Time course
Spontaneous or precipitated
What Are the Symptoms of Hepatic Encephalopathy?
Patient-Level Answer
The common symptoms of HE are related to mental activities (feeling slow, confusion, lethargy, slurred speech, difficulty drawing objects, changes in handwriting), changes in sleep patterns, slip-ups with memory, and mood issues such as feeling depressed and not wanting to eat. Difficulties in driving may also be noticed by the patient or family/friends. Problems with balance and coordination are frequent and may result in falls.
Provider-Level Answer
The presence of nonspecific neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms is the hallmark of HE [5, 16]. MHE is regarded as a preclinical stage of OHE in SONIC and is comprised of deficits in multiple domains including attention, vigilance, response inhibition, and executive function [11, 17, 18]. Over recent years, CHE has received more attention given its propensity to degenerate into OHE. The difficulty with CHE is that it is difficult to diagnose clinically even for an astute physician, given its characteristic cognitive profile [16, 19, 20]. Driving skills are known to be impaired in CHE patients hence, exposing the driver as well as others to danger [21–23]. Studies have demonstrated that patients with CHE have impaired quality of life as well as working capability [24–27]. Furthermore, not only does CHE predict the subsequent onset of OHE [14, 28, 29] but it is also associated with poor prognosis and is an independent predictor of survival [30]. The appearance of asterixis or disorientation as per consensus heralds the onset of OHE [5]. However, asterixis (flapping tremor) which reflects negative myoclonus is not seen in HE alone as it can be elicited in other metabolic conditions such as uremia and carbon dioxide narcosis [31]. Sleep–wake cycle disturbances (insomnia, hypersomnia, and excessive day time sleepiness) due to disturbance in the circadian rhythm are common even in early stages of HE and may precede other neuropsychiatric disturbances [32, 33]. With the progression of HE from covert to overt stages, more advanced neuro-psychiatric signs and symptoms emerge. These may include progressive disorientation, behavioral issues including confusion, irritability, apathy, disinhibition, depression, agitation, increased sleepiness, and finally stupor leading to coma [34, 35].
An initial thorough history and physical examination should be performed with specific questions directed to both the patient as well as the caregiver to assess for the presence of any cognitive or mental status changes. In the case of CHE, the caregiver may be better able to answer some of the questions about changes in sleep patterns, behavior, mood, and driving errors. The provider should pose direct questions about disturbances in cognition such as impairment in working memory, decrease in attention span, difficulty in driving leading to accidents, and/or problems working with machines potentially leading to work impairment. On examination, initially assess the general level of alertness and orientation. A detailed neurological examination may reveal upper motor neuron signs (hypertonia, brisk reflexes, positive Babinski sign) in many HE patients but maybe absent in coma. Extrapyramidal dysfunction manifested as expression-less masked facies, slowness of movements/speech, parkinsonian-like tremors, and dyskinesic movements can be observed [31]. In addition to examination findings due to other manifestations of cirrhosis, distinct and focal transient neurological deficits including hemiplegia have been reported with no evidence of abnormalities seen on brain imaging or cerebrospinal fluid analysis [36]. Seizures including those leading to status epilepticus are rare but are reported in patients with HE [37, 38] as are rapidly progressive Parkinsonian-like symptoms which have been shown in a study done using SPECT imaging to be related to disturbances at the pre- and postsynaptic level in the striatal region involved in dopaminergic neurotransmission. These symptoms are not responsive to ammonia lowering strategies and have been reported in around 4.2 % of patients [39]. A dramatic but rare pattern of spinal cord involvement in some patients with HE (wherein the mental status changes may be minimal) related to liver disease and PSS is characterized by progressive spastic lower limb weakness and termed as hepatic myelopathy (HM). MRI of spine is often normal in HM with no reported motor involvement of upper limbs. Hepatic myelopathy can predate OHE in some case. There are approximately 90 cases reported in literature since the first description in 1949 [40]. These motor manifestations of HM do not respond to usual ammonia lowering strategies but early liver transplantation (LT) does lead to better neurological outcomes hence, making a case for MELD exception for patients with HM [41].
