Fig. 12.1
Skin biopsy of an overlap case of histiocytosis (Langerhans cell histiocytosis, LCH, and Erdheim-Chester disease, ECD). (a) LCH, Langerhans cells infiltrating the superficial dermal and the epidermal layers (hematoxylin and eosin, H&E, ×100); (b) ECD: histiocytes with foamy cytoplasm infiltrating the adipose tissue of the hypoderma, associated with fibrosis (H&E, ×100); (c) LCH, typical immunostaining of CD1a by Langerhans cells (immunoperoxydase, ×100); (d) ECD, foamy histiocytes are positive for FXIIIa (immunoperoxydase, ×100)
Fig. 12.2
Femoral biopsy from a patient with ECD: the medullary spaces of the spongious bone are infiltrated by foamy histiocytes, along with some small lymphocytes admixed with mild fibrosis. A residual bone trabecula with an adjacent multinucleated osteoclast can also be seen (H&E, ×200)
The radiographic finding of bilateral and symmetric diaphyseal and metaphyseal osteosclerosis in the legs is present in almost all patients. This is one of the iconic features of ECD, and is best seen on 99Tc bone scintigraphy, which reveals radiotracer uptake by the distal ends of the femurs and the proximal and distal tibia (in 96 % of a series of 53 patients published in 2011) [12, 13], and less sensitively by positron emission tomography (PET). Bone lesions may be missed on plain films but can be visualized more sensitively on computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Abdominal CT may show dense infiltration of perinephric fat, or “hairy kidneys,” in 57 % of cases [14, 15]. A biopsy is always necessary to establish the diagnosis of ECD, and when “hairy kidney” aspect is present, a CT-guided biopsy of the perirenal infiltration is the recommended approach [16]. Biopsy of skin lesions, such as xanthelasmas, is also feasible, but the findings cannot be easily distinguished from those of non-ECD xanthelasmas. Biopsy is also helpful to establish the BRAF mutational status, which has major therapeutic implications.
The diagnostic criteria generally used for ECD include:
- 1.
Characteristic histological findings: foamy histiocytic infiltration of polymorphic granuloma and fibrosis or xanthogranulomatosis, with histiocytes CD68+ and CD1a− on immunostaining;
- 2.
Characteristic skeletal abnormalities: (a) bilateral and symmetric cortical osteosclerosis of the diaphyseal and metaphyseal parts of the long bones on X-ray and/or (b) symmetric and abnormally intense labeling of the distal ends of the long bones of the legs and, in some cases, arms, on 99Tc bone scintigraphy. Although very typical of ECD, long bone involvement may be absent in up to 5 % of the cases.
12.3 Epidemiology
Although between 700 and 1000 ECD cases have been reported in the literature until December 2015 since the seminal description of the disease in 1930, the number has dramatically increased in the last decade due to increased awareness of the disease [3–5, 7]. ECD affects predominantly adults between the age of 40 and 70 years (mean age being approximately 55 years), and it is more frequently diagnosed in men (M:F ratio usually being 3:1) [4]. Pediatric cases of ECD have rarely been described (~15 cases reported to date), none of whom displayed cardiac involvement, as opposed to adult patients [17, 18].
This chapter will mainly rely on our own experience with 122 patients followed at our center. This series was presented at the second medical symposium on ECD held in September 2014 in Bethesda (Table 12.1). This is the largest series worldwide. All these patients attended our center at least once since 1991, and we have followed most of them regularly. Most of these patients live in France (80 %), but 25 live elsewhere, mostly in Europe, but also in Israel, South Africa, and Kazakhstan. Twenty-seven of these patients have died (22 %). Most of them were men (75 %), and the mean age at diagnosis was 56.1 ± 14.7 years (range, 5–80 years). In an early study in 2006, the time between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis was between a few months and several years (up to 25 years). Since then, this time interval has substantially decreased, probably due to increasing recognition of the disease [13].
