Gastric Cancer: Clinical Management

Gastric Cancer: Clinical Management

David P. Kelsen

Cornelis J. H. van de Velde

Bruce D. Minsky

Clinical Presentation: Signs and Symptoms

In the West, the majority of patients with gastric cancer present with symptoms that lead to the diagnosis of malignancy. This means that, for these patients, the disease is almost always at a more advanced stage. The symptoms usually associated with gastric cancer can be relatively nonspecific. They may include anorexia with associated weight loss, fatigue, and mild to moderate epigastric distress. Hematemesis is an uncommon presenting symptom of gastric cancer and occurs in only 10% to 15% of patients (1). The association of abdominal pain with relief by meals that may be caused by an ulcerated lesion is frequently confused with benign peptic ulcer disease. More proximal gastric tumors may cause dysphagia, and more distal tumors may cause gastric outlet obstruction.

Signs on physical examination include ascites, if peritoneal metastases have occurred, or a palpable left upper quadrant mass. Both mean that locally advanced or metastatic cancer is present. Jaundice may occur if obstruction of the biliary tree occurs from portal lymph node metastasis or from extensive hepatic replacement. Occasionally, the first sign of gastric cancer is a metastasis to the ovary (Krukenberg’s tumor) or a mass in the pelvis felt on rectal examination (Blumer’s shelf). As is the case with other abdominal malignancies, gastric cancer may metastasize to the left supraclavicular lymph node area or occasionally to the left axilla. Metastasis to the periumbilical area (Sister Joseph’s nodule) may represent the first sign of gastric cancer at either presentation or recurrence. As is the case with supraclavicular lymph node involvement, tissue diagnosis by needle biopsy can be easily performed in this situation. In summary, the symptoms of gastric cancer are usually vague and nonspecific. Positive signs and findings on physical examination frequently mean that the patient has advanced incurable disease. Unfortunately, in the absence of effective prevention and screening programs, the majority of patients present with more advanced cancer.

Approaches to diagnosis and staging have been described in earlier chapters of this section. In summary, upper endoscopy with biopsy is the preferred technique for establishing tissue diagnosis in patients newly diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma limited to the stomach. Evaluation of the extent of the disease should include computed tomography (CT) scans of the abdomen. Pelvic CT scans may reveal ascites or ovarian metastases. CT scans of the chest are appropriate in patients with tumors of the cardia or gastroesophageal junction (GEJ). Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) has proven useful in determining depth of invasion (T) but is only modestly accurate in determining nodal metastasis. For patients who do not have clear evidence of metastatic, unresectable disease by physical examination or CT scan, laparoscopy (which can be performed immediately before laparotomy or, in investigational programs, before neoadjuvant therapy) is an accurate test and helps identify patients who have unsuspected intraabdominal metastasis, usually to the peritoneum or liver. The use of positron emission tomography (PET) as part of staging is becoming more widespread (see Chapter 22 and later in this chapter).

Surgical Management

In the 19th century, gastric cancer was the most important form of cancer, and many patients died of upper gastrointestinal obstruction. In 1881, Billroth was the first to perform a successful gastric resection. In fact, as he removed several enlarged lymph nodes, he also performed a lymph node dissection (2). The patient died 14 months later of recurrent disease. In 1889, Mikulicz advocated lymph node dissection in addition to gastrectomy, with removal of the pancreas tail if necessary (3). Basic research on lymph drainage was performed in 1900 by Cunéo and in 1907 by Jamieson, who injected coloring agents. Jamieson divided locoregional lymph node groups into 10 stations that show an amazing resemblance to the current Japanese classification (4). Unfortunately, the importance of the work of Cunéo and Jamieson was not recognized at the time.

After reviewing reports on 298 total gastrectomies performed in the early 1900s, Pack and McNeer found a postoperative mortality rate of 37.6% and therefore rejected the use of total gastrectomy (5). From then on, discussion was ongoing about what type of resection should be performed to achieve the best survival with the least morbidity and postoperative mortality. In a review of articles published in English since 1970, the proportion of surgical patients undergoing resection, or the resectability rate, was found to increase from 37% in the series ending before 1970 to 48% in those ending before 1990 (Table 23.1) (6,7). The 5-year survival rate after all resections increased significantly from 21% in the series ending before 1970 to 28% in those ending before 1990, and the 5-year survival rate after curative resection rose from 38% to 55% during the same period (6). Reports from Japanese institutions have shown an even better prognosis; moreover, they have demonstrated that the improvement in 5-year survival has exceeded the decline in incidence, which has resulted in an improved overall cure rate (8). The most important current surgical controversy is the extent of lymphadenectomy, which the Japanese believe to be the most important explanation for the improved outlook for patients with gastric cancer.

Table 23.1 History of resectability, hospital mortality, and 5-year survival

Period Resectability (%) Mortality (%) 5-yr survival (%)
Before 1960 25 19.4
Before 1970 37.1 15 38
Before 1980 52.7 13 52
Before 1990 47.7 4.6 55
Data from Macintyre IMC, Akoh JA. Improving survival in gastric cancer. Br J Surg 1991;78:771–776; Akoh JA, Macintyre IM. Improving survival in gastric cancer: review of 5-year survival rates in English language publications from 1970. Br J Surg 1992;79:293–299.

Surgical Methods

The Japanese Research Society for the Study of Gastric Cancer (JRSGC) has provided guidelines for the standardization of surgical treatment and pathological evaluation of gastric cancer (8). These guidelines are also recommended by the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) and the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) in their fourth manual for the staging of cancer (9,10). In these guidelines, 16 different lymph node compartments (stations) are identified surrounding the stomach (Fig. 23.1). In general, the perigastric lymph node stations along the lesser (stations 1, 3, and 5) and greater (stations 2, 4, and 6) curvature are grouped N1, whereas the nodes along the left gastric (station 7), common hepatic (station 8), celiac (station 9), and splenic (stations 10 and 11) arteries are grouped N2. Minor modifications to this schedule are made, depending on the location of the tumor. Further lymph node dissections of stations 13 to 16 (N3 and N4) are also described. Lymph node dissection is classified accordingly as D1 to D4. A D1 dissection entails removal of the involved part of the stomach (distal or total), including greater and lesser omentum. The spleen and pancreas tail are resected only when necessitated by tumor invasion. For a D2 dissection, the omental bursa is removed with the front leaf of the transverse mesocolon, and the mentioned vascular pedicles of the stomach are cleared completely. Resection of the spleen and pancreatic tail was initially regarded as necessary to achieve adequate removal of D2 lymph node stations 10 and 11 in proximal tumors, but spleen- and pancreas-preserving lymphadenectomies are becoming more popular.

