Female Pelvic Floor Imaging with Emphasis on the Overactive Pelvic Floor




Dynamic study


Levator ani and perineal muscles assessment

Transpe rineal—2D

Convex 3–6 MHz

Sagittal, coronal





Convex 4–8 MHz

Axial, multiplanar, tomographic





Convex 4–8 MHz

Axial, multiplanar, tomographic





Biplanar 5–12 MHz

Sagittal, axial


A and P



Biplanar 5–12 MHz (180° view)



A and P



360° view 9–16 MHz



A and P



360° view 9–16 MHz



Anal sphincters

Perineal muscles only

2D two dimensional, 3D three dimensional, 4D four dimensional, A anterior compartment, P posterior compartment

13.2.1 Transperineal Ultrasound

Standard requirements for two-dimensional (2D) translabial or transperineal ultrasound (TPUS) of the pelvic floor include a B-mode ultrasound machine with cine-loop function, convex transducers of 3–6 MHz, and a field of view of at least 70°. A midsagittal view is obtained by placing a transducer on the perineum [2, 6, 7] (Fig. 13.1). For hygienic reasons the transducer is covered with a glove, condom, or thin plastic wrap. Powdered gloves can impair imaging quality owing to reverberations and should be avoided. Sterilization (as for vaginal or endorectal transducers) is considered unnecessary; mechanical cleaning and alcoholic wipes can be used for disinfection. The patient lies in the dorsal lithotomy position with the hips flexed and slightly abducted. Pelvic tilt can be improved by bringing the heels closer to the buttocks and by moving the hips towards the heels. The patient is asked to void before the examination in order to allow a full Valsalva maneuver, but bowel emptying is not mandatory. A full rectum can impair diagnostic accuracy, and at times the assessment has to be repeated after bowel emptying. Parting of the labia can improve image quality, especially if the vulva is hypertrophic or hirsute. Vaginal scar tissue and modern mesh implants may impair visibility. Obesity is rarely a problem. Imaging is performed at rest, maximal Valsalva maneuver, and maximal pelvic floor muscle contraction (PFMC). Pelvic floor ultrasound provides both static and dynamic imaging and allows anatomical and functional assessment of the different compartments. It is currently used in specialized urogynecology centers, but can be implemented more widely in any outpatient clinical setting without any discomfort to the patient. An important advantage of this methodology in the context of pelvic pain is that it is noninvasive and more widely acceptable for the patient.


Fig. 13.1
Model demonstrating transperineal transducer placement (a) and schematic diagram showing resulting midsagittal view on two-dimensional transperineal ultrasound (TPUS) (b). With permission from Dietz HP. Pelvic floor ultrasound: a review. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2010; 202(4): 321–334 © Elsevier 2010 [2]

The standard midsagittal view includes from anterior to posterior: t he symphysis pubis with the urethra and bladder neck immediately dorsally, vagina and cervix medially and rectum and anal canal posteriorly (Fig. 13.1). Further posteriorly to the anorectal junction, the central portion of the levator plate (or the puborectalis sling) is seen as a hyperechoic structure [2]. Parasagittal or transverse views allow additional information, such as visualization of the urethra, puborectalis muscle attachment, and depiction of mesh implants. Confounders that block the view may be as a result of shadowing from vaginal prolapse, the pubic bone, or a full rectum, particularly in the presence of a rectocele obscuring the posterior compartment, or the vaginal apex.

3D and 4D TPUS is performed with 3D transabdominal probes developed for obstetric imaging (such as RAB 8-4, GE Healthcare Ultrasound, Milwaukee, WI, USA; AVV 531, Hitachi Medical Systems, Tokyo, Japan; V 8-4, Philips Ultrasound, Bothell, WA, USA; 3D 4–7 EK, Medison, Seoul, South Korea). These transducers combine an electronic curved array 4–8 MHz with mechanical sector technology, which allows a fast sweep through the field of view (Fig. 13.2). This technique enables the creation of tomographic multislice imaging in a chosen plane giving a picture similar to CT scanning (without any radiation), called tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI) (Fig. 13.3). TUI enables assessment of the entire puborectalis muscle and its attachment to the pubic rami, to measure the diameter and area of the levator hiatus, and to determine the degree of hiatal distension on Valsalva maneuver [8]. 4D imaging allows real-time acquisition of volume ultrasound data, which can be visualized in orthogonal planes or rendered volumes. The 3D data is archived as a cine loop that allows maneuvers such as Valsalva and PFMC. The methodology also allows data storage and offline analysis with the help of dedicated software (4D view, GE Healthcare Ultrasound, Milwaukee, WI, USA, and others) [9].


