Anatomic abnormalities of the oropharynx
Anatomic/congenital abnormalities of the larynx and trachea
Anatomic abnormalities of the esophagus
Disorders affecting suck–swallow–breathing coordination
Disorders affecting neuromuscular coordination of swallowing
Disorders affecting esophageal peristalsis
Mucosal infections and inflammatory disorders causing dysphagia
Other miscellaneous disorders associated with feeding and swallowing difficulties, for example, xerostomia, hypothyroidism, trisomy 18 and 21, Prader–Willi syndrome, allergies, lipid and lipoprotein metabolism disorders, and a variety of craniofacial syndromes
Gastroesophageal Reflux
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) occurs when stomach contents backs up into the esophagus.
GER is most of the time benign, due to high volume inside the stomach and/or temporary cardial insufficiency, and manifested only by regurgitations , spitting up , and dribbling milk with burps or after feedings, without any other symptoms, especially pain. This situation characterizes the “happy spitters.” These babies may be helped with feeding of smaller amounts and more frequent, burping the baby often during the feedings, holding the baby in an upright position for about 30 min after feeding, and making sure that the baby’s diaper is not too tight. When the child is not breast-fed, using an infant formula enriched with food thickeners may also help [2].
GER may also be more severe. Several symptoms can be related to neonatal gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) , Table 5.2. After feeding, there may be forceful or projectile vomiting or spitting up of large amounts of milk. Reflux may also lead to esophageal irritation by the stomach contents, that is, esophagitis . When the stomach content reaches the pharyngeal regions, it can be aspirated into the lungs, a phenomenon recognized by “rattling,” heard and felt in the baby’s chest and back. Babies may also gag and choke during feedings.
Table 5.2
Symptoms of neonatal gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Typical or atypical crying and/or irritability |
Sleep disturbances |
Apnea and/or bradycardia |
Poor appetite; weight loss or poor growth (failure to thrive) |
Apparent life-threatening event |
Vomiting |
Hematemesis and/or melena |
Recurrent pneumonitis and/or pulmonary atelectasis |
Severe laryngomalacia |
GERD may be primary, related to several mechanisms mainly of motor origin [2]. Variations during sleep and wakefulness suggest the involvement of autonomic nervous activity changes [3]. Signs and symptoms of GERD traditionally attributed to acidic reflux in neonates do not seem to be significantly altered by proton pump inhibitors (PPI) treatment. In a study, esomeprazole was well tolerated and reduced esophageal acid exposure and the number of acidic reflux events in neonates [4].
GERD may also be secondary, related to either medical of surgical disorders, Table 5.3. Food allergy dominates, especially for milk, to which the child may react either in infant formulas or in breast milk [5, 6]. Diagnosis is based on elimination diets using milk-free infant formulas or cow’s milk elimination in mother’s diet, since allergy testing is rarely positive at this age [5, 6]. The neonatal period remains a critical period for diagnosing conditions leading to vomiting, such as neonatal medical or surgical conditions. The latter must be kept in mind despite the wide use of prenatal diagnosis.
Table 5.3
Secondary neonatal gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Medical disorder: |
Milk allergy, in formula-fed infants or to milk ingested by mothers in breast-fed children |
Other food allergy |
Surgical conditions: |
Esophageal atresia |
Hiatal hernia |
Diaphragmatic hernia |
Omphalocele |
Gastroschisis |
Other rare causes of neonatal intestinal obstructions |
In a newborn, the first bowel movements expel meconium, a sticky, greenish-black substance that forms in the intestines during fetal life. Yellow stools appear after the first few days. In breast-fed babies, stools tend to be soft, seedy, yellow-green, often as every few hours with feedings and at least several times a day. In formula-fed babies, stools are yellow and formed and occur once or twice a day.
In a baby with diarrhea , stools are watery, very loose, and occur very frequently. Signs of cramping are absent or difficult to perceive. Different causes may be considered, as indicated in Table 5.4 [7]. Diarrhea may reveal neonatal-onset Crohn’s disease and intractable ulcerating enterocolitis [8] or neonatal enteropathies [9]. Several viral infections may be responsible, such as cytomegalovirus even in immunocompetent babies [10]. Other viruses may be involved [11], such as adenoviruses [12], parechoviruses [13], rotavirus , norovirus , astrovirus, and some infections being potentially associated with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) [11].
