33 Sriram V. Eleswarapu & David A. Leavitt Vattikuti Urology Institute, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, USA Prior to the advent and widespread adoption of endourologic techniques beginning in the early 1980s, the mainstay of surgical treatment for urolithiasis was open surgery. The risk of bleeding in the era of open renal stone surgery posed particular challenges for perioperative management. For example, in an evaluation of patients undergoing anatrophic nephrolithotomy over a period of 14.5 years, Assimos et al. reported a 6.4% rate of significant postoperative bleeding [1]. A more recent analysis by Al‐Kohlany et al., evaluating complications of open renal stone surgery, demonstrated a 24.5% rate of intraoperative hemorrhage requiring transfusion and an 8.9% rate of massive hematuria requiring transfusion [2]. In the modern era, minimally invasive treatments for urolithiasis, such as shock‐wave lithotripsy, ureteroscopy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL), and laparoscopy, have all but replaced open surgery for large kidney stones in centers with access to such technology and expertise. PCNL, in particular, has had a considerable impact on improving hospital lengths of stay, recovery times, and overall morbidity [3]. However, despite these advances, hemorrhagic complications remain a potent concern during and after PCNL [4–6]. The PCNL Global Study by the Clinical Research Office of the Endourologial Society, which prospectively collected data on consecutive PCNLs performed by centers across the world over a one‐year period, found a 7.8% rate of significant bleeding and a blood transfusion rate of 5.7% [4]. Contemporary ranges of bleeding during and after PCNL requiring transfusion are reported to be between 1% and 11% [5–7]. Proper management of perioperative bleeding plays an important role in the safe and effective treatment of kidney stones with PCNL, and the management of such bleeding should be familiar to those performing PCNL as well as those involved in the care of these patients. The objective of this chapter is to review the various hemorrhagic complications encountered during and after PCNL, the management of these complications, and strategies to reduce their occurrence. This chapter will also discuss perioperative risk stratification and patient optimization, as well as technical considerations during PCNL which influence hemorrhagic complications. It is through the combination of optimizing patient risk factors pre‐ and perioperatively, executing excellent surgical technique, recognizing bleeding early, and managing bleeding rapidly that hemorrhagic complications during and after PCNL can be minimized and their consequences mitigated. Bleeding during and after PCNL can occur at any step throughout the procedure, including needle puncture, dilation of the percutaneous tract, excessive torqueing of the renal parenchyma through an established access sheath, aggressive stone manipulation and extraction, from collateral damage to adjacent organs and blood vessels, during nephrostomy tube removal, and in the immediate or delayed postoperative period [8]. Hemorrhage results from either damage to the kidney parenchyma, disruption of the peri‐ or intrarenal vessels, or injury to adjacent structures. Renal parenchymal bleeding, believed to stem most commonly from the interlobular vessels, is often mild, apparent during surgery, and frequently can be controlled with intraoperative tamponade from the access sheath, and with larger bore nephrostomy or nephroureteral catheters postoperatively. Injury to the larger renal vessels, such as the arcuate, interlobar, lobar, and segmental vessels, is thought to cause more significant bleeding that may limit vision during PCNL and can cause continued significant blood loss postoperatively as well. For vessels in spasm, bleeding may be minor during surgery, but once the spasm abates, bleeding and its effects often become apparent within the first 24–48 hours postoperatively. Injury to these larger vessels is also believed to be the cause of delayed bleeding. Such delayed bleeding often takes one of two forms: arteriovenous fistulas and pseudoaneurysms. Arteriovenous fistulas arise when a lacerated artery and vein in proximity to each other form a direct connection while healing. Pseudoaneurysms result when surgery injures the wall of a high‐pressure artery and blood then leaks into a lower pressure area such as the collecting system, connective tissue, or vein [9]. In both of these cases, significant renal bleeding can present in the early postoperative course or in delayed fashion as late as a number of weeks postoperatively. Myriad factors have been linked to PCNL‐related hemorrhage, and can be grouped together as patient‐related factors, operative‐related factors, and stone‐related factors. Patient‐related factors that have been correlated with increased bleeding risk are numerous and those most consistently shown to increase perioperative bleeding on multivariate analysis include obesity, certain comorbidities such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis and diabetes, older age, patient frailty, higher American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) classification, renal insufficiency, lack of preoperative hydronephrosis, history of prior renal surgery, renal anomalies, underlying or prior urinary tract infections, and the use of anticoagulants [10–12]. One group has evaluated the effect of prior renal surgery on hemorrhage and has found prior open stone surgery was significantly more likely to be associated with post‐PCNL hemorrhage compared to prior PCNL or shock‐wave lithotripsy [13]. Interestingly, this contrasts with findings from another group in the same geographic region who found no differences in patients previously treated with