George Gershman and Mike Thomson This chapter is focused on the key aspects of ileocolonoscopy to enable the reader to achieve a high level of skill with the goal of 100% ileocecal intubation and a proper recognition of common and rare pathology of the terminal ileum and the colon. Poor bowel preparation is a major factor that may prevent or complicate successful ileocolonoscopy. Emphasizing the importance of bowel preparation, in 2006 the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and American College of Gastroenterology Taskforce on Quality in Endoscopy suggested that every colonoscopy report should include an assessment of the quality of bowel preparation. Preparing infants and small children for colonoscopy can be challenging. The major obstacles are the volume and distasteful nature of laxatives and a restrictive diet. The impact of inadequate or poor preparation for ileocolonoscopy in children is magnified by the necessity for deep sedation or general anesthesia and specifics of bowel preparation, especially in small children. Furthermore, multiple attempts to aspirate large amounts of semisolid stool often lead to clogging of the instrumental channel. Repeat efforts to restore adequate suction precipitate excessive insufflation and stretching of the large intestine and adjacent mesentery and, in conjunction with poor visibility, contribute to a big loop formation, making the procedure more challenging. Therefore, despite a “natural” temptation to complete ileocolonoscopy, it is wise to terminate the procedure if the colon is not adequately prepped. This is especially relevant for patients with suspected or diagnosed chronic inflammatory bowel disease and children with anemia and/or rectal bleeding. An adequate bowel preparation targets two important goals: maximum visibility and thorough examination of the entire colon and the terminal ileum, and prevention of complications. Although administration of cleansing regimens is not always easy, modern protocols can be remarkably effective in cleaning the colon and ileum. Currently, three types of products are commonly used: polyethylene glycol (PEG) with electrolytes, PEG 3350 and sodium picosulfate/magnesium citrate (PICO). Large‐volume PEG with electrolytes is generally less tolerable, especially in younger children. A combination of propulsion agents such as Senokot® and PICO (Pico‐Salax® or Prepopik®, Ferring Pharmaceutical) has found favour because of increased tolerance and compliance. More recent low‐volume PEG without electrolytes regimens are becoming increasingly popular in pediatric units and are well tolerated, with no observable electrolytic disturbance. In general, large‐volume PEG with electrolytes is less tolerable. especially for younger children as well as placement of a nasogastric (NG) tube which should be avoided if possible. The key to successful bowel preparation for ileocolonoscopy is patient/parental compliance/cooperation and adherence to the chosen regimen tailored to the child’s age. Several studies including prospective data collection from 14 pediatric US centers (almost 22 000 colonoscopies) published in 2016 reinforced the importance of differential approaches to bowel preparation based on the child’s age. According to the Practice Committee of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) and Israel Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, a clear liquid diet for 24 hours and a normal saline solution enema (5 mL/kg) may suffice for infants younger than 2 years of age. Our approach to bowel preparation for infants below 2 years of age is slightly different. Although it is debatable, we do not prep the colon in infants less than 4 months old. It is quite easy to irrigate and aspirate the small amount of liquid and semiliquid stool during the procedure. In infants between 4 and 12 months of age, we achieve satisfactory results of colonic cleansing by using a liquid diet and milk of magnesia (1 mL/kg per dose twice a day) for two consecutive days prior to the procedure. For children 1–2 years of age, we recommend a combination of Senokot 0.5–1 mg/kg and sodium picosulfate ¼ sachet on two occasions the day before colonoscopy. Based on the published data and our extensive personal experience, preferred methods of bowel preparation for children 2 years and older are PEG 3350 or PICO with Senokot in combination with a clear liquid diet (CLD) the day before colonoscopy. Liberal drinking is essential for successful cleansing and prevention of dehydration. PEG 3350 solution is prepared as a mixture of 238 g of polyethylene glycol if purchased over the counter or 255 g if obtained by prescription. For older children, the suggested volume of PEG 3350 solution is 1.9 L. For younger children, it is recommended to take the PEG 3350 mixture until two consecutive clear stools are passed. A recommended dose of PEG 3350 for one‐ and two‐day regimens is 4 g/kg and 2 g/kg respectively for children with bodyweight below 50 kg or 238 g for patients whose weight is above 50 kg. The solution is prepared as a mixture of PEG 3350 with flavored sport drinks. The quality of bowel preparation with PICO with Senokot is equal to PEG regimens but it is more tolerable for children. The age‐specific doses are ¼ sachet (2.5 g) for children 1–6 years of age, ½ sachet for children 6–12 years of age, and one sachet for older children from 12 to 18 years of age, given twice with a 6–12 hour interval the day before colonoscopy. Each dose is diluted in 150 mL of cold water and taken twice at 4 pm and 6 hours later the day before colonoscopy. Intake of additional clear fluid after each dose (up to 1 L) should be encouraged. If a large‐volume lavage method (PEG with electrolytes) is chosen, the patient can eat and drink up until the afternoon of the day before the procedure. The patient is then asked to fast overnight. Flavored solutions are available. The cleansing agent (5–10 mL/kg up to 250 mL per dose) is given by mouth every 10 minutes until the rectal effluent is clear. There are some adolescents and teenagers who will accomplish this preparation readily but hospitalization for 24–48 hours. A nasogastric tube placement may be necessary for uncooperative patients. This is one reason why low‐volume protocols are the preferred method in children and adolescents. In recent years, serious side effects of oral sodium phosphate colonic lavage in adults have been reported. Among these were cases of fatal hyperphosphatemia with hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, dehydration and acute nephrocalcinosis with renal failure. Currently, we would not recommend sodium phosphate for colonic cleansing in children and teenagers. Enemas are not routinely used for children, especially those with suspected inflammatory bowel disease, as they cause erythema, edema and petechiae of rectal and distal sigmoid mucosa, complicating the interpretation of endoscopic findings, but in certain circumstances they can help if the effluent is not clear two hours before the procedure. The benefit of intravenous antispasmodic agents administered directly before the ileocolonoscopy has been demonstrated, for example hyoscine 20 mg administered intravenously. The use of such an agent given just prior to colonoscopy is determined by personal preference. Their use may facilitate luminal visualization but it may also increase the compliance of the colon, theoretically allowing a greater chance of loop formation. They are certainly of benefit in spastic colonic situations. It should be remembered that they work only for a short period of time, 5–10 minutes, and they may be readministered in certain situations, such as when one needs to relax a haustral fold if a polyp is just beyond and obscured by it, or to relax a spastic ileocecal valve. Glucagon is a longer‐acting intestinal paralytic which can last for an hour or more; approximate dosing regimens are IV 0.5 mg under 20 kg body weight, IV 1 mg over 20 kg body weight. This is particularly useful in longer procedures such as enteroscopy (see Chapter 14). Clinically significant hyperglycemia is not seen. Indications are covered in Chapter 10. There are few absolute contraindications to attempting ileocolonoscopy in children (Table 12.1). In cases of fulminant colitis, careful examination of the rectum and distal sigmoid colon may be attempted by experts. Generally, ileocolonoscopy is delayed for at least 8 weeks following ileal pouch or other surgeries associated with colon exploration. Connective tissue disorders such as Ehlers–Danlos should be approached with care and understanding of the increased risk of perforation. Clearly, known intestinal perforation or peritonitis are absolute contraindications as well as absolute neutrophil count below 500. Three types of colonoscopies are available for routine diagnostic investigation in children: