Pediatric procedural sedation and general anesthesia for gastrointestinal endoscopy

Pediatric procedural sedation and general anesthesia for gastrointestinal endoscopy

Tom Kallay, Rok Orel, and Jernej Brecelj


Sedation or general anesthesia is a prerequisite for safe and effective endoscopic procedures in the majority of pediatric patients. General anesthesia is always performed by an anesthesiologist. Ideally, deep sedation should be performed by an anesthesiologist too, but this depends on national or institutional organization and resources. Even in environments where sedation by nonanesthesiologists is the usual approach, this activity must be organized according to the highest safety standards with a skilled anesthesiologist team available for specific procedures, high‐risk patients or possible complications.

The goals of procedural sedation are to (i) guard the patient’s safety and welfare; (ii) minimize physical discomfort and pain; (iii) control anxiety and minimize psychological trauma (in the child and parents); (iv) control behavior and/or movement to allow the safe completion of the procedure; and (v) return the patient to a state in which safe discharge from medical supervision is possible.

Definitions/spectrum of sedation to general anesthesia

There are four levels of sedation defined by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), and these may be thought of as a continuum: minimal sedation (anxiolysis), moderate sedation and analgesia (conscious sedation), deep sedation (unconscious), and general anesthesia.

Anxiolysis is a drug‐induced state where motor and cognitive functions may be impaired, but the patient responds to verbal commands. Ventilatory and cardiovascular functions are largely unaffected with anxiolysis.

During moderate sedation, also known as conscious sedation, the child may respond purposefully to verbal commands (e.g., “open your eyes”) with or without light tactile stimulation. Airway and cardiovascular function are unaffected; however, endoscopy presents a unique challenge as the tools employed for the procedure can predispose some patients to airway obstruction. This is especially relevant in smaller children, where the trachea is smaller and with soft cartilaginous rings, and more prone to obstruction than that of an older child with a larger, more rigid airway. In some cases where there is considerable risk of airway obstruction with endoscopy, intubation may be indicated. Due to the relative size of the endoscope and discomfort involved in its placement, moderate sedation is rarely successful in children when performing this procedure, unless the patient is old enough to cooperate.

Deep sedation refers to a state in which the child responds only to deep or repeated stimulation, and ventilation may be impaired. Patients may require assistance with ventilation or maintaining an airway, but cardiovascular function is usually maintained. One can anticipate a partial or complete loss of airway protective reflexes in this state, and preparations must be in place to accommodate for this.

General anesthesia describes a state in which there is no response to painful stimuli, and ventilation assistance is usually required due to depressed consciousness and neuromuscular function. Hemodynamic function may be compromised as well.

General anesthesia with endotracheal intubation is mandatory in patients graded III or higher according to the ASA physical status classification III (Box 4.1), in emergent procedures such as gastrointestinal bleeding or foreign body removal or more complex procedures such as endoscopic gastrostomy insertions or stenosis dilations. In interventional endoscopic procedures, a tracheal tube provides some airway protection against aspiration.

Sedation and analgesia for diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy in children carries a number of considerations dependent on differences in age, developmental status, and presence of co‐morbidities. One of the goals in sedating children is to control behavior, which is entirely dependent on their chronological and developmental age. Children younger than 6 or 7 years often require a deep level of sedation in order to safely complete an uncomfortable procedure, where respiratory drive, airway patency and protective reflexes may be compromised. Studies have shown that it is common for children to pass from the intended level of sedation into a deeper state in an effort to control their behavior, where physiologic compromise may occur. In order to provide the safest conditions for a child undergoing sedation, it is important to understand the definitions pertaining to level of consciousness, as well as having the ability to rescue a child from a deeper level of sedation than was intended.

Assessing risk in the pediatric patient

The Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium (PSRC) is a collaborative of 40 hospitals and universities in the United States and Canada with a mission dedicated to understanding and improving the process of pediatric sedation and sedation outcomes. Member institutions prospectively enroll pediatric patients receiving sedation for all procedures outside the operating room, and the data are entered into a central database. This rich database has contributed a great deal to pediatric procedural sedation literature over the last 10 years.