Fig. 13.2
Standard acquisition screen of 3D TPUS: Voluson GE series ultrasound with a RAB 8-4-MHz transducer (GE Healthcare): midsagittal plane (a), coronal plane (b), axial plane (c), and a rendered axial plane (d). A anal canal, P puborectalis muscle, R rectal ampulla, S symphysis pubis, U urethra, V vagina


Fig. 13.3
Levator ani assessment on multislice/tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI) using a Voluson GE Expert machine equipped with a RAB 8-4-MHz transducer (GE Healthcare). P puborectalis muscle, R rectal ampulla, S symphysis pubis, V vagina

4D ultrasound imaging of the pelvic floor has significant ly enhanced the clinical approach to complex urogynecological conditions, and is rapidly becoming more available in tertiary facilities. Its main advantages are ease of use, availability within the gynecological clinic, lack of radiation or contrast media, and performance by the patient’s clinician, all of which make it superior to MRI [10]. It is particularly useful for assessing the dynamic function of the pelvic floor complex, and can provide an enhanced view of soft tissues, particularly the levator ani complex [2]. Furthermore, ultrasound real-time imaging allows the operator to identify and control for common confounders in the clinical examination, such as bladder and rectal filling [11], suboptimal performance of Valsalva maneuver, often seen as levator muscle co-activation [12], and duration of Valsalva maneuver [11]. In order to enhance exam yield it is recommended to ensure bladder (and possibly rectal) emptying, a sufficiently long Valsalva (at least 5 s) a maximal Valsalva effort, and relaxation of the levator ani [11]. Ultrasound allows visual biofeedback, which greatly facilitates achieving an adequate Valsalva maneuver and PFMC.

While in the past MRI was considered the standard in vestigation for detecting PFM injuries resulting from vaginal birth, high-resolution 3D and 4D ultrasound i mages can be equally accurate in demonstrating anatomical and functional defects which can result in prolapse and incontinence. Some of these defects may be missed during a clinical examination, which could lead to suboptimal surgical repair and need for repeat surgical procedures [13]. Translabial ultrasound, especially 4D real-time imaging, has the major advantage of providing a global view of the entire pelvic floor, from the symphysis to the anorectum, and includes the lower aspects of the levator ani muscle. As a result, the modality is optimally suited for interdisciplinary assessment and communication [7].

13.2.2 Transvaginal Ultrasound

Transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) is performed in a position similar to TPUS. There are several available probes: electronic biplanar 5–12 MHz, with high frequency (9–16 MHz), mechanical probes rotating 360°, or radial electronic probes (type 8848, B-K Medical, Herlev, type 2050, B-K Medical, type AR 54 AW, 5–10 MHz, Hitachi Medical Systems Denmark) [1]. Whichever probe is used, it is important to keep it stable avoiding excessive pressure on adjacent structures, which may distort anatomy. The choice of this modality as opposed to TPUS mentioned above will be dependent on operator experience and preference or specific indications as described in Table 13.2.

Table 13.2
Indications for pelvic floor ultrasound


Anterior compartment

Urinary incontinence

Voiding dysfunction

Bladder pain syndromes/interstitial cystitis

Recurrent urinary tract infection

Posterior compartment

Fecal incontinence

Obstetric anal sphincter trauma (OASIS)

Pelvic organ prolapse

Cystocele, uterine prolapse, rectocele, enterocele

Obstructed defecation

Chronic constipation, straining at stool, incomplete bowel emptying, vaginal or perineal digitation for bowel emptying, intussusceptions

Pain syndromes

Pelvic, vaginal, anal pain, endometriosis

Suspected pelvic floor dyssynergy

Hypertonic disorders

Follow-up after pelvic floor surgery

Midurethral slings, support meshes, sacrocolpopexy

Biplanar electronic probes allow 2D sagittal and axial sectional imaging of the anterior and posterior compartments. As for TPUS, imaging is performed at rest, maximal Valsalva, and PFMC. This methodology also allows the use of color Doppler to image the v ascular pattern of pelvic floor structures [1]. 3D images may be obtained by adding an 8848 transducer to the external 180° rotation mover allowing sagittal, axial, and coronal and any desired oblique sectional images to be obtained [1]. The radial electronic probe and the rotational mechanical probe allow a 360° of the pelvic floor. A 3D volume can be acquired for real-time manipulation, or archiving for offline analysis with dedicated software.