standard “adult” instruments with outer diameters 12.8–13.2 mm (Table 12.2), slim “pediatric” scopes with outer diameter 11.5–11.6 mm (Table 12.3), and ultra‐slim scopes with outer diameter of 9.5–9.8 mm (Table 12.4). We would refer the reader to the manufacturers, however, as these specifications change and advance regularly. Table 12.1 Contraindications to ileocolonoscopy Table 12.2 Technical specifications of new regular adult colonoscopes Table 12.3 Technical specifications of new slim colonoscopes a High‐resolution image with close focus technology. b High‐resolution image system with RetroView™. The extra stiffness of the adult version diminishes the likelihood of forming sigmoid loops, but extra care must then be taken, especially in younger children under general anesthesia, not to advance against undue resistance, to avoid the unlikely complication of colonic perforation. The large diameter of the adult colonoscope can also limit maneuverability within the smaller colonic lumen of a young child. Slim pediatric and ultra‐slim colonoscopes are more flexible and have a higher propensity to form loops. However, these instruments have an adjustable stiffness mechanism operated by a dial on the control section right below the biopsy channel, which allows the insertion tube to be made stiffer when passing through the sigmoid and transverse colon, decreasing the chance of sigmoid loops. Colonoscopes with adjustable stiffness should be standard in all pediatric centers conducting colonoscopy. In respect of training, the new generation of adult colonoscopes are equipped with electromagnetic coils incorporated within the shaft, which give the endoscopist a 3D view of the shape and position of the colonoscope within the patient’s colon. This technology is now integrated into the standard hands‐on colonoscopy courses offered in training centers and accelerates the learning curve especially in comprehension of loop formation and resolution (Scope Guide®, Olympus). A “through‐the‐scope” (via biopsy channel) version that is removable and reusable is also available. Table 12.4 Technical specifications of new ultra‐slim colonoscopes There is a limited amount of published data to support the choice of colonoscope use in children. Recently, data from Japan suggest the use of a standard or pediatric colonoscope in patients weighing 12–15 kg or above, infant or standard adult gastroscopes in patients weighing 5–12 kg, and ultra‐thin gastroscopes in patients weighing <5 kg. Based on our large personal experience, the lower limit for the standard adult colonoscope is 3–4 years of age and/or 12–15 kg. A slim colonoscope can be used with care in children with bodyweight above 8 kg. Upper adult endoscope (under 10 mm) or ultra‐thin colonoscope and ultra‐thin gastroscope (5.8 mm) are suitable for infants from 5 to 8 kg and under 5 kg respectfully. More recently, image‐enhanced/magnifying colonoscopes have been developed, and their value in combination with dye spray or chromoendoscopy in various gastrointestinal diseases has been described (see Chapter 17). For instance, the decrease in the number of cryptal openings in ulcerative colitis can be observed and correlated to disease activity. Confocal colonoscopy is even more impressive in this regard (see Chapter 18) but this does not yet substitute for histologic assessment. Specific indications, risks and benefits of ileocolonoscopy must be the subject of a detailed discussion with the family. This should leave parents comfortable and confident about the need for and safety of the procedure before it is scheduled. Ideally, both the child and parents should be offered a preparatory visit to the endoscopy unit to answer questions and defuse any potential concerns and anxieties regarding the procedure and admission. Younger children undoubtedly benefit from preadmission visits and the involvement of a play therapist to enable some understanding of what is to take place and why. Diagrams may help in explanations to older children. Preparatory online videos and child‐friendly cartoons from webpages such as and are very useful for informing the patient and parent regarding what to expect and should be made available. Units can benefit from devising a sample videos specific to their own facility. It is now considered best practice to obtain informed consent at the planning clinic visit rather than on the day of the procedure – further confirmatory consent can be signed for on the day also. On the day of the procedure, the child, and parents are invited to the preprocedure area. Here, the patient changes clothes and is prepared for intravenous line placement. To minimize the discomfort of a venipuncture, EMLA® cream is applied to one or two potential intravenous sites 60 minutes before the procedure. Infusion of age‐appropriate solution is started once the venous excess is established and secured. The patient is then transferred to the procedure area for the preparation of sedation or general anesthesia. See Chapter 4. Abnormal rotation and fixation of the embryonic colon is probably the major reason for a “difficult” colon and incomplete colonoscopy. A anticlockwise rotation around the superior mesenteric artery is the main mechanism of “packaging” the growing intestine in preparation for its return to the abdomen. Additional anticlockwise rotation is again crucial for proper relocation of the intestine into the peritoneal cavity. As a result of a normal rotation, the colon acquires two zones of full fixation: the descending and ascending colon, as well as two areas of partial fixation: the cecum and rectum. In addition, the mobility of the splenic and hepatic flexure is somewhat limited by a phrenocolic and extension of the hepatorenal ligaments, respectively. Only the sigmoid and transverse colons possess their own mesentery and are fully mobile. It is not surprising that they became a target of various endoscopic maneuvers preventing or minimizing stretching of these vulnerable segments of the intestine. It is easy to imagine that abnormal rotation or fixation of the embryonic colon can multiply difficulties in navigating through the unusually mobile bowel. Some of the anomalies can be suspected during a procedure, for example, fixation of the cecum in the right hypochondrium. The intrinsic propensity of the embryonic colon for anticlockwise rotation from the left iliac fossa to the right gives an important clue to the concept of a torque steering technique of a colonoscopy. The only dependable and observer‐reproducible anatomical landmarks in ileocolonoscopy are the anus, the appendiceal orifice, ileocecal valve, and terminal ileum. Everything between is guesswork! Many estimates of cecal intubation are incorrect due to confusion of the splenic or hepatic flexure with the cecum. Therefore, it is important to become accustomed to the nuances of endoscopic anatomy of the colon in order to achieve correct orientation during colonoscopy, accurate localization of lesions, and reassurance that the cecum has been reached. The anal canal is less than 2 cm in a newborn, reaching an adult length of 3 cm by 4 years of age. It is normally closed due to tonic contraction of the anal sphincter but may be dilated in cases of chronic constipation or poor neurological control such as with spina bifida; beware that inference regarding possible sexual abuse is very difficult in a child under deep sedation or general anesthesia (Figure 12.1). It is important to remember that the axis of the anal canal is pointed anteriorly. Proper insertion of the colonoscope will minimize discomfort, eliminating excessive stretching of the anus and preventing embedding of the tip into the rectal mucosa. The squamocolumnar junction or pectinate (dentate) line demarcates the proximal edge of the anal canal (Figure 12.2). A few longitudinal folds (columns of Morgani) run within the anal canal and terminate at the anal papillae (Figure 12.3). Occasionally, the anal papillae may be quite prominent, seen as cone‐like grayish structures. The rectum becomes enlarged and fusiform between the upper edge of the columns of Morgani and the rectosigmoid junction. This part of the rectum is called the ampulla. It is marked by three semilunar folds referred to as the valves of Houston (Figure 12.4). There are two such folds on the left and one on the right lateral wall. The ampulla narrows at the level of the rectosigmoid junction, which is distanced from the anal verge by 9 cm in neonates and 15 cm in children 10 years and older. The rectal mucosa is smooth and transparent, which allows good visualization of submucosal veins (Figure 12.5). Multiple small lymphoid follicles in the rectal mucosa are normally present in infants and toddlers, but when excessive or surrounded by erythema they may indicate an allergic proctocolitis. The sigmoid colon is the most “unpredictable” part