Predictors of adverse events for GI procedures

In 2015 a review was performed to assess the predictors for adverse events during esophagoduodenoscopy (EGD) and colonoscopies for pediatric patients. 12 030 procedures were examined: 7970 EGD, 1378 colonoscopies and 2682 were a combination of both. The majority of adverse events were desaturation (1.5%) and airway obstruction (1%); there were no deaths or CPR administered. This analysis revealed that ASA greater than or equal to II, receiving both procedures, obesity, presence of lower airway disease, and age were independent predictors of adverse events. The highest occurrence of adverse events (15%) occurred in those less than 1 year of age, with an occurrence of 8% in those between 2 and 5 years. While the adverse events did not result in permanent consequences, the findings do support a case for preemptive airway control with endotracheal intubation in young children undergoing GI procedures.


In 2015 the PRSC database was examined to quantify the effect of obesity on rates of adverse events. The study included 5153 patients with a body mass index greater than the 95th percentile, and compared them to 23 639 nonobese patients. Comparison of the groups revealed that obese children have a higher incidence of adverse respiratory events and resulting airway interventions during procedural sedation (odds ratio [OR] 1.49, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.31–1.7). The obese group had a higher incidence of the need for bag valve mask (BVM), use of nasopharyngeal (NP) airway, and head repositioning (OR 1.56, 95% CI 1.35–1.8). These findings provide further supporting evidence that obesity is an independent risk factor for adverse events, as well as the need for airway intervention.


Historically, the issue of fasting intervals before an elective procedure has generally followed those for elective anesthesia set forth by the ASA, yet recently these have come into question. Current ASA NPO guidelines state six hours is sufficient time for most foods, including infant formula, eight hours for a full meal and 4–6 hours for breast milk and clear liquids.

In 2016 the PRSC examined the effect NPO status had on aspiration, as well as major complications such as cardiac arrest or unplanned hospital admission. A total of 139 142 procedural sedations were reviewed. NPO status was known in 107 947 cases; 25 401 (23.5%) were not NPO. Aspiration occurred in eight of 82 546 (0.97 events per 10 000) who were made NPO per ASA guidelines versus two of 25 401 (0.79 events per 10 000) who were not NPO (OR 0.81, 95% CI 0.08–4.08; p = 0.79). Major complications occurred in 46 of 82 546 (5.57 events per 10 000) versus 15 of 25 401 (5.91 events per 10 000) (OR 1.06, 95% CI 0.55–1.93; p = 0.88). Overall, there were 0 deaths, 10 aspirations, and 75 major complications. Multivariate analysis revealed NPO status is not a predictor of either aspiration or experiencing a major complication.

Upper respiratory infection

The presence of URI is ubiquitous in pediatrics. The decision to cancel a procedure due to an upper respiratory infection can have impacts on patient care, as well as logistical problems for healthcare providers and parents. There are numerous studies suggesting that when anesthesia is administered to a patient with an active or recent URI, there is an increased frequency of airway events such as coughing or laryngo/bronchospasm.

In 2012 the PRSC evaluated this question. A total of 83 491 sedations were included; 70 830 without URI were compared to 13 319 patients with either recent or active URI, classified as having either thin or thick colored secretions. Data were examined for airway‐related adverse events.

Occurrence of adverse events increased progressively from 6.3% for those with no URI, 9.3% for recent URI, 14.6% for URI with thin secretions, to 22.2% for those with URI and thick secretions (p < 0.001). The most common events were airway obstruction, oxygen desaturation, snoring, cough that interfered with the procedure, secretions requiring suctioning, stridor, or wheezing. The need for airway interventions followed an identical pattern, increasing from no URI through URI with thick secretions. The most common interventions were providing BVM, suction, or repositioning. There were no emergent airway interventions, unplanned admissions, or administrations of CPR.

The data suggest that in addition to a recent or active URI, the nature of the secretions is significant in assessing risk, with thick secretions carrying the highest risk. While the findings revealed a statistically significant difference, the nature of the events and consequences may not be clinically significant. Events such as laryngospasm, aspiration, emergent intubation, unplanned admission, and emergent call for anesthesia all remained <1% regardless of URI status. While there is a higher risk for adverse events in children with recent or active URI with thick secretions, these must be balanced against the acuity of the patient’s condition and the urgency of procedure.


A thorough presedation assessment is crucial in order to identify patients at risk for adverse events. Sedation for endoscopy must be tailored for each individual, yet preparations should be approached in the same stepwise fashion for every patient. The components of a presedation evaluation should include (i) informed consent, (ii) verbal and written instructions for postprocedure issues, (iii) the child’s medical history, (iv) physical exam, and (v) a risk assessment.

