Functional Dyspepsia

Must include 1 or more of the following bothersome symptoms at least 4 days per month

1. Postprandial fullness

2. Early satiation

3. Epigastric pain or burning not associated with defecation

4. After appropriate evaluation, the symptoms cannot be fully explained by another medical condition

Within FD, the following subtypes are now adopted

1. Postprandial distress syndrome includes bothersome postprandial fullness or early satiation that prevents finishing a regular meal. Supportive features include upper abdominal bloating, postprandial nausea, or excessive belching

2. Epigastric pain syndrome, which includes all of the following: bothersome (severe enough to interfere with normal activities) pain or burning localized to the epigastrium. The pain is not generalized or localized to other abdominal or chest regions and is not relieved by defecation or passage of flatus. Supportive criteria can include (a) burning quality of the pain but without a retrosternal component and (b) the pain commonly induced or relieved by ingestion of a meal but may occur while fasting

aCriteria fulfilled for at least 2 months before diagnosis

The pediatric FD Rome IV criteria now include two subtypes, postprandial distress (PDS ) and epigastric pain syndrome (EPS ). These FD subtypes previously described only in adults may be identified in pediatrics [117]. Turco et al. found that 29 % of children with FD met criteria for the adult Rome III diagnosis of postprandial distress syndrome, 24 % met the criteria or the diagnosis of epigastric pain syndrome, and 26 % met the criteria for both conditions. Only 21 % of children did not meet any of the diagnoses. PDS and EPS are shown to associate with variable outcomes and response to treatment in the adult population.

Given the variety of upper abdominal symptoms that can encompass FD and their possible overlap with other conditions, the consideration of a broad differential diagnosis appropriate to the clinical history and exam is warranted (Table 36.2). Delayed gastric emptying may exist in a subset of children with FD, and relatively common disorders such as lactose intolerance or GERD may cause upper intestinal symptoms similar to FD. Children with small bowel intestinal overgrowth may have loss of appetite and belching that may also be seen in patients with FD [118]. Multiple comorbid symptoms are sometimes recognized in association with FD and other FAPDs including joint hypermobility, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, and headaches [1, 119].

Table 36.2
Differential diagnosis of chronic upper abdominal pain or discomfort

Celiac disease

Eating disorder

Eosinophilic esophagitis

Functional dyspepsia

Gastritis +/− H. pylori

Gastroesophageal reflux disease



Hepatobiliary disease

Intestinal obstruction

Irritable bowel syndrome

Lactose intolerance

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

The severity of symptoms is highly variable and associated disability (such as school absence, and physical activity interference), anxiety, and depression are common. Patients presenting to pediatric gastroenterology practice may have increased severity compared to the population as it is known that most with chronic abdominal pain never seek medical attention [10].

Evaluation of pediatric FD and other FAPDs in the clinical setting can be limited to history and physical exam, although screening tests are frequently used. Evaluations for intestinal inflammation or obstruction are sometimes performed to rule out other potential disease with similar chronic symptoms. Screening tests including newer markers of intestinal inflammation such as fecal calprotectin have an increasingly important role in the exclusion of organic disease when FAPDs are suspected [120]. The presence of “red flags” (Table 36.3) indicates to the clinician to consider further evaluation for organic disease, although their utility has been questioned [121]. Traditional red flags include night time pain and joint pain, but a recent study found equal incidence of these symptoms in children with functional disorders and organic disease [122]. The same study identified that unexplained anemia, weight loss, and hematochezia strongly suggested inflammatory bowel disease, indicating that the presence of one or more of these red flags may indicate the need for additional diagnostic testing. The differential diagnosis for functional dyspepsia includes disorders frequently treated by pediatric gastroenterologists including GERD, eosinophilic esophagitis, celiac disease, and Helicobacter pylori gastritis. These disorders may present with similar symptoms to FD and if clinically suspected then evaluation may include directed diagnostic testing including pH probe, serum screening tests, or upper endoscopy with biopsy.

