Mean age (range)
Number of reflux episodes/24 h
Reflux index (% time pH < 4) (%)
Vandenplas et al. [14]
2 months (0–11 month)
Boix-Ochoa et al. [10]
19 months (2 months–3 years)
Sondheimer [13]
61 month (1–24 months)
Euler and Byrne [12]
15 months (1–108 months)
Cucchiara [11]
24 months (2 months–12 years)
Vitale et al. [105]
25 years
Richter et al. [106]
38 years
Diagnostic Accuracy and Reproducibility
The sensitivity and specificity of pH monitoring for the diagnosis of GERD in children are not well established. pH monitoring appears to be a good predictor of esophagitis in children, with sensitivity ranging from 83 to 100 %; on the other hand, the severity of reflux as measured by pH monitoring correlates poorly with the severity of symptoms, especially in infants [3, 16]. For children with non-erosive reflux disease, the clinical utility of pH monitoring has not been well studied.
Reports on intrasubject reproducibility of esophageal pH results in children have had varied results. Vandenplas et al. studied infants and children over two consecutive 24-h periods; the correlation coefficients for the reflux index and number of reflux episodes between days 1 and 2 were 0.95 and 0.98, respectively [17]. In contrast, the correlation coefficient for the reflux index reported by Mahajan and colleagues was only 0.62 between days 1 and 2 [18]. In another study, 9 out of 30 children had discordant (normal versus abnormal) results between the two recording days, yielding an overall reproducibility of 70 % [19]. Overall, there appears to be some degree of day-to-day variability among patients; whether these differences are clinically significant is debatable. When the clinical picture is unclear, consideration should be given for repeat testing.
Symptom Correlation
In addition to the quantification of reflux, 24-h esophageal pH monitoring also provides the opportunity to assess the temporal relationship between episodes of reflux and onset of symptoms. This may be especially helpful for patients with nonspecific or extraesophageal symptoms. Lam et al. found that using a 2-min time window was best for correlation of chest pain with reflux, although the optimal time window for symptom-reflux association may vary depending on the particular symptom of interest [20].
Several statistical methods have been developed to better quantify the association of symptoms and reflux episodes, but there is no conclusive data proving one index to be superior to the others. The symptom index (SI) is defined as the percentage of symptom episodes that are related to reflux, with a score of ≥50 % suggesting a positive relationship between symptom and reflux [21, 22]. A second approach is the symptom sensitivity index (SSI), which divides the number of reflux episodes associated with symptoms by the total number of reflux episodes [23]. An arbitrary cutoff of 10 % or higher is commonly used to indicate a significant association between symptoms and reflux episodes. Both the SI and SSI fail to integrate, however, all the factors determining symptom correlation. As a result, the SI may overestimate the relationship between reflux and symptoms when there are a high number of reflux episodes, and the SSI is more likely to be positive when the number of symptom episodes is high. More recently, the symptom association probability (SAP) was introduced. Using Fisher’s exact test, this method expresses the statistical likelihood that the patient’s symptoms are related to reflux [24]. By statistical convention, SAP ≥95 % indicates that the probability that the observed association between reflux and the symptom occurred by chance is <5 %.
Although patients with a positive relationship between symptoms and reflux have been shown to more likely to respond to medical and surgical therapy, further prospective validation studies are needed [25, 26]. Ultimately, these indices may be helpful in evaluating the relationship between symptoms and reflux, but a statistically significant result does not necessarily imply causality.
Wireless pH Monitoring
To overcome the limitation of patient discomfort seen with catheter-based pH monitoring, a wireless method is also available. The Bravo pH system (Medtronic, Shoreview, MN) consists of an antimony electrode contained within a small capsule which is securely pinned to the mucosal wall of the distal esophagus and transmits pH data wirelessly to a portable receiver using radio telemetry. In adults, the capsule is placed 6 cm above the squamocolumnar junction, with placement confirmation by endoscopy [27]. There are currently no specific guidelines for placement in children.
In published studies of children older than 4 years old, pH monitoring with the Bravo capsule was better tolerated than the trans-nasal catheter in terms of appetite, activity, and satisfaction, with no significant complications other than mild chest discomfort [28–30].