Table 5.4
Frequency, etiology, and current management strategies for diarrhea in newborn infants [7]
Food allergy (20.5 %) |
Gastrointestinal infections (17.9 %) |
Antibiotic-associated diarrhea (12.8 %) |
Congenital defects of ion transport (5.1 %) |
Withdrawal syndrome (5.1 %) |
Hirschsprung’s disease (2.5 %) and parenteral diarrhea (2.5 %) |
Cystic fibrosis (2.5 %) |
Metabolic disorders (2.5 %) |
Incidence 6.72 per 1000 hospitalized child, 39 cases of diarrhea (36 acute, 3 chronic); 3 patients died |
Diarrhea in a newborn can quickly lead to severe dehydration and thus needs immediate oral rehydration. The European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) solution contains 60 mOsm/L of Na and is recommended for children of Europe, but it seems to be effective in children living in developing countries [14]. Maintenance of breast feeding in breast-fed infants is always recommended.
Constipation is characterized by rare bowel movements, less than once a day, sometimes less than once every 3 or more days. Generally, stools are very compact and free from moisture, appearing as hard balls or pebbles. Signs of discomfort or pain are frequent, quick drawing up of the legs, accompanied by a red-faced grunting as baby attempts to have a bowel movement. Examination of a constipated newborn needs checking the quality of feeding, the presence of abdominal distension, and gently analyzing the anal region.
Delay in passing meconium, abdominal distension, and low weight gain suggest or are associated with organic disturbances, such as Hirschsprung’s disease, often requiring a specific surgical procedure. Other severe presentations may need medical treatment such as meconium ileus (MI) (see below) [15].
Functional constipation is the more likely. Breast-feeding newborn babies may pass 3–4 bowel movements per day within the first 2 weeks. The bowel movements of bottle-fed babies may be a bit less frequent. Apply a small dab of lubricating gel on baby’s anus to protect the sensitive area and allow stool to pass a bit easier. Avoid using mineral oil as a lubricant.
Anal fissures are possible even in neonates, in the form a small tear in the anus. When limited, anal fissures may occur from baby forcing the passage of hard stool, usually with recurrent straining. Anal fissures may be associated with milk allergy [16]. What appears as a larger anal fissure may be an anomaly of the anal regions participating in the process of anorectal malformations and requiring a surgical procedure .
Colic is a problem that affects many babies during the first 3–4 months of life, starting typically by 3 weeks of age but sometimes much earlier. It is defined as prolonged or excessive crying in an infant whose examination is normal, often associated with gas, irritability, and sleeping disorders. The crying can be very loud, can last for several hours a day, and predisposes to the shaken baby syndrome [17], hence the necessity for appropriate handling. What causes colic is still unclear. Studies show an increased fecal content of calprotectin [18] a marker of an intestinal inflammation , thereby suggesting a physiological inflammation during the first months of life. Another possible reason for excessive crying in babies might be that they are oversensitive to gas in the intestine , similarly to what is observed in older children during irritable bowel syndrome , although this disorder is lacking evidence-based approaches [19]. Milk allergy is also possible, thus leading to a trial elimination diet using cow’s milk protein hydrolysates [6].
GI Problems of Preterm Infants
Feeding Difficulties
Digestive tolerance of preterm infants is one of the major problems of neonatal wards. Preterm infants have the paradoxical situation of a considerable demand in nutrients contrasting with a low digestive tolerance, owing to immaturity of the digestive tract, low oral sucking, and swallowing maturity, and with the need to interrupt as soon as possible parenteral feeding to reduce the infectious and metabolic risks and to introduce progressively enteral feeding to enhance the digestive tube maturity [20]. Although incompletely understood, difficulties that preterm infants face in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) may be related to the potential consequences of an immature intestinal barrier defense and bacterial colonization disturbances [21]. What is at stake in this age range is the need to increase as far and as rapidly as possible the rate of enteral feeding with the constant need to avoid GI signs of bad tolerance, especially trying to avoid NEC.
