Mike Thomson and Paul Hurlstone Colonoscopic resection methods have traditionally aimed towards biopsy and polypectomy. Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is in its infancy, but it allows early and effective treatment of selected superficial neoplasms and obviates the need for major surgery in these patients. The safety and efficacy of new endoscopic interventional therapeutics in the form of EMR require further evaluation. It is important to remember that the inflammation–metaplasia–dysplasia–adenocarcinoma sequence is a concept not exclusive to adult patients, and that children and adolescents have a part to play in this evolutionary pathology. The atypia of lesions needs to be carefully evaluated and is made easier with more modern imaging techniques and hardware. High‐magnification colonoscopes enable the magnification of colonic mucosa up to 150 times and also offer higher resolution than older colonoscopes. Their use is maximized in conjunction with chromoscopy and this represents the most common mode of visual enhancement used by endoscopists presently. Using this technique, clear lesion delineation and pit patterns (see Tables 41.1a and 41.1b) can be observed. Table 41.1a Paris classification of endoscopic lesion morphology Table 41.1b modified Kudo criteria for the classification of colorectal crypt architecture in vivo using high‐magnification chromoscopic colonoscopy (HMCC) The technique involves initial visualization of the colon with conventional video‐colonoscopy, looking out for the following mucosal signs, which may be subtle. Table 41.2 Classification of common chromoscopic dyes Once identified, the suspicious areas are washed down with the appropriate mucosal toilet and the dye applied. Lesions are then sized using an open biopsy forceps whose width is known. Morphological classification is then undertaken by activating the colonoscope’s magnification lever and characterizing its appearances. Pit patterns have been shown to correlate strongly with their associated histopathological diagnoses and as a result this method of classification is widely used. Types I and II are associated with normal and hyperplastic mucosa. Type III is seen more often in depressed lesions and are associated with carcinomatous change. Type IIIL is associated with adenomas in protuberant lesions. Types IV and V are associated with adenomas with atypical cellularity whereas type V or nonpit patterns are indicative of adenocarcinoma. A summary of common dyes used in high‐magnification chromoscopic colonoscopy (HMCC) is shown in Table 41.2. Indigo carmine (IC) 0.2–1% is the most frequently used agent. It is a contrast enhancer that pools in recesses, aiding the visualization of abnormal mucosa. As there is no actual reaction with the tissues, it washes off easily which makes it unsuitable for prolonged procedures. IC has been shown to be sufficient in the visualization of type I–IV pits but if further visualization is required, crystal violet (CV) can be used to stain the mucosa. This compound is a potentially toxic reactive dye and should only be used sparingly when type V pits are suspected. Methylene blue stains for a longer period of time and is commonly used in ulcerative colitis cancer surveillance. The introduction of high‐frequency “miniprobe” ultrasound has now been reported to have a high overall accuracy when used to determine submucosal invasion Paris class II lesions. However, ultrasound imaging requires further training, has significant expense, and may prolong the procedure. Although many pediatric gastroenterologists will see this concept as a theoretical one for their patients, there is no doubt that knowledge of this area is an important corollary of our conception of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) evolution – this is especially true when counseling adolescents not keen on following treatment regiemes. For instance, azathioprine is now strongly associated with the diminution of colorectal cancer (CRC) risk in long‐term IBD. The management and clinical interpretation of dysplasia in the context of chronic ulcerative colitis are radically different from those of sporadic dysplastic lesions in the “normal” population. These patients have an increased risk of interval cancers, especially those with long‐standing disease. The morphology of precancerous lesions may be flat and multifocal, making HMCC a useful adjunct in their detection. At the current time, dysplasia is the most reliable biomarker of malignant change, being present in >70% of ulcerative colitis patients with CRC. The ability to differentiate intraepithelial