol (CZP) is a PEGylated Fab’ fragment of a humanized anti-TNFα monoclonal antibody. As it does not have an Fc portion, it should not be actively transported across the placenta as INF and ADA are. A study of pregnant rats receiving a murinized IgG1 antibody of TNFα and a PEGylated FAB’ fragment of this antibody, demonstrated much lower levels of drug in the infant and in breast milk with the Fab’ fragment compared with the full antibody. These findings were confirmed in two patients with CD receiving CZP during pregnancy. Both patients received the drug during the 2 weeks before delivery. The mothers’ levels were high (19.60) but the infants’ level (1.02) and cord blood level (1.65) were low on the day of birth. However, one concern may be that in theory the Fab’ fragment (and the IgG1 antibodies) may cross the placenta passively in low levels in the first trimester during the period of organogenesis. A single case report in a patient with Crohn reported a successful pregnancy on CZP. Further data are clearly needed on all the anti-TNF agents.
Timing of Anti–Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy in Pregnancy
All three anti-TNFs should be continued through conception and the first and second trimester on schedule. In our practice, if the patient is in remission, we give the last dose of infliximab at week 30 gestation and then immediately after delivery. We give the last dose of adalimumab at approximately week 32 of gestation and then immediately after delivery. If the mother flares during this time period, the options include giving a dose of anti-TNF or using steroids to manage the patient until delivery. This decision is driven by how far the mother is from delivery. Although we would refrain from giving infliximab at week 39 of gestation, a mother who is flaring at week 34 on adalimumab would likely benefit from continuing dosing on schedule. Certolizumab, given its minimal transfer across the placenta, is continued on schedule until delivery. Rotavirus vaccine can be given to the infant if there is no detectable infliximab in its blood at time of vaccination or if they received certolizumab, as by 2 months little to no drug will be present. As adalimumab levels are not commercially available, we advise mothers not to have their child vaccinated against rotavirus.
Fish Oil Supplements
Many patients with IBD use fish oil supplements as an adjunct to standard medical therapy. Because this is a supplement and not a drug, it is not rated by the FDA. A randomized controlled trial of fish oil supplementation demonstrated a prolongation of pregnancy without detrimental effects on the growth of the fetus or on the course of labor. Fish oil supplementation may also play a role in preventing miscarriage associated with the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. In women with IBD who may be at increased risk for preterm birth and miscarriage, fish oil supplementation is not harmful and may be of some benefit.

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