What Are the Causes of Hepatic Encephalopathy?
Patient-Level Answer
Patients with underlying portal hypertension can have HE triggered by infections, bleeding in the GI tract (upper or lower GI), effects from medications (excessive use of pain medications and sleeping pills or lack of adherence to ammonia lowering regimens), dehydration, electrolyte disturbances (particularly low sodium and potassium levels), being constipated, and/or changes in diet.
Provider-Level Answer
The precipitation of HE may be secondary to multiple causes including infection, electrolyte abnormalities, medication nonadherence, gastrointestinal bleeding, excessive diuretic use, and constipation. In a US-based study lactulose nonadherence was the most common precipitating event after the first OHE episode [42] but infections are typically thought to be the most common cause of episodic OHE implicated in 56 % of cases [43] with electrolyte disorders more commonly implicated in recurrent cases [44–47]. The most common infectious triggers of OHE are SBP and urinary tract infections.
When approaching the patient with OHE, the clinician should ask focused questions to assess for other precipitants such as prescription/nonprescription drug usage (sedative medications like benzodiazepines, narcotics, recreational drugs), alcohol usage, reasons for being dehydrated (over-diuresis, GI losses), and history of procedures (iatrogenic/spontaneous shunts, recent large-volume paracentesis). However, it is not always possible to find a clear precipitant as reported in one study in which for 12 % patients no precipitant was found [46].
Overt hepatic encephalopathy has nonspecific neuropsychiatric manifestations but in the right clinical setting, the diagnosis remains straight forward. A number of other entities which can result in acute confusional states or delirium include metabolic causes (diabetes related: hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, nonketotic hyperosmolar state), electrolyte abnormalities (hyponatremia or hypernatremia, hypokalemia, hypercalcemia), pulmonary issues (hypoxic or hypercarbic states), renal-mediated (uremia), toxin-related (acute alcohol intoxication, Wernicke’s or Korsakoff syndromes, and delirium tremens), medications and illicit drugs (inappropriate use or over dosage of either prescription or over-the-counter medications, drugs of abuse like sedative-hypnotics, opiates, antihistamines, hallucinogens, heroine, cannabis, atypical alcohols) infectious (sepsis and meningo-encephalitic syndromes, severe systemic infections) CNS-related (cerebrovascular accidents including subdural hematomas, brain tumors, traumatic brain injuries, convulsive or nonconvulsive seizures, and dementing or psychiatric illnesses). In the end, any severe medical and physical stress (leading to organ failure or inflammation) can lead to altered mentation. Hyponatremia (serum sodium levels <130 mEq/l) is an independent risk factor for development of OHE and may be a target for preventive intervention [48]. Diabetes mellitus in patients with hepatitis C-related cirrhosis has been shown to be a risk factor for development of HE at earlier stages of liver decompensation. Patients with liver cirrhosis and renal dysfunction are also at an elevated risk of developing HE irrespective of the severity of the underlying liver disease [49].