neoplasia from hyperplastic or inflammatory mucosal change using HMCC in ulcerative colitis offers a sensitive and specific tool. There are, however, indistinct mucosal appearances seen in the presence of acute inflammation which may result in equivocal histological diagnoses. It has therefore been recommended that HMCC targeted biopsies be used only when the disease is quiescent and even then only in clearly demarcated lesions. The benefits or early CRC detection are not exclusively those of increased survival as many patients can be treated curatively using novel resection techniques such as EMR. Such a procedure has a low cost and low associated morbidity and mortality when compared to conventional surgery. As mentioned above, new endoscopic imaging techniques such as chromoscopic colonoscopy and HMCC have highlighted the clinical importance of flat and depressed nonpolypoid colorectal lesions. Simple snare resection is sufficient for pedunculated lesions. EMR permits the resection of flat and sessile lesions by longitudinal section through the submucosal layer. In the colorectum, EMR may provide curative resection for flat and sessile adenomas in addition to early colorectal cancer. EMR facilitates complete histological analysis of the resected lesion and makes it possible to determine precisely the completeness of excision in both the horizontal and vertical resection planes. This makes it advantageous compared to primary tissue ablative techniques such as argon plasma coagulation and electrocoagulation. Numerous EMR techniques have now been described using transparent caps fitted to the proximal aspect of the endoscope and that using an insulation‐tipped cutting knife. With the exception of submucosal posterior rectal tumors, these techniques are reserved for esophageal and gastric resection with the strip biopsy technique used routinely in the colorectum. The technique of EMR comprises four stages. Flat and sessile lesions up to 20 mm in diameter can be resected by en bloc or “single pass” resection with larger lesions requiring a piecemeal approach. A needle catheter is then inserted through the side port of the colonoscope with sterile saline injected around the lesion and surrounding mucosa. A cleavage of the submucosa (having the effect of raising the lesion) then permits simple snare resection. A single cannulation can be used for small lesions (<10 mm) diameter with multiple cannulations usually required for lesions of 20 mm or larger. Adrenaline (1/100 000) mixed with saline or a tissue expander as used in IV resuscitation plus a 1:10 dye such as methylene blue is injected into the submucosal plane, allowing for elevation of the lesion and creation of an artificial tissue plane which facilitates resection. Whatever injection medium is used, it is essential to maintain sufficient mucosal lift or detachment throughout the EMR, which minimizes the risk of muscularis propria entrapment and subsequent perforation. Peripheral margin tattoos can be used prior to saline submucosal injection to delineate the normal mucosal boundaries around the lesion prior to snaring. This is a helpful technique, as at submucosal lift, the lesion can become distorted and indistinct from the surrounding normal mucosa. If the lesion fails to lift (the nonlifting sign of Uno) or has an asymmetrical appearance then the resection should be abandoned as this indicates tethering to the underlying muscularis mucosa. Perforation and risk of noncurative resection can occur in this scenario. Following successful submucosal lift, a spiked or “barbed” snare is applied over the lesion and slowly closed under gentle suction. This permits the lesion to be retained within the snare boundaries before final resection. Prior to final cutting (usually using a 25 W coagulation current), the snare should be relaxed slightly to allow any entrapped muscularis mucosa to retract. Following resection, the lesion is retrieved using a pronged grasping forcep or Roth net, followed by immediate fixation in 10% formalin solution. Some endoscopists “pin out” the lesion onto a solid cork or polystyrene plate prior to fixation that limits shrinkage of the resection specimen and permits easier and more accurate histopathological sectioning. Following resection, it is important to reevaluate the cut margin of the mucosa. High rates of adenoma recurrence may occur, despite reported complete excision by the endoscopist. Performing EMR may therefore be considered a hazardous procedure if this is apparent, where remnant adenomatous tissue continues to assume a risk for carcinomatous transformation. Should a further