shock‐wave lithotripsy or open stone surgery [14]. Recent or recurrent urinary tract infections can lead to chronically inflamed tissue, which tends to bleed more easily. Additionally, infection is known to impair effective blood clotting. Furthermore, patient frailty, as measured by Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) and activities of daily living, has been linked to overall patient complications and may be related to increased bleeding risk [15, 16]. Operative and technical factors that have been shown to influence and increase bleeding risk include longer operative duration, larger access tract size, less surgeon experience, use of multiple access tracts, upper pole calyceal access, longer intraoperative time to successful renal puncture and larger bore nephroscopes [10, 17–23]. Compared with smaller access sheaths (≤18 Fr), larger access sheath size was associated with increased hemorrhage risk (threefold increased risk for access sheaths 24–26 Fr and almost fivefold increased risk for access sheaths 27–30 Fr) [24]. Increasing number of access tracts, in particular three or more, routinely appears to correlate with increased risk for higher blood loss and transfusions following PCNL [17, 20–22, 25]. Increasing operative time has also been shown to increase bleeding risk. Though most likely a continuum, surgical duration in excess of approximately 110–120 minutes has been predictive of post‐PCNL bleeding [26, 27]. At least one study has suggested that less surgeon experience was associated with an almost threefold elevated hemorrhage risk (0.6% for an experienced endourologist compared to 1.7% for a general urologist or trainee) [18]. A few studies have evaluated the relationship between PCNL‐related hemorrhage and hospital case volume, and the evidence remains equivocal as to how hospital PCNL volume influences bleeding risk. One study from the United States used the Nationwide Inpatient Sample and found transfusion rates were highest in the lowest and highest quartile volume centers on univariate analysis, however hospital PCNL case volume was not found to independently predict for transfusions on multivariate analysis [28]. In another study from the United Kingdom, no difference in major hemorrhage events was seen among those hospitals performing low (<10 PCNLs per year; 1.3%), medium (10–20 PCNLs per year; 1.5%), and high (>20 PCNLs per year; 1.5%) volumes of PCNLs [29]. Results from the Global PCNL Global study did show a higher reported rate of bleeding (9% vs. 5.5%), mean hemoglobin change (3.9 vs. 3.5 mg/dl), and blood transfusion rate (5.2% vs. 3.4%) in low volume (<77 PCNLs per year) compared to high‐volume (>77 PCNLs per year) centers [30]. Several studies have shown that renal access obtained by a urologist is associated with less bleeding, fewer complications, and a higher stone‐free rate than renal access obtained by a radiologist [31–33]. This is thought to be related to the fact that the goals of the radiologist and urologist may differ in these circumstances. The typical tract created by the urologist is often a more direct route, and often more superiorly located (Figure 33.1). It is prudent to assess the radiologist‐obtained renal access tract prior to tract dilation, and this can be done with multiplanar fluoroscopy and antegrade nephrostography. If suboptimal access is found, there should be a low threshold for obtaining a new, better access. Figure 33.1 Percutaneous access obtained by interventional radiologist (left side of image) versus percutaneous access obtained by endourologist (right side of image). The endourologist access tract is superiorly located and provides a direct route to renal calculus. Lastly, stone composition and burden have been correlated with increased bleeding risks. In particular, staghorn stone configuration appears to be consistently related to increased risk of perioperative PCNL bleeding. In at least one report, an almost 30% increased risk of bleeding was encountered when more than two access tracts were used to approach staghorn calculi [21]. Absolute contraindications to PCNL include uncorrected coagulopathy and active infection. A complete history and physical examination is important in all patients prior to PCNL, and close attention should be paid to personal and family history of blood dyscrasias and coagulopathic states (clotting factor deficiencies, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, coronary artery stenting, mechanical heart valves, atrial fibrillation, venous thromboembolism, etc.). Medications should be reviewed with the patient with a particular eye towards antithrombotic medications and herbal supplements. Full laboratory evaluation, including complete blood count, serum electrolytes, creatinine level, and coagulation parameters, are important to determine preoperatively. Appropriately screened and cross‐matched blood products should be available. Previous renal and retroperitoneal surgery should be specifically elicited, as previous open renal stone surgery may increase the risk of angioembolization, while prior PCNL may not [34]. Preoperative cross‐sectional imaging is recommended to help fully understand renal stone burden and anatomy, and to evaluate for anatomical abnormalities and perinephric organ location. Preoperative negative urine cultures should be the goal, and review of prior positive urine cultures and sensitivities are important in patients with a history of urinary tract infections, as these can influence perioperative antibiotic choices. Scrutiny of any antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications is paramount as the widespread use of these agents becomes more frequent and the number of agents utilized continues to grow. Determining the indications for such antithrombotics is imperative and can have ramifications on the