Study population
Treatment arms
PFS (months)
OS (months)
GOG 111
Stage III with residual disease >1 cm after initial surgery or stage IV disease
Cisplatin (75 mg/m2)/Cyclophosphamide (750 mg/m2)
Cisplatin (75 mg/m2)/Paclitaxel (135 mg/m2 over 24 h)
18 (p < 0.001)
38 (p < 0.001)
FIGO stage IIB-IV with either ≤1 cm residual disease or >1 cm residual disease after initial surgery
Cisplatin (75 mg/m2)/Cyclophosphamide (750 mg/m2)
Cisplatin (75 mg/m2)/Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2 over 3 h)
15.5 (p < 0.0005)
35.6 (p = 0.0016)
GOG 132
Stage III with residual disease >1 cm after initial surgery or stage IV disease
Cisplatin (100 mg/m2)
Paclitaxel (200 mg/m2 over 24 h)
Cisplatin (75 mg/m2)/Paclitaxel (135 mg/m2 over 24 h)
14.1 (p = 0.002)
26.3 (p = 0.310)
All FIGO stages irrespective of optimal or sub-optimal debulking
CAP* or Carboplatin (AUC5 or 6)
Carboplatin (AUC5 or 6)/Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2 over 3 h)
17.3 (p = 0.16)
36.1 (p = 0.74)
6 cycles of Carboplatin (AUC6)/Paclitaxel (185 mg/m2 over 3 h)
6 cycles of Cisplatin (75 mg/m2)/Paclitaxel (185 mg/m2 over 3 h)
19.1 NS
44.1 NS
FIGO stage III with ≤1 cm residual disease after initial surgery
6 cycles of Carboplatin (AUC7.5)/Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2 over 3 h)
6 cycles of Cisplatin (75 mg/m2)/Paclitaxel (135 mg/m2 over 24 h)
Dutch-Danish Intergroup study
≥6 cycles of Carboplatin (AUC5)/Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2 over 3 h)
≥6 cycles of Cisplatin ((75 mg/m2)/Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2 over 3 h)
30 (HR1.07; 95 CI, 0.78-0.48)
GOG 218
FIGO stage III or stage IV
6 cycles Carboplatin (AUC6)/Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2), placebo with cycles 2–22
Carboplatin (AUC6)/Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2), bevacizumab (15 mg/Kg) with cycles 2–6 followed by placebo cycles 7–22
11.2 (p = 0.16)
Carboplatin (AUC6)/Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2), bevacizumab (15 mg/Kg) with cycles 2–22
14.1 (p < 0.001)
High risk early stage disease (FIGO stage I OR IIA and clear cell or grade 3 tumors) or advanced ovarian cancer (FIGO IIB-IV)
6 cycles of Carboplatin (AUC 5 or 6)/Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2)
6 cycles Carboplatin (AUC 5 or 6)/Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2)/bevacizumab (7.5 mg/Kg) +12 cycles bevacizumab maintenance or until disease progression
19 (p = 0.004)
36.6** (p = 0.002)
Intraperitoneal (IP) chemotherapy studies
GOG 104
Stage III with debulking surgery to a size of ≤2 cm residual
6 cycles of 3-weekly IV cyclophosphamide (600 mg/m2)/IV Cisplatin (100 mg/m2)
6 cycles of 3-weekly IV cyclophosphamide (600 mg/m2)/IP Cisplatin (100 mg/m2)
49 (p = 0.02)
GOG 114
Stage III with ≤1 cm residual disease after debulking surgery
6 cycles of 3-weekly IV paclitaxel (135 mg/m2)/ IV Cisplatin (75 mg/m2)
2 cycles of 4-weekly IV Carboplatin (AUC 9) followed by 6 cycles of 3-weekly IV paclitaxel (135 mg/m2)/IP Cisplatin (100 mg/m2)
28 (p = 0.01)
63 (p = 0.05)
GOG 172
Stage III with ≤1 cm residual disease after debulking surgery
6 cycles of 3-weekly IV paclitaxel (135 mg/m2)/ IV Cisplatin (75 mg/m2)
6 cycles of 3-weekly IV paclitaxel (135 mg/m2)/IP Cisplatin (100 mg/m2) on day 2 and IP paclitaxel (60 mg/m2) on day 8
23.8 (p = 0.05)
65.6 (p = 0.03)
The results of the European and Canadian Intergroup trial (EORTC-NCIC OV-10) provided confirmatory evidence for cisplatin and paclitaxel as the standard regimen in advanced ovarian cancer [5]. Compared to GOG-111, this study had a broader selection of patients by also including patients with optimally debulked stage III or IV disease, as well as those having FIGO stage IIB or IIC disease and allowed recruitment of patients who had undergone interval debulking surgery. Additionally, the dose of paclitaxel was higher (175 mg/m2 vs. 135 mg/m2) with a shorter infusion time of 3 h, instead of 24 h, as this strategy had previously been found to be more convenient, produce less neutropenia, as well as confer a PFS advantage. After a median follow-up of 38.5 months, a longer PFS (15.5 vs. 11.5 months, p = 0.0005) and OS (35.6 vs. 25.8 months, p = 0.0016) was observed in the cisplatin and paclitaxel arm compared to the cisplatin and cyclophosphamide arm.