FIGURE 23.1. Lymph node locations and grouping. A, distal one-third; C, upper one-third; CMA, entire stomach; M, middle one-third. aDissection only indicated in case of total gastrectomy.

Furthermore, the stomach can be divided into a proximal, middle, and distal one-third zone. For tumors in the lower two-thirds of the stomach, a subtotal gastrectomy can be performed.

The standard treatment of gastric cancer in the Western world for many years was a total or subtotal gastrectomy, with more or less complete removal of omentum and perigastric lymph nodes (D1 dissection). Hospital mortality, most often defined as death within 30 days postoperatively, has decreased over the years. Before the 1970s, a median mortality rate of 15% was reported, but in the 1980s this rate was decreased to 4.6% (Table 23.1) (7). The 5-year survival in curative resections also improved in these years from 38% before 1970 to 55% in the 1980s (6). A survey by the American College of Surgeons showed a 77.1% resection rate in 18,365 patients, with a postoperative mortality of 7.2% and 5-year survival of 19%. Only 4.7% of these were D2 dissections. Stage-related 5-year survival was 50% for stage I, 29% for stage II, 13% for stage III, and 3% for stage IV (11). Japanese centers report 5-year overall survival rates higher than 50%, as well as higher than 70% for curative resections, whereas hospital mortality is approximately 2% (6,12,13). Japanese national stage-related 5-year survival is reported at 96.6% for stage I disease, 72% for stage II, 44.8% for stage III, and 7.7% for stage IV (12). Differences in surgical techniques may be responsible in part for these better outcomes. In Japan, a total gastrectomy in combination with en bloc resection of adjacent organs, as well as a standard extended lymph node dissection, is performed more often than in Western countries. This aggressive approach is believed by the Japanese to be the main explanation for the difference in stage-specific survival (14,15,16). Other factors may contribute, however, such as the lower age of Japanese patients, the lower rates of systemic (e.g., cardiovascular) disease and obesity among gastric cancer patients, earlier diagnosis due to screening programs, stage migration, and the more aggressive chemotherapy policy in Japan. Since the 1990s, D2 dissections have become more popular in Western countries as well. Nonrandomized gastric cancer studies from Germany, England, Norway, and the United States have reported postoperative mortality between 4% and 5%, morbidity between 22% and 30.6%, and 5-year survival between 26.3% and 55% for patients undergoing D2 dissections (Table 23.2) (17,18,19,20). The variability in outcomes is substantial, likely because of the different definitions of D2 dissections in most series. Comparison of outcomes with those of patients who had a limited (D1) lymph node dissection (usually in historical comparison) showed better results for D2 dissection, although morbidity rates seemed to be higher. D2 dissection thus appears to improve survival even in Western countries, but results are still not near those reported by the Japanese.

Table 23.2 D1 and D2 gastrectomies: nonrandomized and randomized studies

Study Period Setup D1 D2
No. Morbidity (%) Mortality (%) 5-yr survival rate (%) No. Morbidity (%) Mortality (%)
Siewert et al. (17), Germany 1986–1989 MC, Pros 558 29 5.2 51.2 1,096 30.6 5.0
Sue-Ling et al. (18), England 1970–1989 SI, Pros         207 22 5.0
Viste (29), Norway 1980–1990 SI, Retr 78 37 13 30 105 30 4
Wanebo et al. (20), United States 1982–1987 MC, Pros 1,529     30 695    
Dent et al. (21), South Africa 1982–1985 SS, Rand 22 22 0 69 21 43 0
Robertson (22), Hong Kong 1987–1991 SI, Rand 25 0 0 45 30 (D3) 58.6 3.3
Cuschieri et al. (24), Great Britain 1987–1994 MC, Rand 200 28 6.5 35 200 46 13.0
Hartgrink et al. (23), The Netherlands 1989–1993 MC, Rand 380 25 4.0 45 331 43 10.0
MC, multicenter; Pros, prospective study; SI, single institution; Retr, retrospective study; SS, single surgeon; Rand, randomized study.

Based on these retrospective data, four randomized studies comparing D1 and D2 dissections have been conducted (Table 23.2). The first was by Dent et al., who described a selected group of only 43 patients (21). In 21 D2 dissections, no hospital mortality was seen, but morbidity, hospital stay, and blood transfusion requirements were significantly higher than for those in the D1 dissection group. No difference in survival was noted between the two groups. A randomized study by McKenzie and Robertson encompassing 55 patients was set up to determine the difference in outcomes between a D1 subtotal gastrectomy with omentectomy (n = 25) and a D3 total
gastric resection, including pancreatic-splenectomy (n = 30) in patients with adenocarcinoma of the gastric antrum (22). Postoperative death occurred in only one patient in the D3 group due to abdominal sepsis. Morbidity was significantly increased for those undergoing extended resections because half of the patients who had D3 dissections developed a subphrenic abscess. Survival was significantly better among patients undergoing a D1 dissection than among those who had a D3 resection. In both studies, no benefit was seen from more extended resections.

Two large randomized multicenter studies comparing D1 and D2 dissections have been published: the Dutch Gastric Cancer Trial (DGCT) (14,23) and the British Medical Research Council Gastric Cancer Surgical Trial (MRC) (24).

Dutch Gastric Cancer Trial

In the Netherlands, 80 hospitals participated in a randomized trial to compare morbidity, hospital mortality, survival, and cumulative relapse risk after D1 or D2 lymph node dissection for gastric cancer. Between 1989 and 1993, 996 patients were centrally randomly assigned to different treatment groups; 711 patients (380 assigned to D1 dissection and 331 to D2 dissection) underwent the allocated treatment with curative intent, and 285 patients required palliative treatment. For definition of D1 and D2 dissection, the guidelines of the JRSGC were used. Because these guidelines were not regularly used in the Netherlands, a Japanese surgeon experienced in the treatment of gastric cancer was invited to instruct the participating Dutch surgeons. Continuous quality control was believed to be necessary to maintain the appropriate level of lymph node dissection. This quality control was substantiated by relating the number and location of lymph nodes detected at pathological examination to the guidelines of the protocol (25). If lymph nodes were harvested from stations that were not supposed to be present according to protocol, this was called contamination. If lymph nodes were not harvested from stations that should have been harvested, this was termed noncompliance. These differences from the study protocol could occur in patients undergoing both D1 and D2 dissection. Contamination in the D1 group and noncompliance in the D2 group, in particular, could lead to decreased distinction between the trial arms.

