Anterior mediastinum
Middle mediastinum
Posterior mediastinum
Neurogenic tumor
Teratoma, seminoma
Pericardial cyst
Bronchogenic cyst
Bronchogenic cyst
Enteric cyst
Metastatic cyst
Parathyroid adenoma
Systemic granuloma
Diaphragmatic hernia
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
Paravertebral abscess
Intrathoracic goiter
Synovial sarcoma
Sarcomatoid mesothelioma
Sarcomatoid mesothelioma
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
Table 13.2
Differential diagnosis of retroperitoneal masses
Lymphoma (particularly non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) |
Plasma cell neoplasms (multiple myeloma, plasmacytoma, plasma cell leukemia) |
Malignant mesenchymal tumors |
Malignant peripheral nervesheath rumor |
Liposarcomas |
Teratomas |
Liposarcomas |
Leiomyosarcoma |
Fibrosarcoma |
Malignant hemangiopericytoma |
Neuroblastoma |
Ganglioneuroblastoma |
Ewing sarcoma extra-osseous form |
Angiosarcoma |
Malignant paraganglioma |
Rhabdomyosarcoma |
Osteosarcoma |
Chondrosarcoma |
Synovialosarcoma |
Soft tissue alveolar sarcoma |
Malignant mesothelioma |
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor |
Malignant granular cells tumor |
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma |
Carcinoid |
Metastatic carcinomas |
Testicular embryonal carcinoma |
Prostatic adenocarcinomas and small cell carcinomas |
Uterine cervical squamous cell carcinomas |
Ovarian carcinomas |
Breast adenocarcinoma |
Lung adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma or small cell carcinomas |
Thyroid adenocarcinoma |
Gastric adenocarcinoma |
Extra-gastrointestinal stromal tumor |
Hepatocellular carcinoma |
Nodal metastases from pancreas ductal adenocarcinoma |
Bile duct adenocarcinomas |
Colonic adenocarcinomas |
Renal transitional cell carcinoma |
Adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma of unknown origin |
Benign mesenchymal tumors |
Lymphangiomas |
Hemangiopericytoma |
Ganglioneuromas |
Paraganglioma |
Neurofibroma |
Schwannoma |
Pheochromocytoma |
Lipomas |
Mesothelioma |
Myxoma |
Chondroma |
Angiomyolipoma |
Solitary fibrous tumor |
Castelman disease |
Erdheim–Chester disease |
Nonneoplastic lesion |
Caseous granuloma |
Amyloidosis |
Retroperitoneal abscess |
Retroperitoneal cyst |
Retroperitoneal hematoma |
Idiopathic RPF |
13.3.4 Metastatic Infiltrate
13.3.5 Carcinoids
Carcinoids are likely to induce RPF in the absence of metastases, or primary localizations in the retroperitoneum, probably through a mechanism mediated by serotonin or by the release of fibrogenic growth factors such as platelet-derived growth factor, insulin-like growth factor, epidermal growth factor, and the family of transforming growth factors alpha and beta [30]. Mesenteric fibrosis and associated ischemia, caused by a characteristic desmoplastic reaction, is often present in association with small bowel carcinoids. These tumors are also frequently associated with buckling or tethering of the intestine caused by extensive mesenteric involvement [31, 32].
