Postulated etiology and pathogenesis of PE
Advocated treatment of PE
Karl Abraham (1917)
PE is a neurosis, linked to unconscious conflicts
Psycho-analysis and psycho-analytic therapy
Bernhard Schapiro (1943)
PE is a psychosomatic disorder, linked to a weak genital system
There are two PE subtypes (1943)
Topical anesthetic creams
William Masters and Virginia Johnson (1970)
PE is a behavioral disorder, linked to self-learned behavior
Behavioral treatment (squeeze technique)
Marcel Waldinger (1998)
Lifelong PE is a neurobiological-genetic disorder, linked to central serotonin neurotransmission dysfunctions
There are four PE subtypes (2006)
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
2.3 Chronological Classification
2.3.1 The First Period (1917–1950): Neurosis and Psychosomatic Disorder
In 1917 Karl Abraham [6] described rapid ejaculation which he called ejaculatio praecox. During the first decades of the 20th century, PE was viewed, especially in psychoanalytic theory, as a neurosis linked to unconscious conflicts [6, 7]. Treatment consisted of classical psychoanalysis. The somatic approach in those years was primarily urological and blamed PE on hyperesthesia of the glans penis, a too short frenulum of the foreskin and on changes in the posterior section of the urethra, at the verumontanum in particular. Advocated treatment ranged from prescription of an anaesthetizing ointment to incision of the frenulum, application of solutions of silver nitrate, or total destruction of the verumontanum by electrocautery. Such urological causes, however, were thought to be present in no more than 5 % of the cases [8].
In 1943, the pure psychological view of Karl Abraham was challenged by Bernhard Schapiro, a German endocrinologist, who argued that PE is a psychosomatic disturbance caused by a combination of a psychologically overanxious constitution and “an inferior ejaculatory apparatus as a point of least resistance for emotional pressure” [8]. Schapiro described two types of premature ejaculation. Type B (the sexually hypertonic or hypererotic type), representing a continuously present tendency to ejaculate rapidly from the first act of intercourse, and Type A (the hypotonic type) leading to erectile dysfunction. Many years later both types became distinguished as the primary (lifelong) and secondary (acquired) form of premature ejaculation [9]. In those years, patients of Type A, were believed to respond well to nerve tonics, testosterone, prolonged sexual rest, sports, hydrotherapy, and electrotherapy. In contrast, patients of Type B were treated by sedatives. A good combination at the time was Camphora monobormata, belladonna, strypticine, and papaverine. Although Bernhard Schapiro has never suggested that PE was related to genetic factors, he had noted that male family members of such patients were often also troubled by PE [8].
2.3.2 The Second Period (1950–1990): Learned Behavior
In the second period, William Masters and Virginia Johnson, two American sexologists, postulated that PE was the result of learned behavior [10], hereby firmly rejecting the psychoanalytic and psychosomatic view of Abraham and Schapiro. They argued that a rapid ejaculation was linked to initial rapid intercourse(s) that led to habituation and created performance anxiety. Support for this behavioristic view has been sought in physiological experiments in which the phenomenon of anxiety became emphasized. Although behavior therapy was still predominantly present in the literature, in the 1980s increasingly more publications on psychoactive drugs, such as clomipramine, as a treatment were published.
2.3.3 The Third Period (1990–2005): Neurobiology and Psychopharmacology
In 1998, Waldinger et al. [11, 12] postulated that lifelong PE is a neurobiologically and genetically determined dysfunction, which is related to a diminished central serotonergic neurotransmission and activation or inhition of specific 5-HT receptors. Waldinger thereby rejected the previous pure psychological and behavioristic views of the etiology and pathogenesis of lifelong PE. The new neurobiological view was based on the outcome data of a number of animal and psychopharmacological treatment studies on PE [13]. The introduction of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in the early 1990s, meant a dramatic change in the treatment of premature ejaculation [13]. The efficacy of these drugs to delay ejaculation, combined with the low side effect profile, have made them first choice, yet off-label, agents to treat PE both at a daily as well as on demand base. During the 1990s, the new neurobiological view on lifelong PE and its effective treatment by SSRIs appeared to be difficult to accept by many sexologists, with only one exception. In 1994, it was Pierre Assalian, a Canadian psychiatrist, who wrote an article wondering whether PE is really always psychogenic there by suggesting peripheral nervous system involvement [14].