Progressive Increment of Oral Feeding in Premature Infants
Premature infants of gestational age (GA) > 34 weeks are usually able to coordinate sucking, swallowing, and breathing, and so establish breast or bottle feeding. In less mature infants, oral feeding may not be safe or possible because of neurological immaturity or respiratory compromise [20]. In these infants, milk can be given as a continuous infusion or as an intermittent bolus through a fine feeding catheter passed via the nose or the mouth to the stomach [22]. In older babies, around 34 weeks of GA, the infant begins to suckle, and the bottle progressively replaces the tube feeding.
Several Cochrane reviews [23–26] confirm that the introduction of enteral feeding for very preterm infants, that is, less than 32 weeks of GA or very low birth weight (VLBW) < 1500 g infants, is often delayed due to the bad clinical tolerance of early enteral introduction and may increase the risk of developing NEC. However, the available trial data suggest that introducing progressive enteral feeding before 4 days after birth and advancing the rate of feed quantities at more than 24 ml/kg/day do not increase the risk of NEC in very preterm infants and VLBW infants [23–26]. In contrast, prolonged enteral fasting may diminish the functional adaptation of the immature GI tract and extend the need for parenteral nutrition with its attendant infectious and metabolic risks [26]. Also, delayed introduction or slow advancement of enteral feeding results in several days of delay in the time taken to regain birth weight and establish full enteral feeds [26]. Trophic feeding, giving preterm infants very small quantities of adapted preterm milk formulas to promote intestinal maturation, may enhance feeding tolerance and decrease the time taken to reach full enteral feeding independently of parenteral nutrition [23–26]. Although it is well agreed that oral feeding should be initiated slowly first by the help of nasogastric tube and then progressively followed by oral feeding, the way in which the preterm infants are introduced and advanced varies widely. The use of dilute formula in preterm or VLBW infants might leads to an important reduction in the time taken for those infants to achieve an adequate daily energy intake [27]. Uncertainty also exists about the risk–benefit balance of different enteral feeding strategies in human milk-fed versus formula-fed very preterm or VLBW infants as the trials and reviews did not contain sufficient data for subgroup analyses [26].
Gastroesophageal Reflux
GER is very common among preterm infants, due to several physiological mechanisms. Its real frequency in preterm and VLBW infants is not well established. The responsibility of GER is suspected in the occurrence of apnea, bradycardia, pallor, cyanosis with or without oxygen desaturation, severe malaise, feeding difficulties with weight loss or poor growth (failure to thrive), crying , hematemesis , melena, and finally sudden infant deaths (SIDs) [2], although GER could be diagnosed for extra-digestive manifestations by 24-h pH-metry monitoring and for digestive manifestations by upper GI endoscopy with specific neonatal endoscopes [28].
The therapeutic management of GER still represents a controversial issue among neonatologists. Overtreatment, often unuseful and potentially harmful, is increasingly widespread. Hence, a stepwise approach, firstly promoting conservative strategies such as body positioning (the best position is the ventral decubitus associated with a 30° of orthostatism position under continuous monitoring in the NICU) or changes of feeding modalities, should be considered the most advisable choice in preterm infants with GER [2]. Non-pharmacological management of GER might represent a useful tool for neonatologists to reduce the use of anti-reflux medications, that is, prokinetics and anti-H2 blockers or PPI, which should be limited, due to their side effects, to selected cases of severe symptomatic infants [29].
In neonatal units, there is a tendency to assume that any acutely sick infant with gastrointestinal symptoms has NEC. All digestive issues however are not related to as a matter of fact; a better definition of enteropathy in preterm neonates and their risk factors need to be done. Neonatal enteropathy is considered in the presence of feeding difficulties, increased gastric residual, abdominal distension associated with sensitive and/or surgical abdominal examination, and rectal bleeding with bloody stool (hemorrhagic recto-colitis). Sometimes, preterm infants present with sub-occlusion (transient) or complete permanent occlusion syndrome.