13.3.6 Desmoid Tumors
Desmoid tumors are uncommon, with an estimated incidence of 2.4–4.3 per million per year, accounting for less than 3 % of soft-tissue lesions. Although there is some variability, there is a 2–3.5-fold increased incidence in women. Most cases occur between the ages of 15 and 60 years with an average age of 36.7 years. The majority of cases are sporadic with no known predisposing factors, except the genetic syndrome familial adenomatous polyposis or in association with pregnancy or trauma. Desmoid tumors are benign tumors of soft tissue, locally invasive and highly recurrent, equivalent to low-grade fibrosarcoma but without metastatic potential [33]. They represent less than 3 % of soft tissue tumors. In principle, desmoid tumors can affect all parts of the body: extra-abdominal injury (neck, shoulders, upper extremities, gluteal region), abdominal (from the fascia to the abdominal/chest wall, and rarely in the mesenteric or retroperitoneal space. Smooth and firm masses are usually detected by palpation. Desmoid tumors result from the proliferation of well-differentiated myofibroblasts, and their pathogenesis is driven by the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway. The diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy of the tumor showing an abundant collagen surrounding elongated fusiform cells with small nuclei and regular and clear cytoplasm. The immunohistochemical examination reveals the expression of beta-catenin and the absence of CD34, c-kit, desmin, and S-100. In addition, the diagnosis can be confirmed by screening for mutations of CTNNB1, the beta-catenin gene. Indeed, approximately 85–90 % of sporadic desmoid tumors are associated with somatic mutations in CTNNB1. Differential diagnosis is wide, ranging from fibrosarcoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, solitary fibrous tumor, inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, sclerosing mesenteritis, benign RPF to hypertrophic keloid scars [34].
Finally, RPF may also arise as a sclerotic response to radiotherapy, trauma, or surgical injury. Less common causes include rare infiltrative diseases, such as the non-Langerhans histiocytosis form named Erdheim–Chester disease (Chap. 12).
13.4 Pathology
The secondary forms of RPF caused by malignancies are characterized by the presence of neoplastic cells scattered into an abundant fibrous tissue; disruption or infiltration of neighboring muscle and bone structures is commonly found. However, microscopic (rather than macroscopic) characteristics drive the diagnosis toward a malignant form of RPF. For example, clonality of the inflammatory infiltrate or the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells suggest the presence of an underlying lymphoma [35]. The presence of lipoblasts may suggest the diagnosis of well-differentiated liposarcomas with sclerosing and inflammatory features [18]. For comparison, benign RPF manifests on gross examination, as a pale, grayish, rubbery plaque-like mass with poorly defined margins enveloping adjacent viscera, including the ureters and the inferior vena cava; benign RPF usually extends from the origin of the renal arteries to the caudal portion of the common iliac vessels [2].
13.5 Clinical Characteristics
All the forms of (retroperitoneal and/or mediastinal) fibrosing disorders have similar clinical manifestations, thus their clinical presentation is often of no help in the differential diagnosis. Malignancies of the retroperitoneum cannot be identified by any specific laboratory test. However, it is recommended to perform an age-appropriate cancer screening, when exploring a patient with a RPF, especially because constitutional symptoms, such as low-grade fever, weight loss, anorexia, and fatigue classically related to malignancy, often herald the onset of idiopathic RPF in addition to pain [36]. In cases with advanced bilateral obstructive uropathy, manifestations related to uremia may predominate: hypertension, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, anemia, nausea, and vomiting [37]. Involvement of the biliary tree by the fibrotic tissue may cause obstructive jaundice [38].
Patients with benign RPF have a median age of 50 to 55 years [39–41] whereas malignant retroperitoneal RPF may affect older people: in a study by Rosenkrantz et al., retroperitoneal lymphomas affected patients aged 72.4 ± 13.3 years [39]; in a study of ours, malignant RPF patients had a median age of 63.6 years [8].
13.6 Laboratory Findings
Age-appropriate cancer screening, when exploring a patient with a RPF, may include laboratory tests, and elevated prostatic specific antigen, beta2-microglobulin, or lactate dehydrogenase, for example, would turn toward a prostatic carcinoma or a lymphoma. Autoantibodies are often detected in patients who have benign and not in malignant RPF [37, 43]. The degree of renal failure generally depends on the extent of ureteral involvement. Renal dysfunction and the systemic inflammatory response contribute to the development of a normochromic, normocytic anemia [13].