2.3.4 The Fourth Period (2005–Present): Pharmaceutical Industry and Genetics
Due to new developments in DNA research, investigations of genetic polymorphisms have become more easy to perform in the laboratory. DNA research in men with lifelong PE [15] and male twin genetic research [16, 17] have started to show that some polymorphisms of the central serotonergic and dopaminergic system are associated with the duration of the IELT. It is in this period that for the first time a drug, namely dapoxetine, has become officially approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) for the treatment of PE [18] and that other companies show interest in drug treatment of PE.
2.4 Authority-Based Versus Evidence-Based Research
In contrast to the opinion- or authority-based approach of the last century [5], both the third and fourth period (1990–present) are characterized by emphasis on evidence-based animal and human research, which mainly pertains to psychopharmacological, genetic, neurophysiological, and clinical research.
2.5 Historical Development of Sexual Psychopharmacology
Sexual psychopharmacology is a relatively independent domain of psychopharmacology [19]. Sexual psychopharmacology engages in scientific research on animals and humans regarding the relationship between the central nervous system, sexuality, and psychopharmacological drugs. It also includes clinical research into drug treatment of sexual disorders [19].
Interestingly, the historical development of PE from being a rather peculiar phenomenon in the late 1880s towards a well-defined and subclassified ejaculatory disorder in our time, mirrors the historical development of sexual psychopharmacology [19]. However, the development of sexual psychopharmacology consists of three major periods. The first period lasted from 1919 until 1933; I have called it the period of the medical specialists [19]. The second period lasted from 1970 until 2000; it is the period of the neuroscientists [19]. Currently, we live in the third period, which has started around 2000, the period of the pharmaceutical companies [19].
2.5.1 The First Period (1919–1933): The Period of the Medical Specialists
At the beginning of the last century, the origins of sexual psychopharmacology started in the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, Germany. This institute was founded in 1919 by the physician Magnus Hirschfeld, the dermatologist Friedrich Wertheim, and the neuropsychiatrist Arthur Kronfeld [20]. It was the first institute in which medical research on sexuality became common. The medical specialists of the institute were treating patients for sexual dysfunctions and performed scientific research into the effects of a number of drugs on sexual disorders. For example, Bernhard Schapiro, who cooperated with Magnus Hirschfeld developed the drug “Testifortan” [21] for the treatment of erectile disorder and the drug “Praejaculin” [22] for the treatment of hypersexuality. Both drugs were produced by the pharmaceutical company Promonta which was located in Hamburg. At the time, the institute was famous around the world and many medical specialists of the institute had published scientific articles. However, this most interesting first sexual psychopharmacological period ended abruptly when the Nazis had set on fire the whole library, as they argued that the work of the institute with its many Jewish doctors represented “eine entartete Jüdische Wissenschaft” (a degenerated Jewish science). It is very unfortunate that important knowledge and clinically relevant literature from this very interesting period has been lost and disappeared forever [19].
After the downfall of the institute, a very long period starts in which the literature only sporadically mentions a drug that perhaps may be applied to the treatment of a sexual disorder. However, genuine systematic pharmacological research was not anymore practiced from the 1930s until the 1970s [19].
2.5.2 The Second Period (1970–2000): The Period of the Neuroscientists
The second period started in the 1970s with a few publications of medical specialists, but now mainly psychiatrists, on the successful treatment of PE by the tricyclic antidepressant clomipramine and other central nervous system drugs [23]. In the 1980s, urologists started to focus on drug treatment of erectile disorder by injectable vasodilatory drugs [24]. At the end of the 1980s, neuroscientists initiated basic research into the sexual behavior of rodents. A few psychopharmacologists started to investigate neurotransmitters that mediate male rat sexual behavior. Pioneering neuroscientists in the 1980s and early 1990s are Sven Ahlenius, Berend Olivier, Koos Slob, Jan Mos, Hemmie Berendsen, and Rik Broekkamp [25–28]. Also neuroanatomical studies, as published by Jan Veening give rise to new insights in the neuronal circuits and neurotransmitters that play a role in the sexual functioning of the rat [29].