After curative resection, patients in the D2 arm had higher postoperative mortality (10% vs. 4% for the D1 arm; P = 0.004). They also had significantly more complications (43% vs. 25% for the D1 arm; P <0.001), which led to significant prolonged hospital stay for patients with a D2 dissection. Hemorrhage (5% for D2 vs. 2% for D1), anastomotic leakage (9% for D2 vs. 4% for D1), and intraabdominal infection (17% for D2 vs. 8% for D1) were the most frequent complications. After curative resection, D2 patients had higher postoperative mortality (10% vs. 4% for D1; P = 0.004). They also showed significantly more complications (43% vs. 25% for D1; P ≤0.001) that led to significant prolonged hospitalization for patients after D2 dissection. Hemorrhage (5% vs. 2% for D1), anastomotic leakage (9% vs. 4% for D1), and intraabdominal infection (17% vs. 8% for D1) were the most frequent complications. In the most recent evaluation, the median follow-up for all eligible patients is 11 years (range, 6.8–13.1 years). At 11 years, survival rates are 30% for D1 and 35% for D2 (P = 0.53). The risk of relapse is 70% for D1 and 65% for D2 (P = 0.43). If hospital deaths are excluded, survival rates are 32% for D1 (n = 365) and 39% for D2 (n = 299, P = 0.10). The relapse risk of these patients (n = 664) is in favor of the D2 dissection group (P = 0.07).

In a univariate analysis of all 711 patients, no significant impact on survival rates was found for any of the subgroups based on the selected prognostic variables between D1 and D2 dissection. Analysis of interaction between covariate and extent of lymph node dissection shows no significance either. The only subgroup with a trend to benefit is the N2 disease group. If patients with hospital mortality are excluded, there is a significant survival and relapse advantage for patients with N2 disease who had a D2 dissection (P = 0.01). Other stages show no significant difference (N0 P = 0.42; N1 P = 0.31; N3 P = 0.24) in this subset analysis. Furthermore, there is no difference in survival after 11 years whether <15 lymph nodes, between 15 and 25 lymph nodes, or >25 lymph nodes are harvested.

British Medical Research Council: Gastric Cancer Surgical Trial

In a prospective randomized trial conducted by the British Medical Research Council, D1 dissection was compared with D2 dissection. Central random assignment of patients to treatment groups followed a staging laparotomy. Of 737 patients with histologically proven gastric adenocarcinoma registered, 337 patients were judged ineligible by staging laparotomy because of advanced disease, and 400 were randomly assigned to treatment (200 to D1 dissection and 200 to D2 dissection). Postoperative mortality was significantly higher in the D2 group (13% vs. 6.5% for D1 dissection; P = 0.04). Postoperative complications were also significantly higher in the D2 group (46% vs. 28% for the D1 group; P <0.001). In this study, anastomotic leakage (26% for D2 vs. 11% for D1), cardiac complications (8% for D2 vs. 2% for D1), and respiratory complications (8% for D2 vs. 5% for D1) were most frequent. The 5-year survival rates were 35% for patients undergoing D1 dissection and 33% for those having D2 dissection (24).

These major randomized studies, the MRC and the DGCT, obviously show the same tendency. Although the timing of randomization was different in the two trials and no quality control was carried out in the British trial, the postoperative mortality and morbidity rates in both trials were significantly higher in the group undergoing D2 dissection. Furthermore, no 5-year survival advantage was found for extended (D2) dissections in either study. The conclusion from these randomized studies was that generally no support exists for the standard use of extended (D2) lymph node dissections in patients with gastric cancer in the West (14,24).

Is the Debate on Nodal Dissection Solved?

More recently, a randomized trial from Taipei on 221 patients indicated a survival benefit at 5 years from 53.6% to 59.5% as a result of extended lymph node dissection (26). Critical is low mortality rate, which is usually shown in high-volume centers and was also confirmed in a randomized trial on extended lymph node dissection from Japan. The first presentation, however, in 2006 (ASCO abstract LBA 4015) (27) indicated no survival benefit with a mortality of 0.8% in both arms. The Italian Gastric Cancer Study Group showed similar results on postoperative mortality but has not produced long-term survival results (28). Results suggest that D2 gastrectomy with pancreas preservation is safe and acceptable when performed on high-volume centers and that an extensive lymphadenectomy in selected cases may confer a survival benefit.

Surgical Prognostic Factors

Besides the issue of D1 versus D2 dissections, other aspects of gastric surgery have generated controversies. These include type of gastrectomy (subtotal vs. total), pancreatectomy-splenectomy,
stage and stage migration, patient selection, and the experience of the surgeon as a prognostic factor.

Total versus Subtotal Gastrectomy

Surgical complications are influenced by the extent of the operation, and a number of studies have addressed this topic. In a Norwegian study, morbidity was significantly lower after subtotal resection (28%) than after total gastrectomy (38%), although in this study proximal gastrectomy had the highest morbidity (52%) (29). In a German study, these differences in morbidity were also found (23% for subtotal resection vs. 48% for total gastrectomy) (30). Gennari et al. found a decreased morbidity for subtotal resections without any significant influence on survival (31). Comparison of their results with those of 15 previous studies led to the conclusion that subtotal gastrectomy should be standard provided that a safe proximal margin is guaranteed. In the DGCT and the MRC, hospital mortality in the groups undergoing D1 dissection and D2 dissection was significantly lower for subtotal gastrectomy (3% and 7%, respectively) than for total gastrectomy (5% and 14%, respectively) (23,32,33). In both trials, the complication rate was also lower after subtotal resections. In the DGCT, this difference was statistically significant. The prognostic value of microscopic resection line involvement in the DGCT was studied by Songun et al. (34). Tumor-positive resection lines were seen in 5.9% of evaluable patients. Resection line involvement was significantly associated with T stage, N stage, tumor location, and tumor differentiation. Presence of resection line involvement was also associated with significantly worse survival. The conclusion from this study was that preoperative frozen-section examination is mandatory in patients undergoing a curative resection for gastric cancer, especially in those with poorly differentiated, signet ring cell, or anaplastic tumors. In this context, arguments can be made for performing a total gastrectomy in all patients with poor tumor differentiation.