13.7 Imaging Features in Favor of Malignant Fibrosing Disorders
As detailed above, a wide spectrum of neoplastic and nonneoplastic proliferative conditions may involve the mediastinal, retroperitoneal, or perirenal space either in isolation or as part of a systemic disease. Although some tumors and pseudotumors of these spaces (e.g., angiomyolipoma, hemangioma, and lymphangioma) have characteristic imaging findings that permit their diagnosis, biopsy and histopathologic evaluation are required in most cases to establish a definitive diagnosis. Nevertheless, familiarity with the spectrum of imaging features may facilitate accurate diagnosis [44].
13.7.1 General Anatomic Features
Fibrosing mediastinitis usually presents as an extensively calcified, infiltrative mediastinal mass. Calcification of mediastinal or hilar nodes is present in up to 86 % of the patients [45]. The typical morphologic findings of idiopathic and most benign secondary forms of RPF include a well-defined but irregular soft-tissue periaortic mass, which extends from the level of the renal arteries to the iliac vessels and often progresses through the retroperitoneum to envelop the ureters and the inferior vena cava. The mass usually lies anterior and lateral to the aorta, sparing the posterior periaortic space and not causing aortic displacement.
The extent of the mass may be distinctive, as lymphomas often are found higher in the retroperitoneum and in the posterior mediastinum, while benign RPF is mainly located distal to the kidney hilus [6]. The results of one study suggested that the presence of confluent soft tissue completely surrounding the kidney may be considered virtually pathognomonic of lymphoma [46]. The kidney is indeed one of the organs most commonly involved by extranodal spread of lymphoma, and a perirenal distribution of lymphoma in the abdomen has been described in multiple reports [46–49]. Comparing nine cases of lymphoma to 22 cases of benign RPF Rosenkrantz et al. retrieved from a retrospective analysis of their magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), that patients with lymphoma had a higher frequency of perirenal extension (66.7 % vs. 13.6 %) and suprarenal predominance (33.3 % vs. 0 %) [39].
RPF is believed to typically begin below the aortic bifurcation at the level of the sacral promontory or lower lumbar spine [8, 39, 50]. We described that the extension of the RPF from above the renal arteries to below the aortic bifurcation was only found in patients with malignant RPF (47 % vs. 0 % in benign RPF) (P = 0.001) [8]. Rosenkrantz found a higher proportion of cases of benign RPF (with respect to lymphoma) with pelvic extension below the aortic bifurcation (P = 0.004) [39]. Similarly, we reported that extension below the aortic bifurcation was present in 22 % of benign RPF vs. 6 % of malignant RPF, but without reaching significance (P > 0.05).
Localized lymphadenopathies adjacent to RPF occur in benign forms, but when they become confluent and tend to surround the large vessels they are likely to be malignant. Retroperitoneal lymphoma typically begins as discrete nodes, which then form confluent soft-tissue masses as the disease progresses [39, 51].
The presence of additional discrete nodes is a classical finding observed in cases of lymphoma [39, 51]. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis of MRI features of the abdomen including 9 cases of lymphoma and 22 cases of benign RPF, only the presence of additional lymph nodes (P = 0.001, odds ratio [OR] = 50.67) was identified as an independent predictor of a diagnosis of lymphoma [39]. However, in benign RPF, localized lymphadenopathy adjacent to the fibroinflammatory mass has been described in 25 % of cases. It is characterized by multiple subcentimetric lymph nodes, which are probably related to the retroperitoneal reaction [52].
In terms of mass size, benign RPF, unlike lymphomas and metastases, is usually located anteriorly and laterally to the aorta, that is not displaced forward [51]. Malignant RPF has a tendency to be larger and bulkier, displaying mass effect and displacing the aorta and inferior vena cava anteriorly from the spine [53]. The occurrence of this vascular displacement is likely related to enlargement of the lymph nodes lying posterior to the aorta and inferior vena cava. In contrast, the purely fibrotic process involved in benign RPF results in tethering of these structures to the underlying vertebrae. However, the sensitivity and specificity of these features are poor and exceptions are encountered. Thus, several cases of biopsy-proven benign RPF presented anterior displacement of the aorta from the spine caused by the presence of fibrous tissue posterior to the aorta [8, 39, 54, 55]. In our study comparing characteristics of 18 benign RPF to 17 malignant RPF, we described a wider extension of RPF behind the aorta in benign RPF than in malignant RPF (P = 0.03) [8].