In the beginning of the 1990s, sexual psychopharmacology gets an enormous impulse after the introduction of the SSRIs, and the coincident finding that these drugs strongly delay ejaculation [30]. Also our research group, contributed to the sexual psychopharmacological developments in this period. This period is important in that evidence-based design and methodology for drug treatment studies were developed and applied by independent researchers without interference by the pharmaceutical industry [31].
2.5.3 The Third Period (2000–Present): The Period of the Pharmaceutical Companies
The third period started in 1998 when sildenafil was fabricated and produced Pfizer as first oral drug against erectile disorder [32]. However, as mentioned before, sildenafil actually was not the first oral drug against ED but rather testifortan in the 1930s [19]. In the course of just a few years, the availability and successful use of sildenafil has led to an enormous change in thinking about sexuality and erectile disorder in particular. It has also led to a new medical discipline, known as ‘Sexual Medicine’ openly addressing the medical approach and pharmacological treatment of sexual dysfunctions, and at the same time emphasizing psychological, sociological, and cultural factors which clearly play a crucial role in most sexual dysfunctions. Inspired by the success of sildenafil, several pharmaceutical companies became interested in developing drugs against male and female sexual disorders. This development will continue, though temporarily at a slower pace down due to financial and economic reasons. In essence, it is clear that already in the very first years of the scientific study of sexuality, i.e., at the beginning of the last century, one had attempted to treat sexual dysfunctions by drug treatment. The development of this type of drugs is therefore certainly not new, as generally assumed [19].
2.6 The Historical Views on Premature Ejaculation
The various and sometimes even conflicting views on the etiology and pathogenesis of PE have throughout the years resulted in a lack of consensus on its definition and classification. In order to get a better understanding of these conflicting ideas, it is important to be aware of the various ideas and approaches on PE that have emerged in the past century and which have influenced various generations of medical specialists, psychologists, and sexologists. These include the psychoanalytic, the psychosomatic, the behavioristic, the medical, the neurobiological-genetic, and the pharmaceutical company approach.
2.6.1 The Psychoanalytic Approach
In 1908, Sandor Ferenczi [33], at that time a student of Sigmund Freud, wrote the first psychoanalytic paper on PE. In that paper he paid specific attention to the consequences of PE for the female partner. It was in 1917 that Karl Abraham, an, at the time renowned psychoanalyst, published a now well-known paper on the presumed unconscious problems of men suffering from PE [6]. He also introduced the medical term ejaculatio praecox to denote this phenomenon. Since Abraham was of the opinion that PE was caused by unconscious conflicts he suggested that treatment ought to consist of classical psychoanalysis [6]. After Karl Abraham’s publication, PE was generally believed to be a psychological disorder, i.e., a neurosis, related to unconscious conflicts. For many years psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy became the treatment of first choice. However, only a few publications on psychoanalytic treatment of PE were published [6, 7, 34]. Although it may seem rather odd nowadays to focus on merely psychoanalysis to treat PE, one should realize that in the 1920s hardly anything was known about PE, and that for example a distinction in lifelong and acquired PE had not yet been made. In retrospect it is undoubtedly the lack of neurobiological and psychoanalytic knowledge in those days that negatively biased the way Karl Abraham interpreted the free associations of his patients who suffered from PE at that time [35].