Another advantage of the Bravo system is the ability to perform prolonged monitoring over a 48-h period, which has the potential for maximizing time for symptom-reflux correlation and reducing the overall miss rate for days where pathologic acid reflux may be present. There are no outcome data however proving that a 48-h study is better than 24-h monitoring for predicting response to treatment in either adults or children. Furthermore, given the need for sedation for capsule placement on day 1, there has been concern about the reliability of day 1 data. Adult studies comparing days 1 and 2 of wireless pH have shown variable results, with some studies reporting no difference in reflux between days 1 and 2 [27], while others have reported increased reflux on day 1, and still others showing increased reflux on day 2 [31, 32]. Similarly conflicting data has been reported in children. Some studies have reported no significant difference in pH measurements between days 1 and 2 [33]. In Cabrera et al., there was also no significant difference between reflux index recorded on day 1 versus day 2 overall; however, for 9 % of patients, the reflux index was normal on day 1 and abnormal on day 2 [34]. In contrast, in our own series of 145 Bravo studies in children, there were significantly higher values on day 1 versus day 2 for the number of long reflux episodes, duration of longest episode, and fraction of time with pH < 4 in the upright position [28]. Day-to-day variability between the first and second 24-h periods may be due to the effect of anesthesia or to differences in lifestyle and dietary intake, but it is not yet clear if these differences are clinically significant. Currently, there is no consensus on how 48-h data should be interpreted in children, whether the average of 2 days or only the 24-h period with the greatest acid exposure (worst day analysis) should be used.
The Bravo wireless system appears to be a reasonable alternative to catheter-based pH monitoring for older children, given the potential advantages in terms of patient tolerance and less effect on daily routines, diet, and activity levels. In addition, there is the potential advantage of performing an extended 48-h study to help minimize the effects of day-to-day variability. Limitations include the cost of the capsule, the need for endoscopy and anesthesia for capsule placement, as well as the risks of chest discomfort, perforation, and early capsule detachment [35, 36].
Proximal Esophageal pH Monitoring
Proximal esophageal pH monitoring is designed to assess the proximal extent of acid reflux and its relationship with oropharyngeal and respiratory symptoms. Studies employing dual-probe pH monitoring of both the distal and proximal esophagus have had mixed results however, in terms of sensitivity and specificity for extraesophageal manifestations of reflux, intrasubject reproducibility, and prediction of response to therapy [37–39]. The main limitations with proximal pH monitoring are related to the lack of consensus on the best location for probe placement and optimal pH threshold for defining a proximal reflux event. Conventionally, the same pH < 4 threshold for distal esophageal reflux has been applied to proximal measurements. There have been proposals to revise the pH criteria for proximal reflux however, based on data suggesting that nonacid reflux with pH 4–7 may also play a clinically significant role in aerodigestive disease [40, 41].
Other diagnostic modalities for the detection of proximal reflux, such as oropharyngeal pH monitoring [42–44], and the noninvasive measurement of exhaled breath condensates for the detection of proximal reflux [45, 46] have had mixed results. At the present time, the clinical advantage of proximal esophageal pH monitoring in children is not yet clearly proven, and more research is needed before these new methodologies can become part of the routine evaluation of children with extraesophageal manifestations of reflux.
Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance (MII-pH)
To overcome the limitations of pH probe, multichannel intraluminal impedance has been developed. This catheter-based system uses sensors distributed throughout the esophagus to measure resistance to flow rather than pH changes alone. The advantages to MII-pH are the following: (1) the sensors are able to determine the directionality of flow so that reflux events can be distinguished from swallows, (2) multiple sensors throughout the esophagus allows for accurate determination of refluxate height, (3) the sensors, which do not rely on pH, are able to detect nonacid reflux which is common in the pediatric and the acid-suppressed patient and in the postprandial period [47–49], and (4) because liquid and gas have different impedances, the sensors can differentiate the composition of the refluxed material.
There are seven impedance sensors placed in series which generate six impedance waves, one for each pair of adjacent sensors (Fig. 12.1a, b). Sensors are distributed throughout the esophagus at different spacing depending on the size of the catheter that is used (2–4 cm spacing on adult catheter, 2 cm spacing on the pediatric catheter, and 1 cm spacing on infant catheter). Since the impedance sensors cannot differentiate between acid versus nonacid material, a distal pH sensor has been added to the catheter which allows the clinician to determine whether the flow across the catheter is acidic, weakly acidic, or nonacidic, depending on the pH value.