13.2.3 Endoanal Ultrasound

Endoanal ultrasound (EAUS) is p erform ed with a high multifrequency, 360° rotational mechanical probe or a radial electronic probe, as described for TVUS. The patient is placed in a dorsal lithotomy, left lateral, or prone position. In all situations, the transducer is rotated so that the anterior aspect of the anal canal is superior at the 12 o’clock position. 3D acquisition is achieved with the mechanical rotational transducer allowing a thorough investigation, volume manipulation, and measurements in any plane [14]. This methodology is more widely described in Chap. 12.

13.3 Methodology

13.3.1 Anterior Compartment Evaluation

Anterior compartment assessment is easily performed with two-dimensional TPUS or TVS [15, 16] (Fig. 13.1). Measurements are performed in the midsagittal plane with the patient at rest, Valsalva, and PFMC. Bladder wall or detrusor wall thickness usually measures up to 5 mm [1719]. Post-void residual bladder volume usually does not exceed 50 mL in normal circumstances [19]. Perineal mobility can be measured relative to the lower margin of the symphysis pubis, specifically the bladder–symphysis distance. This measurement allows reproducible assessment of the position and mobility of the bladder neck [20], by calculating the difference between values obtained at rest and on Valsalva. There is no definition of “normal” for bladder neck descent although a cutoff of 30 mm has been proposed, which is still below the 95th percentile of findings in young nulligravid continent women [21]. Measurements of 1.2–40.2 mm (mean, 17.3 mm) have been obtained in a group of 106 stress-continent nulligravid young women of 18–23 years of age. Various confounders such as bladder volume, patient position, and urethral catheterization have been shown to influence measurements. It is essential to abstain from exertion of undue pressure on the perineum so as to allow full development of pelvic organ descent. Increased bladder neck descent may result from congenital or environmental causes or both and is mainly linked with birth trauma and prolonged second stage of labor [22, 23].

The urethral length can be measured from the bladder neck to the external urethral orifice. The retrovesical angle is the angle between the posterior wall of the bladder and the longitudinal axis of the urethra, which usually measures approximately 90–120°. Urethral rotation is the change in angle measured between the proximal urethra and central symphyseal axis on Valsalva as compared with the angle at rest. The extent of rotation can be measured by comparing the angle of inclination between the proximal urethra and any other fixed axis [24]. The urethral rhabdosphincter can be measured with both 3D-TVS with the biplane electronic transducer and 3D TPUS and all planes can be evaluated including width, length, thickness, and lumen volume [25]. Urethral funneling can be seen in the urethrovesical junction both in women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and in asymptomatic patients [26]. Funneling of the internal urethral meatus may be observed on Valsalva and is often associated with leakage.

Descent of the most inferior aspect of a cystocele relative to the symphysis pubis on Valsalva assists in measuring anterior compartment prolapse, which will be discussed later.

13.3.2 Central Compartment Evaluation

As with the anterior compartment, assessment of the central compartment is performed with two-dimensional TPUS (Fig. 13.1). When positioned in the midsagittal section, the cervix and uterus are isoechoic, and may cause an acoustic shadow behind (above) it. The uterine body is seen proximal to the cervix and can be seen as enlarged, retro- or anteverted. Dynamic two-dimensional TPUS allows evaluation of uterine descent or prolapse. TVS is less useful for imaging of the central compartment because the vaginal probe impedes descent of the uterus or vaginal vault.