of the colon due to its long, “V”‐shape mesocolon. Stretching during colonoscopy could double the length of the sigmoid colon. Therefore, an absolute length of the sigmoid colon is not important unless it is tremendously elongated. The mobility and displacement of the sigmoid colon may be limited due to previous surgery, adhesions or shortening of the mesentery. A relatively small sigmoid colon in infants and toddlers has some disadvantages for the endoscopist: first, it decreases the threshold for pain due to activation of stretch receptors. Second, it limits application the of alpha loop maneuver and use of standard pediatric colonoscopes, making the procedure more technically challenging. Figure 12.1 Unusually wide‐open anus. This finding is suspicious for spina bifida, trauma, or sexual abuse. Figure 12.2 Squamocolumnar junction or dentate line. Figure 12.3 The longitudinal folds in the distal rectum (columns of Morgani) and prominent anal papilla. The U‐turn maneuver in the rectum is useful for detailed observation of the distal rectum close to the anal canal. Figure 12.4 Semilunar folds of Houston in the rectum. Figure 12.5 Typical vascular pattern of the normal rectum. The normal sigmoid colon appears tubular because of the prominence of a circular muscle layer. The mucosa is less transparent than in the rectum. There are multiple circular folds throughout the sigmoid colon (Figure 12.6). The taenia coli are not usually visible along the sigmoid colon except in the area adjacent to the sigmoid descending junction. The appearance of taenia coli in this area indicates significant stretching of the sigmoid colon. During colonoscopy, the sigmoid colon is always stretched to some degree and becomes more spiral and twisted clockwise between the rectum and descending colon. The concave sacrum and a forward‐projecting sacral promontory determine the initial anterior deviation of the sigmoid loop. At this stage of the procedure, a colonoscope can be palpated easily unless the sigmoid colon is extremely stretched. Figure 12.6 The sigmoid colon. The endoscopic markers of normal sigmoid colon are (i) rounded lumen, (ii) circular folds, and (iii) subtle vascular pattern. The transitional zone between the sigmoid and descending colon is located posterior at the level of the pelvic brim and out of reach for transabdominal palpation. The angle between the sigmoid and descending colon is sharper when the descending colon extends down below the pelvic brim due to an unusually low fixation and/or when the sigmoid colon was stretched out extensively (Figure 12.7). Normally, the descending colon is slightly wider and more oval than the sigmoid colon (Figure 12.8). It runs straight up toward the left hypochondrium to join the splenic flexure. The mucosa of the descending colon is slightly grayish. The stems of the vessels run along folds, i.e., perpendicular to the lumen. The small branches cross the folds in parallel to the lumen (Figure 12.9). The folds of the descending colon are spread more apart relative to the folds of the sigmoid colon. The taenia coli are usually not visible. The splenic flexure is marked by the bluish color of the transilluminated spleen (Figure 12.10). Figure 12.7 The angle is sharper when the descending colon extends down below the pelvic brim due to unusually low fixation and/or when the sigmoid colon was stretched out extensively. Figure 12.8 The descending colon. The shape of the descending colon is close to oval. This area should occupy the right part of the lumen if the colonoscope was positioned properly inside the sigmoid and descending colon. The same color spot can be seen occasionally when the tip of the colonoscope is trapped within a very large sigmoid loop. Thus, this color mark does not definitively prove that the splenic flexure has been reached. The splenic flexure is firmly attached to the diaphragm by the phrenocolic ligament at the level of 10th and 11th ribs. That could explain occasional hiccups and transient hypoxia during exploration of the transverse colon due to excessive pressure and irritation of the phrenic nerve, especially in infants and young children. Figure 12.9 The vascular pattern of the descending colon. The stems of the vessels run along folds, i.e., parallel to the lumen. The small branches spread around and across the folds and along the lumen. Figure 12.10 The splenic flexure. It is marked by bluish discoloration. The junction with the transverse colon is located along the upper aspect of the medial wall of the splenic flexure. It is angled by the mobile transverse colon, which hangs down from the elevated splenic flexure. The area is more sharply angled and even folded when the patient is in the left lateral position (Figure 12.11). Relatively thin circular and thick longitudinal layers of the muscularis propria are responsible for the triangular shape of the transverse colon (Figure 12.12). The slope of the transverse colon is pointed toward the hepatic flexure, which is more voluminous than the adjacent colonic segments and has a blue‐gray color acquired from the neighboring liver (Figure 12.13). The folds become circular at both ends of the hepatic flexure. The junction with the ascending colon is located higher than the adjacent transverse colon. It points toward the right lobe of the liver and is sharply angled posteriorly (Figure 12.14). The area between the hepatic flexure and the ascending colon is always hidden in the right upper corner of the screen behind the mucosal fold. Steering of the shaft anticlockwise, pulling it back, and elevation of the tip help to stretch the folded lumen. Subsequent clockwise rotation and deviation of the tip to the right and decompression of the colon facilitate exploration of the ascending colon. Figure 12.11 The angle between the splenic flexure and transverse colon in relation to patient position during colonoscopy. The convoluted pathway through the splenic flexure is created by the transverse colon, which is sagging down when the patient is in the left lateral position. Figure 12.12 The transverse colon. The triangular shape is the endoscopic hallmark of the transverse colon. Figure 12.13 The hepatic flexure. The mucosa of this area is paler and has a light bluish tinge acquired from the adjacent liver. Figure 12.14 The hepatic flexure, which is dome shaped. The junction between the hepatic flexure and the ascending colon is always hidden in the right upper corner of the screen behind the mucosal fold. Steering of the shaft anticlockwise, pulling it back, and elevation of the tip help to stretch the folded lumen. Subsequent clockwise rotation and deviation of the tip to the right and decompression of the colon facilitate exploration of the ascending colon. The ascending colon is a short (5 cm in some young children), retroperitoneal and fixed segment of the right colon. It runs between the cecum anteriorly and the lower pole of the right kidney posteriorly. The lumen of the ascending colon is usually wide open. It extends into the cecum, a “blind” pouch outlined by the ileocecal valve at the top and the appendix orifice (the landmark of the cecum) at the bottom. The appendiceal orifice is usually oval or rounded and located at the intersection of the taenia coli at the cecal pole. The orifice can be thought of as a “bow” with an imaginary arrow pointing to the ileocecal valve (IV): “bow and arrow sign” (Figure 12.15). The IV is usually “hiding” on the upstream or “cecal” slope of the ileocecal fold but can be discovered by a focal bulging or widening of the medial aspect of the fold (Figure 12.16). A unique colonoscopy technique has been developed to overcome the high flexibility, elasticity, and multiple angulations of the large intestine (the sigmoid colon in particular). It consists of two types of maneuver: loop prevention‐torque steering and loop reduction. The main principles of the torque steering technique are (i) substitution of lateral angulation control for torqueing the shaft clockwise or anticlockwise with the preceding up‐and‐down deflection of the bending section and two‐corkscrew maneuvering around a sharply angled segment of the colon instead of application of linear force to push the endoscope forward (note that this technique works only when the shaft is straight). A key element of the loop reduction technique is a combination of simultaneous clockwise or anticlockwise rotation and puling the shaft back, as explained below. One important” trick” in learning ileocolonoscopy is to grasp the concept of the lumen as a clock face and the tip of the scope as a short hour hand. A simple angulation of the tip up or down is sufficient to reach the 12 or 6 o’clock sites. However, vertical angulation alone will not work if the target is anywhere on the left side of the dial (between 12 and 6 through 9 o’clock) or the right side (between 12 and 6 through 3 o’clock). In this case, lateral deflection can be achieved by the shaft torque to the left/anticlockwise or to the right/clockwise direction with the tip deflected up or down respectively (Figure 12.17). This approach, which is the core of the torque steering technique, provides the best spatial orientation and control of the colonoscope by the left thumb and middle finger and “winding”‐rotating the shaft up to 360° by the thumb, index, and middle fingers of the right hand. Figure 12.15 Appendiceal orifice and “bow and arrow sign”: the imaginary arrow in the bow points the way to the ileocecal valve. Figure 12.16 A focal widening or bulging of the circular fold at the upper aspect of the cecum is a sign of the hidden ileocecal valve. Torque steering is the most important skill to acquire in the early days of a colonoscopist’s career, especially in the rectosigmoid colon. Such skill acquisition and employment will markedly diminish the possibility of sigmoid loop formation. Figure 12.17 Lumen as a clock face. (a) Scope straight. (b) Tip up deflection. (c) Tip up and clockwise rotation. (d) Tip up and anticlockwise rotation. (e) Tip down to get to 6 o’clock. (f) Tip down to get to 6 o’clock side view. There are three ways to perform an ileocolonoscopy. It is generally accepted that the single‐handed one‐person technique is the most effective way to conduct a colonoscopy. The benefits of this approach are as follows. By choosing the single‐handed one‐person technique, the operator is committed to holding the control panel by the left third and little fingers, using the thumb for U/D knob adjustment with the help of the middle finger, leaving the index finger for handling the air‐water and suction valves. The shaft should be held between the thumb and fingers. The finger grip as opposed to the fist grip provides a better sensitivity to shaft insertion: smooth and easy when the scope is straight and firm and resistant when the bowel is bent or looped. In addition, the finger grip allows shaft rotation up to 360° compared with a maximum of 180° by the fist grip. The extra rotation is very useful for working around bends and loop reduction. A colonoscope should be maximally straightened to optimize transmission of rotating force from the control panel to the shaft. One of the most common mistakes of beginners is holding the scope too close to the anus. Grasping the shaft about 20–25 cm from the anus decreases the need for frequent hand changes and makes for a smooth insertion and easier application of torque and better feel of the force involved. The patient is usually positioned in the left lateral knee to chest position, although some operators prefer the right lateral position, citing easier sigmoid negotiation. Often the supine position is equally useful, and the patient may not require position change. Nevertheless, frequent and appropriate position change can be very useful in successful sigmoid colon passage; for example, if the operator is not gaining easy access to the splenic flexure, then patient repositioning from one side to the supine and then to the other side may be advantageous. In general, frequent turning of the patient is conducive to easier ileocolonoscopy and is to be advocated. An assistant applies abdominal pressure that may be deemed necessary to control, or try to prevent, loop formation in the sigmoid or transverse colon. In handling the colonoscope, it is good practice to place the portion of the shaft that is not yet inserted on a flat unimpeded surface. This is important because then any resistance encountered by the operator to forward advancement of the scope can be attributed to loop formation within the child’s colon. Hence, relatively quickly, the trainee can learn when to stop pushing the scope and proceed with loop preventing maneuvers. Before insertion, the entire equipment and suction system should be checked for proper function. The gurney is lifted to a comfortable height for the endoscopist. The distal 20 cm of the shaft is lubricated. A rectal exam prior to the procedure serves three purposes: The assistant gently lifts the right buttock to expose the anus. The endoscopist grips the shaft at 20–30 cm, positions the tip into gentle contact with the anus and aligns the bending portion of the shaft with the axis of the anal canal, which runs toward the anterior abdominal wall. Insufflations of the anal canal facilitate sliding of the tip into the distal rectum with minimal pressure. This technique virtually eliminates accidental trauma of the distal rectum. Immediately after initial exploration of the rectum, the scope is pulled back slightly and angled upwards to establish a panoramic view of the distal rectum. Any liquid stool can easily be aspirated to simplify the approach to the proximal rectum. Do not aspirate semi formed stool at the beginning of colonoscopy to avoid clogging of the suction channel. Three semilunar folds, or valves of Houston, appears on alternating sides of the rectal ampulla along the way to the rectosigmoid junction It is distant from the dentate line for about 10–15 cm. This is the first but not the last time when the lumen may disappear. A constant search for a fully opened lumen is not a productive way to conduct ileocolonoscopy if the goal is to prevent development of a big sigmoid loop. It creates more problems than benefits for the endoscopist. First, it is not possible because many segments of the colon, especially the sigmoid colon, are angulated. Second, a long opened upstream segment of the sigmoid colon indicates a big loop formation and should be avoided. Third, an extensive search for a fully open lumen leads to over inflation of the colon, which makes it ridged and elongated. Instead, the endoscopist should waste no time searching for a fully opened lumen but ascertain the direction of the upstream colon and the way to approach it. In general, intubation of the sigmoid colon creates clusters of angled bends, which have a corkscrew or spiral pattern. This means that the axes of two adjacent sigmoid bends run in opposite directions; for example, if the visible segment climbs up diagonally from 5 o’clock to 11 o’clock, the following segment falls in the opposite direction toward 5 o’clock. Disappearance of the lumen can be explained by unequal shortening of the mesenteric and antimesenteric edges of the colon during rotation and pushing forward, and positioning of the tip too close to the mucosa. Two strategies are useful in these circumstances: The first clue is the darkest site of the mucosal view. The second is the center of the converging folds. The third clue is the merging folds pointed to the slightly depressed or funnel‐like area (Figure 12.18). It is worth remembering that the main submucosal vessels are parallel to the circular folds. However, their small branches usually spread around between the folds and can highlight the axis of the lumen (Figure 12.19). Lastly, a crescent‐like or dimpled lumen of a twisted sigmoid colon is usually located in three areas: between 10 and 12 o’clock, 1 and 3 o’clock, or 4 and 6 o’clock (Figure 12.20). When the tip is close to the sigmoid–descending junction, a prominent longitudinal fold or the center of a convex fold indicates the direction of the colonic axis and the location of the next segment (Figure 12.21). Figure 12.18 Slightly depressed groove‐like area and merging folds are the signs of the hidden lumen. Figure 12.19 The main submucosal veins and their branches. The main vessels are parallel to the circular folds. The small branches are pointed toward the lumen. This endoscopic clue may be useful when the tip of the scope is distant from the mucosa for at least 1–2 cm. Figure 12.20 Common locations of the lumen. (a) The lumen is located at 9 o’clock. (b) The lumen is between 1 and 2 o’clock. (c) The lumen is located at 5 o’clock. Figure 12.21 Prominent taenia coli. An appearance of the taenia while approaching the sigmoid–descending junction indicates the direction of the lumen but also is the sign of the large sigmoid loop. The sigmoid colon is not as long in children as in adults. A relatively short sigmoid mesocolon in infants and young children typically prevents significant stretching. Nevertheless, an unexperienced endosocopist can create a giant loop in a deeply sedated child which is not palpable through the abdominal wall because it occupies both lateral gutters and hides under the liver and left diaphragm. This may produce a false impression of a properly performed procedure. The clinical clues to this dangerous condition are sudden changes in oxygen saturation, hiccups, shallow breathing, and irritability of the patient followed by signs of respiratory distress. Immediate reduction of the loop and interruption of the procedure is mandatory until the child becomes stable. Small loops