However, the GOG-132 trial which compared cisplatin (100 mg/m2) or paclitaxel (200 mg/m2 24 h infusion) monotherapy with the cisplatin (75 mg/m2) and paclitaxel (135 mg/m2) combination therapy in suboptimally debulked stage III or IV ovarian cancer did not find any difference in PFS or OS in the combination arm compared to either of the monotherapy arms [6]. Similarly, the International collaborative ovarian neoplasm (ICON)-3 group study which compared carboplatin (AUC5, if glomerular filtration rate (GFR) used and AUC6, if Cockcroft Gault equation used) and paclitaxel (175 mg/m2 over 3 h) against either single agent carboplatin (AUC5 or 6) or a combination of cyclophosphamide (500 mg/m2), doxorubicin (50 mg/m2) and cisplatin (50 mg/m2) (CAP) also failed to show an OS advantage for the carboplatin/paclitaxel arm [7]. A likely explanation for the lack of survival advantage seen in GOG-132 and ICON3 is that a significant proportion of patients crossed over prior to progression (>20 %) thereby diminishing any potential survival benefit in the platinum/paclitaxel arms. A possible interpretation of the results is that sequential treatment with platinum/paclitaxel is equivalent to the combination.
Once the role of paclitaxel in combination with a platinum agent was established, the AGO-OVAR-3, GOG-158 and Dutch-Danish Intergroup studies concluded that first line chemotherapy with carboplatin and paclitaxel was at least as effective and associated with a better toxicity profile than the cisplatin combination [8–10].
41.3 Optimizing First-Line Combination Chemotherapy
Following the adoption of carboplatin in combination with paclitaxel every 3 weeks for six cycles as the international standard of care, issues including choice of taxane, triple therapy, chemotherapy scheduling and mode of delivery to further improve outcome have been evaluated. However, many questions regarding the optimization of chemotherapy in this setting remain unclear and the results of ongoing studies are awaited.
Choice of Chemotherapy
The Scottish Randomised Trial in Ovarian Cancer (SCOTROC)-1 established that the substitution of paclitaxel (175 mg/m2) with docetaxel (75 mg/m2) was not inferior in terms of survival or clinical response and was associated with less neurotoxicity, at the expense of increased grade 3/4 neutropenia [11]. Carboplatin in combination with docetaxel may be an acceptable alternative to carboplatin/paclitaxel for some patients where neurotoxicity is a particular concern.
Several phase III trials have addressed the addition of a third cytotoxic agent to carboplatin/paclitaxel [12–14]. The GOG0182-ICON5 was a randomized, phase III trial containing five arms which incorporated gemcitabine, liposomal doxorubicin, or topotecan compared with carboplatin and paclitaxel [14]. The addition of a third cytotoxic agent has not been shown to improve long-term clinical outcomes and is associated with increased hematological toxicity.