13.3.3 Posterior Compartment

The anal canal is generally imaged by EAUS [14], one of the cornerstones of a full colorectal diagnostic work-up. The anal canal is divided into three levels of assessment in the axial plane: (1) The upper level corresponds to the hyperechoic sling of the puborectalis muscle and the concentric hypo echoic ring of the internal anal sphincter (IAS); (2) The middle level to the complete ring of the external anal sphincter (EAS), the conjoined longitudinal layer, the complete ring of the IAS and the deep and superficial transverse perineal muscles are visualized; (3) The lower level corresponds to the subcutaneous part of the EAS. At the upper end of the anal canal the puborectalis muscle anchors the anal sphincter complex to the pubic rami (Fig. 13.4).


Fig. 13.4
Three-dimensional endoanal ultrasound using a 360° rotational transducer (type 2050, 9–16 MHz, B-K Medical). In the coronal plane a combined anterior defect of the external sphincter (EAS) from 11 to 1 o’clock and of the internal sphincter (IAS) from 9 to 1 o’clock positions can be seen. With permission from Santoro GA, Wieczorek AP, Dietz HP, Mellgren A, Sultan AH, Shobeiri A, et al. State of the art: an integrated approach to pelvic floor ultrasonography. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2011; 37 (4): 381–396. © John Wiley and Sons 2011 [1]

The most common clinical indication for EAUS is the assessment of sphincter integrity following obstetric trauma. Obstetric anal injury (OASIS) may occur as a result of perineal trauma or extension of an episiotomy during childbirth. Following repair, the healing process is characterized by fibrosis, which appears as a low echogenic band on ultrasound. These perineal tears may involve either or both the EAS and IAS. The incidence of anal sphincter defects following vaginal delivery detected by endoanal ultrasonography is 30 % for primiparae and 9 % in multiparae [27]. Evaluation of the IAS and EAS with EAUS is still considered to be the gold standard in investigating patients with obstetric anal sphincter injuries and anal incontinence, especially with the advent of 3D technology, which allows imaging in the sagittal and coronal planes [28]. Up to 35 % of women after OASIS will have sonographic findings, which may have been missed by clinical examination, with either EAUS or TPUS [29, 30]. Clinical evaluation of the anal sphincter complex is insufficiently reliable, thus necessitating the use of well-established imaging modalities such as EAUS or TPUS, both of which are highly operator dependent.

Two-dimensional TPUS and 2D-TVS with a biplane transducer provide additional information on the posterior compartment [1, 31]. The main advantage of both of these techniques is that they allow access to the midsagittal plane, which enables visualization of the integrity of the perineal body, the integrity of the rectovaginal septum, measurement of the anorectal angle, and dynamic assessment. During Valsalva it is possible to visualize descent of an enterocele, diagnose a rectocele, and to evaluate movement of the puborectalis muscle and anorectal angle to diagnose pelvic floor dyssynergy. As explained before, TPUS is more likely to allow full development of prolapse because the TVS probe may hinder complete descent. Furthermore, TPUS includes a fixed point of reference, the lower symphyseal margin, in the field of view.

Ultrasound is also useful for the assessment of anorectal dysfunction and over the past decade gynecologists, colorectal surgeons, and gastroenterologists have developed slightly different diagnostic approaches and definitions [7]. Translabial ultrasound is a suitable screening tool for conditions involving the posterior compartment, and its results are comparable to defecation proctography [3234]. While actual defecation is not necessary for the diagnosis of rectocele, enterocele, rectal intussusception, or prolapse, a Valsalva maneuver may be sufficient. An anterior rectocele can be diagnosed on ultrasound using a depth of 10 mm as a diagnostic cutoff, with an incidence of up to 50 % in an urogynecological clinic [7]. Such patients may have symptoms of obstructed defecation, such as straining at stool, incomplete bowel emptying, and vaginal digitation, although they may also be asymptomatic, and the association between bowel symptoms and imaging findings is considered to be weak [35, 36]. This may be due to variable diagnostic criteria or concomitant other pathology such as intussusceptions, perineal hyper mobility, or anismus [7]. Childbirth may be responsible for some rectoceles, or for the enlargement of a preexisting rectocele, through disruption of the rectovaginal septum during vaginal delivery, but rectoceles have been found in approximately 10 % of young nulliparous women and are associated with BMI [37, 38]. In women with obstructed defecation, ultrasound imaging allows for visual biofeedback in order to achieve behavioral modification [7].