Individual cases can follow different patterns of disease progression within the category of type C HE. And it appears that the pathogenesis of OHE and CHE is likely to be similar and the differences occur among levels of severity and stages of liver disease. Studies into the pathophysiology of HE and CHE have focused on the accumulation of toxins in the bloodstream and brains of patients with chronic liver disease. Ammonia is only a single component of this multifactorial disease and synergistic action of ammonia with other toxins may play a role in changing the metabolism of amino acid neurotransmitters and increasing the permeability of blood–brain barrier to these neurotransmitters. Ultimately, this leads to shifting of the balance towards the inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmission with suppression of the excitatory neurotransmitters like glutamate and catecholamine. The presence of the chronic neuro-inflammation, sepsis, oxidative stress, hyponatremia, and perturbations of gut flora could have a larger role in development of HE as well [50–53]. Although the mechanism by which ammonia cause brain dysfunction are not fully elucidated but there is some evidence of the association of ammonia with MHE [54]. The main source of ammonia in the body seems to be the gut microbiota, although animal model studies suggest alternative sources [55]. Glutamate is found mainly in the enterocytes of the small bowel and to a lesser extent in the colon and glutaminase from these multiple sources produces ammonia by metabolizing glutamine into glutamate and ammonia [56]. Ammonia is typically metabolized in the liver to urea, a water-soluble molecule that can be excreted by the kidneys. The diseased liver is not able to process the ammonia at normal capacity. It has been demonstrated that in patients with acute liver failure (ALF) brain and muscle cells get more involved in ammonia metabolism [57]. Studies have shown that after insertion of a portacaval shunt in rats there is increased expression of an intestinal glutaminase in rat enterocytes leading to increased ammonia levels, which may explain the increased risk of HE among patients who have undergone this procedure [58]. In the endoplasmic reticulum of brain astrocytes (only cells to metabolize ammonia in brain) glutamine synthetase produces equimolar ratios of ammonia and glutamine [57, 59]. Hence, with the advancing liver failure the intracellular levels of glutamine increase. As glutamine is an osmotic agent this increase is believed to be one of the putative reasons in the development of low-grade cerebral edema in patients with MHE or OHE [60].
The role of inflammation with or without hyperammonemia in the pathogenesis of HE is being recognized clearly more [61]. In patients with cirrhosis, inflammatory processes result mainly from infections but also from other causes like GI bleeding, obesity, and alterations in the intestinal flora. In a recent study by Merli et al., addressing the association between bacterial infections and cognitive dysfunction in cirrhotic (n = 150) vs. noncirrhotic patients (n = 81) found that neurocognitive changes were significantly increased in the cirrhotic group as compared to the noncirrhotics (90 % vs. 39 %) after the diagnoses of sepsis [62]. There were lowered scores on cognitive testing in patients with cirrhosis with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and induced hyperammonemia only when they also had increased levels of the inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukins (IL)-1 and IL-6) implying that hyperammonia only causes alterations in cognition in presence of neuro-inflammation and not alone [51]. This has been demonstrated in animal model studies as well where in administration of lipopolysaccharide in the liver damaged rats resulted in brain edema leading to altered consciousness but not in healthy rats [63]. Again, various other studies have demonstrated that the serum levels of various inflammatory cytokines (TNF-alfa, IL-6, and IL-18) in cirrhotic patients are associated with presence and severity of both OHE and CHE [64, 65]. In the end, it appears that infections promote the development of HE and cerebral edema in patients with ALF with inflammatory cytokines synergizing with hyper-ammonemia to produce cerebral edema [66, 67].
Are There Any Tests for Establishing the Diagnosis of Hepatic Encephalopathy?
Patient-Level Answer
While there are multiple tests available which help in establishing the diagnosis of HE including simple blood tests, electroencephalography (EEG) which measures brain electrical activity, brain CT or MRI scans, the diagnosis of OHE is ultimately made by physician based on examination and historical findings and no single test by itself establishes the diagnosis of OHE. The diagnosis of MHE, which cannot be detected simply on examination or questioning requires specialized paper and pencil or computerized tests for testing the thinking ability of the patient. The physician depending upon the circumstances may do none, one, some, or all of these tests.