Resection of spleen, pancreas, or both plays an important role in surgical complications. Although one study failed to find significant differences (35), most studies find a significant increase of morbidity and hospital mortality if a pancreaticosplenectomy is performed (19,36,37). Two studies in Japan did not show any beneficial effect on survival if pancreaticosplenectomy was combined with total gastrectomy, whereas morbidity was increased in these patients (35,39). In the DGCT, pancreatectomy and type of gastrectomy were the only factors significantly influencing the occurrence of major surgical complications (37). Although the number of dissected lymph nodes increases, septic complications occur more often due to anastomotic leakage, intraabdominal infections, and pancreatic fistula (39).

Preferably, the spleen should also be spared because this might reduce concomitant morbidity (33,40). An increase of anastomotic leakage was seen, particularly in subtotal D2 gastrectomies. The most likely explanation for this finding is that in D2 dissections, the left gastric artery is divided at its origin and the rest of the stomach is dependent on the blood supply of its short gastric arteries. In D1 dissections, in which the left gastric artery is divided more peripherally, the vascularization of the rest of the stomach is probably less compromised. Immunologic factors may play a role in this as well, associated first with resection of the spleen itself (41,42) and second with the immunosuppression induced by blood transfusions, which may be needed for increased hemorrhage (43,44,45). A recent randomized trial on splenectomy indicated no advantages in survival as reported by Yu et al. (46).

Cancer Stage

Tumor stage is an important prognostic factor for survival in gastric cancer. Although not all studies find size of the tumor to be an independent prognostic factor for survival (47,48), a clear relation is seen between increasing depth of invasion and survival (15). With increasing depth of invasion, a steady increase is seen in the number of cases with positive lymph nodes, from 45.7% when the tumor invades the muscularis propria to 79.6% when adjacent organs are directly invaded. Also, the frequency with which the more distant tiers of nodes (second, third, and fourth) is involved rises steadily with depth of invasion (49).

The incidence of metastasis and 5-year survival rate shows a strong correlation. Moreover, with increasing distance between involved node and the primary tumor, the proportion of 5-year survivors decreases. Involvement of node station 13 is associated with a zero 5-year survival rate (49). In the DGCT, surgery with an involved N4 node was regarded as a noncurative operation. Benefit from extended dissections (stations 7–12 and 16) in Japanese studies is estimated to be between 0% and 10.5% (49), although as discussed previously, this benefit was not found in randomized studies in the West (14,32). In Japan, dissections even beyond the D2 level are now being studied in two randomized studies, results are not expected before 2008 (50).

Lymph Node Staging Systems and Stage Migration

Recommendations for stage grouping from the JRSGC and from the fourth edition of the AJCC/UICC manual are more or less comparable (8,9,10). Most studies until now have used these classifications. The fifth edition of the UICC manual, however, classifies N stage by the number of affected regional lymph node metastases and not by the location of the lymph node metastases (51,52). Details of the sixth edition AJCC staging system can be found in Chapter 22. This new staging method has three advantages:

  • The pathologist can stage the cases directly on the resection specimens and is not dependent on the preparation by surgeons or the surgical information on the location of the separately submitted nodes.

  • The problematic assessment of the distance of involved nodes to the edge of the primary tumors is eliminated.

  • The histopathological method can be simplified because the nodes need not be embedded separately for the different node positions.

Hermanek et al. compared this staging system with the previously used systems and found an improvement in estimation of outcome with the new staging system (53). Other studies comparing these staging systems are now underway. Also, the data of the DGCT are being used for evaluation of this new system.

With more accurate staging, a stage migration phenomenon may arise (54). As a result of extended lymphadenectomy, a proportion of patients will be assigned to a more advanced stage than would otherwise be the case, although their prognosis is the same. If this occurs, the overall results for each stage improve, and the proportion of patients in more advanced stages increases. This stage migration is often held responsible for the differences in survival between Japanese and Western patients (52).

In the DGCT, 5-year survival for tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) stage II was 38% after D1 dissection and 43% after D2 dissection. For TNM stage IIIA, 5-year survival was 10% after D1 dissection and 29% after D2 dissection (14). Stage migration occurred in 30% of the patients undergoing D2 dissection. Given the observed 5-year survival rates, we calculated
that stage migration leads to a drop in TNM stage-specific survival of 3% for UICC stage I, 8% for stage II, 6% for stage IIIA, and 12% for stage IIIB (55). In a large German study, the disease stages of patients that benefited most in 5-year survival from D2 dissections were stages II and IIIA (stage II: standard dissection 27% and radical dissection 55%; stage IIIA: standard dissection 25.3% and radical dissection 38.4%) (17). The significant or marginally significant differences in survival for patients undergoing D1 and D2 dissections for disease of TNM stages II and IIIA have now shown to be largely attributable to stage migration.

Patient Selection

With the aging of Western society, gastric cancer will be diagnosed in more elderly patients. Population-based data from the Netherlands from 1982 to 1992 show that 27% of newly diagnosed patients were older than 80 (56). A study of gastric cancer in the elderly by Kranenbarg et al. (57) found no difference in resectability and curability rates between different age groups (Table 23.3), but hospital mortality increases with age, especially in those older than 75. Performance of extended (D2) dissections in elderly patients was associated with significantly higher hospital mortality. Multivariate analysis of these data showed that the older than 65 age group had a relative risk of 4.35 for hospital death, compared to patients younger than 65 (33). Also, 5-year survival was found to be significantly better for patients younger than 65. Some investigators do not consider age to be an important prognostic factor (58); however, the present authors believe that, although gastrectomies should not be withheld from elderly patients, extended dissections should be avoided in Western patients older than 70.

Maruyama et al. compiled a computer-based database containing pathological data from 3,040 patients (59). With the knowledge of tumor size, position, and depth of invasion (judged preoperatively by endoscopy and double-contrast barium meal or by endosonography), the likelihood of lymph node metastasis in each of the 16 lymph node stations can be predicted accurately. This enables the correct level of lymph node dissection to be determined. Applicability of this program to Western patients is shown by Peeters et al. (60). A blinded, retrospective analysis of Dutch (D1 vs. D2) trial data suggests that low Maruyama Index (MI) surgery is associated with significantly increased survival. A dose–response effect with respect to the MI and survival is also apparent. We advocate using the Maruyama program, a computerized tool based on patient experience, to identify nodal stations at risk, either preoperatively or intraoperatively, to customize surgical lymphadenectomy and routinely generate a low-MI operation.