13.3.4 Functional Assessment Valsalva

Ultrasound is very useful in the anatomical and functional assessment of the pelvic floor musculature. The Valsalva maneuver, namely forced expiration against a closed glottis and contracted diaphragm and abdominal wall, is used to reveal symptoms and signs of POP and to mimic defecation. A Valsalva maneuver results in dorsocaudal displacement of pelvic organs that can be quantified using a system of coordinates with the inferoposterior symphyseal margin as the reference point. The increased intra-abdominal pressure will unfold compartment prolapse. In the axial plane, the levator hiatus becomes distended, and the posterior aspect of the levator ani is displaced caudally, resulting in varying degrees of perineal descent. It is important to allow the transducer to move with the tissues, avoiding pressure on the perineum that would prevent full development of any organ prolapse and/or perineal descent [7]. There are several confounders that affect the efficacy of the Valsalva maneuver, namely bladder and rectal filling, levator co-activation, and duration of the maneuver [7, 12, 39]. All women can generate pressures sufficient to reach 80 % of maximal organ descent, provided the maneuver lasts at least 5 s [39]. Real-time imaging allows easily understood visual biofeedback, and this will improve Valsalva performance in most situations. When levator co-activation prevents adeq uate assessment in the supine position, it may be necessary to repeat imaging in the standing position in order to increase the likelihood of an adequate bearing-down effort. Pelvic Floor Muscle Contraction

A levator contraction is seen as shortening of the levator hiatus in the sagittal plane. This also elevates the anorectum and changes the angle between the levator plate and the symphysis pubis. Other pelvic organs, including the uterus, bladder, and urethra, are displaced cranially during PFMC, and there is compression of the urethra, vagina, and anorectal junction. This explains the importance of the levator ani for urinary and fecal continence as well as for sexual function. As for the Valsalva maneuver, visual biofeedback also aids in teaching PFM exercises, which can be quite effective. A cranioventral shift of pelvic organs imaged in a sagittal midline orientation is taken as evidence of a levator contraction [40]. Measurements of reduction of the levator hiatus in the midsagittal plane [41] or determination of the changing angle of the hiatal plane relative to the symphyseal axis are other methods to quantify levator function. TPUS is considered more reliable than transabdominal ultrasound for the evaluation of PFMC [42], and three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound is regarded as the preferred method. 3D ultrasound allows multiplanar imaging and has been found to measure functional aspects of PFM contraction, such as squeeze and lift reliably [43].

TPUS may be used for the evaluation o f pelvic girdle pain (PGP). In a case control study, women with postpartum PGP did not have impaired voluntary PFM function, based on palpation, manometry, and ultrasound [44]. The levator hiatus area, together with BMI, was significantly associated with PGP. Women with PGP had statistically significantly smaller levator hiatus and a tendency for higher vaginal resting pressure compared to controls. A low position of the bladder had a tendency to be associated with PGP and there was a tendency for greater reduction in muscle length during contraction. There was also a tendency for more POP among women with PGP. The finding that women with PGP had a statistically significantly smaller levator hiatus, even at rest, and a tendency for higher vaginal resting pressure may indicate an increased activity of the PFM complex. This corresponds with the findings of Pool-Goudzwaard et al. [45], who showed increased activity, higher resting tone and a shorter endurance time of the PFM as measured with intravaginal palpation and electromyography in women with lumbopelvic pain. It may be that women unconsciously contract their PFM to protect against PGP. The same authors found in a different study [46] that certain patients with PGP may c ompensate for deficient pelvic stability by increased activity of the PFM.

13.3.5 Clinical Applications of Pelvic Floor Ultrasound

As we have seen, ultrasound allows anatomical and functional assessment of the pelvic floor. The common clinical applications of pelvic floor ultrasound are given in Table 13.2.