Provider-Level Answer
The diagnosis of OHE requires clinical evaluation and exclusion of other etiologies as noted above with judicious use of additional testing depending on circumstances and the severity of mental status changes [68]. Laboratory testing should include basic metabolic panel (for renal function, hypokalemia, or hyponatremia), liver function tests, coagulation panel, CBC (for leukocytosis and platelet counts), urine analysis, ascitic fluid analysis to rule out SBP, culturing of blood, urine, ascitic fluid, and serum alphafetoprotein levels in the appropriate setting. The measurement of serum ammonia routinely in CLD patients suspected to have HE is not helpful as a high blood level of ammonia by itself does not provide any extra diagnostic or prognostic value [69]. However, in a case of OHE if the serum ammonia level is normal then the diagnosis of OHE should be reconsidered. Adding complexly to the utility of ammonia levels is that not only can other nonhepatic causes result in elevations of ammonia (such as medications) but problems with preservation and processing samples may also lead to difficulty with accurately determining ammonia levels. A study done in an emergency department (ED) setting to see whether elevated blood ammonia levels coincide with HE (additionally established by the WHC and the critical flicker frequency) found that ammonia blood levels do not reliably detect HE. The use of ammonia as sole indicator for HE in the ED may result in frequent errors in diagnosis [70]. Brain imaging (CT or MRI scans) do not contribute significantly to diagnosis or prognosis but should be considered in the appropriate clinical setting keeping in view the fact this subgroup of patients are at increased risk of intracranial bleeding [71].
Grading of OHE
The West Haven criteria (WHC ) is the “gold standard” classification of hepatic encephalopathy classifying HE into five grades (0–IV) based upon impairment in consciousness, intellectual function, and behavior [16]. Grade 0 represents patients without detectable changes (unimpaired), grade I includes patients with trivial lack of awareness, shortened attention span, and altered sleep and mood, with grades II–IV representing progressive stages of overt HE and coma. This scale has been recommended by the Working Party on HE for assessment of OHE in clinical trials as well [16].
Other Classification Systems
The Hepatic Encephalopathy Scoring Algorithm (HESA ) : It may be particularly useful for assessing patients with low grades of HE and minimal variability was detected between the scores given at the different study sites [72]. The HESA combines clinical indicators with simple neuropsychological tests often used to detect milder grades of HE (grade I/II). The performance of each indicator was robust when compared across grades and sites [73]. HESA is simple, time efficient, and sensitive to subtle brain changes like the WHC but more objective, which should yield greater reliability across the spectrum of HE. However, the length of HESA makes it difficult to apply in clinical practice and thus it is predominantly used in research settings.
The Clinical Hepatic Encephalopathy Staging Scale (CHESS ) : This scale was designed to monitor the severity of HE on a linear scale from 0 (unimpaired) to 9 (deep coma) with each of the nine questions registering a value of 0 or 1. The test is considered to have good reproducibility and internal consistency with low inter observer variability [74].
The Modified-orientation log (MO-Log) : This is an eight-question adaptation of the original orientation log devised for predicting outcomes in traumatic brain injury [75, 76]. The questions in MO-Log are heavily weighted towards disorientation to time (the earliest form of disorientation in OHE). The test is scored from 24 (highest) and 0 (lowest). A recent study found that MO-Log is a valid tool for assessing severity and is better than WHC in predicting outcomes in hospitalized HE patient [75].
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS ) : For deeper grades of coma with nonverbal/minimally responsive patients wherein a questionnaire cannot be used, a validated GCS can be utilized. GCS adds to the assessment of severe HE by providing a wider separation for cases in grades III and IV.
CHE Testing Strategies
These tests are three types
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
Paper-And-Pencil Tests
Psychometric Hepatic Encephalopathy Score (PHES ) : This battery comprises of seven tests and measures psychomotor speed and precision, visual perception, visuo-spatial orientation, visual construction, concentration, attention, and memory. As there were concerns about the poor sensitivity of some of the subtests this led to the introduction of a revised battery called the Portosystemic Encephalopathy (PSE) Syndrome Test consisting of five tests. These tests are easy to administer and have been validated [18]. The test was originally developed in Germany and it has been shown that figure connection test can be used with similar results as number connection test in illiterate patients [77].
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS ): This test is used to diagnose neurocognitive disorders and evaluates global cognitive functioning based on language, visual perception, attention, immediate, and delayed memory. Some studies have confirmed its usefulness in characterizing cognitive impairment in liver transplant candidates [12, 78]. This, however, is not widely used given that two domains, delayed memory and language are not usually impaired in CHE.