are unavoidable during exploration of the sigmoid colon. However, development of large loops should be prevented. The following is a description of the torque steering technique, which is particularly useful for sliding through the sharply angled segments of the sigmoid colon and sigmoid–descending junction. This technique is equally applicable to the rectosigmoid area and the junction between the splenic flexure and transverse colon. The initial sigmoid fold can usually be passed by 90–120° of anticlockwise torsion. The different loops encountered in the sigmoid are demonstrated in Figure 12.22. Formation of a loop is suspected when the operator begins to feel more resistance to advancement with a visualized lumen. Another clue is loss of “one‐to‐one” movement; in other words, when the distance moved by the scope outside the patient is not mirrored by the colonoscope tip advancement inside the patient. Thirdly, if “paradoxical” movement is observed. This is when the operator advances the colonoscope and the tip starts to migrate distally. This usually indicates a large loop. Figure 12.22 Schematic images of: (a) alpha loop, (b) N‐loop and (c) Scope Guide® image of reverse‐alpha loop. A so‐called N loop may be overcome by transabdominal pressure by an assistant on the apex of the loop pushing toward the feet. This often allows a so‐called alpha loop to form, which can usually be tolerated as the instrument advances toward the splenic flexure. An alpha loop (Figure 12.22a) may be suspected if the scope is running in very easily without acute bends. In this scenario, continue advancing the scope up to the proximal descending colon or even the splenic flexure (about 50–70 cm in older children) whilst one‐to‐one advancement is maintained. Reduction of an alpha loop is accomplished by extensive (at least 90°) clockwise rotation and then slow removal of the colonoscope, keeping the lumen in the center of the field of vision. Remember that the rotation required to resolve a loop may be 360° or more (usually unsuccessful loop resolution is due to an inadequate degree of rotation). Changing the patient position and application of transabdominal pressure by the assistance may be necessary. Unsuccessful attempts of a loop reduction are the sign of reverse‐alpha loop. In this scenario, the loop can only be resolved by anticlockwise rotation. If using a variable stiffness scope, it is helpful to stiffen the scope after 15–20 cm of insertion. Eliminate extra stiffness before loop reduction maneuvers and restiffen the shaft afterwards. Abdominal pressure in the left iliac fossa may be helpful. Turning the patient into the supine position reduces the sharp angle of the sigmoid–descending colon junction. To prevent recurrence of the loop after successful reduction, follow the same torque direction while advancing the scope forward: a gentle clockwise and anticlockwise steering in case of N or alpha loop and reverse‐alpha loop respectively. The lumen of the descending colon is more oval compared to the sigmoid colon although the difference can be subtle. The folds are less frequent, the color is more grayish, and the vascular pattern is more prominent. Once the descending colon is reached, advance the shaft quickly toward the splenic flexure. This is one of the easiest steps of a colonoscopy because loops are reduced and the shaft is fully straightened within the descending colon which is fixed in the retroperitoneum. However, the external portion of the shaft is often twisted. To untwist the external portion of the colonoscope, the shaft should be rotated anticlockwise. Attention should be paid to the lumen of the descending colon, to avoid mucosal trauma by the tip of the colonoscope. This maneuver facilitates exploration of the splenic flexure. The splenic flexure can be reached by the 40 cm mark on the straight shaft in older children and even 20–25 cm in children under 4 years if the sigmoid loop has been avoided or reduced. When negotiating the splenic flexure: Changing the patient into the right lateral (ideal) or supine position facilitates bypassing of the splenic flexure. Suspect reverse splenic flexure after failure of a few attempts and follow the new algorithm: pull the shaft back and rotate it anticlockwise and aim toward 11 o’clock. The lumen of the transverse colon will appear as a slot along the line between 7 and 1 o’clock. An additional angulation in the same direction and anticlockwise rotation will make the lumen wider. At this point, stiffen the shaft and rotate it clockwise a quarter turn and bring the tip down slowly. It is necessary to turn the shaft anticlockwise again and elevate the tip up before advancing the shaft into the transverse colon by “staccato” repetitive gentle pushing‐in movements. The triangular shape is common for the transverse colon but in smaller children is not always a reliable sign. Exploration of the transverse colon does not require forceful advancement of the colonoscope. In the absence of visible progress or in case of increasing resistance, pull the shaft back a few centimeters while keeping the lumen opened, then elevate the tip and push it forward, applying clockwise torque simultaneously. Repeat this maneuver two or three times. If no significant progress has been made, rotate the patient into the right lateral position, straighten the colonoscope by pulling it back, apply external pressure to stabilize the sigmoid colon and advance the shaft forward. Decreased resistance and progression of the tip forward indicate successful exploration of the transverse colon, which has a distinctive triangular lumen. At this point, the hepatic flexure can be reached by either pulling the shaft back with simultaneous anticlockwise rotation or pushing it gently forward. Creation of a so‐called “gamma” loop (Figure 12.23) is an uncommon element of pediatric colonoscopy. It is revealed by increasing resistance and paradoxical movement of the proximal transverse colon away from the tip with attempts to push the shaft forward. Successful reduction of a gamma loop can be challenging. First, rotate the patient to supine, then pull the shaft back and rotate it anticlockwise. If the tip remains stable during the withdrawal phase of the maneuver, continue pulling back until the shaft is straightened. The hepatic flexure can be reached by the 60 cm mark in older children and even 40 cm in children under 4 years if the sigmoid and transverse colon loops have been prevented or reduced. The hepatic flexure is recognized by the dark, usually blue, discoloration seen through the bowel wall (see Figure 12.13). It consists of a few sharply angled folds, making the negotiation into the ascending colon like a “chicane” movement. Left lateral position is best to allow this opening to reveal itself. The entrance to the area is always located at the 11 o’clock position. Figure 12.23 Gamma loop in the transverse colon. The approach and transition through the hepatic flexure consist of the following steps. It is important to remember that the ascending colon, which in children is of variable length, may be as short as 5 cm in some younger patients. On some occasions, a deep gamma loop can occur before engagement with the hepatic flexure and the operator must put up with a “long scope.” The scope should be pushed toward the hepatic flexure, the tip angulated around it and the scope pulled back with simultaneous strong anticlockwise and then clockwise torque until the loop is reduced. Suction is always helpful. Often, the scope itself will dictate the direction of rotation: a correct direction of the twist will be rewarded with decreased resistance and advancement of the tip forward. It is not unusual to find oneself then looking at the appendiceal orifice and hence the cecum because the scope will have travelled down rapidly into the ascending colon. This can be achieved if the operator “plays” with the shaft gently and sensitively, like a cellist with a bow. On some occasions, positioning the patient on the right side can be helpful. Confirm completion of colonoscopy by a close‐up look at the appendiceal orifice. Less specific signs of reaching the cecum are (i) transillumination: the presence of light in the right iliac fossa, which may be useful in some obese adolescents and (ii) indentation of the colonic wall with digital pressure over the right iliac fossa. Any doubts that the cecum has been reached should be resolved by finding the appendiceal orifice or intubation of the terminal ileum. If you are not sure that the scope is in the cecum, then most likely you are right, and the scope is probably in the hepatic or even splenic flexure. If colonoscopy is performed properly, the cecum can be reached by the 70–80 cm marks on the shaft in older children and teenagers and 40–50 cm in children under 2–5 years, depending on their size. Two conditions