13.3.6 Urinary Incontinence

Ultrasound can provide essential information in the management of SUI. Tunn et al. [16] recommended measurement of the posterior retrovesical angle (RVA) with TPUS in patients with SUI. Valsalva maneuver allows for quantitative evaluation of increased urethral and bladder neck mobility. Funneling of the internal urethral meatus may be observed on Valsalva and sometimes even at rest in patients with SUI or urge urinary incontinence (UUI)

In order to maximize pelvic organ mobility, bladder emptying is required [47]. A residual urine measurement can be obtained while assessing the urethra and bladder neck, using the formula (X*Y*5.6) = residual urine in mL, with X and Y the largest bladder diameters measured at right angles to each other, in the midsagittal plane [48]. Provided that residual urine volume is below 50 mL, detrusor wall thickness can be measured, either by vaginal or translabial ultrasound.

TVUS measurement of bladder wall thickness (BWT) is a well-established diagnostic tool in the evaluation of overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms [19]. Khullar et al. found that women with urinary symptoms and detrusor instability had significantly thicker bladder walls than did women with SUI. A BWT greater than 5 mm at TVUS was a sensitive screening method for diagnosing OAB or detrusor over activity in symptomatic women who did not have outflow obstruction [17]. The hypothesis is that BWT is associated with detrusor hypertrophy secondary to isometric contractions [4952]. Recent systematic reviews have evaluated the various available techniques for measuring BWT and suggested that discrepancies between described techniques cannot allow for safe conclusions about diagnostic accuracy to be drawn [5355]. BWT has been found to decrease in women with overactive bladder who take anticholinergic therapy, and symptoms improve even though the BWT had stopped decreasing [53]. Other authors have not confirmed these findings [18, 50]. Increased BWT is very likely to be associated with symptoms of the overactive bladder [18, 56], and may be a predictor of postoperative de novo urge incontinence and/or detrusor over activity after anti-incontinence procedures [57].

It has been shown that mid-urethral mobility , rather than general mobility of the bladder neck, is of central importance for continence [58]. Ultrasound can determine segmental urethral mobility, by demonstrating the entire urethra and its mobility relative to the symphysis pubis [59]. Translabial ultrasound can identify an anatomical configuration that is associated with USI. However, sonographic findings are insufficient to predict USI and cannot replace urodynamic testing (Fig. 13.5). For a detailed discussion of urodynamic testing, see Chap. 14 of this book. Urine leakage may also be demonstrated using color Doppler [60]. Other indirect signs of urine leakage on B mode real-time imaging are weak grayscale echoes (“streaming”) and the appearance of two linear (“specular”) echoes defining the lumen of a fluid-filled urethra.


Fig. 13.5
Two-dimensional TPUS (midsagittal view) obtained using a Voluson GE Expert machine equipped with a RAB 8-4-MHz transducer (GE Healthcare). A typical, cystourethrocele is seen as a prolapse of the bladder below the symphysis pubis line (horizontal line) during Valsalva maneuver. AR anorectal junction, B bladder, S symphysis pubis, C cervix

The urethral musculature can be imaged by transvaginal [61], intraurethral [62], and translabial ultrasound [63]. Issues of ultrasound physics will result in different insonations based on the different techniques. The circular fibers of the rhabdosphincter, depending on their location, are insonated at highly variable angles—some aspects of the sphincter are perpendicular, while others are parallel to the incident beam. This results in variations in echogenicity leading to misconceptions regarding the shape of the rhabdosphincter. On translabial imaging the entire rhabdosphincter is insonated at identical angles, i.e., perpendicular to the incident beam, avoiding artifacts and giving the appearance of a doughnut. An association between sphincter volume and maximum urethral closure pressure, with stress incontinence has been described [64], aswell as the former parameters and surgical outcomes [65].

TPUS and TVS allow comprehensive evaluation of abnormalities of the female urethra, such as urethral diverticula, abscesses, tumors, and other urethral and paraurethral lesions. TPUS is highly useful in the diagnosis of paraurethral abnormalities. Occasionally a “cystocele” will turn out to be due to a urethral diverticulum (Fig. 13.6), a Gartner’s duct cyst (Fig. 13.7), or an anterior enterocele, all of which may be missed on clinical examination despite causing disturbing symptomatology [24]. Urethral vascularity may be evaluated by TVS and is believed to contribute to continence.