Computerized Tests
Inhibitory Control Test (ICT ) : Tests attention, response inhibition, and working memory. On a computer screen every 500 ms, a continuous stream of letters are presented with targets (alternating X and Y) and lures (nontarget X and Y). Note is made of the percentage of target and lure response including the reaction time. With lower lure response along with higher target response and shorter reaction times indicating a good performance on the test [79]. ICT is a sensitive, inexpensive, with good validity but requires highly functional patients [80]. This test is available for free download at www.hecme.tv.
The EncephalApp Stroop Test : It measures psychomotor speed and cognitive flexibility evaluating the functioning of the anterior attention system [81]. Recently, the Stroop mobile application for smart phone or tablet computer (EncephalApp Stroop) has been used as a valid tool to screen for CHE compared to conventional paper-pencil tests [82]. A more recent study by the same group demonstrated that EncephalApp has good face validity, test-retest reliability, and external validity for the diagnosis of CHE [83]. This “app” is available for free download on iTunes and is not only easy to administer but also simple to score and interpret. The details of this test can be viewed as webcasts at www.chronicliverdisease.org.
The Scan Test: This test is a three-level-difficulty reaction time test that measures speed and accuracy to perform a digit recognition memory task of increasing complexity to diagnose varying degrees of HE [84]. In one study, this test was most closely related to central brain atrophy as compared to other psychometric tests (Trail-making Tests and Symbol Digit Modality Tests) [85]. This test has some prognostic value as well with patients who already had history of OHE performing significantly worse than those who never had a bout of OHE [30, 86].
Neurophysiological Tests
Critical flicker frequency (CFF) test : In this test, patients are presented with light pulses at a frequency of 60 Hz downward (being gradually reduced by 0.1 Hz decrements per second). Patients are asked to identify the time at which the fused light begins to flicker. A critical flicker frequency of below 39 Hz diagnoses CHE with high sensitivity and specificity [87]. In recent studies, CFF has been evaluated as an objective measure for grading for assessing recovery from MHE and from propofol sedation for cirrhotics undergoing endoscopy [88, 89]. Yet some other studies assessed the use of CFF as a marker for objective HE evaluation in patients undergoing TIPS with an aim to select the patients pre-TIPS to decrease the rate of post-TIPS HE and for early liver transplantation [87, 90]. A recent meta-analysis has shown that CFF is a diagnostically accurate test, which could be used as an adjunct to conventional psychometric test batteries such as PHES at this point in time till more research percolates [91]. CFF has the advantage of being simple and easy to use, not being dependent on language, verbal fluency, numeracy, and being independent of literacy, gender, and age.
The electroencephalogram (EEG): Is able to capture changes in the electric activity of cerebral cortex and classifies HE in five grades of severity from normal to coma without necessary need of patient cooperation [92]. The initial tracings of posterior dominant alpha rhythm slowing in mild HE degenerate into appearance of theta and high-amplitude irregular delta waves with the progression of HE into advanced stages and coma. However, this neurophysiological method may lack objectivity as not only metabolic issues and drugs influence the test but is also subject to both inter and intra-observer variability [93]. Hence, more objective quantitative methods of EEG analysis like spectral analysis (computerized analysis of the frequency distribution in the EEG) and digital analysis are being advocated [94, 95]. Another limiting factor of EEG is that it requires a proper set up and expertise to conduct and to interpret the tracing.
Strategies to Manage Test Results
By consensus, at least two validated tests (PHES and one of the computerized or neurophysiological tests) should be used for multicenter studies while for single center studies or clinical evaluation a validated test depending on the local familiarity with the test may be used [6]. Only properly trained persons should administer the tests and repeat testing for CHE or MHE should be done within 6 months if testing for these was negative initially [23].
What Are My Treatment Options?
Patient-Level Answer
It is important to address the potential trigger of the HE. Hence, actively seeking and treating the infections, correcting the electrolyte disturbances, avoiding medications causing excessive sleepiness, avoiding constipation by taking medications, and making appropriate dietary changes are the foundations of treatment.