Table 23.3 Age as a prognostic factor in the Dutch Gastric Cancer Trial of D1 and D2 dissections

Age (yr) <65 65-69 70-74 75-79 >80
No. of patients 444 192 166 143 51
Resectability (%) 88 86 84 88 90
Curability (%) 82 80 85 82 78
Dissection (mortality %)
   D1% 50 (0.6) 56 (4.1) 59 (5.7) 49 (8.0) 69 (12.0)
   D2% 50 (5.0) 44 (8.6) 41 (12.5) 51 (20.8) 31 (18.2)
Gastrectomy (mortality %)
   Total (%) 35 (3.6) 39 (7.7) 35 (10.4) 34 (30.2) 27 (27.3)
   Subtotal (%) 65 (3.5) 61 (8.0) 65 (6.6) 66 (9.6) 76 (11.4)
Overall mortality (%) 3.6 7.9 7.9 16.7 15.2
5-yr Survival (%)a 62 44 44 42 22
aAfter curative resection.

Experience and Learning Curves

Gastric resections are performed less frequently, especially because H2 antagonists have reduced the need for them and because the incidence of malignant gastric disease throughout the world has declined. Nevertheless, resection remains the only possible cure for gastric cancer. With the improvement of surgical techniques, postoperative mortality and morbidity have decreased in the past decades, and anesthesia, metabolic care, and nutrition still play important roles. Because extended resections are recommended to increase survival, the question arises as to whether the influence of surgical skill on outcomes has grown (61).

McCulloch et al. retrospectively studied the results of 206 gastrectomies performed by 17 consultant surgeons and showed a considerable variation among surgeons with respect to judgments of resectability, adequacy of resection, anastomotic leakage, and patient mortality (62). Although in this study the number of resections performed by a surgeon had no significant influence, the conclusion was that having fewer surgeons perform all resections might improve outcomes. In the German Gastric Cancer Study, the experience of surgeons was also studied (30). A significantly higher rate of anastomotic leakage occurred when patients were operated on by surgical trainees under supervision than when they were operated on by experienced surgeons (19% vs. 6%, respectively). In the DGCT, all D2 dissections were supervised by referent surgeons, whereas nearly all D1 dissections were attended by the study coordinator. All referent surgeons had at least some experience with D2 dissections before the trial. To standardize the procedure, all referent surgeons were trained by a single Japanese surgeon experienced in this surgery (23). Referent surgeons performed, on average, 41 D2 dissections (range, 23–61) during the trial (Table 23.4) (63). No serious heterogeneity in morbidity and postoperative mortality rates was seen among referent operators, nor between referent surgeons and the Japanese
instructing surgeon in operations on Dutch patients (64). Neither univariate nor multivariate analysis showed a learning curve for the referent surgeons throughout the study (33). In his own experience, McCulloch found that he had to perform at least 30 dissections independently before reaching a plateau (65). In a 3-year prospective study of his own learning curve for D2 gastrectomy, a significant decrease in morbidity and postoperative mortality was shown to occur in the third year, which suggests a learning curve lasting 18 to 24 months, or 15 to 25 procedures, before a plateau is reached. Explanations given for this improvement in outcome, besides operative skill, include better patient selection and performance of less extensive dissections (66). As McCulloch gradually moved away from pancreaticosplenectomy, the idea that only the change of tactics, and not the operative skill, improved outcome during these years is not unthinkable. A plateau may have been reached before or may not yet have been reached. Furthermore, the learning period differs for every surgeon—some are quick learners and some are slow learners. Thus, the number of operations or time needed to reach a plateau for a certain procedure differs for each surgeon. Finally, some surgeons are just better surgeons. In addition, the means of learning may be of influence. Supervision and training very likely lead to quicker and better learning of a certain procedure than “self-tuition.”

The experience of the hospital might also influence outcomes for gastric resection. Comparison of results for resections at Japanese (n = 845), German (n = 564), and Dutch (n = 50) hospitals showed a significantly better outcome for Japanese patients. The reasons for these differences between Japanese and Western results have often been discussed (15,18,59). No difference in outcomes was noted between the German hospital and the smaller Dutch hospital. The impact of hospital volume on postoperative mortality was also studied by Begg et al. (67). In this retrospective cohort study of 5,013 patients older than 65, a low hospital volume was shown to be strongly associated with excess mortality. In the German Gastric Cancer Study, 19 hospitals participated and together performed 1,654 resections (range, 12–243). In a multivariate analysis in this study, the experience of the hospitals had a significant influence on morbidity and postoperative mortality (30). These findings are in line with those of McCulloch (62,66).

Table 23.4 Complications and mortality in 331 patients undergoing D2 dissection, grouped by referent surgeon

Reference No. of surgeona No. of D2 dissections Complications Hospital mortality
1 61 23 (38%) 7 (12%)
2 49 22 (45%) 4 (8%)
3 38 18 (47%) 4 (11%)
4 36 11 (31%) 5 (14%)
5 31 13 (42%) 3 (10%)
6 30 12 (40%) 1 (3%)
7 29 17 (59%) 4 (14%)
8 23 19 (39%) 2 (9%)
M.S. 34 17 (50%) 2 (6%)
M.S., Japanese instructor surgeon.
aSurgeons ordered by number of D2 dissections performed.

Surgical Therapy: Summary

Since the first successful gastric resection by Billroth in 1881, substantial research has been performed to evaluate results and improve outcomes of gastrectomy. Fortunately, results have indeed improved. Still, the risk–benefit ratio should be calculated for each patient so the procedure is known to represent optimal treatment. The extent of disease, the operative procedure, and the selection of the patient all play a crucial role in optimizing outcome.

The JRSGC has provided guidelines for the standardization of surgical treatment and pathological evaluation (8). As a result of these guidelines, physicians now speak the same language concerning gastric cancer, and the possibility has been created to compare different studies on this subject. Nevertheless, considerable variation is still seen in results of gastric cancer treatment. Several surgical-, patient-, tumor-, and treatment-related factors may play a role in this variation.