2.6.2 The Psychosomatic Approach
The purely psychoanalytical assumptions were challenged by Bernard Schapiro, a German endocrinologist, who in 1943 postulated that PE was not the expression of a neurosis but a psychosomatic disorder [8]. He argued that both biological and psychological factors contributed to rapid ejaculatory performances. Years ahead of his time, Schapiro advocated drug treatment in the form of anesthetic ointments to delay ejaculation. In addition, he is credited with identifying two types of PE recognized today as primary (lifelong) and secondary (acquired) PE. Because he was the first clinician to use a medical approach to PE, Bernhard Schapiro should be regarded as a major pioneer in researching this condition. Unfortunately, the accurate differential diagnosis and biological components of Schapiro’s arguments were ignored in his time. Psychoanalytic treatment, mainly conducted by psychiatrists, prevailed throughout the 1940s and 1950s. Today, as a number of years ago, I would like to emphasize that for a good understanding of the pathogenesis of PE it is essential to get more insight in the unconscious processes of men with PE. Therefore, I encourage a revival of psychoanalytic research into PE [35].
2.6.3 The Behavioristic Approach
In 1956, James Semans [36], a British urologist, described the stop-start technique, a masturbation technique, to delay ejaculation. Although hardly noticed in the following decade, in 1970, William Masters and Virginia Johnson [10], came up with a modification of Semans technique, the so-called squeeze technique. They argued that PE was the result of self-learned behavior, as they stated that the initial intercourses in these men had been carried out in a hurry. They argued that behavioral treatment in the form of the squeeze technique could cure PE in the majority of cases [10]. However, there still is a paucity of evidence-based studies demonstrating hard data of its efficacy to delay ejaculation in men who for example ejaculate within a few seconds. In the psychological approach pathogenetic biological mechanisms remained unclear, but an increased sensitivity of the glans penis has been suggested. However, penile vibratory studies provided conflicting data about a pathogenetic penile hypersensitivity [37–39].
Not only the squeeze technique, but all sorts of psychotherapies ranging from thought stopping [40, 41], Gestalt therapy [42], transactional analysis [43], group therapy [44, 45] and bibliotherapy [46] have been suggested as treatments. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of these therapies has only been suggested in case reports, but have hardly been investigated in well-designed controlled studies. Of all these treatments, however, the squeeze method is said to provide short-term effectiveness. Two (not well-designed) studies did confirm initial effectiveness, but also showed that the ejaculatory control initially attained had virtually been lost after a 3-year follow-up [47, 48]. Definition of Premature Ejaculation from a Psychological Point of View
In the psychological approach, consensus about a definition of PE has never been reached due to conflicting ideas about the essence of the syndrome. Masters and Johnson [10] and Kaplan [49] suggested qualitative descriptions, i.e., female partner satisfaction or man’s voluntary control. Masters and Johnson defined PE as the man’s inability to inhibit ejaculation long enough to satisfy his partner 50 % of the time [10]. This definition in terms of a partner’s response is rather inadequate, since it implies that any male who is unable to satisfy his partner in 50 % of sexual events could be labelled a premature ejaculator and since it would also imply that females “should” be satisfied on 50 % of intercourses.
Another way to define PE is by using quantitative measures such as the duration of ejaculatory latency, or the number of thrusts prior to ejaculation. Definitions according to length of time prior to ejaculation, varied from within 1–7 min after vaginal intromission [50–59]. These cut-off points (1–7 min) were not derived by objective measurements, but were subjectively chosen by the various authors. PE was a matter of (many) minutes and men who ejaculated within seconds were qualified as serious cases. Methodology of Psychological Studies
During the many years in which the psychological approach prevailed, the proposed psychological hypotheses and psychotherapeutic treatments failed to be proved in a methodologically adequate scientific study [13].
For example, an influential view that prevailed for about two decades was the opinion of Masters and Johnson [10] who argued that PE was conditioned by having one’s first sexual intercourse in a rapid way (i.e., hurried contacts on back seats of cars or in places where detection was possible). However, hard clinical data to support their view have never been reported.