In a prospective study by Suc et al. [30], 351 preterm infants admitted to a neonatal ward were fed similarly, depending on their maturation, GA, and GI status; 53 developed GI symptoms: 23 transient obstructions, 6 NEC, and 24 hemorrhagic colitis. Ten risk factors were found to be significantly correlated with GI disturbances: umbilical venous catheter, benzodiazepines, birth weight < 1.500 g, patent ductus arteriosus, ventilatory assistance, abnormal amniotic fluid, GA < 32 weeks, early antibiotic treatment, passage of meconium > 48 h, and episodes of apnea and/or bradycardia. GI problems might thus be separated into three groups: (1) isolated intestinal obstruction, seen in the most immature babies during the first week of life with the risk of developing NEC; (2) frank blood in the stool, indicating colitis and possibly minor forms of NEC; (3) combined obstructive and hemorrhagic symptoms, typical of NEC .
The diagnosis of enteropathy relies on clinical examination associated with biological parameters (complete blood count, C-reactive protein, and bacteriological cultures) and radiological exploration (abdominal X-ray and/or ultrasonography).
Specific treatment is offered according to diagnostic work-up analysis, that is, enteral and/or parenteral nutritional assistance as well as antibiotics treatment and sometimes acute life-threatening events supports .
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Background of Prematurity and NEC
NEC is a devastating GI disease dominating in preterm infants . The pathogenesis, likely multifactorial, is incompletely understood. At this age, infants experience multiple perturbations to normal postnatal intestinal and immune development, all of which increase their vulnerability to NEC. The prevalence is increased in formula-fed infants, suggesting protection by the bioactive compounds of breast milk. The intestinal microbiota profiles observed during NEC as compared to control infants, suggests a lack of benefits from commensal bacteria and an increased risk of intestinal inflammation and bacterial translocation by pathogenic bacteria [31]. NEC incidence also seems reduced by prebiotics and probiotics and increased after prolonged antibiotics exposure use leading to delayed bacterial colonization, with preference for pathogenic microorganisms. H2-blocker or PPI, decreasing gastric acidity, might dampen one component of the first-line defense against pathogenic antigens provided by intestinal tract [32].
The role of Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) is likely to be critical in the postnatal susceptibility to NEC of preterm infants [33]. In animal models, the absence of TLR4, such as in TLR4 knockout mouse, prevented the development of NEC [34]. Downregulation of TLR4 suppresses downstream pro-inflammatory signaling, such as observed with postnatal intestinal bacterial colonization by commensal organisms, whereas TLR4 activation increases pro-inflammatory signaling. TLR4 activation might also mediate other downstream pathways and reduce the epithelial cells capacity for regeneration and proliferation [35] .
Signs and Symptoms
NEC affects typically premature infants , with a timing of onset generally inversely proportional to the GA of the child. Initial symptoms include feeding intolerance, increased gastric residuals, abdominal distension, and bloody stools. Symptoms may progress rapidly to abdominal discoloration with intestinal perforation and peritonitis and systemic hypotension requiring intensive medical support [36] .
The diagnosis is usually suspected clinically but often requires the aid of diagnostic imaging modalities. Radiographic signs of NEC include dilated bowel loops, paucity of gas, a “fixed loop” (unaltered gas-filled loop of bowel), pneumatosis intestinalis, portal venous gas, and pneumoperitoneum (extra-luminal or “free air” outside the bowel within the abdomen). More recently, ultrasonography has proven to be useful as it may detect signs and complications of NEC before they are evident on radiographs [37]. Recently, fecal biomarkers, such as fecal calprotectin, have been tested as noninvasive markers for diagnosis and follow-up [38, 39].
Three stages exist:
Stage 1: Apnea, bradycardia, lethargy, abdominal distension, and vomiting
Stage 2: Pneumatosis intestinalis and the above features
Stage 3: Low blood pressure, bradycardia, acidosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), and anuria
Primary treatment consists of supportive care. Bowel rest is obtained by stopping enteral feeds, intermittent suction to obtain gastric decompression , fluid repletion to correct electrolyte abnormalities and third space losses, adapted support for blood pressure, parenteral nutrition , and prompt antibiotic therapy . Monitoring is clinical, although serial supine and left lateral decubitus abdominal roentgenograms should be performed every 6 h. Where the disease is not halted through medical treatment alone, or when the bowel perforates, immediate emergency surgery to remove the dead bowel is generally required. Surgery may require a colostomy, which may be able to be reversed at a later time. Some children may suffer later as a result of short bowel syndrome (SBS) if extensive portions of the bowel had to be removed.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, in a 2012 policy statement, recommended feeding preterm infants human milk, finding “significant short- and long-term beneficial effects,” including lower rates of NEC. Meta-analyses of four randomized clinical trials performed over the period 1983–2005 support the conclusion that feeding preterm infants human milk is associated with a significant reduction (58 %) in the incidence of NEC. A more recent study of preterm infants fed an exclusive human milk diet compared with those fed human milk supplemented with cow-milk-based infant formula products noted a 77 % reduction in NEC [40] .