Resectability of gastric cancer has increased in the past decades, not only because of earlier detection but also due to the technical ability to perform extended operations. Pessimism about outcomes may prevail, however, and lead to negative attitudes that may become self-fulfilling. If the surgeon performs palliative procedures because of a belief that gastric cancer is nearly always incurable at presentation, this low expectation will be fulfilled (62). Conversely, inappropriately aggressive surgery in unfit patients may lead to increased postoperative morbidity and postoperative mortality without improving long-term outcome (68).

Tumor stage is an important prognostic factor in gastric cancer. A strong relationship is found between depth of invasion and the occurrence of lymph node metastasis. The occurrence of lymph node metastasis is in itself strongly related to 5-year survival. Because the incidence of lymph node metastasis is known to be greater in the node stations near the tumor than in more distant ones (69), and the distance between tumor and lymph node shows a direct relationship with survival (49), the question remains as to which patients can benefit from an extended lymph node dissection.

In Japan, where extended (D2) dissections are standardized, results from gastric cancer treatment are encouraging. In
Western countries, nonrandomized trials seemed to indicate that survival may be better for patients undergoing a D2 dissection, although the Japanese results could not be matched. As noted previously, two large randomized Western studies, the DGCT and the MRC, have compared D1 and D2 dissections (23,32), and final results are now available (14,24). These studies show that the group undergoing D2 dissection experienced higher morbidity and hospital mortality without showing a significantly longer survival. The conclusion is that these studies do not generally support the standard use of extended (D2) lymph node dissection in Western patients with gastric cancer.

With a mean survival of 45% at 5 years, the results of the Dutch D1 and D2 trials for both treatment arms are far better than the previous experience in Western countries. This indicates the benefit of trial participation with optimal selection, use of surgical techniques, compliance in dissecting the appropriate lymph nodes, and postoperative care throughout the study.

The use of subtotal versus total gastrectomy for tumors in the distal part of the stomach has often been a point of discussion. From previous studies, subtotal gastrectomy appears to carry less morbidity and achieve the same survival rates, provided that an adequate tumorfree margin can be obtained. Resection line involvement should be evaluated perioperatively by frozen-section examination. In all studies, resection of spleen and pancreas led to increased hospital mortality and increased morbidity, which eventually resulted in a decreased survival. Therefore, in Western countries, resection of the pancreas and spleen are recommended only if tumor ingrowth prohibits a possible curative resection.

Age is found to be an important prognostic factor among Western patients. Although the resectability and curability rates do not differ across age groups, both a significant increase in morbidity and mortality and a markedly worse survival rate are seen with increasing age.

The presence of disease in lymph node station 16 (N4) or a positive result on cytologic examination of abdominal fluid is associated with poor prognosis. Consequently, extended resections should be avoided in these situations.

The technical skills of the surgeon may also influence outcomes in gastric surgery. Only in the German Gastric Cancer Study was a significant difference in outcomes found between surgeons with more or less experience, especially with regard to the occurrence of anastomotic leakage. Other trials failed to show a significant difference. Although morbidity in Western countries exceeds that in Japan, no significant difference in morbidity and hospital mortality is found for Japanese surgeons operating on Western patients and for Western surgeons (63). Thus, the difference in results between Japanese and Western studies does not seem to be caused by the skills of the surgeons. Nevertheless, a learning curve for performance of extended resections has been shown by McCulloch (62,66). This may be one of the reasons that more experienced hospitals show a lower morbidity and hospital mortality (70). Other reasons for better results may be better patient selection, a better pathological analysis (stage migration phenomenon), better preoperative staging, and the possibility of (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy. In view of the much lower postoperative mortality rates reported by specialized centers, the treatment of gastric cancer should be the territory of a multidisciplinary team of committed specialists in all areas to achieve optimal results. Preoperative assessment of the lesion and the patient, as well as perioperative management, are as important as the operation itself (33). Promising results from genomic profiling and from nomograms that predict disease-specific survival may, in the near future, help discriminate between patients with a high risk of relapse and select those patients who will most likely benefit from tailored multimodality treatment.

Patterns of Spread and Recurrence

Understanding the patterns of spread of gastric cancer can help direct therapeutic approaches, particularly those using systemic or regional (intraperitoneal) chemotherapy and radiation. For malignancies in which locoregional disease alone is the major clinical problem, the use of aggressive surgical resection and radiation (with or without chemotherapeutic sensitization) is a rational approach. However, for tumors such as gastric cancer, especially in the more advanced stages in which the propensity for systemic metastasis is high, surgery alone (or any local modality alone) is unlikely to offer long-term benefit.

The pattern of spread of gastric cancer has been evaluated both in patients with newly diagnosed cancer and in patients undergoing potentially curative surgical resection. Some studies, especially those performed in Japan, have evaluated the lymph node drainage from various portions of the stomach to direct the extent of resection for tumors in relatively early stages. As noted previously, Maruyama et al. extensively studied the incidence of metastasis to different lymph node groups (69). In their study, lymph node metastases were seen in 49% of patients. The likelihood of metastasis was analyzed based on the location of the primary tumor within the stomach (proximal, middle, or distal third) and its location on the lesser or greater curvature and anterior or posterior wall. Not surprisingly, metastases were considerably more likely in lymph node groups closest to the primary tumor and in the nodal chain immediately adjacent. The risk of metastasis to more distant lymph node sites could be predicted using this database. This type of data might direct the extent of resection. Sunderland et al. evaluated lymph node metastasis for proximal versus distal lesions (71). Proximal tumors were much more likely to have lymph node involvement than were distal lesions. The extent of spread within the stomach also varies widely. Tumor invasion of intramural lymphatics may extend into the distal esophagus or the proximal duodenum. As mentioned previously, inadequate resection margins resulting in an R1 resection (with a concomitant high likelihood of local failure) may occur because of lymphatic vessel invasion. Deep penetration of primary lesions may increase the risk of intraperitoneal contamination. Positive findings on cytologic examination of abdominal lavage fluid in gastric cancer are associated with a poor prognosis (72). In the DGCT, cytologic examination was performed for 535 patients, 457 (85%) after curative resection and 78 (15%) after palliative resection. A clear association was seen between positive cytologic findings and serosal invasion (12.4% positive cytologic results) and lymph node invasion (7.5% positive cytologic findings). Survival was significantly lower for those for whom cytologic findings were positive than for those for whom they were negative, irrespective of the procedure used (curative or palliative).