EMR be unsuccessful, argon plasma coagulation (APC) of any remnant tissue, including application to the entire circumference of the cut margin, should be applied. All lesions should have an adjacent submucosal tattoo using Indian ink to facilitate localization at follow‐up colonoscopy. The main complications of EMR are hemorrhage, perforation, and stenosis. The immediate and early complications (10% of cases) described in the first 12 hours post resection are principally hemorrhage and rarely perforation. EMR may therefore be a safe and effective endoscopic therapy that may enhance our current strategies aimed at the secondary prevention of colorectal cancer. Accurate in vivo staging is essential at colonoscopy prior to consideration of local endoluminal resection. Flat focal submucosal invasive CRCs which are limited to submucosal layer 1 can be managed by EMR as the risk of lymphovenous invasion and nodal metastasis is low (<5%). For lesions with deeper vertical invasion into submucosal layer 3 or beyond (stage T2), the risk of nodal disease increases to 10–15%. EMR in this group is therefore undesirable due to a higher risk of perforation, noncurative excision and untreated nodal disease. Surgical excision is recommended in this group. Colonic chromoscopy and HMCC have been shown to be useful in discriminating between neoplastic and nonneoplastic Paris 0–II colorectal lesions. The decision to target biopsies or progress to therapeutic intervention using EMR can be guided using this technology and avoid inappropriate biopsy or attempted endoscopic resection of lesions without a malignant potential or those which should be referred for surgical excision. Figure 41.1 (Top left) High‐definition white light images of a proximal ascending colonic lesion. The lesion highlighted is distinguished by focal erythema and loss of vascular net architecture. (Top right) High‐definition indigo carmine 0.4% targeted chromoscopy imaging of the lesion. The lesion is now clearly circumscribed and can be classified as a Paris 0–IIa (flat elevated) lesion in the absence of a fixed type 0–IIc component (central depression). (Bottom right) High‐magnification (100×) imaging shows a normal Kudo type I crypt pattern adjacent to the lesion with a predominant Kudo type IIIL pit pattern at the lesion’s apex, i.e., intraepithelial neoplasia positive. Endoscopic excision is indicated. (Bottom left) Postendoscopic mucosal resection en bloc resection imaging. The muscularis mucosa can be clearly visualized with no evident neoplastic crypt architecture at the horizontal or vertical resection margins. The lesions has been completely resected (R0 anticipated endoscopically). Figure 41.2 (Left) Conventional high‐definition white light views of a lateral spreading tumor (granular type) positioned at the rectosigmoid junction. (Middle) Indigo carmine 0.4% chromoscopy has been applied to the rectosigmoid segment. The peripheral neoplastic pit pattern can now be fully defined and the circumfrential margins of the lesion identified. (Right) High‐magnification (100×) imaging of the largest nodule (highlighted) shows a Kudo type IV crypt pattern. Figure 41.3 (Left) Endoscopic mucosal resection of the lesion is indicated (neoplastic‐noninvasive pit pattern). The lesions has been raised using a submucosal injection of 50% dextrose solution. The lesion has lifted in a symmetrical fashion with no tethering suggestive of submucosal deep invasion. (Middle) Postendoscopic mucosal resection appearance shows the muscularis mucosa visible. There are some prominent vessels in the vertical dissection plane which have been prophylactically coagulated using argon plasma. (Right) Hematoxylin and eosin stained fixed pathological specimen at high power. Features are of a high‐grade villous adenoma without submucosal invasive characteristics. Curative resection was achieved endoscopically in this case. Figure 41.4 (Top left) Conventional high‐definition white light imaging of a descending colonic Paris class 0–Isp (subpendunculated) lesion. (Bottom left) The basal polyp segment highlighted (top left) is shown at 100× magnification using 0.4% indigo carmine chromoscopy. The pit pattern is neoplastic‐noninvasive (Kudo type IIIL). (Top middle) The lesion is shown at conventional nonmagnified imaging following application of 0.4% indigo carmine chromoscopy. The highlighted areas show the lesion segments undergoing high‐magnification (100×) imaging. (Top right) High‐magnification (100×) imaging of the highlighted segment shows a Kudo type II pit pattern (nonneoplastic noninvasive crypt). (Bottom middle) High‐magnification (100×) imaging of the highlighted segment shows a tortous vascular net architecture in combination with a IIL crypt pattern (bottom right) highly suggestive of a serrated adenoma component. Postendoscopic mucosal resection showed complete excision (R0) of a “collison” lesion, i.e., villous, tubular, serrated, and hyperplastic component polyp. Figure 41.5 (Left) Conventional white light views of the distal descending colon in a patient with long‐standing ulcerative colitis. There is focal erythema and subtle change in vascular net architecture compared to the surrounding mucosa. (Middle) Methylene blue 0.1% chromoscopy highlights an irregular raised nodule adjacent to a depressed mucosal area. (Right) The adjacent mucosal depression is shown highlighted with the blue arrow. Figure 41.6 (Left/right) Confocal laser scanning endomicroscopic imaging using intravenous 10% fluorescein of the adjacent lesional mucosa. At 20 and 80 microns in the z‐axis (left figure/right figure respectively), there is clear crypt architectural distortion implying adjacent flat dysplasia. There is mucin depletion, gross loss in regular crypt architecture and ridge lined epithelium present. (Middle) The circumscribed lesion has been imaged at 50 microns in the z‐axis using confocal endomicroscopy. There is gross extravasation of fluorophore (white‐out field) with a central dilated, tortous capillary with red cells “stacked up,” i.e., the red cell stack sign of neoplasia. The lesion can be characterized in vivo as a dysplasia‐associated lesional mass. Urgent referral for panproctocolectomy should be considered in this clinical scenario. Figure 41.7 (Left/right) High‐power hematoxylin and eosin staining of the background mucosa shows abnormal crypt architecture compatible with chronic inflammatory bowel disease in addition to dysplastic crypt architecture. (Middle) High‐power hematoxylin and eosin staining of the circumscribed lesion shows high‐grade dysplastic features with an invasive component. Histopathology confirms this lesion to be a dysplasia‐associated lesion mass where colectomy should be considered as the management of choice. Figure 41.8 (Left) High‐definition white light imaging of the distal sigmoid colon in a patient with chronic panulcerative colitis. There are florid neovascular changes but also a focus of focal pallor. (Middle) Narrow‐band imaging of the segment shows the vascular architecture as brown tortuous streaks. The lesion is clearly defined as highlighted. (Right) Indigo carmine 0.4% chromoscopy delineated the circumfrential margin of the lesion according to SURFACE guidelines. The lesion was a flat de novo intraepithelial neoplastic lesion (Paris class 0–IIb). Figure 41.9 (Left) High‐magnification (100×) chromoscopic colonoscopy (indigo carmine 0.4%) of a “normal” rectal mucosa. Note the regular ordered and “honeycomb” Kudo type Icrypt pattern. (Right) High‐magnification (100×) chromoscopic colonoscopy (indigo carmine 0.4%) of chronic ulcerative colitis. Note: there is gross fibrotic expansion of the intercrypt spacing, a decrease in overall mucosal crypt density, and prominent linear “tramline” fibrotic ridging characteristic of advanced fibrosis complicating long‐standing ulcerative colitis.
Endomucosal resection
High‐magnification chromoscopic colonoscopy
Endoscopic appearance
Paris class
Protruded lesions
Pedunculated polyps
Subpedunculated polyps
Sessile polyps
Flat elevated lesions
Flat elevation of mucosa
Flat elevation with central depression
Flat lesions
Flat mucosal change
Mucosal depression
Mucosal depression with raised edge
Pit type
Appearance msing HMCC
Pit size (mm)
Normal round pits
0.07 +/− 0.02 mm
Stella or papillary
0.09 +/− 0.02 mm
Tubular/round pits
Smaller than pit type I
0.03 +/− 0.01 mm
0.22 +/− 0.09 mm
0.93 +/− 0.32 mm
Irregular arrangement and sizes of IIIL, IIIs, IV type pit
Type of dye
Side effects
Indigo carmine
Most commonly used
Acetic acid
Standard mucosal toilet
Dye spraying via scope or diffusion catheter
Crystal violet
Kudo type V pit differentiation
Mucosal toilet with proteinase solution
Specialized catheter; 2–3 min wait for fixation
Possible long‐term toxicity
Cresyl violet
Methylene blue
Standard mucosal toilet
Dye spraying via scope or diffusion catheter
Longer staining pattern
Potentially mutagenic
Pit patterns
HMCC in the detection of intraepithelial neoplasia and colitis‐associated cancer
Summary of limitations of current imaging technology
Endoscopic mucosal resection
Basic EMR technique
Postresection management
Complications of EMR
Clinical recommendations and conclusions

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