Informed consent specific to the procedural sedation must be obtained and documented in accordance with institutional guidelines. Verbal and written instructions to the parent or guardian should include the objectives of the sedation as well as anticipated effects during and after the procedure. Patients must know whom to contact after the procedure if any medical issue arises after being discharged from the hospital

The medical history should focus on any current or past medical illnesses affecting the cardiovascular, respiratory, hepatic or renal systems, which may affect the child’s response to the medications chosen. Consultation with a pharmacist may be necessary when there is a concern for drug interaction. Previous experiences with procedures should be elicited in order to uncover events that the child may be predisposed to, and a family history regarding anesthesia should be obtained. A thorough history of allergies to any medications or foods is important. As an example, propofol is manufactured in an oil‐in‐water base with egg and soybean oil, and therefore is contraindicated for use in a patient with egg or soybean allergy.

The physical exam must include a complete set of vital signs, which includes temperature, heart and respiratory rate, blood pressure, and pulse oximetry. A current weight is needed for appropriate medication dosing. Particular attention must be paid to the oropharynx for findings such as micrognathia, facial dysmorphism, loose teeth, tonsillar hypertrophy, or any other condition which could affect the airway. Heart exam should focus on the presence of murmurs or gallops which could indicate anatomical or functional issues. The airway exam should focus on the presence of stridor or wheezing.

Risk assessment includes assigning an ASA physical status classification level (Appendix I). Children who are Class I and II are considered appropriate candidates for minimal, moderate, and deep sedation. Situations which would indicate consultation with an anesthesiologist would be ASA class III or IV, children with congenital heart or pulmonary disease, significant upper or lower airway obstruction (such as tonsillar hypertrophy or poorly controlled asthma), or morbid obesity. Neurologic conditions such as poorly controlled seizures, central apnea, or severe developmental delay are also considered high risk, and warrant consultation with appropriate specialty services.

Staffing and environment preparation

At a minimum, the staff required for pediatric endoscopy with procedural sedation consists of four individuals. In addition to the gastroenterologist and endoscopy nurse, there must be an anesthesiologist (in case of general anesthesia or sedation provided by anesthesiologist) or another practitioner dedicated to monitoring the patient, whose sole responsibility is to continually observe and respond to the patient’s vital signs, physiologic status, and level of sedation. The practitioner should be skilled in assessment of cardiopulmonary function: respiratory rate and depth, early recognition of cyanosis, perfusion, and pulse assessment. Optimally, this individual would have a dedicated sedation nurse but this may not be possible at some institutions. Whether the sedation practitioner is a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner, they should be PALS certified and have adequate specialized training in pediatric procedural sedation and rescue techniques. Regular maintenance of these skills is recommended.

The majority of procedures are performed in endoscopy suites, which must be appropriately equipped to perform sedations safely. A crash cart or kit should include age‐ and size‐appropriate equipment and medications necessary to resuscitate a child. Airway equipment must include size‐appropriate BVM, airway delivery devices, and intubating equipment with age‐appropriate endotracheal tube sizes and laryngoscope blades. Cardiorespiratory monitoring should include electrocardiography, respiratory tracing, pulse oximetry, capnography, and noninvasive blood pressure monitoring with size‐appropriate cuffs. An oxygen source and suction with catheters must be available. A defibrillator, with pediatric paddles and adhesive pads, should be accessible. There should be a protocol for accessing a higher level of care such as a pediatric intensive care or step‐down unit, and in nonhospital environments, a system for accessing ambulance services.

Anesthesia apparatus is essential for procedures in general anesthesia. It may be situated in the endoscopy suite or the endoscopy team may perform procedures in the operating theatre with a mobile endoscopic device.

During sedation and monitoring

Before the administration of medications, a baseline set of vital signs should be documented. The name, route, site, time, and dosage of all drugs administered should be recorded. Once medication administration has begun, level of consciousness and vital signs should be documented on a time‐based flow sheet every five minutes. The vital signs documented should include heart and respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure. Once the procedure is complete and no more medications are to be administered, vital signs should be documented every 15 minutes until the child awakens.