The macroscopic characteristics of the soft-tissue mass have also been suggested as possibly allowing differentiation of benign from malignant RPF. Benign RPF has a tendency to manifest as a plaque-like mass with peripheral infiltration, whereas the presence of neoplasia results in peripheral nodularity and lobulation [7, 56, 57]. Occasionally, malignant adenopathy in the retroperitoneal area can become confluent, surround the great vessels, and resemble RPF [51]. The metastatic deposits also can take the form of solitary masses or infiltrating mantles of tissue that obliterate adjacent tissue planes [58]. Of 59 patients in whom computerized tomography demonstrated large para-aortic masses engulfing the aorta, Chisholm et al. reported that non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was found in 32 (54 %): the mass appeared confluent in 22 (69 %) while some nodularity could be discerned in the 10 left (31 %). Thirty-five of the 59 patients were known to have an underlying malignancy at the time of the CT; in every case, the underlying malignancy proved to be responsible for the mass. Among 24 patients in whom the CT abnormality was found at initial diagnosis, lymphoma proved to be responsible in 11 (46 %), periaortitis in 4 (17 %), and various malignancies in 9 (38 %) [51].
The classic triad observed in benign RPF combines medial deviation of the middle third of the ureters, tapering of the lumen of one or both ureters in the lower lumbar spine or upper sacral region, and proximal unilateral or bilateral hydroureteronephrosis with delayed excretion of contrast material [2, 59]. From the analysis of 18 patients with biopsy-proven benign RPF compared to 17 patients with malignant RPF, we found that the medial ureteral attraction was significantly more frequent in benign RPF than in malignant RPF, with 83 % sensitivity, 76 % specificity, and a positive likelihood ratio of 4.5 for benign RPF [8]. The medial ureteral bowing was also described more frequently in cases of RPF than in cases of lymphoma (p < 0.001) [39].
Malignancies generally appear as fibrous mass dislocating the psoas muscles or destroying the bone whereas benign RPF does not include any of these features. The extent of the mass may be distinctive, as lymphomas often are found higher in the retroperitoneum and in the posterior mediastinum, while benign RPF is mainly located distal to the kidney hilus. Furthermore, in this study of 23 patients, in cases of benign RPF, Brun et al. have not seen the fibrous mass dislocate the psoas muscles like in severe cases of lymphomas and sarcomas. Bone destruction did not appear in any patient in this study, while it often occurs in sarcomas and metastases [6].
13.7.2 Characteristic Tumor Components
The presence of fat is easily recognized owing to its low density at computerized tomography (CT) or its high signal intensity at T1-weighted MRI with loss of signal intensity on fat-suppressed images. A mass that is homogeneous and well defined and consists almost entirely of fat represents lipoma (Fig. 13.1) whereas if the mass is irregular and ill-defined, the diagnosis of liposarcoma or teratoma should be considered. Liposarcomas are the most common sarcomas of the retroperitoneum [60].
Fig. 13.1
Mediastinal lipoma. Biopsy-proven lipoma of the mediastinum and the pericardium. Left panel: gradient-echo T1-weighted MRI sequence; right panel: T2-weighted MRI sequence
Calcium is easily detected by CT due to its very high density. Tumors that commonly contain calcium are ganglioneuroma, neuroblastoma, ganglioneuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, hemangioma, teratoma, and malignant fibrous histiocytoma [26]. When an extensively calcified, infiltrative mediastinal mass is seen at CT in a young patient from an area endemic for histoplasmosis, histoplasmosis-related fibrosing mediastinitis is the most likely diagnosis. When the mass is not calcified, however, idiopathic fibrosing mediastinitis cannot be confidently differentiated from other lesions: Hodgkin’s disease, lung cancer, metastatic carcinoma, mediastinal sarcoma (Fig. 13.2), or, in rare cases, mediastinal desmoid tumors.