guarantee successful intubation of the terminal ileum: reduction and straightening of any colonic loops and finding of the ileocecal valve. As mentioned above, the hallmark of the straightened shaft at the level of the cecum is 70–80 cm or 40–50 cm mark at the anus in older children/teenagers and children under 5 years old respectively. This ensures that the scope is under proper control when tackling the terminal ileum. In general, the ileocecal valve is situated between 9 and 5 o’clock (Figure 12.24) and best seen as the bulging or flattened area on the last and most prominent haustral fold within 1–4 cm from the cecal pole. However, finding the precise location of the ileocecal valve is the key. Three are three ways to enter the terminal ileum. Figure 12.24 The ileocecal valve. It is usually located between the 5 o’clock (a) and 9 o’clock (b) position of the cecum. A more experienced colleague should be sought after three or four unsuccessful attempts. Successful exploration of the terminal ileum is manifested by the change in color and texture of the mucosa; while the cecum appears pink‐grayish and smooth with prominent vessels, the mucosa of the terminal ileum is light pink or yellowish, velvet, with multiple small (less than 3 mm) lymphoid follicles (Figure 12.25). Based on our extensive experience of about 20 000 ileocolonoscopies in children, these techniques will allow an ileal intubation rate of 100% in the absence of strictures or significant inflammation of the ileocecal valve. The withdrawing phase of colonoscopy is the best for detailed assessment of the colonic mucosa as some stretching of the bowel during advancement of the colonoscope makes the circular folds more flat and easy to explore. It is useful for detection of small lesions such as sessile polyps. Routine use of colonoscopy in children would be impossible without solid proof that the procedure is safe. This does not mean, however, that it is free from complications (Table 12.5). This issue should be fully disclosed and explained to the parents or legal guardian as part of informed consent. Complications associated with colonoscopy in children can be classified according to: Figure 12.25 The terminal ileum. Velvety texture, yellowish tinge, and lymphoid follicles are the main endoscopic characteristics of the mucosa of the terminal ileum in children. Table 12.5 Complications associated with pediatric colonoscopy The incidence of minor complications is difficult to estimate. First, it is unlikely that all minor complications are going to be counted. Second, some complications are clinically silent: serosal tears and small mesenteric hematomas have been accidentally discovered during unrelated surgery soon after colonoscopy in adults. The reported frequency of complications linked to pediatric colonoscopy (diagnostic and therapeutic combined) is under 0.8%, which is similar to the data from large‐scale multicenter studies in adults. The most common adverse event related to diagnostic colonoscopy falls into the category of minor complications. Perforation is a rare complication associated with diagnostic colonoscopy. It can occur due to four reasons: Three types of perforations related to diagnostic colonoscopy have been described. Shaft‐induced perforations are the result of big loop formation. These are usually larger than expected and located on the antimesenteric wall. Tip perforations are smaller and typically occur when the “sliding by” technique is used inappropriately, or a tip is embedded into mucosa when orientation is lost. Excessive air pressure perforation has been documented primarily with strictures of the left colon. Attempts to bypass the narrowed area create intermittent obstruction of the colon, accumulation of air in the upstream colon and increased hydrostatic pressure, which could reach a critical level of 81 mmHg for the cecum. This could explain the fact that most air pressure‐related perforations have occurred in the cecum and even in the ileum after so‐called uneventful colonoscopies. Hydrostatic perforations have not been described in children. Most large traumatic perforations are immediately obvious. The presenting symptoms include a sudden onset of irreducible abdominal distention, decreased resistance to insertion of a colonoscope, failure to insufflate the collapsed colon, visible organs of the peritoneal cavity and severe and progressively increasing abdominal pain. Immediate discontinuation of the procedure and a request for plain abdominal films are mandatory. Closed perforations are less dramatic. Almost 10% of patients with a perforated colon can initially be symptom free. In addition, another 10–15% may develop mild to moderate abdominal pain or discomfort. Absence of free air in the peritoneal cavity does not rule out perforation. High level of suspicion and careful postprocedure observation are important for early recognition of complications. Persistent abdominal pain and/or low‐grade fever should be considered as signs of perforation until proven otherwise. Early diagnosis in these circumstances is crucial to prevent or decrease morbidity and mortality associated with perforation of the colon. Treatment of colonic perforation can be nonoperative or surgical. Patients with a well‐prepared colon and therefore decreased risk of significant contamination of the peritoneal cavity, absence of peritonitis and who are otherwise stable can be treated medically with bowel rest, broad‐spectrum antibiotics, and parenteral nutrition. Deterioration of a patient’s condition, signs of peritoneal irritation, or suspicion of a large spillage of intestinal contents into the peritoneal cavity mandate surgical exploration. According to large‐scale studies in adults, the frequency of colonic perforation after polypectomy is usually higher by two‐ or threefold. It results from excessive thermal coagulation of the tissue either due to an inappropriate power setting and current mode (more often when a “blended” mode is used), cutting a large sessile polyp more than 2 cm without a piecemeal technique, or accidental contact of the adjacent mucosa with the head of an excised polyp. These perforations are often small and subtle and cause late onset of abdominal pain a few hours after the procedure. Severity of pain usually increases with time. Fever is another common sign of deep tissue necrosis. The treatment of these complications (polypectomy syndrome) is similar to uncomplicated diverticulitis – aggressive treatment with broad‐spectrum antibiotics, bowel rest, and good hydration. Bleeding after diagnostic colonoscopy is quite rare and can be prevented by proper patient screening before the procedure, which should be focused on family history of bleeding diathesis, frequent nasal bleeding, oozing from gums after teeth brushing, and easy bruising without obvious trauma. A simple question about recent treatments with aspirin and/or NSAIDs is an effective way to prevent bleeding secondary to platelet dysfunction. Bleeding disorders are not a contraindication to pediatric colonoscopy. Even patients with moderate to severe hemophilia could undergo successful colonoscopy with biopsy or polypectomy after special preparations have been made by a pediatric hematologist. According to ASGE, colonoscopy and colonoscopic polypectomy are classified as low risk for bacteremia. In recent publications, transient bacteremia has been reported in less than 4% of patients after uneventful colonoscopy. The patients usually remain asymptomatic without requiring any medical treatment. If a patient becomes febrile, flat abdominal and cross‐table films, blood culture and empirical treatment with broad‐spectrum antibiotics are mandatory. Careful observation in a recovery room (until the child is fully awake and ready to leave), and next‐day telephone follow‐up should be a routine part of the postprocedure protocol. The role of colonoscopy in patients with suspected or established inflammatory bowel disease is to define the extent of inflammation, obtain tissue samples, establish the specific diagnosis, and assess the efficacy of therapy and mucosal healing and screening for malignancy. Common findings in children with untreated ulcerative colitis include continuous and circumferential mucosal inflammation with diffuse erythema, edema, increased mucosal friability, disappearance of vascular pattern, whitish‐grayish exudate, erosions, or shallow ulcers (Figure 12.26). Rectal involvement is universal. Inflammation can be restricted to the rectum and left colon or extend though the entire large intestine. A focal inflammation surrounding the appendiceal orifice’s so‐called “cecal patch” may co‐exist with left‐sided colitis (Figure 12.27). Signs of “back‐washed” ileitis consist of diffuse mild to moderate erythema, edema and petechiae within 5–10 cm of the ileum adjacent to the ileocecal