Kodera et al. (73) studied peritoneal fluid obtained during laparotomy in 90 patients with gastric cancer. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) mRNA levels were quantified using real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). With a median follow-up of approximately 2 years, 13 patients had clinical evidence of peritoneal metastasis. Conventional cytology was relatively insensitive (31%) for detection of peritoneal disease at the time of laparotomy. CEA mRNA accuracy was better (77% sensitive and 94% specific). They concluded that quantitative RT-PCR peritoneal washes for CEA were useful tools to predict intraperitoneal recurrence. Hayes
et al. performed a similar study involving 85 patients undergoing operation (74). Peritoneal cytology samples were collected first by laparoscopy, and then again before resection by intraperitoneal lavage and serosal brushings. Preoperative lavage demonstrated malignant cells in 19% of patients, with an additional small group of patients also having positive cytologic findings at laparotomy, found by examination of serosal brushings or imprint cytology. All patients had T3 tumors. As was the case for the previous study, the risk of recurrence was significantly higher in patients in whom free intraperitoneal malignant cells were present. Because peritoneal recurrence is common, these data might influence the design of clinical trials by, for example, supporting the use of intraperitoneal chemotherapy in selected patients.

The type of adjuvant therapy that might be proposed (systemic vs. locoregional) also depends, as noted previously, on recurrence sites after potentially curative (R0) resection. Treatment failure patterns in patients who have undergone resection for primary gastric cancer have been evaluated by autopsy series, second-look laparotomy, and clinical evaluation. In one early study, McNeer et al. reviewed the autopsy results of 92 patients who had undergone potentially curative resections (75). In 50% of patients, local failure was noted, either in the gastric remnant or at the gastroenterostomy. An additional 21% of patients had recurrence in the gastric bed. Thirteen percent of patients had distant failure only without any local component. Wisbeck et al. reviewed the autopsy data for 85 patients with primary gastric cancer (76). Only 16 of these patients had undergone potentially curative resections. For the group as a whole, peritoneal involvement was seen in 47% of patients. Hepatic metastases were also common, occurring in 39% of patients. Lung metastases occurred in 34% of patients.

Of more relevance to patients treated with potentially curative resection, Gunderson and Sosin reviewed failure patterns in patients undergoing second-look laparotomies (77). Not all patients in this group were asymptomatic, however, and other patients with extraabdominal metastatic disease (e.g., to supraclavicular lymph nodes) were probably not explored because distant disease could be proven by other techniques. Nonetheless, this analysis is valuable in that it might demonstrate the earliest sites of failure. Sixty-nine percent of patients had locoregional disease, and, in keeping with other studies, 42% had peritoneal recurrence. A similar high rate of local failure was reported by the British Stomach Cancer Group in patients undergoing operation alone (54%) (78). Landry et al. reviewed failure patterns among a group of 130 patients who had curative resections at the Massachusetts General Hospital from 1969 to 1979 (79). Treatment failure was clinically documented in approximately one-third of patients and pathologically documented in the remainder. Forty-six percent of patients experienced failure in the locoregional area, although distant metastasis was frequently found as well. Only locoregional failure was found in 38% of patients. Slightly more than half of all patients had distant metastasis, either alone or in association with locoregional recurrence. Recurrence was mostly within the abdominal cavity; 30% of patients had liver involvement and 23% peritoneal metastasis. As part of the random assignment DGCT study comparing D1 dissection with D2 dissection, Bonenkamp et al. commented on failure patterns among patients whose disease had recurred. In this large study involving 1,078 patients, death from recurrent disease was noted in a total of 289 patients. Thirty percent of patients had locoregional recurrence only, and 51% had locoregional and distant disease (14). In summary, both older and more recent studies indicate that patients with gastric cancer frequently have intraabdominal metastasis, even at the time of diagnosis. The most common sites of intraabdominal distant metastases are hepatic and peritoneal.

Adjuvant Therapy


As discussed previously, patients with early (AJCC stage 0 or 1A) tumors have a good to excellent prognosis, with cure rates exceeding 70% to 80% after surgery alone, and those with disease of more advanced stage have a far worse outcome. The risk of recurrence after potentially curative resection increases steadily as stage increases, and for patients with locally advanced disease (T3 or T4), performing an R0 resection can be difficult. The pattern of spread and the failure pattern for patients with gastric cancer have been discussed. The high rate of intraabdominal metastasis, especially to the peritoneum, liver, and distant lymph node sites, as well as the lower but still substantial risk of extraabdominal recurrence, makes the use of combined modality therapy an important investigational approach.

Adjuvant therapy is the use of an additional treatment to increase the cure rate in patients who have already undergone a potentially curative resection. In the case of gastric cancer, such therapy follows an R0 surgical procedure in which all gross disease has been removed and no distant metastases are present. Additional treatment for patients undergoing R1 or R2 resections should not be considered adjuvant therapy, but rather treatment of known residual cancer. Neoadjuvant therapy usually means treatment given before the definitive (curative) therapy; in gastric cancer, the term implies preoperative treatment.

In general, postoperative adjuvant therapy should be started as soon after surgery as practical. Several theoretical reasons can be cited for not delaying treatment. Preclinical studies have shown a rapid increase in labeling index of metastasis after resection of the primary tumor. Newer data suggest that this observation may be due to the removal of primary tumor–related factors that in themselves block angiogenesis. Earlier research studies using systemic therapy commonly allowed delays of up to 8 to 12 weeks after surgery before starting treatment. A long delay may allow metastatic disease to grow to the point at which its eradication is much more difficult, if not impossible.

The rationale for neoadjuvant therapy, as opposed to postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy or chemoradiation, is based on the low rate of R0 resections in patients with more advanced tumors and the high likelihood that micrometastatic disease is already present. Preoperative (or primary) chemotherapy is an attractive concept in gastric cancer as a means of decreasing the size of the primary tumor, which results in a higher rate of R0 resections. It also allows a simultaneous and early treatment of micrometastatic disease before surgical intervention.

Adjuvant Postoperative Systemic Therapy

Table 23.5 summarizes the results of selected random assignment trials in which postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy was compared to surgery alone in patients with gastric cancer. The data shown focus on more recent trials with larger numbers of patients. Older data have been extensively discussed in the previous edition this textbook, in other textbooks, and in reviews. As can be seen, the majority of these studies also involved small numbers of patients, and so are seriously underpowered. Even larger trials have only approximately 130 to 160 patients per arm. With rare exceptions, these studies did not show a significant advantage to systemic chemotherapy following surgery versus surgery alone.