Fig. 13.2
Synovial sarcoma. Heterogeneous mass with a low attenuation core and peripheral enhancement on CT scan, surrounding the descending aorta and appended to the thoracic vertebral body. Pathology of the CT-guided biopsy sample led to the diagnosis of synovial sarcoma
A limited number of tumors commonly contain myxoid stroma, which is characterized pathologically by a mucoid matrix that is rich in acid mucopolysaccharides. Myxoid stroma appears hyperintense on T2-weighted MRI sequences and shows delayed enhancement after injection of contrast medium. Neurogenic tumors commonly contain myxoid stroma (schwannomas, neurofibromas, ganglioneuromas, ganglioneuroblastomas, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors) but also myxoid liposarcomas, and myxoid malignant fibrous histiocytoma [61]. Tumors that less commonly contain myxoid stroma include desmoid tumors, hemangiopericytomas, leiomyomas, leiomyosarcomas, malignant pericytomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, and malignant mesenchymomas [62].
Necrotic portions within tumors have low attenuation without contrast-enhancement at CT and are hyperintense at T2-weighted MRI. Necrosis is usually seen in tumors of high-grade malignancy such as leiomyosarcomas [25] or rhabdomyosarcoma [27].
Tumors composed of small round cells appear as homogeneous masses at T2-weighted MRI with relatively hypointense areas representing densely packed cellular components. Lymphomas are the most commonly encountered tumors composed of small round cells. They are homogeneous, with minimal contrast enhancement at CT and relatively low signal intensity at T2-weighted MRI [26].
Vascularity is an important feature of retroperitoneal tumors. Extremely hypervascular tumors include paragangliomas and hemangiopericytomas. Moderately hypervascular tumors include myxoid malignant fibrous histiocytomas, leiomyosarcomas, and many other sarcomas. Hypovascular tumors include low-grade liposarcomas, lymphomas, and many other benign tumors [25].
Some tumors grow and extend into spaces between preexisting structures and surround vessels without compressing their lumina. Lymphangiomas and ganglioneuromas are examples of such tumors [63]. Tumors of the sympathetic ganglia (paragangliomas, ganglioneuromas) tend to extend along the sympathetic chain and have an elongated shape [25]. Spread or diffusion of a disease is generally interpreted as a sign of malignancy. However, it is worth to note that in retroperitoneal and mediastinal fibrosing disorders, up to 15 % of patients have additional fibrotic processes outside the retroperitoneum; occasionally several organ systems are involved simultaneously [3].
13.7.3 Ultrasonography
Ultrasonography (US) has poor overall sensitivity in detection of RPF [13, 64]. Subtle or early changes of RPF can be missed at US because of overlying gas- or fluid-filled bowel loops [50].
The US findings of benign RPF consist of an extensive retroperitoneal, extrarenal, hypo- or anechoic, well-marginated, and with a smooth-bordered irregularly contoured mass [56, 65, 66]. It is visualized as a mass anterior to the sacral promontory or the para-aortic region [64, 66]. Abdominal US may reveal varying degrees of unilateral or bilateral hydronephrosis or hydroureter due to entrapment of the ureters. US may also be useful for detection of conditions frequently associated with benign RPF, such as primary biliary cirrhosis, bile duct dilatation due to sclerosing cholangitis, and focal or diffuse pancreatic distortion due to sclerosing pancreatitis [7, 36]. US features such as caudal extension beyond the sacral promontory and absence of lobulation suggest a benign cause; however, these signs are nonspecific and do not allow exclusion of malignancy, given that malignant RPF and most cases of malignant lymphadenopathy can have similar US features [7, 50, 65]. At US, demoid tumors appear as masses of low, medium, or high echogenicity with smooth sharply defined margins. The lateral borders may appear ill-defined or irregular [67].