valve. Figure 12.26 Ulcerative colitis. Diffuse inflammation is typical for ulcerative colitis: erythema, exudates, loss of vascular pattern. The hallmark of severe ulcerative colitis is striking edema and secondary narrowing of the colon and extreme friability of the rectal and colonic mucosa (Figure 12.28), making it reasonable to limit the procedure to proctoscopy and a few biopsies. Deep ulcers are not typical for ulcerative colitis even with the severe form of the disease. A chronic and relapsing course of ulcerative colitis leads to unequal distribution of inflammation, appearance of pseudopolyps, and attenuation of vascular pattern (Figure 12.29). Figure 12.27 The “cecal patch”: a focal inflammation of the appendiceal orifice with whitish dots – microabscesses – in a child with left‐sided ulcerative colitis. Figure 12.28 Severe form of ulcerative colitis. (a) Narrowing of the lumen due to severe edema. (b) Extreme friability. Figure 12.29 Multiple pseudopolyps. (a,b) Acute phase. (c) Endoscopic remission. Colitis in patients with Crohn’s disease is patchy with so‐called “skip lesions” rather than being diffuse or uniform. It can be mild or intense and may involve the entire colon or just a part of it. Fifty percent of patients with Crohn’s colitis have rectal sparing. At least half of children with Crohn’s disease have ileocecal involvement. Narrowing of the lumen, strictures, mucosal bridging and deep, longitudinal and aphthous ulcers are common findings in children with Crohn’s disease (Figures 12.30–12.32). Allergic proctocolitis is characterized by inflammatory alterations of the colon and rectum, secondary to an immune reaction triggered by the ingestion of foreign proteins. The prevalence and natural history of allergic proctocolitis are unclear, although its frequency appears to be increasing even in infants who are exclusively breastfed. The most allergenic protein is mu‐lactoglobulin. Clinical manifestations occur in the first weeks or months of life. The common symptoms are rectal bleeding frequently associated with diarrhea and mucus in stool. The endoscopic findings consist of patchy edema and erythema, nodular lymphoid hyperplasia and occasional erosions or superficial small ulcers. The most affected area is the sigmoid colon, although the rectum and descending colon could be involved (Figure 12.33). It should be distinguished from isolated petechiae or small ulcerations in the sigmoid or descending colon induced by bowel preparation (Figure 12.34). Figure 12.30 Aphthous ulcer. A small, 4–5 mm, shallow lesion with the rim of erythema. (a) Aphthoid ulcers of the colon. (b) Aphthous ulcers in the terminal ileum. Figure 12.31 Deep longitudinal ulcers in a patient with Crohn’s disease. Small lymphoid aggregates in the colon are common in infants and toddlers. They appear as light pink polypoid or umbilical‐like lesions less than 3 mm (Figure 12.35). The rectum and sigmoid colon are the most involved. Intestinal lymphoid hyperplasia of the terminal ileum is defined as presence of multiple lymphoid follicles more than 3 mm in size (Figure 12.36). It is a frequent finding in infants with abdominal pain and recurrent rectal bleeding due to food allergy or unrelated processes. Occasionally, intestinal lymphoid hyperplasia can be the source of recurrent ileocolic intussusception (Figure 12.37). Juvenile polyps are the most common type of polyps in children. They have distinctive cystic architecture, mucus‐filled glands, prominent lamina propria, and dense infiltrations with inflammatory cells. They are most prevalent in children under 6 years of age. Recurrent painless rectal bleeding is a typical presenting symptom. Other manifestations include prolapsing rectal mass and an occasional presence of mucus in stool. A typical juvenile polyp is a 1 cm pedunculated structure. Polyps less than 1 cm are usually sessile and have a raspberry or smooth‐appearing “head” (Figure 12.38). Although autoamputation occurs frequently, some polyps grow longer, reaching a significant size of up to 3 or even 4 cm. A large juvenile polyp is usually located in the sigmoid colon (Figure 12.39). In rare cases, it might be found in the descending or transverse colon (Figure 12.40). Such a polyp may induce intermittent pain due to colonic intussusceptions. The appearance of pale light yellow‐speckled mucosa, a so‐called chicken skin mucosa (Figure 12.41), should alert the endoscopist to an adjacent large juvenile polyp. The hallmark of “chicken skin” mucosa is an accumulation of lipid‐laden macrophages in the lamina propria. Figure 12.32 (a) Mucosal bridging. (b) Colonic stricture. Figure 12.33 Allergic colitis. Multiple lymphoid follicles with rim of erythema: the “halo” sign and edema of the sigmoid colon. The co‐existence of juvenile polyps in both sites of the colon has been documented in at least one‐third of children. For this reason, colonoscopy with polypectomy is the procedure of choice for children with recurrent painless rectal bleeding. Different types of hereditary polyposis syndromes can be revealed during a pediatric colonoscopy. Diagnostic criteria for juvenile polyposis include the presence of five or more juvenile polyps in the colon (Figure 12.42). Surveillance colonoscopy is indicated due to an increased risk of colon cancer. Figure 12.34 Small aphthoid‐like lesions can occasionally be induced by bowel preparation. Peutz–Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is a unique form of hamartomatous polyposis associated with distinctive mucocutaneous pigmentation. It is caused by a germline mutation in the STK11 (LKB1) gene. The incidence of this condition is estimated to be between 1:50 000 to 1:200 000 live births. The polyps in patients with PJS display arborizing smooth muscle proliferation, distinguishing them from polyps in other forms of juvenile polyposis syndromes. Figure 12.35 Numerous lymphoid follicles in the sigmoid colon. Figure 12.36 Multiple enlarged (more than 3 mm) lymphoid follicles in the terminal ileum is the sign of intestinal lymphoid hyperplasia, a nonspecific reaction of the intestinal immune system to various food or bacterial/viral antigens. The diagnosis of PJS is based on the presence of one of the following clinical criteria: any number of hamartomatous polyps detected in an individual who has a family history of PJS in close relatives, characteristic mucocutaneous pigmentation in patients with close relatives diagnosed with PJS, and any number of polyps in individuals with characteristic mucocutaneous pigmentation. Polyps occur more commonly in the small intestine. At least half of the patients have additional polyps in the colon and stomach. Polyps in children with PJS vary from a few millimeters to more than 5 cm. They are firmly anchored to the bowel wall by arborized smooth muscle bundles, preventing spontaneous amputation and predisposing to small bowel intussusception. Surveillance protocols in PJS target two goals: detection and removal of sizeable polyps preventing intussusception and detection of cancers at an early stage. Figure 12.37 Six‐year‐old boy with recurrent ileocolonic intussusceptions. Intraoperative ileoscopy revealed highly enlarged (more than 4 mm) lymphoid follicles with multiple petechiae in the terminal ileum. Four‐week treatment with oral prednisone was successful with complete resolution of lymphoid nodular hyperplasia and recurrent abdominal pain. Figure 12.38 Sessile juvenile polyp. Figure 12.39 Pedunculated juvenile polyp. A baseline EGD, colonoscopy and capsule endoscopy is indicated at the onset of clinical manifestation or at 8 years of age in asymptomatic children. All significant polyps (1 cm or bigger) should be removed. Children with significant polyps should be scheduled for a surveillance endoscopy every three years or sooner if symptoms occur. Double balloon enteroscopy is the procedure of choice for treatment of symptomatic children with small bowel hamartomas. Figure 12.40 Large juvenile polyp in the descending colon. Figure 12.41 The “chicken skin” sign. The mucosa around a large juvenile polyp has a specific pattern induced by lipid‐loaded macrophages. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a group of hereditary polyposis syndromes including autosomal dominant forms: familial adenomatous polyposis, attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis (AFAP), and autosomal recessive MYH‐associated polyposis (MAP). Germline mutations of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene are present in 60–80% of classic FAP and 10–30% of AFAP patients. Mutations of the base excision repair (MYH) gene are likely to account for about 10%, 20%, and 25% of individuals with FAP, AFAP, and MAP respectively. Figure 12.42 Juvenile polyposis. Multiple juvenile polyps in the rectum and the colon. Mutations associated with classic FAP inevitably lead to colorectal cancer before the age of 39 in affected individuals without colectomy. There is some correlation between specific mutation and clinical phenotype. Mutations between APC codons 1250 and 1464 cause severe polyposis, generally with >5000 polyps, and the recurrent codon 1309 mutation is associated with early onset and development of thousands of polyps. Mutations linked with AFPC are responsible for different phenotypes as well: a late onset of polyps and cancer, a smaller number of polyps (less than 100; average 30), and predisposition toward involvement of the proximal colon and extracolonic manifestations. Most children with FAP do not have any gastrointestinal manifestation of polyposis. The exception is a group of young children without a family history of FAP who tend to have an earlier onset of hematochezia. In this scenario, colonoscopy should not be delayed. Once the diagnosis of FAP is confirmed, upper GI endoscopy is reasonable for early detection of adenomatous polyps in the duodenum. The main endoscopic feature of FPC in children is usually dozens or hundreds of small sessile polyps (Figure 12.43). Multiple biopsies and polypectomies of the largest polyps are essential for diagnosis of adenomatous polyps and low‐ or high‐grade dysplasia. Genetic testing and surveillance sigmoidoscopy for asymptomatic children with family history of FAP usually begin between 11 and 15 years of age. Once the patient is diagnosed with FAP, prophylactic colectomy should be planned. According to recommendations of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, for patients with mild disease and low cancer risk, prophylactic colectomy can be done in the mid‐teens (15–18 years). When severe disease is found or if the patient is symptomatic, surgery is performed as soon as convenient after diagnosis. Sporadic adenocarcinoma of the colon in children is extremely rare. The presenting symptoms include progressive weight loss, changes of bowel habits, fatigue, anemia, and intermittent rectal bleeding. Despite the warning signs, the diagnosis is typically delayed by a few months due to a low level of suspicion. Tumors are equally distributed between the left and right colon. During colonoscopy, adenocarcinomas appear as discolored masses (Figure 12.44). It is quite difficult to examine the entire lesion due to an almost complete obstruction of the intestinal lumen and severe edema of surrounding tissue. Usually, the tumor edge is firm and easily fragmented during biopsy. Most tumors are mucinous adenocarcinomas. Figure 12.43 Multiple colon polyps in a 5‐year‐old boy with FAP. Figure 12.44 Adenocarcinoma of the right colon in an 11‐year‐old boy with significant weight loss, anemia, and ascites. Colonoscopy revealed severe edema of the distal part of the ascending colon. Further exploration of the ascending colon showed an ulcerated large tumor. The biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of mucinous adenocarcinoma. The determining factor of malignancy in patients with ulcerative colitis seems to be the severity of the original disease as well as the extent of mucosal involvement and duration of colitis. The cancer risk for patients with pancolitis is 3% in the first decade of disease and 1–2% per year thereafter. Patients with pancolitis should begin bi‐yearly colonoscopies, 10 years after the onset of the disease. Multiple biopsies taken at intervals of a few centimeters of each other are recommended. Any flat or elevated lesions should be additional targets. Chromoendoscopy has been found useful to increase the yield of finding high‐grade dysplasia in adults. More recently, confocal endomicroscopy has allowed greater accuracy in biopsy targeting. Non‐Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the terminal ileum can be discovered during colonoscopy in children with intermittent abdominal pain and weight loss. Pain is usually a result of ileocolonic intussusception. During colonoscopy, irregular masses occupying the intestinal lumen may be found in the cecum or ascending colon (Figure 12.45). Care should be taken to avoid deep embedding of the forceps into the tumor in order to prevent peeling of a large tissue fragment. Proper fixative solution is important for correct morphological and cytogenetic diagnosis. Figure 12.45 Non‐Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the ileum. The indications for a colonoscopy were intermittent severe right low quadrant pain, weight loss, and anemia. The intussusception was found in the descending colon. It was gently reduced after the tissue samples were cautiously obtained. Figure 12.46 Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the colon: multiple yellowish sessile polypoid lesions in the colon. Figure 12.47 Large hemangioma of the sigmoid colon in a 3‐year‐old girl with recurrent episodes of low GI bleeding. Figure 12.48 Angiodysplasia of the colon in a child with recurrent low GI bleeding. Tortuous, engorged small vessels are quite different from the normal colonic vasculature on the background of the image. Well‐documented colon involvement in Langerhans cell histiocytosis is very rare. Initial symptoms are not specific and may include diarrhea, sometimes with blood or mucus, malabsorption, failure to thrive, and edema secondary to protein‐losing enteropathy. Colonoscopy may reveal yellowish sessile polypoid lesions throughout the colon or rectum (Figure 12.46). Figure 12.49 Idiopathic colonic varices of the right colon in a 9‐year‐old boy with recurrent low GI bleeding. Figure 12.50 Congenital colonic varices in a 3‐week‐old baby with hematochezia and severe anemia. (a,b) Panoramic and close‐up view of the colonic varices. (c) Ischemic ulcers at the site of the varices. Vascular malformation of the gastrointestinal tract is a rare finding in children. Three types of vascular malformation of the colon have been described in children: hemangiomas (Figure 12.47), angiodysplasia (Figure 12.48) and congenital/idiopathic colonic varices (Figures 12.49 and 12.50). The hallmark of these lesions is lower GI bleeding, which could be life‐threatening. Angiodyplastic lesions in children have a predisposition to the left side of the colon and rectum. Endoscopic hemostasis of bleeding angiodysplasis can be achieved using argon plasma coagulation.
Pediatric ileocolonoscopy
Bowel preparation for colonoscopy
Indications for ileocolonoscopy
Contraindications for ileocolonoscopy
Conditions with a high risk of perforation:
Fulminant colitis
Toxic megacolon
Recent surgical anastomoses (<8 weeks post surgery)
Some connective tissue disorders
Poor bowel preparation
Respiratory and cardiovascular distress
Working length (mm)
Insertion tube diameter (mm)
Biopsy channel diameter (mm)
Olympus CF‐HQ190L/I
Fujinon EC‐6000 HL
Pentax EC38‐iL/F/M
Working length (mm)
Insertion tube diameter (mm)
Biopsy channel diameter (mm)
PCF‐ H190L
PCF‐ H190 I
Fujinon EC‐550 LS5
EC‐3490LK Slim CD
Working length (mm)
Insertion tube diameter (mm)
Biopsy channel diameter (mm)
Olympus PCF‐ PH190L/I
Fujinon EC‐580 RD/L/M
Pentax EC34‐2990 Li
Informed consent and preprocedure preparation
Specifics of sedation for colonoscopy
Embryology of the colon relative to ileocolonoscopy
Endoscopic anatomy of the colon and terminal ileum
Torque steering technique – the key to successful ileocolonoscopy
Golden rules of ileocolonoscopy
Technique of ileocolonoscopy
Handling the colonoscope
Getting started and patient positioning
Rectal intubation
Endoscopic clues to a hidden lumen
Exploration of the sigmoid colon and sigmoid–descending junction
Descending colon
Splenic flexure and transverse colon
Hepatic flexure, ascending colon, and cecum
Terminal ileum intubation
Minor complications: no need for hospitalization
Major complications: requirement for hospitalization
Structural damage of the intestine or adjacent organs
Small, nonobstructing mucosal or submucosal hematomas, small mucosal lacerations, petechiae
Bleeding requiring blood transfusion and endoscopic or surgical hemostasis; post polypectomy syndrome
Absence of structural damage
Transient abdominal pain, bloating, abdominal distension resolving after passing gas, mild dehydration secondary to bowel preparation, transient hypoxia
Cardiovascular and respiratory distress, prolonged episode of hypoxia requiring resuscitation and/or endotracheal intubation
Common pathology: rectal bleeding
Inflammatory bowel disease
Allergic proctocolitis
Pseudopolyps, juvenile polyps, and polyposis syndromes
Rare pathology
Polyposis syndromes
Peutz–Jeghers syndrome
Familial adenomatous polyposis
Colon cancer
Adenocarcinoma of the colon in ulcerative colitis
Non‐Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the terminal ileum
Isolated Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the colon
Vascular malformation of the colon

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