Fig. 13.6
Three-dimensional TPUS using a Voluson GE Expert machine equipped with a RAB 8-4-MHz transducer (GE Healthcare) in a patient with a urethral diverticulum seen connecting to the urethra on panel (b). panel a – midsagittal; panel b – coronal; and panel c – axial view. B bladder, U urethra, D diverticulum


Fig. 13.7
Three-dimensional TPUS and rendered image using a Voluson GE Expert machine equipped with a RAB 8-4-MHz transducer (GE Healthcare) in a patient with a large cyst in the anterior vaginal wall consistent with a Gartner’s cyst. S symphysis pubis, U urethra, GC Gartner’s cyst, R rectum, P puborectalis muscle

13.3.7 Fecal Incontinence

EAUS is the historical gold standard for morphological assessment of the anal canal. It can differentiate between incontinent patients with intact anal sphincters and those with sphincter lesions, such as defects, scarring, thinning, thickening, and atrophy [5]. Sphincter tears can be identified by interruption of the circumferential fibrillar echo texture. Scarring is usually seen as a loss of normal architecture, with an area of amorphous texture with low reflectivity. It is possible to identify whether scarring or defects are present in both the IAS and EAS or in either of them. The number of defects and their extent circumferentially (radial angle in degrees or in hours of the clock) and longitudinally (proximal, distal or full length) are also evaluated and reported. Three-dimensional EAUS also allows measurement of length, thickness, area of the sphincter defect in the sagittal and coronal planes, and volume of sphincter damage [66, 67]. EAUS also has an important role in detecting clinically occult anal sphincter injuries following vaginal delivery (Fig. 13.4) [27].

Three-dimensional TPUS h as been used to demonstrate the morphological characteristics and normal biometry of the anal sphincter complex [68] and to detect anatomical defects [6971], and its use is becoming more widespread. One important advantage of the transperineal approach over the endoanal approach is that it avoids distortion of the anal canal by the endoluminal transducer, which can lead to artifacts. Similarly with TPUS, excessive pressure by the transducer on the perineum or an inappropriate angle of incidence of the ultrasound beam to the anal canal may also result in erroneous results. 3D-TPUS usually does not identify clearly the conjoined longitudinal layer, but has the advantage of demonstrating both the IAS and EAS, and also the perineal body, the entire sling of the puborectalis muscle, and the superficial transverse perineal muscles (Fig. 13.8). A further extensive review of posterior compartment assessment is given in Chap. 12.


Fig. 13.8
Three-dimensional TPUS and multislice/TUI of the anal sphincter complex in a patient after obstetric anal sphincter injury grade 3A, using a Voluson GE Expert machine equipped with a RAB 8-4-MHz transducer. EAS external anal sphincter, IAS internal anal sphincter, TP transverse perineal muscles, P puborectalis muscle

13.3.8 Levator Ani Assessment

Direct neuromuscular injury to the pelvic floor often causes PFM spasm resulting in dysfunction or pain [72]. This is common in patients who have suffered a traumatic vaginal delivery, particularly if instrumentation was used, with a threefold risk incurred by forceps [73]. Levator injuries may result in POP, postpartum pain syndromes, urinary frequency syndromes, voiding dysfunction, and the levator ani syndrome [74] all of which persist for years after the delivery [75].

Levator avulsion refers to disconnection of the muscle (usually the puborectalis sling) from its insertion on the inferior pubic ramus and the pelvic sidewall, whereas tears may occur in any part of the muscle. Levator avulsion is usually the result of overstretching of the levator ani during the second stage of labor [76, 77]. The prevalence of levator avulsion defects is approximately 10–36 % of women delivering for the first time [78, 79]. Avulsion is most often occult, but has been demonstrated in the delivery suite in patients with large vaginal tears [80]. Levator avulsion can be palpated clinically [13, 81], but is much easier to detect by imaging, because the lateral attachments of the levator ani to the pubic bone are clearly visualized. Several imaging modalities including 3DTVUS, 3D-TPUS, and MRI can be utilized to document major levator trauma [9, 76, 82]. The clearest visualization of defects is achieved on maximal PFMC, with TUI for quantification of defects (Fig. 13.9) [83].