Table 36.3
Red flags suggesting need for further diagnostic testing


Arthritis (but not arthralgias)

Delayed linear growth or delayed puberty


Elevated serum inflammatory markers, hypoalbuminemia, or elevated fecal calprotectin


Perianal disease

Persistent vomiting


Recurrent fevers

Unexplained rashes

Unintentional weight loss

Waking at night with diarrhea

The diagnosis and treatment of FD can generally be completed by a primary care provider [123]. Pediatric gastroenterologists are valuable consultants when organic intestinal disease needs to be evaluated, or when initial therapy attempts are ineffective. Cost of diagnostic evaluation is up to 5-times higher in pediatric FGID patients when performed by a gastroenterologist compared to a primary care provider [124]. Upper endoscopy with biopsy (EGD) may provide vital information in specific cases. EGD can identify mucosal inflammatory disease including eosinophilic esophagitis, H. pylori gastritis, celiac disease, and reflux esophagitis, among other disorders. Identification of mild histologic inflammation does not preclude the diagnosis of FD or other FAPDs [101, 125]. Generally EGD in pediatric patients with functional abdominal pain has low yield and does not result in significant therapeutic change [20, 126]. Thus, EGD is not routinely recommended for all children with FD but on a case-by-case basis. Other diagnostic tests (including ultrasound, computed tomography, and X-ray) are not recommended if FD is suspected and no red flags are present [127].


The primary step in management is positive identification of FD and education of the patient and family. Once the diagnosis is made, further testing can be eliminated or minimized and therapeutic options discussed. Reassurance that FD is a known diagnosis with specific therapies and favorable prognosis can alleviate the patient and parents’ concerns that the symptoms are caused by a rare disease and that an extensive evaluation may be needed to uncover the cause of the child’s complaints. Treatment should be framed using the biopsychosocial model, explaining the biologic and psychological components of symptom generation or maintenance. Explaining the bidirectional interaction of the brain–gut axis will help address the child’s disability and the effect of stressors that may negatively impact symptoms and treatment outcomes. In addition to treatment of GI symptoms, attention should be paid to helping the child with sleep and school problems, if those exist, and providing the patient with treatment that adapts to the patient’s needs and family beliefs. Medications are often used in conjunction with complementary therapies with a goal of symptom reduction (not necessarily elimination) and return of daily function. There is little evidence to guide the treatment of FD in children. Most pediatric clinical trials were conducted on children with FAPDs in general, which in some cases included children with FD [128, 129] with only one randomized controlled trial conducted exclusively in children with FD [130]. Thus, most available data on the treatment of dyspepsia derives from expert opinion, retrospective pediatric studies [131], and literature reviews [65, 101, 132134].

Pharmacological Therapy

In daily clinical practice, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs ) and prokinetics are usually used as initial medications. Acid reduction therapy is commonly used as first-line medication mainly in cases of FD with epigastric pain while prokinetics are usually prescribed in cases of early satiety and postprandial fullness. A 3 weeks long randomized placebo controlled trial of the histamine-2 receptor antagonist (H2RA) famotidine conducted on a small group of children with FD has shown global improvement of symptoms but no beneficial effect on pain [130]. A pediatric trial compared four antisecretory agents (omeprazole, famotidine, ranitidine, cimetidine) for a period of 4 weeks in 169 children (age 2–16) diagnosed with functional dyspepsia [135]. The study showed that omeprazole was the most effective in achieving complete resolution of symptoms. Similar results were obtained in a study on adults with FD. One study showed that proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy was more effective than H2RA for FD [136]. A review of clinical trials in adult patients reported significant improvement in symptoms with PPI therapy [137]. These data suggests that empiric acid reduction for a limited period of time may be recommended in pediatric patients with FD.