Scheduling of Carboplatin/Paclitaxel
The standard of care is a three-weekly schedule of carboplatin and paclitaxel. However, it has suggested that a dose-fractionated schedule may enhance antitumor activity leading to improved survival. A Japanese study JGOG3016 set out to address this. The study compared six cycles of dose dense weekly paclitaxel (80 mg/m2, given IV over 1 h) in addition to 3-weekly carboplatin (AUC6) against 3-weekly carboplatin (AUC 6) and paclitaxel (180 mg/m2 IV over 3 h) in patients with advanced ovarian cancer [15]. Despite higher rates of myelosuppression, delays and dose modifications in the dose dense group, at the median follow up period of 76.8 months, the median PFS (28.2 months vs. 17.5 months, P = 0.004) and median OS (100.5 months vs. 62.2 months, P = 0.039) was longer in the dose dense group compared to the conventional group [16]. The outcome of this study could lead to change in standard of care and confirmation of the findings of the JGOG study in different study populations is required. Results of the MITO-7 study comparing 3-weekly carboplatin (AUC6) and paclitaxel (175 mg/m2) against weekly carboplatin (AUC2) and weekly paclitaxel (80 mg/m2) did not demonstrate a significant benefit in PFS with weekly administration compared to standard carboplatin/paclitaxel every 3 weeks, but was associated with better QoL and toxicity [17]. The ongoing ICON-8 trial is a randomized, phase III, three arm, study evaluating dose fractionation schedules (3 weekly carboplatin/paclitaxel vs 3 weekly carboplatin/weekly paclitaxel vs weekly carboplatin/paclitaxel) following immediate surgery or as part of delayed primary surgery.
Maintenance Chemotherapy
Despite surgery and first-line chemotherapy, at least 65 % of women who achieve a complete response will eventually relapse, at which stage the condition is deemed incurable. Maintenance chemotherapy after initial therapy has been explored as a possible strategy to prevent or delay relapse. In the phase III SWOG 9701/GOG 178 study, patients with advanced ovarian cancer who had achieved complete clinical response were randomly assigned to receive 3 or 12 additional cycles of 4-weekly paclitaxel. Based on an interim analysis which reported a significant improvement in PFS of 7 months (21 vs 28 months) in the 12 cycle arm, the study was stopped prematurely [18]. However, no OS advantage was demonstrated [19]. Potential reasons for a lack of OS benefit include the effect of subsequent therapies, crossover of patients from 3 cycles to 12 cycles and reduced sample size due to the closure of the study. The Italian Cooperative Group After-6 phase III trial evaluated six cycles of 3-weekly paclitaxel as maintenance therapy compared with observation. No significant difference in PFS (34 vs 30 months) or OS (2 year survival rate: 87 % vs 90 %) between the paclitaxel and observation arms was seen following an interim futility analysis and the study closed early [20]. The ongoing GOG-0212 study is evaluating paclitaxel or polyglutamate paclitaxel or observation in women with stage III/IV ovarian cancer who achieve a complete clinical response to primary platinum/paclitaxel chemotherapy.
41.4 The Role of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Primary surgery aims to achieve complete tumor resection with no residual disease because it has been shown that the volume of residual disease following surgery is an independent prognostic indicator.
In some cases of advanced ovarian cancer including stage IV disease, complete cytoreductive surgery with no residual disease may not realistically be achievable. In addition, a proportion of patients may be too unwell at presentation to undergo such major, radical surgery. This has led to debate regarding whether primary surgery or neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by interval debulking surgery after three to four cycles of chemotherapy is the preferred option [21–23]. Cytoreductive surgery is an integral component in the management of ovarian cancer, there are some concerns that delaying surgery for patients to have chemotherapy may impact on overall outcome. In addition, some subtypes of epithelial ovarian cancer, such as low-grade serous carcinomas do not respond well to chemotherapy and in such cases there is an argument for primary surgery. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 55971 trial recruited potentially operable patients with stage IIIc or IV disease and randomized them to receive either primary debulking surgery and chemotherapy or neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by interval debulking surgery [24]. The PFS and OS were similar in the two arms but in the neoadjuvant chemotherapy arm 80.6 % had ≤1 cm residual tumor remaining compared to only 41.6 % of patients in the primary surgery arm, where post-operative morbidity was more common. The recent results of the phase III CHORUS study [25] support the findings of the EORTC 55971 trial.
As more patients are likely to be receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by interval debulking surgery, it is important that this strategy is recognized and incorporated into future trial designs of advanced ovarian cancer. At present, the decision regarding whether neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by interval debulking surgery or primary surgery should be made on a case by case basis in a multidisciplinary setting. Upfront surgery is the preferred option in fit patients where it is believed that cytoreduction with no residual disease can be achieved. However, neoadjuvant therapy can achieve equivalent therapeutic outcomes and may be associated with less morbidity for patients with bulky disease [24].