Provider-Level Answer
While a majority of patients with episodic OHE may need to be hospitalized, the grade and severity of HE often determines the level of care, with patients who are not able to safely protect their airways preferably being managed in the intensive care unit. Since the majority (up to 90 %) of OHE episodes do have a precipitating trigger as outlined above [96], actively seeking and treating these precipitants is of paramount importance and may in itself result in resolution of the OHE episode. The main objectives of drug treatment in OHE are to reduce ammonia production and absorption. Thus a two-pronged approach is used.
Nonabsorbable Disaccharides
Despite lack of definitive randomized controlled trials, the use of lactulose is still prevalent as the first line treatment of acute episodes of OHE [4]. Both lactulose and lactitol (not available in US) have multifactorial mechanisms of action with the net result of reducing plasma ammonia levels. These mechanisms include acidification of the colonic lumen with resultant conversion of ammonia to nonabsorbable ammonium, modifying the colonic flora from urease to non-urease producing bacterial species, increasing the stool volume, and a cathartic effect diminishing transit time and subsequently ammonia absorption [97]. Clinical familiarity with the medication, long-standing clinical effectiveness based on years of experience, and a cost-friendly profile favor usage of lactulose [98]. The dose should be properly titrated to 2–3 soft bowel movements per day being cognizant of the fact that overuse may not only lead to serious side effects such as diarrhea, dehydration, perianal rash, but may also per se precipitate HE [42]. Alternative routes of administration like via nasogastric tube or by rectum may have to be resorted to if patient is not able to take the medications by mouth safely. Lactose in place of lactulose can be used in lactose intolerant patients [99]. Two recent, single center open label trials provide some evidence for lactulose usage as a secondary prevention agent for OHE in cirrhosis [10, 100].
More research into the pathogenesis of HE is pointing towards the role of infections, alterations in the microbiome of cirrhotic patients, inflammation, and hyperammonemia [61, 101]. Hence, controlling inflammation, diminishing bacterial production of ammonia and altering the microbiota in cirrhotic patients underlies the rationale for antibiotic use in HE [102, 103].
Rifaximin is a gut-specific antimicrobial agent with broad spectrum activity, including against anaerobic enteric bacteria with less than 1 % of the drug being absorbed systemically after oral administration resulting in higher concentration in GI tract [104]. It has been demonstrated to be either superior or equivalent as compared to lactulose, other antimicrobials and placebo in numerous trials in patients with mild to moderate severe HE with the added advantage of having low side effect profile [105]. In a well designed trail, studying usage of rifaximin at a dose of 550 mg twice daily over 6 months duration in patients with two prior OHE episodes demonstrated superiority over placebo in preventing recurrent episodes and decreasing hospitalization [106]. Along with this, rifaximin usage has been show to improve the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients versus placebo [107]. Rifaximin added to lactulose is the best documented agent to maintain remission in those who have already experienced one or more bouts of OHE while on lactulose treatment after their initial episode of overt hepatic encephalopathy [106].
Neomycin is an aminoglycoside with intestinal glutaminase inhibitor activity and has a spectrum against most gram-negative aerobes, except pseudomonas [108]. Although, this drug was used previously to treat HE and remains FDA approved, its use has fallen out of favor predominantly because of its toxicity profile (intestinal malabsorption, nephrotoxicity, and neurotoxicity) particularly with long-term use in the setting of cirrhosis. A randomized controlled study comparing neomycin to lactulose found no significant difference between the two agents [109]. Another agent, metronidazole was used in 11 patients with mild to severe HE who were treated for 1 week and had similar efficacy as compared to neomycin [110]. However, given its toxicity profile (ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and irreversible neurotoxicity) which gets exacerbated due to prolonged rate of elimination in cirrhotic patients metronidazole is not recommend for the management of HE [111]. Vancomycin use in acute episodes of HE may be less unsafe however, limited data along with cost and resistance issues preclude its routine clinical use and hence this is not FDA approved for this indication [112]. A well-done study addressed cost effectiveness of six different strategies in the management of HE (no HE treatment; lactulose monotherapy; lactitol monotherapy; neomycin monotherapy; rifaximin monotherapy; and or up front lactulose with crossover to rifaximin if there was a poor response or intolerance to lactulose). The study concluded that the no HE treatment arm was the least efficacious while as the rifaximin salvage being the most efficacious and that rifaximin monotherapy alone was not cost effective [98]. However, studies have shown that since rifaximin may be associated with a lower rate of hospitalizations, this could result in overall cost-savings [113]. If patients have recurrent episode of OHE being precipitated by well-recognized precipitants like variceal GI bleeds and good control of these precipitants is achieved prophylactic agents may be stopped. Another scenario is if patients liver function and nutritional status (muscle mass) improves prophylactic agents may be stopped. One may consider performing neuropsychometric testing prior to stopping HE medication as testing positive on these tests will predict recurrence of HE episodes, however this approach is not data driven [4].
Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
These are essential amino acids (valine, leucine, and isoleucine) which are metabolized by the skeletal muscles and not by liver itself. In patients with cirrhosis, there occurs a flip in the plasma amino acids concentrations: aromatic amino acid (AAA), phenylalaninie, and tyrosine along with methionine are increased while as the BCAA are reduced [114]. This altered ratio ultimately contributes to alteration in the neuronal excitability. In a recent, updated cochrane systematic analysis comprising of 16 randomized clinical trials (827 participants) with both OHE and MHE showed that BCAA had a beneficial effect on hepatic encephalopathy. However, no effect was found on mortality, quality of life, or nutritional parameters with the note that additional trails need to be done to further explore the use of these medications [115]. An older study however, showed no clear value of using IV BCCA to treat episodes of OHE [116]. It is not considered as standard of care to use IV BCCA in treatment of HE. These are not available pharmacologically in the US.
l-ornithine l-aspartate (LOLA)
By enhancing the metabolism of ammonia to glutamine, LOLA helps to lower the plasma ammonia concentrations and is used in some countries other than US [117]. In a RCT, 126 patients with chronic OHE were assigned to get IV LOLA or a placebo found that patients in the treatment arm with mild OHE had improvements in the ammonia levels and clinical parameters [118]. However, authors concluded more studies were required in MHE and severe grades of OHE. A recent, RCT studied the utility of prophylactic LOLA infusion after TIPS placement and found that it significantly reduced the venous ammonia concentration hence benefiting patients mental status [119]. Another RCT, trying to address the reversal of MHE by rifaximin, probiotics, and l-ornithine l-aspartate (LOLA) individually by comparing it with placebo group found that these agents are better than placebo in MHE [120]. However, as of now oral supplementation with LOLA has not been found to be effective. These are not available pharmacologically in the US.
Prebiotics and Probiotics
While prebiotics are selectively fermented ingredients, probiotics are live microorganisms both of which modulate the gut microflora in a way, which is beneficial for the host. The combinations of both agents are called synbiotics. Lactulose which has know efficacy for HE treatment as per some, has probiotic properties as well [121]. A cochrane meta-analysis, reviewing use of probiotics in HE did not find convincing evidence for use as there were no beneficial and or harmful effects in HE [122]. A later study, focusing more on the usage of probiotics and synbiotics on MHE found that these might be effective treatments but need more vigorous randomized studies [123]. Yet another study has shown that Lactulose and probiotics are equally effective in secondary prophylaxis of HE as compared to a placebo [100]. Clearly, the use of prebiotics and probiotics seems to be an interesting field and may hold some promise for future. Hence, groups are working to find safer strains of probiotics for use in future studies [124].
Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
PEG solution is a cathartic agent and in a recent single center trial, PEG was compared with Lactulose in patients hospitalized for OHE. Twenty-five patients were randomized to either arm to receive PEG (4 l over 4 h) versus Lactulose (20–30 g three to four doses over 24 h period). It was concluded that, PEG led to more rapid HE resolution as compared to Lactulose therapy (1 day vs. 2 days) suggestive of some superiority [125]. However, more trials are needed to validate these results in a larger population.
Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS)
This is based on the concept of albumin dialysis which was designed to remove protein and albumin bound toxins such as bilirubin, bile acids, nitrous oxide, and endogenous benzodiazepines and also removes nonprotein bound ammonia that accumulates in liver failure. In a multicenter RCT, of extracorporeal albumin dialysis (ECAD) for hepatic encephalopathy in advanced cirrhosis using MARS; A total of 70 patients were randomized, 39 to ECAD and standard medical therapy (SMT) vs. 31 to SMT alone. The difference in improvement proportion of HE between the groups, the primary end was ascertained. The primary endpoint was met whereby a higher proportion of patients had a 2 grade improvement in HE in the ECAD + SMT arm (mean 34 %) vs. SMT arm (19 %) with a p value = 0.044 and more rapid improvement (p = 0.045) with good tolerability of MARS in this trail [126]. In the most recent, RELIEF Trail; evaluating effect of MARS in 189 patients with acute on chronic liver failure (ACLF) by randomizing into two groups MARS + SMT vs. SMT alone. The primary endpoints were LT free survival at 28 and 90 days. The survival endpoints were not met, but safety was demonstrated. However, looking at the proportion of patients with HE Grade III–IV HE improvement to HE Grade 0–I was higher in MARS treated patients (62.5 %) compared SMT (38.2 %) with trend towards statistical significance (p = 0.07) [127]. Although, MARS system has FDA approval for usage in HE but its usage is precluded by high operating cost, availability, and the need for careful selection of patients who may tolerate this modality amongst others. Hence, this may be considered a reserve therapy for patients not responding to standard of care.
What Should I Eat?
Patient-Level Answer
You should keep on eating several small meals at regular intervals in a day and a late snack before going to bed at nighttime. This late snack should consist of complex carbohydrates such as whole-grain breads, starchy vegetables, and proteins.
Provider-Level Answer
Malnutrition is an under recognized problem in patients with HE and the presence of severe protein calorie malnutrition can exacerbate the manifestations of HE in turn. It is know that muscles have a role in clearing ammonia, hence loss of muscle mass may further exacerbate the manifestations of HE [59, 128]. Per se malnutrition may be an independent risk factor for survival in cirrhotic patients [129]. All patients with HE should get a formal evaluation of nutritional status with the involvement of dieticians, nutrition experts, or special teams. While as hand-grip dynamometer has a good sensitivity and specificity for providing information on depletion of body cell mass with its associated effect on survival in males but it cannot be held true for females [130, 131]. The best method of providing nutrition is orally however, alternative routes like nasogastric tubes and parenteral may be used in patients with higher levels of HE who are either not able to cooperate or able to maintain adequate oral intake. Avoidance of fasting state, along with small frequent meals and a late night snack has been shown to be beneficial in a recent systematic analysis [132]. The energy intake should be maintained at 35–40 kcal/kg/day of ideal body weight with a protein intake of 1.2–1.5 g/kg/day and these recommendation have been incorporated in the recent evidence-based guidelines by ISHEN [133]. The source of the dietary protein should be richer in vegetable and dairy proteins rather than meat based proteins. In patients not able to tolerate proteins, use of oral BCAA supplementation should be considered [134]. There is some overlap of signs and symptoms in both HE and Wernicke’s encephalopathy (WE), also patients with cirrhosis (alcohol and nonalcohol related) may be deficient in water-soluble vitamins including thiamine. Hence, oral vitamin supplements may be considered in HE patients as vitamins are safe and cheap. In case of WE, parenteral thiamine supplementation prior to giving a glucose load is important. Correcting of electrolyte abnormalities in particularly, low sodium and potassium levels that are risk factors for development of HE is pertinent [48, 135]. However, extreme caution needs to be exercised while correcting low sodium levels, which should be done slowly as rapid corrections can lead to central pontine myelinolysis, which is a devastating condition.

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