Whether administration of medications is performed by the gastroenterologist or the sedation practitioner, good communication is crucial in order to provide optimal procedural sedation. It is important in order to anticipate physiologic changes or the conclusion of the procedure, which could affect a decision to administer a dose of medication or not. Timing of medication administration should be predicated on anticipating patient responses, which is best performed by maintaining an awareness of the procedure through observation and communication. It is the responsibility of the individual monitoring the patient to alert the gastroenterologist to physiologic deterioration, and to temporarily stop the procedure if rescue measures are required.

The nature of gastrointestinal endoscopy mandates a discussion of the specific physiological considerations inherent to the procedure. For example, esophageal intubation can induce apnea and bradycardia due to stimulation of the laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve. Infants or children with spastic neuromuscular disorders are especially prone to this, due to their small size and high cricopharyngeal tone, respectively. When air is insufflated into the gastrointestinal tract, it has the potential to cause respiratory insufficiency. Excess air in the stomach can elevate the left hemidiaphragm, impeding respiratory excursion and subsequently tidal volumes, which can be deleterious for ventilation and oxygenation. The loss of functional residual capacity can subsequently cause hypoxemia from loss of alveolar recruitment, and positive pressure ventilation, along with gastric decompression, may be necessary to recover adequate oxygen saturation.

Mesenteric stretch can cause various degrees of abdominal discomfort in some individuals, and adequate analgesia is needed to blunt this response. Intense pain during a colonoscopy, for example, is a sign of excessive mesenteric stretching and requires not only adequate analgesia but immediate adjustment of endoscopic technique. This situation highlights the need for constant communication between the gastroenterologist and monitor, as adjustments must be made by both individuals for the best procedural conditions.

The issue of standard supplemental oxygen use is controversial. Due to the nature of the procedure, supplemental oxygen is often needed to maintain adequate oxygen saturations. It must be kept in mind that failure in ventilation may be masked by supplemental oxygen, due to the law of partial pressures in the alveoli.

End‐tidal capnography

Oxygen desaturation (i.e., oxygen saturation <90% in USA or <92% in Europe) in the setting of procedural sedation is a sign of suboptimal ventilation. Patients receiving supplemental oxygen can be 100% saturated with significantly elevated carbon dioxide levels, and be at risk for respiratory deterioration. Over the last 10 years, improved microstream capnographs have arrived which allow accurate, real‐time measurement and continuous display of end‐tidal carbon dioxide. This does not, however, obviate the need for continued close observation of respiratory function at all times.

In a prospective, randomized, controlled trial, integrating capnography into monitoring of nonintubated children receiving moderate sedation for pediatric endoscopy and colonoscopy was shown to reduce hypoxemia. Many hospitals have instituted mandatory use of end‐tidal monitors for all procedural sedations.

Postsedation care

The child who has received moderate or deep sedation must be monitored in an appropriate environment which includes vital signs and pulse oximetry until they are awake. The period of wakefulness should be sustainable, as children emerging from sedation often drift between states of sleep and consciousness as the drugs are metabolized. The recovery area should include qualified staff to continuously record vital signs every 15 minutes, suction apparatus, and oxygen delivery devices including BVM. Patients who have received medications with a long half‐life, or reversal agents such as naloxone or flumazenil, should be monitored for a longer period of time due to the risk of resedation.

The following are recommended discharge criteria.

  • Cardiovascular function and airway patency are adequate and stable.
  • The patient is easily arousable and protective reflexes are intact.
  • The patient can talk (if age appropriate).
  • The patient can sit up without assistance (if age appropriate).
  • For patients who are very young or developmentally delayed, the presedation level of responsiveness or a level as close as possible for that child should be achieved.
  • The state of hydration is adequate.


Procedural sedation in children carries a significant number of considerations which depend on the developmental and chronological age of the patient, history of previous experiences, and individualized response to medication. In order to avoid complications, the setting for the procedure must be well equipped, and the staff performing procedural sedation must be adequately trained in pediatric pharmacology and resuscitation. Good communication between all practitioners during the procedure contributes to a safe and efficient environment, and the likelihood of procedural success.

Societal guidelines must be adapted to specific national legislation and institutional protocols. Once established, sedation and general anesthesia protocols must be controlled subjected to constant quality monitoring.

Dec 15, 2022 | Posted by in GASTROENTEROLOGY | Comments Off on Pediatric procedural sedation and general anesthesia for gastrointestinal endoscopy

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