Time to Initiate Chemotherapy Following Primary Surgery
In patients undergoing primary surgery, the optimal time to initiate chemotherapy is an important issue. While it can be argued that chemotherapy should be initiated as soon as possible to prevent metastatic re-growth, patients who have been optimally debulked may have required invasive surgery including liver and/or bowel resection, as well as diaphragmatic stripping. In an analysis of prospective phase III trials, the median time to chemotherapy was 19 days (range 1–56) and a delayed start to chemotherapy was associated with decreased OS (p = 0.038) in optimally debulked patients whereas in patients with residual disease, a longer time to initiate chemotherapy had no effect on OS (p = 0.452) [26]. This analysis provides evidence to support an earlier start to initiate chemotherapy in optimally debulked patients.
Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
Intra-peritoneal (IP) chemotherapy is another strategy that has been investigated in an attempt to improve outcomes in ovarian cancer. The rationale behind its use stems from the concept that advanced ovarian cancer predominantly affects peritoneal surfaces. Delivering cytotoxic agents directly to the peritoneum therefore increases dose intensity while preventing systemic toxicity.
Three randomized trials provided evidence for a survival advantage with IP chemotherapy compared to IV administration in women with optimally debulked (to <0.5 cm) stage III epithelial ovarian cancer [27–29]. The GOG 104 study compared six cycles of three-weekly IV cyclophosphamide (600 mg/m2) combined with either IV or IP cisplatin (100 mg/m2) [27]. The IP arm had a significantly longer median survival, (49 vs. 41 months, P = 0.02) but at the expense of more frequent moderate to severe abdominal pain. The GOG 114 trial incorporated a taxane into the treatment arms and provided further support for IP chemotherapy [29]. Six cycles of IV paclitaxel (135 mg/m2) and cisplatin (75 mg/m2) every 3 weeks was compared with IV carboplatin (AUC 9) every 28 days for two cycles followed by six cycles of IV paclitaxel (135 mg/m2) and IP cisplatin (100 mg/m2) every 3 weeks in patients with stage III optimally debulked ovarian cancer. Median PFS was longer in the IP arm (28 months vs. 22 months, P = 0.01) and median OS was increased in this arm (63 months vs. 52 months, P = 0.05) but again patients in the IP arm experienced increased toxicity and 18 % of patients received less than two courses of IP chemotherapy as a consequence. In GOG 172, 415 patients with optimally debulked stage III ovarian cancer were randomized to receive 63 weekly cycles of IV paclitaxel (135 mg/m 2 over 24 h) followed by either IV cisplatin (75 mg/m2) on day 2 or IP cisplatin (100 mg/m2) on day 2 plus IP cisplatin (60 mg/m2) on day 8 [28]. The median survival data was impressive and again in favor of the IP arm (65.6 months vs. 49.7 months, P = 0.03). Despite the results of all three trials appearing to support the role of IP chemotherapy, it has not become routine clinical practice internationally. This is in part largely due to the increased toxicity (abdominal discomfort, infection, bowel injury, catheter-related problems, fatigue, hematological, gastrointestinal and neurological events) in the IP arms. It has been argued that the favorable outcome in GOG 114 [29] may be influenced by the increased amount of chemotherapy delivered in the IP arm (eight cycles). Furthermore, in GOG 172, the control arm did not receive the current standard of care i.e., IV carboplatin and paclitaxel and the dose and schedule of cisplatin and paclitaxel was different in the two arms of the study [28]. Therefore the higher dose of chemotherapy in the IP arm may have played a significant part in the survival benefit seen rather than the mode of delivery itself. Finally, the analysis was not a true intention-to-treat analysis and therefore it is feasible for minor imbalances in the number of excluded patients impacting on the statistical significance.
Combined data from the GOG114 and GOG172 demonstrated a significant improvement in median OS with IP administration, compared with IV administration (61.8 vs 51.4 months; P = 0.048) [30]. A subset analysis of 393 patients within the GOG172 study suggested that the survival advantage of IP chemotherapy was limited to a subset of patients with low BRCA1 expression as measured by immumohistochemistry (84 months IP vs 47 months IV; p = 0.0002) and that low BRCA1 expression was an independent prognostic factor for better survival in women randomized to IP therapy (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.67 p = 0.032) [31].

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