Table 12.1
Frequency of the main clinical and radiological characteristics of Erdheim-Chester disease
From the literature | Personal experiencea | |
Bone pain | 50 | 39 |
Periaortic infiltration | 60 | 55 |
“Coated aorta” (sheathing of the whole thoracoabdominal aorta) | 30 | 43 |
Pericardial involvement | 45 | 30 |
“Pseudotumoral” infiltration of the right atrium | NA | 31 |
Exophthalmos | 27 | 21 |
Diabetes insipidus | 27 | 26 |
Xanthelasma | 19 | 25 |
“Hairy kidney” aspect | NA | 57 |
CNS involvement | 15–25 | 40 |
Pulmonary involvement | 22 | 34 |
12.4 Clinical Manifestations
12.4.1 Bone Involvement
Skeletal involvement is extremely frequent (96 % of the 53 patients included in a 2011 series), but only 39 % of patients suffer bone pain, which is, nevertheless, the most common clinical feature of ECD [13]. It is usually mild, may start at any time during the course of the disease and mostly affects the legs. X-ray evidence of bilateral, symmetric cortical osteosclerosis of the diaphyseal and metaphyseal regions of the long bones is an idiosyncratic feature of ECD, and abnormally strong, symmetric labeling of the distal ends of the long bones of the legs, and sometimes the arms, is also often revealed by 99Tc bone scintigraphy (Fig. 12.3) [6, 7]. The axial skeleton and the mandible are often involved in LCH, but not in cases of ECD. In recent years, positron emission tomography (PET) with 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglucose (PET-CT) has gradually been replacing bone CT scans [19, 20]. MRI of the long bones can be informative in some cases, because it may reveal epiphyseal involvement of the long bones and periostitis not detected on X-ray [21]. MRI may also be valuable in the rare cases of ECD showing no abnormalities on bone CT scans.
Fig. 12.3
Typical clinical and imaging findings in ECD. (a) 99Tc Bone scintigraphy showing bilateral and symmetric tracer uptake of the distal femurs and of the proximal and distal tibias. (b) Cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) scan showing massive pericardial effusion (arrow) and infiltration of the right atrium (circle). (c) Bilateral xanthelasmas involving the upper and lower eyelids. (d) Abdominal computed tomography scan showing retroperitoneal infiltration, around the kidneys (arrows) but also involving the abdominal aorta and the renal arteries. (e) Brain MR (coronal view) showing multiple lesions involving the encephalic trunk (arrow). (f) Brain MR (axial view) showing bilateral infiltration of the retro-orbital space (arrows).
12.4.2 Cardiovascular Involvement
Progresses in radiological imaging has facilitated the detection of cardiovascular involvement. The most frequent cardiovascular sign is the circumferential periaortic sheathing of the thoracic or abdominal aorta (55 and 57 % of cases, respectively) [4, 7]. Serratrice et al. described cases in which the whole aorta was sheathed, showing a “coated aorta” appearance, and this has become one of the iconic features of ECD (43 % of cases) [13, 22]. Periarterial infiltration may extend to the main aortic branches. Its clinical consequences are usually not severe, apart from renovascular hypertension due to renal artery involvement (16 % of cases), a complication that can be treated by renal artery stenting [7].
With respect to heart involvement, pericardial lesions are the most frequent (30 %) (Fig. 12.3), sometimes with tamponade, but myocardial and endocardial infiltrations may also be observed [7, 23]. Abnormal heart imaging was detected by cardiac MRI in 70 % of the 37 patients undergoing systematic retrospective cardiovascular screening (MRI and/or heart CT scan) in a study published in 2009: Abnormal infiltration of the right heart was found in 49 %, including “pseudotumoral” infiltration of the right atrium in 30 %, and infiltration of the auriculoventricular sulcus in 19 % [24].
More than 20 patients with myocardial infarction secondary to pericoronary infiltration have been reported, with this condition leading to death in some cases [7, 25, 26]. In one series of 53 patients, 17 % had symptomatic heart valve disease (aortic and mitral regurgitations) [4], although valve replacement was required very rarely [7, 27]. This operation is technically difficult, due to the extensive infiltration of the heart tunicae, and should therefore be performed only in appropriately selected cases, at specialized centers.
12.4.3 Retro-Orbital Infiltration
Twenty-five percent of ECD patients develop exophthalmos, which is often bilateral and due to infiltration of the retro-orbital soft tissues (Fig. 12.3) [28, 29]. This infiltration may be massive in a small number of cases, rendering it refractory to conventional therapy, such that surgical debulking is required.
12.4.4 Endocrine Involvement
Diabetes insipidus, due to pituitary gland infiltration, is the most frequent endocrine manifestation of ECD (26 % of patients). Rare cases of pituitary or hypothalamic infiltration with other endocrine consequences have been reported, including hyperprolactinemia, gonadotropin insufficiency, and abnormally low levels of IGF-1 [30, 31].
We performed a single-center observational study between October 2007 and May 2013 with systematic endocrine evaluation in 64 consecutive ECD patients [32]; 36 of the studied patients also had follow-up assessments. Diabetes insipidus was found in 33.3 % of patients, frequently inaugural of ECD. Anterior pituitary dysfunction was found in 91.3 % of patients with full anterior pituitary evaluation, including somatotropic deficiency (78.6 %), hyperprolactinemia (44.1 %), gonadotropic deficiency (22.2 %), thyrotropic deficiency (9.5 %), and corticotropic deficiency (3.1 %). Thirty-five patients (54.7 %) had two anterior pituitary dysfunctional axes, rising to 69.6 % (16/23) when only considering patients with complete evaluation. Two patients had pan-hypopituitarism. Infiltration of pituitary and stalk was found on MRI in 24.4 % of cases. Testicular insufficiency was found in 53.1% of patients, with sonographic testicular infiltration in 29 % of men, mostly bilateral. Imaging signs of adrenal infiltration were found in 39.1 % of patients, and one case of adrenal insufficiency was observed. No patient was free of endocrine hormonal or morphological involvement. Endocrine dysfunctions were most often permanent, and new deficits appeared during follow-up. Therefore, endocrine involvement is very frequent in ECD and should carefully be evaluated at diagnosis and during follow-up.