13.7.4 Intravenous Urography
Intravenous urography and retrograde pyelography, once considered the techniques of choice for the evaluation of RPF, have been obviated in many instances because of improvements in cross-sectional imaging.
Intravenous urography usually demonstrates in idiopathic RPF the classic triad of medial deviation of the middle third of the ureters, tapering of the lumen of one or both ureters in the lower lumbar spine or upper sacral region, and proximal unilateral or bilateral hydroureteronephrosis with delayed excretion of contrast material [2, 59]. Nevertheless, this approach has limited sensitivity and specificity. Primary ureteral tumors, periureteral lymph nodes, or inflammatory strictures of the ureter can result in similar radiologic findings [50]. In addition, medial deviation of the ureters on intravenous urography has been identified in 20 % of subjects without any RPF, and some patients with idiopathic RPF may have their ureters entrapped in their normal anatomic position [68].
13.7.5 Computed Tomography
Fibrosing mediastinitis usually presents as an extensively calcified, infiltrative mediastinal mass. Calcification of mediastinal or hilar nodes is present in up to 86 % of patients [45]. In the absence of calcification, fibrosing mediastinitis cannot be confidently differentiated from tumoral lesions such as lymphoma, metastases, adenocarcinoma, or sarcoma. Thus, because the chest radiographic findings of fibrosing mediastinitis are nonspecific and because MRI poorly depicts calcification, CT is considered the mainstay for diagnostic evaluation of patients suspected of fibrosing mediastinitis [45, 69, 70]. For the retroperitoneum, CT may not be as good to differentiate of benign from malignant RPF forms, even if several features have been described that may help in the suggestion of the presence of an underlying neoplasia. That is why Rubenstein wrote that “despite the attention of a number of investigators, attempts to define CT characteristics that may allow confident differentiation of benign from malignant RPF have proven futile” [65]. It is worth to note also that a considerable number of patients with RPF may have renal impairment secondary to obstructive uropathy, which precludes administration of intravenous contrast agents.
Degesys et al. observed homogeneous CT attenuation in case of benign RPF, although this finding was not specifically compared with the CT appearance of lymphoma [53]. In parallel, malignancies of the retroperitoneal space may have a variety of precontrast CT density appearance: ovarian fibroma or necrotic fibrosarcoma did not appear hyperdense as did breast cancer metastases or urothelial metastases in a retrospective series on 21 patients with surgically verified retroperitoneal fibrous lesions [65]. Desmoid tumors show attenuation similar to that of muscles [67, 71]. Thus, attenuation differences are not significant enough to help in the differential diagnosis of lymphoma or benign RFP or fibrosing mediastinitis [6, 72].
The contrast-enhancement of RPF has been variable and is generally related to the stage of disease [50, 73]. Heckmann et al. observed minimal enhancement of RPF in the late fibrotic stage [73], and Burn et al. observed a decrease in enhancement after therapy in three patients who were imaged before and after treatment [74]. To synthetize, active inflammation, which is predominant in early benign RPF, may be recognized as early contrast-enhancement. Conversely, the late inactive stage is relatively acellular and hypovascular, with predominant fibrosis; thus, it usually demonstrates little or absent contrast-enhancement [75]. Metastatic lesions may show higher enhancement than benign RPF, depending on the vascularity of the underlying primary neoplasm [53, 76]. Depending on the varying amount of collagen deposition, desmoid tumors may show moderate or avid enhancement after contrast enhancement [34, 67].
13.7.6 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The manifestation of malignant RPF on MRI may be variable and often difficult to differentiate from benign causes of this entity (Fig. 13.3) [77]. Fibrosing mediastinitis typically manifests on T1-weighted MRI as a heterogeneous, infiltrative mass of intermediate signal intensity [78]. Benign RPF typically has low signal intensity on T1-weighted images [75, 76] even lower than in lymphoma, at least at low field strengths [79].