Fig. 12.1
This represents a representative impedance tracing showing an (a) acid and (b) nonacid liquid reflux event. The six upper channels are the impedance measurements (in ohms) and the lower one the pH tracing (in pH units). The arrow shows this was an episode with retrograde esophageal flow of liquid that reaches the upper most pair of sensors (full column). The pH remains above 4 at all times. Therefore, this represents a full column, nonacid liquid reflux episode. The figure also shows a clearing swallow, characterized by the antegrade progression of the impedance drops
The MII-pH catheter is inserted through the nose in the same fashion as traditional esophageal pH monitoring, and the catheter is positioned so the distal pH sensor is at the third vertebral body above the diaphragmatic angle (Fig. 12.2) [5]. Studies are performed for 24 h, and as with pH studies, meals are conventionally excluded from analyses. Typically, with pH studies, acid suppression medications are stopped a minimum of 48 h prior to testing because the pH probe cannot detect nonacid reflux which is prevalent in the acid-suppressed patient [50]. Since the MII-pH catheter can detect acid and nonacid reflux, the studies can be performed off or on acid suppression therapy though adult studies suggest that symptom correlation may be improved if medications are stopped prior to MII-pH testing [51].

Fig. 12.2
Chest X-ray showing placement of an impedance catheter. The longitudinal array of the impedance sensor can be observed. The catheter is positioned such that pH electrode is at the third vertebral body above the diaphragmatic angle
A liquid episode is defined as a drop in impedance to 50 % of the baseline value or below, with a subsequent recovery back to 50 % of the baseline value. This drop in impedance needs to be visualized in at least the distal two channels to be considered reflux. Gas reflux is defined as simultaneous increases in impedance to greater than 8000 Ω in two or more channels. Mixed reflux has components of both liquid and gas. By using a combined MII and pH catheter, there are mainly three types of episodes that can be detected: (a) acid reflux events detected by both the impedance and the pH sensor; (b) nonacid reflux events, which are detected only by the impedance probe; and (c) pH-only events, which are detected only by the pH sensor, without any impedance changes. In some papers, nonacid reflux is further subdivided into weakly acidic reflux (pH 4–7) and alkaline reflux (pH > 7). The importance of pH-only events is still questionable, and the current theory is that pH-only episodes represent very distal reflux that fails to reach all three distal sensors required to generate an impedance-detected episode. Studies in pediatrics suggest that these latter episodes are more common than in adults even in very young patients [52, 53].
Impedance sensors have been shown to accurately detect boluses in the esophagus down to 0.1 ml3 using fluoroscopy [54, 55]. Determining the sensitivity of MII-pH depends on the gold standard tool to which it is compared. Currently, impedance-pH monitoring is regarded as the most complete direct reflux test because it allows a full assessment of all reflux episodes, independent of their acidity [56]. Some pediatric studies have used reflux detected by any device (MII-pH and pH probe) as the gold standard. Rosen et al. found that the sensitivity of MII-pH was 76 ± 13 % compared to the pH probe whose sensitivity was 80 ± 18 %. When patients taking acid suppression were studied, the sensitivity of the pH probe dropped to 47 ± 36 %, whereas the sensitivity of MII-pH in treated patients was 80 ± 21 % [57]. Francavilla et al. found that the sensitivity of MII-pH was 86 ± 12 %, that this sensitivity was higher in infants compared to children as infants have more nonacid reflux events, and that impedance resulted in a higher symptom index, symptom sensitivity index, and symptom association probability than the pH probe [58]. Wenzl et al. found that, in untreated infants, the sensitivity of MII-pH to detect acid reflux events was 54 % compared to the pH probe [59]. Failure of MII-pH to report reflux events detected by pH probe may be due to episodes where (1) there was a persistent drop in pH less than 4 even after the bolus had been cleared by impedance, (2) the pH was hovering around 4 with multiple drops to less than 4, or (3) there were pH drops associated with swallows.
Dalby et al. performed 48-h impedance studies in 30 children to determine the degree of variability between the first and second day of recording [60]; the authors found that the reproducibility of the total number of reflux events with each patient between days was better than the reproducibility of the number of acid or nonacid events individually. On a population basis, there was no significant difference between the median total number, acid, or nonacid events between days 1 and 2 [60]. Aanen et al., in a study of 21 adults, found that the number of acid, weakly acidic, and total events was similar between the 2 days with a Kendall’s W value of 0.9, 0.9, and 0.92. Additionally, the reproducibility of the symptom indices using the SAP, SI, and SSI was 0.9, 0.73, and 0.86, respectively [61]. Similarly, Zerbib et al. found, in 27 adults, that there was good reproducibility for the number, acidity, and composition of reflux events (Kendall’s W values = 0.72–0.85) [62].