perioperative management of such medications, including the relative risks of continuing versus stopping them, and whether bridging regimens are indicated. Further details on this topic can be found in Chapter 5. In the operating room, immediately preceding PCNL, maintaining adequate patient temperature is imperative as efficient clot formation depends on body temperature, and lower core body temperatures are associated with inefficient clot formation [35, 36]. To this end, temperature monitoring in the perioperative period is important, and increasing ambient room temperature and utilizing convective air‐warming systems can combat rapid body temperature losses associated with clothes removal and anesthetic induction prior to the start of surgery. During patient positioning alone, core body temperatures can fall by approximately 1°C [36, 37]. Furthermore, it is important to use warmed irrigation fluid when available. Intraoperative hemorrhage is typically not subtle, and can happen at any step during PCNL, from initial percutaneous access to final urinary drainage. It is thought that the moments of greatest hazard are: (i) during initial access and percutaneous tract dilation, when any of the perinephric organs or vascular structures is at risk for nonvisualized (blind) puncture injury, and (ii) during excessive torqueing of the sheath or nephroscope during the procedure, which can result in renal parenchymal shearing and tearing. The first step to minimizing bleeding begins with the initial renal puncture. The preferred approach involves an “end‐on” calyceal puncture, where the access needle passes centrally through the longitudinal axis of the targeted posterior calyx. Moreover, the preferred access should traverse Brödel’s avascular plane along the shortest and straightest track from the skin to the collecting system, thereby minimizing the amount of renal parenchymal disruption. Excessive medial advancement of renal dilators should be avoided and careful note should be made to pass or situate dilators just to the forniceal–calyx junction. Creating as straight and short a percutaneous track as possible is advised, as is dilating in as straight a manner as possible between skin and target calyx; this will reduce the possibility of guidewire kinking which can hinder the passage of subsequent catheters, dilators, and sheaths. These strategies are thought to reduce the risk of injury to the interlobar, segmental, and main renal vessels, and to reduce the risk of renal pelvis perforation [36, 38–42]. Routine use of flexible nephroscopes, when available, can help reduce overly aggressive torqueing of the nephroscope and access sheath, which can lead to renal parenchymal tearing and resulting increased bleeding [43]. When significant bleeding is encountered, especially during percutaneous access and tract dilation, the anesthesia team should be notified immediately so that preparations can be made for closer hemodynamic monitoring and possible transfusion of blood products. Bleeding in these instances is frequently self‐limited, and can usually be managed with tamponade from the access sheath once it is properly positioned across the renal parenchyma. In most cases, PCNL can then proceed as planned. During stone manipulation, the access sheath should remain positioned across the renal parenchyma to avoid repeated shearing and loss of tamponade, both of which will increased bleeding and obscure vision. Removing stones or fragments too large for the access sheath can lead to sharp and everted deformation of the working sheath, which can lead to tract tearing and increased bleeding upon sheath removal. Severe bleeding has been reported following rupture of a renal working sheath [44]. To prevent these issues from arising, excessive force should be minimized when removing calculi, and attempted removal of stones that are too large should be avoided. If significant bleeding or the passage of blood clots persists through the sheath, visualization may be impaired. When visualization is too poor to continue safely, it is best to place a large‐bore nephrostomy tube and return at a later date, after bleeding has ceased. Bleeding severe enough to cause early termination of PCNL is infrequent, reported in about 0.2% of cases [45, 46]. Hemodynamic instability, often evidenced by tachycardia, hypotension, and potentially increasing vasopressor requirement from the anesthesia team, are concerning and should alert the surgeon to the possibility of large blood loss. Good communication with the anesthesia team is critical in these instances. It should be noted that intraoperative assessment of blood counts (hemoglobin, hematocrit) may underestimate the degree of blood loss in the acute setting and initiating blood product transfusions should be considered when signs of hemorrhagic shock exist despite a higher than expected blood count intraoperatively. Similarly, a steady but still significant blood loss may be underperceived due to irrigation fluids, and this can often manifest itself as gradually worsening hypotension and tachycardia as the PCNL proceeds. This is most common during longer PCNLs, and is one of the reasons certain stone centers terminate PCNLs after a set duration of time (often 2–3 hours), and stage the procedure thereafter if more work is still necessary.
Hemorrhagic Complications Associated with Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Etiology of hemorrhage from percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Risk factors associated with hemorrhage during percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Patient‐related factors
Operative‐related factors
Stone‐related factors
Preoperative patient assessment and optimization
Intraoperative hemorrhage: recognition and management strategies

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