Medications affecting visceral sensation are sometimes used to treat pediatric FD. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) reduce nausea, abdominal pain, and delay gastric emptying. Amitriptyline is one of the more commonly used TCAs despite mixed results of efficacy in pediatric studies and the adverse effects related to anticholinergic and antihistaminic activity. An RCT of low-dose amitriptyline in children and adolescents with FAPDs identified high placebo effect (and high treatment effect) which made interpretation of medication efficacy difficult [138]. An earlier trial in pediatric IBS showed improved quality of life, but no clear improvement in abdominal pain [139]. A multicenter placebo controlled trial of amitriptyline in adults with FD showed modest, but significant improvement in symptoms [140]. The beneficial effect was similar to Saps et al. pediatric trial if calculated with intention to treat analysis (53 %), but the placebo effect was lower (40 %) than in the pediatric study. The study showed greater benefit in patients with pain predominant symptoms. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) were studied in a RCT of pediatric FAPDs, but did not show significant differences in symptom resolution [141]. The Talley et al. study of adult subjects with FD included an SSRI arm (escitalopram), and also did not show a benefit over placebo [140]. Prior studies of SSRIs in adults with FAPDs have shown efficacy equivalent to TCAs [142]. Given reports of cardiac dysrhythmia associated with TCA and SSRI use, it is reasonable to obtain baseline EKG to assess QT interval prior to initiation of therapy. While the use of TCAs and SSRIs is directed towards altered visceral sensitivity, their influence on gastrointestinal motility may affect symptom resolution. Two controlled studies on TCAs (nortriptyline, amitriptyline) found no benefit of these drugs in FD with delayed emptying [143]. Mirtazapine, an antidepressant with antagonism of H1, α2, 5HT2c, and 5HT3 receptors, was studied in a pilot RCT of adults with FD and weight loss [144]. Use of mirtazapine reduced dyspepsia symptom severity and improved quality of life, nutrient tolerance, and weight. An alternative strategy of targeting the specific nociceptor TRPV1 was attempted in adults with FD. A double blind, placebo controlled trial of red pepper powder in adults with FD showed initial, transient discomfort, but overall reduction on symptoms of pain and fullness [145].

Prokinetics as a class have shown mixed results in the treatment of FD in adults. A meta-analysis of prokinetics in 1844 adult FD patients found reduction in symptoms [146], but a separate study found no correlation between symptom improvement and gastric emptying rate [147]. Specific prokinetics may target 5HT, dopamine, or motilin receptors. Cisapride and other 5HT4 receptor agonists improve gastric emptying and accommodation, and potentially alter visceral sensitivity. However, cisapride was withdrawn from the USA and European markets due to concern for fatal cardiac arrhythmias (although not clearly a concern in healthy children [148]). In adult trials, mosapride (5HT4 agonist and 5HT3 antagonist) demonstrated FD symptom improvement [149] although a meta-analysis could not support the effects of mosapride, possibly due to heterogeneity among study definitions and outcomes [150]. Cinitapride (5HT4 receptor agonist, dopamine-2 receptor antagonist) reduced symptom severity as well as domperidone [151]. Domperidone and metoclopramide are dopamine antagonists used as prokinetic agents. Although metoclopramide is effective in FD, the potential for irreversible extrapyramidal adverse effects limits its use in pediatrics. Domperidone also improves FD symptoms in adult trials [152] and does not have similar risk of extrapyramidal adverse effects. However, due to its potential for adverse cardiac effects, in the USA it is only available for compassionate use as an investigational drug through the FDA. Erythromycin activates antral and small intestinal motilin receptors and decreases bloating with improved gastric emptying in adult FD patients, but does not alter postprandial symptoms [153]. Other motilin receptor agonists including camicinal are promising and improve gastric emptying, but efficacy to reduce FD symptoms is not yet established [154, 155]. Another prokinetic agent, acotiamide, improves gastric accommodation through acetylcholinesterase inhibition and shows promise in treatment of adult FD in ongoing trials [156158]. Other novel prokinetics studied in gastroparesis (e.g., relamorelin, a ghrelin receptor agonist [159]) may in the future be studied in FD patients given the overlapping spectrum of symptoms and electromechanical dysfunction of the two disorders. Botulinum toxin A endoscopically injected in the pylorus safely reduced symptoms in pediatric patients with gastroparesis refractory to conventional therapy [160], and may be considered in a similar subgroup of refractory FD patients.

Gastric accommodation is an additional target of electromechanical dysfunction in FD. Cyproheptadine antagonizes 5HT2a and 5HT2b, histamine-1, and muscarinic receptors whose putative mechanism is improved gastric accommodation through fundic relaxation, although it may also have an effect by decreasing gastric hypersensitivity. It was found to be effective in a RCT of children with FAPDs [161], and provided symptom improvement in pediatric FD patients in an open-label trial, with few and mild adverse effects [131]. Buspirone, a 5HT1a receptor agonist, improved accommodation in adults with FD and decreased symptom severity [162]. Other medications targeting the 5HT1a receptor to improve accommodation include tandospirone and sumatriptan, but these have not as clearly reduced symptoms [163, 164]. Tegaserod, a 5-HT4 agonist that was taken off of the market, was found to enhance gastric accommodation in adult patients with normal gastric emptying [165]. Ondansetron, a 5HT3 antagonist, improved accommodation and reduced nausea in adults with FD, but mechanical and symptom effects were not seemingly associated [166].