2.6.4 The Medical Approach Pharmacotherapy
Since the 1940s, case reports have occasionally been published about various drugs that demonstrated efficacy in delaying ejaculation. Physicians tried to reduce penile sensation and delay ejaculation by applying local anesthetics to the glans penis [8, 63, 64]. Others tried to influence the peripheral sympathetic nervous system by prescribing sympatholytic drugs like the α1 and α2 adrenergic blocker phenoxybenzamine [65–67] or the selective α1 adrenergic blockers alphuzosin and terazosin [68]. In the 1960s, case reports described the ejaculation delaying effects of some neuroleptics. For example, thioridazine [69, 70] and chlorprothixene [71] delayed ejaculation by blocking central dopamine receptors. In the same period case reports of the delaying effects of nonselective, irreversible monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) such as isocarboxazid [72] and phenelzine [73] were published. The use of these various drugs, however, was often contraindicated by their disturbing and sometimes quite serious side effects.
In 1973, Eaton published the first report on clomipramine as an effective treatment for PE [23]. Later case reports and double-blind studies [74–80] repeatedly demonstrated the effectiveness of clomipramine in low daily doses in delaying ejaculation. In 1993, Segraves and coworkers published a double-blind placebo-controlled study demonstrating that clomipramine 25–50 mg can even be taken on an on-demand basis, approximately six hours prior to coitus [62]. The majority of these pharmacological studies, similar to psychological studies, were designed without a precise definition of PE and without any methodology for quantifying the effects of treatment.
In the 1980s, the efficacy of clomipramine was recognized by some sexologists but never reached international consensus. One may wonder why drug treatment has gone such a long way to become accepted by medical specialists and sexologists as an effective treatment for PE. Indeed, the psychological view and particularly behavior therapy has predominated the literature and the general view on PE for a number of decades. On the one hand, it may well be that animal research data showing the neurobiological basis of ejaculation has hardly been integrated with clinical experiences regarding drug treatment, and clinicians’emphasis on the tremendous success ascribed to behavior therapy and/or on the presumed psychogenic nature of PE. This may have been due to the prevailing misconception of the 1970s and 1980s that psychopharmacotherapy only represses symptoms, while the essence of the disorder that had to be treated, i.e., PE, remains psychological [2]. A similar view that treatment with psychoactive drugs does not change the essence of a disorder also prevailed for a long time with respect to psychiatric disorders [81]. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
In 1994, successful treatment of PE by 40 mg paroxetine was for the first time reported by Waldinger et al. in a placebo-controlled study [30]. The efficacy of paroxetine in daily doses of 20–40 has been replicated in various other studies both at regular daily dose and on an “on-demand” regimen [82–84]. In addition, the efficacy of other SSRIs, such as 50–200 mg sertraline and 20 mg fluoxetine, in delaying ejaculation has been demonstrated in various studies [85–90]. The new methodology of these studies contributed to a better comparability of drug treatment study research and encouraged various clinicians to become interested in PE. An important parameter for comparing study results was the intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT), which as a measure was introduced by Waldinger et al. in 1994 [30] and became known as the IELT. The IELT was defined as the time between the start of intravaginal intromission and the start of intravaginal ejaculation. The stopwatch, originally introduced in 1973 by Tanner [91] as an accurate tool to measure ejaculation time, was reintroduced in 1995 by Althof [79], and has since become a standard tool for PE research. Differential Efficacy of SSRIs in Delaying Ejaculation
By using the IELT, the stopwatch, and a 4-week baseline assessment at each intercourse, comparison of placebo-controlled studies has become possible and demonstrated that the various SSRIs differed in the extent in which they delayed ejaculation [31]. As such it was demonstrated that paroxetine 20 mg/day exerted the strongest ejaculation delay [31].
2.6.5 The Neurobiological Approach
The development of accurate measurement of the ejaculation time by using the IELT and a stopwatch together with the availability of the SSRIs has stimulated both human and animal psychopharmacological research of PE. Particularly in the 1990s animal research in rodents using SSRIs contributed much to our understanding of why SSRIs delay ejaculation [92, 93]. The pharmacological knowledge about the mechanism of action of these SSRIs has become the cornerstone of an upcoming neurobiological approach. These animal studies have shown that ejaculation is not only mediated by the central serotonergic system but also by dopaminergic and oxytocinergic pathways [94–96].

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