The following discussion renews regimens grouped by agent. Almost all studies include fluorouracil.

Table 23.5 Intravenous postoperative adjuvant therapy for gastric cancer: selected phase III trials

Study Regimen No. of patients Median survival (mo) 5-yr survival rate (%) P value
MacDonald et al. (81) Control 93 28 NS  
  FAM 83 32 NS 0.52
Tsavaris et al. (84) Control 42 NS 81  
  FU-epirubicin-mitomycin 42 NS 64 NS
Lise et al. (82) Control 159 NS 43  
  FAM 155 NS 43 0.3
Hallissey et al. (83) Control 145 14.7 20  
  RT 4,500 cGy 153 12.9 12  
  FAM 138 17.3 19 0.14
Coombes et al. (80) Control 133 36 46  
  FAM 148 36 35 0.17
Krook et al. (85) Control 61 36 32  
  FA 64 34 33 0.88
Neri et al. (87) Control 68 18 13  
  FU-leucovorin-epirubicin 69 31 30 0.01
DeVita (88) Control 116 NS 43  
  ELFE 112 NS 48 0.6
Bajetta et al. (90) Control 136 NS 48  
  EAP-FU-LV 135 NS 52 0.8
Control, surgery followed by observation; FAM, fluorouracil-doxorubicin-mitomycin; NS, not stated; FU, fluorouracil; RT, radiotherapy; FA, fluorouracil-doxorubicin-hydrochloride; ELFE, epirubicin-leucovorin-fluorouracil-etoposide; EAP, etoposide-doxorubicin-cisplatin; LV, leucovorin.

Regimens Containing Anthracyclines

Both doxorubicin and epirubicin have been used in the adjuvant setting. Several of the combinations also included mitomycin C.

Several trials have used the fluorouracil-doxorubicin-mitomycin (FAM) regimen or a variant. Coombes et al. reported the results of a trial in which patients undergoing curative resection received either FAM or observation only (80). A total of 281 patients were evaluable. Entrance into the trial was allowed as late as 6 weeks postoperation. After a median follow-up of 68 months, 61% of patients in the control arm experienced recurrence versus 56% in the treated arm. No significant difference was seen in either diseasefree or overall survival (overall survival was 45.7% in the FAM arm vs. 35.4% in the observation arm). A trend toward improved outcome was noted for patients with T3 or T4 tumors who had positive lymph nodes (P = 0.07 in favor of the FAM group). In a similar study, investigators from the Southwest Oncology Group examined the use of FAM therapy versus expectant observation. Of 193 eligible patients, 100 were randomly assigned to observation and 93 to receive FAM chemotherapy (81). After an overall median follow-up of 9.5 years, no significant differences were found in diseasefree or overall survival (overall survival at 5 years was 37% for the FAM group vs. 32% for the observation group; P = 0.59). As was the case in the study by Coombes et al., an unplanned subgroup analysis indicated a trend toward benefit for patients with stage III disease. In a third FAM study, Lise et al. randomly assigned 159 patients to receive surgery only and 155 to receive a modification of the FAM regimen (82). After a median follow-up of 80 months, no significant differences in survival were seen, with approximately 43% of patients in each arm surviving for 5 years. An improvement was found in diseasefree survival (P = 0.02). Hallissey et al. reported the results of a three-arm study in which patients undergoing resection were followed with observation only, received radiation therapy to 45 Gy, or received the FAM regimen. One hundred and forty-five patients were observed; 153 received radiation, and 138 received chemotherapy (83). The FAM regimen was modified from that in the original treatment report. No significant differences in outcome were seen; 5-year survival rates were 20% for the control group, 12% for the group receiving radiation, and 19% for the group receiving FAM chemotherapy.

Tsavaris et al. (84) examined the use of FAM chemotherapy versus observation in a group of 84 patients. Sixty-four percent of patients receiving chemotherapy experienced recurrence or death versus 81% of patients in the control group. For this small group of patients, however, this difference was not statistically significant.

Krook et al. studied 120 evaluable patients who were randomly assigned either to observation or to three cycles of fluorouracil and doxorubicin (85). The median survival was 31 months for patients undergoing observation versus 36 months for patients receiving therapy, and 5-year survival was almost identical for the two groups (33% vs. 32%, respectively). These differences were not statistically significant. Two treatment-related deaths occurred.

Dutch investigators performed a small random assignment trial using the fluorouracil-Adriamycin-methotrexate (FAMTX) regimen (86). Fifty-six patients were entered into this trial, which was closed early because of poor accrual. Four cycles of chemotherapy were given prior to surgery with the control arm undergoing operation alone. The study was initially powered for a total of 225 patients in each arm, with an interim analysis after 100 patients had been studied. The objectives
included an improvement in curable resectability rate and diseasefree survival. Fifty-six percent of patients in the FAMTX arm had R0 resections versus 62% in the surgery-only arm. There was no significant difference in “downstaging.” Toxicity in the FAMTX arm included neutropenia. There was no significant difference in median survival.

Epirubicin has also been used in the adjuvant setting. In a small trial, Neri et al. compared an epirubicin-fluorouracil-leucovorin regimen to expectant observation in a group of 137 patients (87). Chemotherapy was delivered over a 7-month period. The median survival for patients receiving this therapy was 31 months and was superior to survival of those undergoing observation only (18 months) (P = 0.01). At 5 years, 30% of patients receiving adjuvant therapy remained alive versus 13% of patients randomly assigned to observation. The results are different from those of the study by Krook et al. (85), who treated a similar number of patients with a similar anthracycline regimen. A confirmatory trial is not yet available.

Recently, the final results of a phase III trial performed by Italian investigators have been reported in abstract form. This study used systemic chemotherapy, including epirubicin, leucovorin, fluorouracil, and etoposide, after operation versus operation alone in patients having at least a D1 lymph node dissection. Two hundred twenty-eight patients were randomized to surgery only or surgery followed by chemotherapy. With a median follow-up of 60 months, 5-year overall survival was 48% for those receiving postoperative chemotherapy and 45% for those undergoing surgery only (P = 0.6). There also was no difference in diseasefree survival. They concluded that adjuvant therapy using this regimen had a 4% to 5% difference in overall diseasefree survival, which was not statistically different between the two arms. Of note, this is the same magnitude of difference reported from meta-analyses (88).

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