12.4.5 Skin and Mucosal Involvements
Xanthelasmas, generally involving the eyelids or periorbital spaces, affected 25 % of our patients (Fig. 12.3). Papulonodular lesions [33] and infiltrations of the vulva and clitoris may also be observed, but they are less frequent [1]. In a recent study, we described the clinical, pathological, and molecular features of the cutaneous manifestations of 40 patients with ECD identified from a cohort of 123 patients [34]. Clinical and pathological cutaneous features were analyzed and BRAF V600E mutation was determined. The most frequent ECD cutaneous manifestations were xanthelasma-like lesions (XLLs), which occurred in 31 (25 %) patients. Other ECD cutaneous lesions were patchy or papulonodular lesions. Mixed forms of ECD and cutaneous LCH presented with crusty papules in some patients. Compared with classic xanthelasma palpebrarum, ECD XLL pathology more frequently involved the reticular dermis, displayed more multinucleated or Touton cells, and showed less extensive fibrosis. The BRAF V600E mutation was more frequently detected in patients with cutaneous involvement than in those without (76 % vs. 52 %; P = .005) and constantly found in 10 XLLs. XLLs are the most frequent cutaneous ECD manifestations and might be targeted both for pathology and determination of the BRAF mutational status.
12.4.6 Urological and Nephrological Complications
About one third of ECD cases present with “pseudoretroperitoneal fibrosis,” in some cases complicated by bilateral hydronephrosis, which may require ureteral stenting (Fig. 12.3) [35]. This situation was observed in 25 % of the cases in our series. Involvement of the pelvic ureters has never been described, and the inferior vena cava is rarely affected in ECD. The “fibrosis” observed in ECD patients sheaths the walls of the aorta completely and circumferentially, whereas the posterior aortic wall is rarely affected in the idiopathic form of retroperitoneal fibrosis [7].
12.4.7 Lung Involvement
In 2008, we performed a retrospective analysis of lung involvement in 34 consecutive patients with ECD [36]. High-resolution thoracic CT scans demonstrated involvement of the lung parenchyma in 53 % of cases, and of the pleura in 41 % [37]. The lesions mostly affected the interlobular septa. Lung involvement was not a significant prognostic factor for ECD in this series, contrasting with previous findings emerged from studies on smaller number of patients. A MEDLINE search identified reports of lung involvement in 70 (22 %) of the 319 ECD cases published before November 2008, but most of the descriptions were incomplete.
12.4.8 CNS Involvement
CNS involvement is common in ECD patients (15–25%) [13] and was described in detail in a French neurological series [38]: this multicenter literature review was carried out in 2006 and analyzed 66 ECD patients (including six personal cases) with neurological involvement. Cerebellar and pyramidal syndromes were the most frequent neurological signs (41 and 45 % of cases, respectively), and the other features described included seizures, headaches, neuropsychiatric signs or cognitive impairment, sensory disturbances, cranial nerve paralysis, and asymptomatic lesions. Neurological involvement led to severe functional disability in almost all patients. CNS involvement is a major prognostic factor in ECD, as survival analysis has identified this factor as an independent predictor of death (hazard ratio = 2.51; 95 % confidence interval, 1.28–5.52; P = 0.006) [4]. The most damaging (and difficult to treat) neurological condition is the pseudodegenerative involvement of the cerebellum, which is present in 17 % of our patients. The overall frequency of CNS involvement is 40 %.
We reviewed brain MRI findings for 33 ECD patients followed at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital until 2009. Only three patients had normal imaging results [39], and two or more different anatomic sites were affected in most patients. Lesions of the brain, meninges, facial bones, and orbits are frequent in ECD patients (Fig. 12.3). MRI and CT should therefore be carried out systematically, to investigate the brain, in all ECD patients, even those without symptoms.
12.5 Other Infiltrations and Organ involvements
12.6 Disease Activity
The clinical course of ECD seems to be typical of a chronic disease but has not been described in detail. Lesions accumulate in the affected organs and systems and rarely regress spontaneously. Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels are high in more than 80 % of cases, but with little impact on outcome after diagnosis. Disease activity in ECD patients is assessed by regular clinical, biological, and radiological investigations (about every six months), and imaging to assess morphological changes. No disease activity score has yet been established.