The interpretation of impedance tracings is time-consuming and, in most research laboratories, is still done manually even though there is commercially available analysis software based on well-defined impedance criteria. Roman et al. studied the reproducibility of the automated software (Sandhill Scientific) to detect reflux events compared to manual scoring of the events and found that automatic analysis overestimated the number of nonacid reflux events [63]. Hemmink et al. also compared automated software analysis (Medical Measurement Systems) to manual scoring and found that the sensitivity of the software was 73 ± 4 %. Additionally, the automated software incorrectly determined a symptom association 16–20 % of the time, depending on the symptom index used [64]. There are select populations where automated analysis may be particularly inaccurate; manual interpretation is critical if there is esophagitis present or if there is a motility disorder such as achalasia or esophageal atresia all of which lowers impedance baselines. This low impedance baseline result is significant in underestimations of the amount of reflux present.
Although most investigators prefer manual analysis of MII-pH tracings to ensure confidence in marking of GER episodes, there is also concern regarding the potential for interobserver and intraobserver variability. In Loots et al., comparison of manual analysis of ten MII-pH tracings by ten experts from around the world yielded only moderate agreement (Cohen’s kappa [k] = 0.46), with only 42 % of all reflux episodes being identified by the majority (≥6) of observers [65]. Therefore, while manual analysis may be more accurate than automatic analysis for detection of individual reflux events, interobserver variability may limit the ability to compare results between different centers.
Normal Values
One of the current limitations to MII-pH monitoring is the lack of normal pediatric values to differentiate physiologic from pathologic reflux. Adult normal values have been published: Shay et al. conducted a multicenter study of 60 healthy volunteers and found that the upper limit of normal for total, acid, weakly acid, and nonacid reflux were 73, 55, 26, and 1, respectively [66]. Zerbib et al. found similar numbers in normal adults with the upper limit of normal for healthy adults for total, acid, weakly acid, and nonacid reflux were 75, 50, 33, and 15, respectively [62].
Normal preterm infant values differ significantly from adults; the upper limit for total number of reflux events is 100 of which up to 52 % can be acid and up to 98 % can be nonacid; however, these values were obtained with an nasogastric tube in place which can falsely increase the amount of reflux by stenting open the lower esophageal sphincter [47]. In contrast, in a small study of older children (n = 10, patients with normal pH recording and normal esophageal biopsies and no gastrointestinal symptoms), the 95th percentile for total events was 69 which is very similar to adult data [67]. A subsequent larger study in children, consisting of 46 infants and 71 children referred for reflux testing, but found to have normal pH index and negative symptom correlation, reported similar results: the 95th percentile for total GER events in infants was 93, while in children it was 71 [68]. Although these cutoff values appear to be relatively consistent, none of these studies contained true “normal” patients as they were all symptomatic and thus referred for impedance testing. Because normative data derived from healthy, asymptomatic volunteers are not available in pediatrics, the main role of impedance at this time should be to correlate symptoms with reflux events.
Symptom Association
Given the lack of normative data to determine normal MII-pH in children, the most important use of the technique has been to study the temporal association between symptoms and reflux. There is significant debate in the adult literature about the optimal way to correlate reflux with symptoms, but the literature is clear that MII-pH is superior to pH probe alone when looking for symptom correlation [40, 51, 69, 70]. The rates of symptom index (SI), symptom sensitivity index (SSI), and symptom association probability (SAP) positivity have been studied using MII-pH. In the adult literature, the SAP and the SSI were most reproducible indices in patients that had two impedance studies separated by a minimum of 1 week. Similarly, Brendenoord et al. found that the SAP was the most frequently positive index followed by the SI and then the SSI. They also found that the addition of MII-pH over a standard pH probe increased the number of patients with a positive SI and SAP but did not increase the number of patients with a positive SSI [69].
Rosen et al similarly studied 28 children taking acid suppression therapy for intractable respiratory symptoms; in these patients, more patients had a positive SI for respiratory symptoms using MII-pH than pH probe alone, but there was no difference in the number of patients with a positive SSI when MII-pH was used compared to a standard pH probe [40]. In contrast, Thilmany et al. found that the rate of positivity for the SI was higher for acid reflux episodes, whereas the rate of positivity of SSI was higher for nonacid reflux episodes suggesting that the value of MII-pH may differ depending on what symptom index is used [71]. Loots et al. studied 50 children undergoing MII-pH testing and found that uniformly, MII-pH resulted in a higher symptom association, regardless of the index used, compared to pH probe and that the SAP was the most frequently positive symptom index [72].