A study demonstrated that using a higher rate of lipid (fats and/or oils), infusion for preterm or VLBW infants in the first week of life resulted in zero infants developing NEC in the experimental group, compared with 14 % with NEC in the control group [41].
Neonatologists from NICU reported on the importance of providing small amounts of trophic oral feeds of human milk starting, while the infant is being primarily fed intravenously, to prime the immature gut to mature and become ready to receive greater oral intake [40]. Human milk from a milk bank or donor can be used if mother’s milk is unavailable [40]. Finally, probiotic and prebiotic supplementation is a promising approach for the prevention of NEC in preterm and VLBW infants [42].
Typical recovery from NEC if medical, nonsurgical treatment succeeds includes 10–14 days or more without oral intake and then demonstrated ability to resume feedings and gain weight. Recovery from NEC alone may be compromised by comorbid conditions that frequently accompany prematurity. Long-term complications of medical NEC include bowel obstruction, anemia, and SBS .
Meconium Ileus
Definition and Etiology
MI results from an intra-luminal intestinal obstruction produced by thick inspissated meconium. Most patients have cystic fibrosis (CF) disease (90 % of cases), others having a history of isolated simple MI. The abnormal meconium is very dry, contains higher-than-usual concentrations of protein, and adheres firmly to the mucosal surface of the distal small bowel, creating an intra-luminal obstruction [43]. This leads to poor intestinal motility, low-grade obstruction, distended loops without air fluid levels. Associated risk factors are severe prematurity and low birth weight, caesarean delivery, maternal MgSO4 therapy, and maternal diabetes. The incidence of MI has shown to increase while its management continues to be challenging and controversial for the risk of complicated obstruction and perforation [44].
MI is usually manifested by intestinal obstruction. This situation is more common in the very preterm and VLBW infants than preterm infants more than 32-week GA. Clinically, in an otherwise healthy-appearing infant, abdominal distension is visible in the first 12–24 h of life, without meconium elimination in the first 48 h. Physical examination reveals firm palpable masses throughout the abdomen without real surgical signs. There may be feeding difficulties with increased gastric residuals but without vomiting.
MI may be complicated in utero by volvulus, atresia, perforation, and meconium peritonitis, in 30–50 % of the cases. When infants born with those complications, infants appear sicker, with often vomiting and signs of neonatal sepsis and more marked abdominal distension causing respiratory distress.
Radiological examination shows dilated bowel loops, and the viscous nature of meconium produces a “ground-glass” appearance. Perforation after birth results in free intraperitoneal air. Newborns suspected of MI or any other distal bowel obstruction are diagnosed with a contrast enema study.
All newborns with MI need to be assessed for CF with the sweat chloride test and the genetic assessment of the several mutations of Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR gene) [43] .
In case of simple MI, approximately 60 % of infants have their obstruction successfully relieved by diagnostic contrast enema, ideally using a water-soluble contrast agent [43]. Failure of the contrast to dislodge the inspissated meconium after two attempts is an indication for surgical intervention and for enterotomy with acetylcysteine irrigation and immediate closure. When the enema fails, acetylcysteine, 5 ml every 6 h, may be given via a nasogastric tube to help complete the clean-out. Complicated MI always requires surgical interventions, and the choice of operations depends on the pathologic findings [43].
Congenital Anomalies
Esophageal Atresia
Esophageal atresia (EA) is a congenital anomaly of the tracheoesophageal separation where the development of the midst esophagus is lacking and that occurs either rarely isolated or frequently associated with tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF). In the most frequent case (85 %), the TEF is located in the distal esophagus (see Table 5.5).
Gross et al. [45] < div class='tao-gold-member'>
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