Fig. 13.9
Quantification of levator ani trauma on multislice/TUI using a Voluson GE Expert machine equipped with a RAB 8-4-MHz transducer (GE Healthcare); (a) bilateral levator defect (asterisk) and AD apparent in all eight slices; (b) unilateral left avulsion in a patient referred for trigger point pain on the left side—arrow. S symphysis pubis, U urethra, R rectum, AD avulsion defect

There are functional and anatomical implications to the presence of levator avulsion defects. An avulsion defect reduces muscle strength by about one-third [82, 84], and there is also a marked alteration in anatomy [85]. The presence of an avulsion may also be a marker for other forms of trauma, such as connective tissue damage to supporting structures (uterosacral ligaments and endopelvic and pubocervical fascia). However, the main effect of levator avulsion is the enlargement of the levator hiatus. An enlarged levator hiatus may result from congenital reasons or due to irreversible over-distension or avulsion injury. This may result in excessive loading of ligamentous and fascial structures, which with time may lead to connective tissue failure, the development of prolapse, and pelvic pain syndromes.

On MRI studies, DeLancey et al. [82] found that women with POP have an odds ratio of 7.3 for having a major levator injury compared with asymptomatic women. A large series using TPUS, confirmed these findings when it found that patients with a levator ani defect compared to those without, are 2.3 times more likely to have a significant cystocele, and four times as likely to have uterine prolapse [86]. Trauma to the puborectalis component of the levator ani seems to be the most significant in affecting both the size of the hiatus and symptoms and signs of prolapse [87]. There are many women with highly abnormal functional anatomy of the levator ani, even in the absence of a levator avulsion. Athanasiou et al. [88] found that levator hiatus area, measured with 2D-TVS, was significantly larger in women with prolapse than in those without (17.8 vs. 13.5 cm2). A larger hiatal area was associated with a higher prolapse stage (P < 0.001), as assessed by maximum descent of the leading organ [8, 89], and this relationship is even stronger on Valsalva. The greater the extent of the defect, the higher the likelihood of symptoms and signs of POP, and the larger the hiatus as measured in the plane of minimal hiatal dimensions [90]. Although 10–30 % of women will suffer avulsion defects, an even greater number will sustain levator micro trauma, which refers to irreversible over distension of the levator hiatus [91]. The predictors of micro trauma may vary from those that predict levator avulsion [91]. The long-term course of such morphological and functional changes is not yet clear, but neither ongoing deterioration nor “healing” is common [92].

The levator hiatus is identified in the midsagittal plane, determining the “plane of minimal hiatal dimensions,” which is located in an oblique axial plane. Measurement of hiatal dimensions is useful since the levator hiatus can be interpreted as the largest potential hernial portal in the human body. Hiatal dimensions are strongly and independently associated with prolapse [9, 93, 94]. The hiatal area can be determined in a simple axial plane placed at the location of the minimal anteroposterior diameter of the hiatus [8], and these are comparable to assessment of the hiatus on MRI [95]. Once the plane of minimal dimensions is obtained, it can be used as a reference plane for the assessment of the puborectalis muscle on multislice or tomographic ultrasound (Figs. 13.3 and 13.9) [83]. This is very useful for the identification and evaluation of levator trauma. TUI is easily acquired once the reference plane, the plane of minimal dimensions, is identified. An interslice interval of 2.5 mm enables us to reliably image the entire puborectalis from its most caudal to its most cranial aspects, which can bracket the entire structure, from below its insertion to the inferior aspects of the iliococcygeus muscle [87, 96]. This methodology seems robust enough for clinical practice, and the likelihood of false-positive findings appears very low [97]. Both complete and partial trauma may occur. Partial trauma is of less significance for prolapse and prolapse symptoms [98], and it has to be distinguished from complete trauma which has very different implications and is strongly associated with prolapse [82, 86, 99], and prolapse recurrence [100, 101].

Levator avulsion and ballooning (levator hiatus area in excess of 25 cm2, [93]) (Fig. 13.10) can be used to select patients for mesh surgery, particularly in the anterior compartment. The effect of anterior compartment mesh on cystocele recurrence may be more marked in women with avulsion [102]. The puborectalis is accessible through a simple distal lateral colpotomy at the level of the hymen and easily dissected off the vagina. 3D-TVUS may also be used to evaluate patients after puborectalis muscle repair with autologous fascia lata [103].
Jul 11, 2017 | Posted by in UROLOGY | Comments Off on Female Pelvic Floor Imaging with Emphasis on the Overactive Pelvic Floor

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