One of the limitations of symptom indices is that they only represent a significant temporal relationship rather than a true cause and effect relationship. The cutoff values, therefore, represent statistical definitions and are not necessarily tied to clinical outcomes. For example, if a patient has a symptom index greater than 50 %, one would expect, if this means reflux is causing symptoms, that the patient will have a favorable outcome to acid suppression therapy or, more definitively, to fundoplication. Unfortunately, the normal values of 50 % for the SI, 10 % for the SSI, and 95 % for the SAP were not generated by looking at clinical outcomes. In adults, patients with a positive SAP have been shown to be more likely to have symptomatic response to both medical and surgical anti-reflux therapy [73]. On the other hand, Rosen et al. looked at the value of the SI and the SSI in predicting fundoplication outcome; they found that neither a positive SI nor SSI predicted fundoplication outcome, and using ROC curves, there was no clear cutoff value for either index which predicted fundoplication outcome [74]. This data suggests that a temporal association alone does not prove causality which is the key limitation to all of the symptom indices.
A second limitation of the symptom indices is the time lag between when a symptom occurs and when the patient actually records the symptom. In a study by Sifrim et al., there was an average delay of 28 s between the time when a patient coughed and when they actually recorded a cough on the symptom log [75]. Furthermore, patients only record, on average, 38 % of coughs on the log [75]. To address this limitation, impedance sensors can be paired with pressure sensors, the latter of which measures esophageal pressure spikes that occur when a patient coughs. Coughs appear as simultaneous high-pressure spikes in the esophagus (Fig. 12.3), and this allows for precise correlation between reflux and cough without the possibility for recording error. In a study of 20 children undergoing intraesophageal pressure recording with pH-MII testing, Rosen et al. found that only 48 % of all coughs during reflux testing were reported by patients and there was a delay of 11 ± 16 s between the actual cough and patients reporting the cough [76]. Because the placement of two catheters can be uncomfortable, use of intraesophageal pressure recording may be limited in children. More recently, Rosen et al. showed that noninvasive acoustic cough recording, which entails the taping of microphones over the trachea and chest wall, to be equally sensitive as intraesophageal pressure recording to detect cough in children, and this technology increased the detection of cough by more than 100 % over patient report alone [77].

Fig. 12.3
Impedance tracing that shows the association between reflux and cough with the use of a cough catheter which detects simultaneous increase in intrathoracic pressure. The six upper channels are the impedance measurements (in ohms) and the lower one the pH tracing (in pH units). There are also two distal pressure channels which capture coughs and peristalsis. This tracing shows an acid reflux event that precedes a cough burst (circle)
Thirdly, a clear definition of the optimal time interval is lacking. By consensus, a time interval of ±2 min is generally used, but other time intervals have also been proposed depending on the symptoms of interest. Finally, an effective method to evaluate the symptom-reflux association in long-lived symptoms such as wheezing or sore throat has not been defined.
Extraesophageal Reflux
Extraesophageal manifestations of GERD (chronic cough, asthma, and laryngitis) continue to pose a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for gastroenterologists. Rightly or not, these chronic symptoms are often attributed to GERD without concomitant typical GERD symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation. One of the advantages of MII-pH is that the multiple sensors can detect full column reflux which is extremely important when determining the impact of reflux on the airway and beyond. Rosen et al. found that, in children with intractable respiratory symptom, full column reflux is more highly associated with respiratory symptoms than distal reflux [40]. The importance of full column reflux in the generation of symptoms is further supported by Jadcherla et al. who found that acid reflux events reaching the proximal esophagus were four times more likely to be associated with symptoms than distal events [78]. The next step is to determine whether full column reflux predicts clinical outcome. Rosen et al. found that full column reflux events, rather than total reflux burden, predicted a positive surgical outcome [74]. In other studies, the relationship between full column reflux and symptoms is less clear. In a study of 40 adult subjects, there was no difference in the percentage of symptom-related reflux with proximal extension between typical esophageal symptoms and extraesophageal symptoms such as cough and throat clearing [39]. Condino et al. found that, in asthmatic children, proximal reflux was not a predictor of symptom generation [70]. Because extraesophageal symptoms are a heterogeneous grouping of diseases, it is often difficult to determine a definitive relationship between full column events and symptoms.

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