PET is particularly informative for the assessment of ECD activity [19]. PET scans can detect CNS involvement, and can reveal early responses of CNS lesions to treatment, when no change in such lesions are apparent on MRI. PET scans can also be used to investigate the cardiovascular system – the heart and the entire vascular tree- which can be studied during a single session. PET studies are therefore recommended for ECD patients, because no other single technique provides as much information as does PET in ECD.
12.7 Treatment
12.7.1 Interferon Alpha (IFNα) and Other Nonmutation-Driven Approaches
Before 2005, the standard treatments for ECD included steroids, cytotoxic agents [44], and double autologous hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation [45, 46]. The efficacy of these treatments was difficult to establish, because had been administered to only small numbers of patients, or in combination with other drugs. The follow-up periods were also short. Braiteh et al. reported rapid, marked, and persistent regression of retro-orbital infiltration and a progressive improvement of bone lesions, pain, and diabetes insipidus in three ECD patients given IFNα [47]. However, in eight patients with ECD treated with low-dose IFNα (3 MU X 3/week), we found that the efficacy differed according to the involved sites [16]. In some cases, the symptoms failed to respond to such low doses of IFNα; this was particularly true in patients with severe multisystem forms of ECD (CNS and cardiovascular involvement in particular). We therefore recommend higher doses, up to 9 MU X 3/week if tolerated, because such doses may be more effective against meningeal infiltrations, sub- and retrosellar masses, and pericardial and pseudoatrial infiltrations. IFNα is necessarily a long-term treatment, but it may lead to adverse effects, including depression and fatigue. IFNα treatment has also given disappointing results in cases of pseudodegenerative cerebellar involvement (similar to that observed in LCH).
Nevertheless, IFNα appears to be the best choice for the initial treatment of ECD. Survival analysis on a series of 53 patients indicated that treatment with IFNα and/or PEGylated IFNα was a major independent predictor of survival (HR = 0.32; 95 % CI, 0.14–0.70; P =0.006) [4]. We generally begin treatment with PEGylated forms of IFNα because such forms are better tolerated than IFNα in the long term.
Imatinib mesylate was reported to be effective in cases of histiocytosis in 2010 [48]. However, a small trial with this treatment in six ECD patients yielded disappointing results [49]. The treatment of two ECD patients (with neither cardiovascular nor CNS involvement) with recombinant human interleukin-1 receptor (anakinra) was described, and this treatment appeared to be promising [50]. In a larger experience with 12 cases treated with anakinra, the drug efficacy was poor overall, particularly for the severe forms of the disease (cardiovascular and CNS involvement) [51]. Other groups have shown this treatment to be effective only for mild forms of the disease (mostly bone pain). Cladribin may be useful for treating CNS involvement at sites not responsive to IFNα [44]. Infliximab treatment was shown to be beneficial after 12–18 months, in two ECD patients with cardiac involvement [52]. Recently, sirolimus combined with prednisone was reported in an open-label trial of ten consecutive patients: most patients achieved disease stabilization or objective responses; one died due to disease progression and one due to small-cell lung cancer. Overall, this therapy was well tolerated [53].
12.7.2 BRAF Inhibition
The etiology of ECD has been a matter of debate for many years; in particular, it was unclear whether the disease could be considered primarily inflammatory or neoplastic. The RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway is a key cellular signaling pathway that has been found implicated in diverse tumors [54, 55]. Many human tumors carry the BRAF V600E mutation [56], causing activation of the RAS-ERK pathway independently of RAS activation. The inhibition of BRAF activation by vemurafenib improves the survival of patients with metastatic BRAF V600E–positive melanomas [57]. In 2010, recurrent somatic activating mutations of the BRAF V600E type were found in 57 % of archived LCH lesions [58]. Targeted pyrosequencing of paraffin-embedded samples from 127 patients with histiocytoses identified mutually exclusive BRAF V600E mutations in 54 % of ECD samples and 38 % of LCH samples, but none of the other non-LCH samples [59]. The frequency of BRAF V600E mutations in ECD is currently considered to range between 57 and 75 % of the cases, depending on the techniques used [60].
Vemurafenib inhibits the mutant BRAF protein and displays some efficacy against both BRAF V600E-associated melanoma and hairy-cell leukemia [61]. In 2012, we conducted a pilot study of vemurafenib treatment for three patients with multisystemic and refractory ECD who carried the BRAF V600E mutation [54]. Two of the patients also had skin or lymph node LCH. Vemurafenib treatment led to rapid, substantial clinical and biological improvement in all three cases, as shown by clinical, biological (CRP values), histological (skin biopsy), and imaging (PET, CT, and MRI) findings during follow-up. The tumor response assessed by PET, CT, and/or MRI was detected as early as one month after the beginning of treatment. For one patient, serial PET assessments of the response to treatment showed continuous improvement during the first four months of treatment.