Neuromodulation with gastric electrical stimulation significantly improved nausea and vomiting, and improved tolerance of nutritional intake in children with dyspepsia [167]. Gastric electric stimulation was also shown to improve quality of life and global health [168] in children with excellent long-term tolerance and few adverse effects [169]. Although the technology is currently in use only in few pediatric centers, it is a promising therapy for patients with refractory symptoms.

Pediatric FD patients with duodenal eosinophilia were demonstrated to have reduction of symptoms with histamine1/2 antagonism or cromolyn, a mast cell stabilizer [170]. Of 21 patients who did not initially respond to ranitidine and hydroxyzine combination therapy, two were lost to follow-up and 17 clinically responded (complete or nearly complete resolution of pain) with the addition of cromolyn. Treatment of a similar cohort in a placebo-controlled crossover trial showed that children receiving montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, had a greater reduction in global pain than those on placebo without having any adverse effects [171]. However, symptom improvement does not seem to correlate to mucosal eosinophil density or activation, and the mechanisms of action are not yet determined [108].

Nonpharmacologic Therapy

There are several herbal preparations that have been purported to improve chronic abdominal pain. A multicenter placebo controlled trial of STW 5 (iberogast), an herbal compound with a mechanism of action that is not yet clearly understood, showed improvement of adult FD symptoms [172, 173]. An open label trial of iberogast also showed beneficial effects in pediatric patients with FAPDs [174]. Peppermint oil seems to affect various mechanisms involved with the pathophysiology of IBS. Two studies on adult volunteers have investigated the gastric sensorimotor aspects of peppermint oil. Papathanasopoulos et al. found that peppermint oil reduces intragastric pressure and proximal phasic contractility without affecting gastric tone, accommodation, visceral sensitivity, epigastric pain, or early satiety [175] while Inamori et al. found that peppermint oil enhances gastric emptying [176]. Studies in adults and children with IBS have shown a beneficial effect of peppermint oil on IBS symptoms [177]. Nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil mixed with honey, added to standard treatment with famotidine, showed reduction of FD symptoms in an 8 week randomized controlled trial in adults [178]. Similarly, Pimpinella anisum (anise) supplementation reduced pain in adults with FD compared to controls [179]. Rikkunshito, a Japanese herbal preparation, was studied in a multicenter randomized clinical trial of FD adults and was shown to improve pain, accelerate gastric emptying, and improve accommodation possibly through serotonergic or ghrelin mediated pathways [180]. Although ginger is used to treat nausea and enhances gastric emptying, it did not improve symptoms in an adult FD trial [181]. Various phytotherapy compounds and plant extracts such as curcumin [182] have been used with different degrees of efficacy and evidence.

Complementary Therapy

Therapies aimed at modifying psychosocial stress, catastrophizing behavior, and anxiety indirectly target visceral hypersensitivity and electromechanical dysfunction given the cross-talk between the gut, brain, and the environment. Importantly these therapies may be more effective in conjunction with medical therapy rather than in isolation [183]. Although sometimes difficult for patients and medical providers to access due to local absence of therapists or financial constraints, complementary therapies should be considered whenever possible. Over the last few years there have been several studies of gut directed hypnotherapy [184, 185] and cognitive behavioral therapy [186, 187] showing beneficial effect in children with FAPDs. Other complementary therapies with potential beneficial effects in the treatment of children with FAPDs are biofeedback assisted relaxation therapy [183], yoga [188], and acupuncture [189].

Prognosis and Future Directions

The results of studies assessing prognosis show mixed results. A study on children with FD demonstrated significant improvement in 70 % of patients at 2 years [190], while another study showed that most patients with FAPDs improve within 12 months of presentation [191]. However, another study followed a group of children (8–16 years) evaluated for dyspepsia and 5–15 years later found more chronic dyspeptic symptoms, higher frequency of anxiety disorder, and reduced quality of life compared to controls [192]. Novel pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic therapies continue to be investigated for the treatment of dyspepsia. Ongoing efforts are needed to identify most effective treatment options and determine how best to personalize these options to individual patients. Evidence-based care strategies tailored to the needs of the individual may help optimize results by minimizing symptom severity and duration and reducing adverse medication effects. The consistent use of clinically meaningful patient-reported outcome measures across studies of FAPDs will enhance research by allowing comparisons of therapeutic trials using different interventions [193, 194].



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